Anyone else find it pretty out of character when they made BoJack into a pedophile?

Anyone else find it pretty out of character when they made BoJack into a pedophile?

All his sexual and romantic relationships were with adult women before this. There was no hint at all he was a pedophile.

Was it bad writing?

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>17 years old.

He was in his fifties you creep, she was a child

Oh wow the same thread, again.
Here’s your bump cuck

She threw herself at him then they frame it as him taking advantage of her.

You can tell this episode was made before #metoo. Later in the show they grill him over this event like he was fucking Hitler.

I get what you're trying to say but I think you might be forgetting how much of a dumbass teenagers tend to be. Even when they are 18, they still dont have shit figured out. Fuck, not even 24 year olds have it all figured out

Still, Boack AND Penny should have known better.

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He even tried backing away she was the one forcing it.

Didn't this thread just happen like last week

They weren't saying he was a pedo, they were saying he targets naive girls. Many of his relationship were with impressionable, vulnerable, star stuck, or just easy to manipulate women. He's had sex with more independent ladies but only a one night stand. Every relationship has involved a girl who he has some degree of influence over.

>Princess Caroline: Any time she was weak or in a rough patch is when her relationship with Bojack would pick back up implying he was more interested in her when she wasn't in control.
>Ana Spanikopita: She was strong and career driven but once Bojack had seen her in her most vulnerable moment he transitioned to a more intimate relationship seemingly holding that knowledge as influence against her.
>Wanda: Very easy to manipulate, her time lost in the coma and disjointed perspective of the world meant she needed someone to show her around and help her readjust. This also means if someone wanted they could gaslight and control her to keep her from regaining independence, which Bojack's behavior did affect her ability to settle back into her old life.
>Sarah Lynn: Obviously saw him like a father and had drug problems, Bojack purposely fueled her self doubt and dependence on drugs. This is less implied predation and the one case when he very much was manipulating her.

It's not proven Bojack preys on girls to make them need him, but just the pattern is there.

Being figured out means being old and autism vagina'd? Seriously, why do we even let women live beyond 30, every kid they have is a sperg or a nutter.

Sex was always used to control men so there was always the proper way to get laid (Get a job, produce a lot of value for community and get a golddigger women and then hide from her by working even harder) and improper (Appeal to female sexuality particularly that of the earnest nubile women). They just re-imagined it as protecting women now, because that's the only reason to do anything in modern society.

Yeah lol

>Was it bad writing?

Bojack hated his Hollywoo life so he decided to confined in Charlotte to be together. Charlotte brought up the fact that they hardly knew each other and she already has a family. Bojack was just using her as escapism.
Penny being the closest person that's just like Charlotte, Bojack decided to give in and sleep her instead because he's depressed and desperate, and horny. This is statutory rape, but no way Bojack is a pedophile. Him wanting to sleep with a teenager isn't about him abusing women or children. He abuses everyone because he's depressed.

>He abuses everyone because he's depressed.
And the show does point out repeatedly that being depressed is in no way an excuse for his actions, despite the fact he keeps acting like it is.

That pattern also describes codependency to the definition. Meaning Bojack himself isn’t a predator but has underlying psychological issues himself.

Unfortunately many people can't understand the difference between an explanation and an excuse

Man gets sexually assaulted by a women who won't take no for an answer and is portrayed as a rapist because she's younger then him.

typical man hating bullshit

>look ma, i made this thread again!

Get over it Katie Rice! John didn't even fucķ you.

Yes and everytime it gets to bump limit because you insist in calling Bojack a pedo.

She is 17 and an adult by law. This isn't some retarded manipulation he was doing towards a kid. She was fully knowing she was doing. She knew she drank alcohol. She knew she was partying with an old man. She knew what sex was. It's weird for sure that a 50 year old and a 17 year old were hooking up but this was fully consensual, so who cares. People eat shit to get their dicks hard.

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In the US anything under 18 is considered a child, even if emancipated.

The only exception is if they are legally married which requires parental consent.

Should have worded myself differently

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Who are you gonna try that on, the cops?

>He was in his 50s so that makes her a child.



lmao all the cops need is the parent's say and you'll be locked up for statutory.

It's not pedophilia according to the law but you can be charged for abuse if someone makes a complaint.

Only if she's underage dipshit.

I'm sure Bojack has fucked literally tons of teenagers.

That seems to be the issue here.

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You're a fucking silly goose. She wasn't underage.


Multiple times this week

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That’s gross

Ok boomer