Why was it so much worse than the comic?

Why was it so much worse than the comic?

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Snyder didn't understand none of the heroes were supposed to be "cool".

I don't want to be ableist, but maybe people with dyslexia shouldn't adapt books into movies.

No squids, and they're important

To me, it always comes down to how he took this scene:
>two panels
>mostly text
>violence is implied but minimally shown

and made this scene:

Attached: X.jpg (594x483, 369.47K)

It tried to ape the visual aesthetics and somehow missed the point completely.

>Snyder didn't understand none of the heroes were supposed to be "cool".
Which makes a boring movie.

Because they let Solid Snake write it

You can make an interesting movie without having "awesome" overly-choreographed slow-motion fights, brainlet. You just have to write it to focus on the intriguing mystery that's at the heart of the story instead of the flashy superficial shit that Snyder went with.


Snyder defended this scene in an issue of Wizard saying he wanted a scene showing that they were still superheroes.

the opening was badass

Attached: Dan.png (291x300, 126.21K)

Snyder can't read

because Snyder is a really really good visual director but found out later in development that the comic was designed to be unadaptable to film. So he set off to design a regular movie that normal people would like but had the shallow skin of Watchmen stretched over it.

If Snyder was a master filmmaker, he would've taken the themes of watchmen and decided to take the movie in a direction that worked for film, thus making the movie a commentary on comic books. Snyder instead opted to just recreate the panels from the comics and left out the themes or subtle nuances.

Too loud, edgy and "cool" in its looks without any hint of the satire and cynicism the original work had, the bleak realism is abandoned for the sake of having the same choreaographies you could find in 300.
Snyder also kept too much of the monologues without realising that took a toll on the pacing and he's not skilled enough adapting most of Moore's narrative devices (some of them look extremely corny and redundant such as Veidt assassination attempt or the sex scene in the owlship).
Made Rorschach too sympathetic with slight but definite changes in his character, some overacting from the cast can be annoying.
The visual design is fine, though.

Remember how hype Dab Forums was when the first trailer dropped? I wish I could go back

>You can make an interesting movie without having "awesome" overly-choreographed slow-motion fights, brainlet. You just have to write it to focus on the intriguing mystery that's at the heart of the story instead of the flashy superficial shit that Snyder went with
No shit but hat won't be as consumer friendly

People watch mystery thrillers all the goddamn time, user.

I actually liked the film overall. I thought the way they handled Manhattan's backstory was one of my favorite scenes from a comic book movie.


But moments like becoming drawn out action scenes complete with goofy slow-mo were hard to swallow. And abridging certain scenes was always going to make them feel rushed compared to the comics, like Rorschach's therapy being done in one session.

Also making Rorschach wildly hack the child murderer up instead of coldly leaving him to burn alive didn't have near as much impact.

Attached: Manhattan.jpg (980x980, 73.56K)

The movie was better.

Fuck the Pirate arc and fuck the squids.

the comic is Bob Dylan's "desolation row"
the movie is the My Chemical Romance cover: fast, loud, shorter and trashy but entirely uninteresting

the movie is Watchmen for retards

if the movie wasn't part of the snyder-cult, there wouldn't be as many obnoxious threads about it

It could’ve been worse it could’ve been the HBO series

they're all just as bad in their making a mockery of the original