why was the chicken so dry?
Why was the chicken so dry?
Real dry
i'll never get over how brilliant this cartoon's concept is
cop show but hall monitors
the white girl wanting his nuts was pretty realistic
I'll never get over the fact that they actually executed it insanely well. Shit still holds up.
I miss this show. They could bring it back with new stories and it would be great.
>They could bring it back with new stories and it would be great.
>we have to find the nazi who printed "white power" all over the school locker rooms
You dont want it back. It'll be infested by sjw left and back.
What are you, a snowflake
You're projecting. A snowflake would write exactly the kind of stories I fear will come from bringing it back. Your kind sucks at writing cop stories cause you lack the intellect to accept the entire world for what it is. You would never be able to write a story where Filmore breaks down how naive and mental a sjw's mindset is in an episode cause it's the one you think is normal.
>noooo my nazireenos are innocent
>I don't want to watch this hypothetical cartoon because it would hypothetically be filled with opinions I dislike
You might be a snowflake.
False. I don't want it brought back cause it won't be filled with a large span of opinions. South Park at least goes after everyone, but cartoons today are laser focused on their own bias. Which makes them boring and unrealistic. The nazi putting white power across the school would be a pretty cool episode, but I doubt they'd do that for a black power equivalent vandalist.
Because nazis are worse
And that's why I dont want the show back cause of people like yourself.
>Go Fish instead of poker
>Boxtops instead of high denomination dollars
>Pixie stick dust instead of crystal meth /cocaine
>A drawer holding test scores instead of a bank vault
>A straight-A graffito instead of Hannibal Lector
They should reboot this show.
Why is
>Nazis are bad
Such a controversial opinion to you.
It must be exhausting, getting offended by all the reboots that don't exist.
Holohoax didn't happen, cuck
History too hard and scary for your poor little snowflake brain
No one is bad. The world is all kinds of grey. Again, you lack the vision to make anything interesting, like most sjws.
Why isnt this on disney plus yet?
If this show came out tomorrow exactly like it did back in the day you would never have watched it because it has a black protagonist, don't kid yourself.
Sjws hate cops
It'll be about Ingrid and Fillmore leaving the safety patrol to become ineffectual vigilantes. Ingrid will transition to a man and Fillmore will be gay.
Because Dab Forumsniggers are retarded.
Maybe because Fillmore's voice actor Orlando Brown is all fucked up now, and he might make the headlines again.
>Your kind sucks at writing cop stories cause you lack the intellect to accept the entire world for what it is.
>btw don't portray nazis as bad people
Except its impossible for a show like that to come out tomorrow cause it was actually a different culture back then. also it wouldnt be as good as the show was before. Black protags in cop-like scenarios was not uncommon.
False equivalence.
Go back to tumblr you fags
Because "nazi" is mostly used in modern times as code for "right of Stalin"
>>btw don't portray nazis as bad people
The antagonists of the show were not bad. They just did stuff that the hall monitors didn't like. That was the point. Having counterfeit baseball cards is not a bad thing.
Your middle of the road viewpoint is edgy and retarded, you aren't more mature because you refuse to pick a side
>edgy to accept that there's pros and cons to everything
You're a dumbass. Simply stating that something can be good or bad is an edgy way of looking at things. In Filmore, you would be the equivalent of an extremists trying to show that a group of kids are bad for liking a certain thing, and Filmore having to tell you straight that you're just a sad little kid who can't get his own life straight so you try to make everyone else in the world fit your view to repress your insecurities.
Look at that, I already wrote a new episode right there. Cops arent supposed to be bias. You'll never make it.
it was air fried.
You think libs are left of stalin
what he meant by that is, he's done with medicore white pussy (like his ex gf from that episode) and will from now on only pursue the absolute pinnacle of white pussy, namely the common qt goth girl
Coming to a thread about a cartoon you ostensibly like and bitching about SJWs apropos of absolutely nothing is needy and pathetic.
>I dont see anything wrong with this person wanting genocide
So Im suppose to accept your view that nazis should be genocided instead?
Nazis aren't a race
>The world is all kinds of grey.
This does acknowledge that there are darker shades of grey. No one is completely bad all the time but that doesn't mean people who more monstrous less worse.
Neither are anti-nazis. So please continue to try to prove that your view is more holier than thou.
The point of FIlmore is that they are technically the cops and school is the "order to be upheld." The monsters of the world are those who go against those rules. Darker shades of grey would be like someone getting raped in school, but thats in relation to the kid tone of the setting.
my problem is that it's the exact opposite of controversial
it's literally the tamest most watered down message you can put in any form of media. Fucking everyone knows nazis are bad, it just ends up being a massive circlejerk of superiority complexes hammering the most milquetoast message ever down our throats
>They just did stuff that the hall monitors didn't like. That was the point.
>we have to find the nazi who printed "white power" all over the school locker rooms
So vandalizing is not a crime anymore?
Except Nazis want to genocide entire races
It is. Thats why I said if the show came back and went after both black power and white power vandalists, it would be a lot better than just going after one of them to fit the current sjw narrative. It would be boring and just not worth it. Hell, I rather have an asian power instead to show that the asians are tired of blacks and whites getting all the glory.
Okay then. Do you agree that all races should have the right to live?
One is working for a worse cause than the other
Sorry, neither cause are better than the other.
Are there races that you think don't have the right to live?
No, nazis are definitely worse
No. Neither do nazis. But Im pretty sure the anti-nazis dont want nazis to live, right?
This is your brain on stupidity.
>no episode where Fillmore has to deal with a school shooting
The shooting will probably be with a watergun or using illegal powerful nerf guns.
So wait, your take is that it's the nazis who think all people have a right to live, and those diabolical anti-nazis are out to kill them all?
Im amused how your mind went to the other extreme instead of assuming that I meant both sides arent any better than the other in their views. You're just proving what I said earlier.
>Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold?
>Freeze! Safety patrol!
He would dodge their gunshots to the tune of a groovy beat and trap them with a bunch of fishing nets lined up against a wall or something.
It's like with pedophiles and anti-pedophiles. Both sides are the same. Shades of grey, man.
As long as you never ask "why chase them when the kids have to eventually return to school?"