God i want to impregnate May

God i want to impregnate May.

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Then what?

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Honestly May is the most well rounded and nicest Kanker. She'd probably be top wife material.

>knocking up a child
Um, that's pretty B A S E D

Have ten beautiful Aryan children in my mom's basement.

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Might as well add my 2¢ since I'm dumping pics

I think May would be a good mom and would probably like to cuddle a lot

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I like when the kankers wear hats

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Ed, Edd n Eddy waifus are cringe

You seem upset user. Everything okay?

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May needs braces

I think in terms of healthy relationship it goes
>the other one
People got hardcore warped by fanart for blue hair and the self insert of Edd. Shame really. It's not like Ed and May are boring or have no wish fufillment potential. Personally I like the aggro and height difference that comes with Eddy and Lee, gives me Grease vibes.


Still a Marie-fag, but I can definitely see the appeal of May, and May-fags are respectable people.
Lee-fags are giga-plebs though.

I like all three. But agree Marie absolutely dominates fan art and lewds. Currently into Lee, I like her voice and red hair but I do appreciate May she has a fun attitude very much gal Friday vibes.

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