Its flyday

its flyday

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How brave of you to try. I wish you luck.

Lighting up the mood huh?


W-why does the thumbnail looks like she just got slapped so hard blood is flying from her face?

I thought the same

Bad show. One of Disney's worst

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Wtf is that gif

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who's the best maggie fan artist and why is it thehumancopier

You can't ban us mods, this thread breaks no rules! It's a cartoon of western origin! YOU CAN'T STOP FLYDAY

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flu day? stay in bed.

I don't think I've seen too many flyday threads, the weeks just blend together and friday flydays fly by without attention from me. (But I haven't been seeing them lately either so whats up?)

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What's going on ? Where are all the others ?

Hotpockets suddenly got mad at flyday for whatever buzzarre reason and started nuking the threads several weeks in a row. That was like 2 months ago. This is the first flyday thread, that wasn't instanuked, I've seen since then.

oshit another one? time to make up for lost weeks!

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Not bad. Lolipop Chainsaw would be neat too. And I'm certainly not saying that because it would involve skimpy cheerleader outfits.

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weird, those weren't that different from the maid robot threads.

>teleports into fanart

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I'm strange, I can't hide it, that's just the way I am.

What did she eat?

even hotter would be a sleek, oiled up maggie >:3

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>It's a cartoon of western origin!
So is MLP but have you tried posting that to Dab Forums?

no way! that cartoon's for girls!