So much for "global warming"! Heh

>So much for "global warming"! Heh..

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pray for Texas

tex-fag, we sorta good
kinda pissed that we didnt get snow, but i basically have a super early spring break so yay i guess

So is the Texas having its own power grid thing true?



Because Texans are retarded

Cause the people in charge don't want federal regulation over their grid, which they'd have to do if they connected it to any other state.

They love drinking yellow snow to own the libs.


Yes and no. Not all of Texas is actually connected to the "Texas Grid" A bite of Eastern Texas is connected to the grid the Eastern US is on, with smaller portions connected to the western grid, both on their respective sizes. And the entirety also has a connection to the Mexico Grid. But the majority of Texas is part of it's own grid run by ERCOT or Electric Reliability Council of Texas.
When the US Govt legislated that things that crossed state lines could be regulated by the Fed, the electric companies in Texas were like "Well fuck that" and agreed to not sell any power outside of state lines. Now this isn't to say that power lines aren't connected from Texas to other states. There are. But crucially. Texas does not send power through those lines TO other states,and as such, those lines aren't really equipped to send any significant amount of power to help Texas' substantial deficit.

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If only Washingon wasn't so greedy for power maybe this could have been avoided.

>Electric Reliability Council of Texas.
That literally sounds like a name that some Chinese subsidiary would name themselves

Yes and no. Mostly no. Actually all no. A majority of the problems the Texas Grid is currently facing is due to privatization and a lack of regulation letting the power companies skimp and cut corners on making sure the grid can stand up to shit, with those in charge crossing fingers and hoping that freak storms and events just never occur, which doesn't happen. It mirrors a lot with whats been happening in California with their wildfires. Had the US Govt been like "We'll never regulate Texas Power" the same events would still occur and we'd still be getting blackouts, just prolly on a larger scale.

>It mirrors a lot with whats been happening in California with their wildfires

I'm saying posts on social media where Texans are freaking out over water. Guys, you're surrounded by water, melt it.

Does it surprise you to learn that California is not a monolith and there are significant portions of it that skew red?

the people in charge won't suffer from the whole fiasco, so I guess that was a smart move

This doesn't include the state government.

That's what most people are doing. I've had no running water since monday, we've been collecting ice and snow from outside to melt so we can still flush the toilets.

putting it in greentext doesn't make it untrue

that's a halt-truth. Properly disaster preparation is very expensive and will translate directly to either government subsidies or tax increases
it's a sword and a hard place situation. If order to have no blackouts, someone's ass will have to bleed.
t. engineer

>Properly disaster preparation is very expensive
I’m sure it is, so I guess Texans had to choose between higher taxes and not freezing their asses off without power for days. Not really that surprising to hear which on they chose.