> It's a TERF episode
It's a TERF episode
The only thing wrong with being a TERF is the F part
>Woman believes obvious common sense on the transgender issue
This, I'm a TERMRA.
is he simpsons retcons another character gay because they run out of shi to do
I thought that guy only did it to golf and wanted Patty to marry him as a man
I doubt this thread'll survive an hour
Speak normal holy fuck no one will ever adopt these retarded code words into their vocabulary.
Trans exclusionary radical feminist
It basically means feminists who hate trans women because feminist reasons
>Adult half-giant standing right there
>Expecting a teenage boy to counter a violent mob
Old school feminists. They're completely irrelevant, but progressives and trannies see them as the bogeywyman
Patty's not really a retcon, multiple episodes built up on the idea of her being gay, the first time was in Clown without Pity when Homer running naked made her straight up say "there goes the last lingering thread of my heterosexuality", later episode had her voice come out of a closet in a gay pride parade.
yeah well ops episode showed her as ultra gay having been extremely gay her whole life
but she daed skinner and fell for him
plus you cant deny they started making characters randomly gay, look at lenny and carl
I thought that was Selma
nigga that teenage boy was the most powerful wizard in the world by age 17, he can take them
You say it like being a TERF is a bad thing. This episode was made before rich people tricked the working class into arguing about this shit instead of how much we are all getting screwed by the rich.
I always thought this episode was pretty powerful and pro-gay. Like at the end your like, "I hope they stay together". And Salma (or whatever her name is) Says, "No I'm gay". And you're like OH that makes sense. Like a straight person wouldn't change like that. So gay people are like straight people. Great episode. taught me something about the gays.
you hought wrong
He was not, unless you meant the scarce few minutes he was holding the Elder Wand.
aka the only sect of modern feminism that is not hypocryte, even though it is still retarded