Should Peter maintain the Status Quo on his love over MJ only or should he finally chose someone else

Should Peter maintain the Status Quo on his love over MJ only or should he finally chose someone else.

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Gee what are the odds that the autist who trolls Spider-Man threads and has some irrational hatred towards MJ made this thread?

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We just had 11 years of Peter "choosing someone else". It fucking sucked.

Maybe taking some meds could help you out.
>You can't talk about Peter's stagnant relationship drama otherwise you're a boogeyman
>You can't talk about your dislike of Peter's millions of Spidey clones otherwise you're a boogeyman
>You can't talk about the good things of MCU Spider-Man otherwise you're a boogeyman
Maybe it would be better if no one talked about Spider-Man on this board otherwise you're a boogeyman

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>Take your meds
Like clockwork. You going to start calling people schizo now? I mean its not like this thread magically sprung up when people started making fun of you AGAIN in the Spidey thread that's already up. Take your own advice and seek professional help man


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I want the polygamist AU Spider-Man.

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We never saw them together on the big screen, why?

>Like clockwork. You going to start calling people schizo now?
It's almost like you're showing some patterns in your behavior that makes people think you're a bit schizophrenic. Wonder why that is
>when people started making fun of you AGAIN in the Spidey thread that's already up
You mean when only you started sperging out because I made a thread about Spider-Man?

Did Carol ever have a relationship with Peter?

Oh adorable. This "no u" shit isn't going to fly. And speaking of patterns, you should learn to switch yours up. It's also kind of telling given how defensive you got the minute you got called out. Furthermore given your OP, your "stagnant" opinion on MJ just shows how little you actually read. We had how many years of retooling with Carlie Cooper and the lot, and it went nowhere. Keep your shipping autism to yourself


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Instead of MJ Peter spends the rest of his life realizing he was in gay love with Tony Stark.

>Oh adorable. This "no u" shit isn't going to fly
Are you illiterate? That's not what I said.
>D-Don't respond to my retarded accusation otherwise you will confirm my bias
>t. Furthermore given your OP, your "stagnant" opinion on MJ just shows how little you actually read.
>"stagnant" opinion on MJ
Proof you actually can't read. Okay, you're just a seething MJfag. So this wasn't about some kind of hatred towards a character but you just can't handle when someone could imply that Peter's relationship drama is boring.

They just hinted the idea during 2009/2010 but nothing came from that at the end

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Yeah blah blah blah. I've heard your shtick in a dozen threads before this. I'm just happy to call you out and see you get pissed. Do any kind of mental gymnastics that help you cope. By the way, are you that same guy who keeps demanding Gwen revived too?

>Yeah blah blah blah.
>By the way, are you that same guy who keeps demanding Gwen revived too?
Yeah of course you want to move the goalpost, since you realised you haven't actually read what told you. I accept your concession

Like I said, cope. Also that's not a goalpost move, genius

Status quo and keeping the same characters going forever is why capeshit is dying. Good riddance

>Also that's not a goalpost move, genius
See? You're doing it again.
About what? You were sperging out about someone having a "stagnant" opinion on MJ

You still don't understand what "goalpost moving" is so it's just funny watching you stumble at this point

Stay with MJ. They were really cute and their marriage was nice and stable before shit writing erased it.
That said I would also be open to a polygamous marriage between the two of them and Felicia, solely for coomer purposes

Yeah, you're really doing anything to not respond to any argument presented because you know you're full of shit, huh. Tell me now. How am I seething when you are the one who was sperging out about this thread?

Needs super powered women to date so he wont come off as old fasioned in seeing helpess women as fuck tropies to save.

Every of Peter's major love interest has had superpowers at some point, I think