ozark recreation edition
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
i hope all texans die
stay in california
i made a snowman for the first time in 10+ years. this one is 5 ft tall instead of 1 ft though
>he turns back to make sure the dude is following
we are not good at monke
we must improve at monke
dixieing around the house in boxers and slippers
>wearing footwear
absolutely yank tier
Why exactly are Texans dying en masse?
they dont have slippers on and its cold out
I always wear socks
negro heaven doesnt look so bad
I dont like wearing them in the first place because after you take them off your feet, they feel cold and naked for long hours afterwards.
uhm, no? I don't have that problem
whats up gamers
I've uncorrupted my save
gamers prevail again
thanks obama
>kicking romney signs with your school friends while on a run to 7 eleven
so that's why Algeria went blue in the 2012 election
hah we were kids, we didn't care about politics
wait are you from Algebra or are you a /dix/pat
Is florida considered dixie?
it's not even considered occupied by humans
I swear I must have grown up in a very sheltered place because I have never encountered all the bad things said about our sunshine state.
North FL is dixie
South FL is yank colony (minus the everglades)
So the whole ordeal with the power blackouts and water shortage, and natural gas shortage is turning up stuff. It seems some (((outsiders))) may have had key board of executives positions. Being not only out of staters but also green energy nuts that decided to hybridize the natural gas facilities to depend on green energy components to pressurize the gas mines. The components failed in the cold and the mines were deep pressurized which caused the gas shortage. And peak energy in Austin was dependent on wind turbines which freeze up in inclement weather like this. Governor Abbott is investigating the whole situation and has said that any of the board members from the gas company who don't live in the state of Texas have to be fired. There's apparently a second issue with the electric company which just decided to of its own volition turn people's power off just because. Apparently there was a big issue with them a year a back or so where they wanted to charge people $1, 000 per gigawatt hour? They were told that they couldn't and they got really pissed off about it and it is suspected that what they're doing now is out of vindictiveness. It's also being investigated.
To answer your question seriously:
>Tampa, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Pensacola
is Dixie
is borderline
>Miami, Sarasota, Key West, South Florida in general
is its own thing
It's not a Yank colony, it was never really core Dixie in the first place.
does the south end at orlando or tampa?
Its over greenfags
>any of the board members from the gas company who don't live in the state of Texas have to be fired
Dude they shut people's power off without even giving them a warning in the middle of the night. A lot of old people died. They didn't have to shut it off.
>wind turbines never freeze anywhere else in the world besides Texas
No wind turbines are not bad but you need something to fall back on during inclement weather. Wind turbines do a wonderful job with peak energy during the hot months of the year. No one is saying that wind turbines don't work they just don't work for every situation.
It seemed like you were connecting them to the green energy nuts mentioned earlier in your post, my bad.
Big eye sore though if you have to live near them, also loud as hell.
>burger place is offering "lettuce wraps" as an alternative to buns on their menu
now this is some communist gobbledygook if I've ever seen it
what do they sound like
I don't like them but they do alright work
was expecting the Sanic ear rape meme desu
tampa > orlando > daytona beach is what I consider the border between dixie and whatever south florida is
>don't winterize the state despite repeated warnings that not doing so would be catastrophic
>proceed to blame out of state fags when things go wrong
i'm not saying that carpetbaggers aren't fucking idiots but Texas could have been better prepared
>Big eye sore though if you have to live near them
all the wind turbines are in the panhandle and midland and nobody lives there
why does every state have a bit called 'the panhandle"
why are we so bad at naming things
poncho: worn
wool socks: on
hot chocolate: in mug
weebshit vidya: running
it's comfy time
I think I once heard that slaves were actually treated better in the deep south than they were in the upper south. Is that true?
Yes. They should have winterized. They should have planned better. But carpetbaggers aren't being blamed for no reason. Mayor Adler isn't even from Texas, hes from D.C.. Many of the people who were responsible for winterizing the systems (municipalities and corporations providing energy) were from out of state. That can't be ignored. We are talking about government budgets and government planning. and a lot of people we were getting into government right now in Texas are not from the state of Texas at all and are mysteriously getting them in their friends very rich. Average people just assumed they were behind taken care of. Like think about this, mayor Adler's wife is one of the biggest real estate brokers in the city of Austin. It's a lot of crooked shit
I don't know. I heard a lot of plantations paid wages to better motivate slaves but I haven't looked into it deeply.
Robe: worn
wooly moccasins: on
hot chocolate: in mug
Drone footage of scenic places: running
it's comfy time
Thinking about beans
thinking about putting on that bean costume
thinking about the letter W
>tfw no ethiopian gf
>browsing instagram on break
>See attractive blonde
>Click her story slideshow thing, whatever it's called
>It's a video of her baby being circumcised
Why are white women like this
to show shes into circumcised guys
Why are you on instagram. Why are you like this?
didn't happen
okay no it probably did actually
guarantee I have more takeout napkins and hotel shampoos hoarded at home than anyone else ITT
have you ever stolen a plate from a restaurant or are you a fake nigga
I don't want to mix pleb dinnerware with my butifel polish pottery
you eat off that???
And his did that make you feel
FACT BLAST: yuros don't actually use any of the cool stereotypical first names associated with their nationalities anymore, they're all named generic Biblical names like David and Maria or even Anglo ones
Nobody is called Pierre, Hans, Luigi, Sven, Janusz, etc anymore aside from old men
aux port on my laptop is fucked somehow
Yes. I see. Interesting.
Yuroniggas be like hi my name is Jeff, I'm from Denmark
my name is of roman origin
>Hi I'm Kevin. I'm from Switzerland.
haha they really do be like
>Hi, I'm Joe, I'm from Moldova
on the other hand, you never had cool names
pick your fighter
Howdy partner, I'm Ronald McDonald from Latvia
Can't wait till they're like
>My name's Jayden. I'm from Greece.
That will be the end.
id pick a cool black name
something like latrell or tyreke
Far left. Guy with the gun.
third from left top row actually looks like he may have killed some people, so him
second row from the top, shorter guy with black hair
is me
t. Arkadiusz Kasimir Blazkowicz
dude you said
>they're all named generic Biblical names
and then listed biblical names but in different languages
it might be shocking to you but biblical names aren't english in their origin
I meant the Anglo versions of biblical names, but it was a shitpost anyway
probably should have done it during French hours
you should have Moses
and Arkadiusz isn't of roman origin
buncha dick-in-the-booty ass niggas up in this mothafuckin' thread
okay give me cool names of american origi... oh wait
I don't give a fuck about what Europeans name their kids, Jźąńiślówśłóżiwińśkiówśki
was I talking to you? No I was not
Then use direct addresses
>FB/Quality Memes Restaurant
never heard of her,
but now that I am aware I can remove it
I took THREE fucking Ibuprofen
Why the FUCK my head still hurt
dunno, post it on your fb wall
time to overdose on omega 3 and sodium
more of a heroin man myself
why are you like this user?
wife took the kids
now all i have is fish
it's a shame but why would your wife want goats over fish
Well it's been a while lads so I thought I'd drop off a few songs. Apologies in the advance for the sound quality - managed to destroy both my mic and my phone, so you'll have to make do with recording straight from my decade-old backup phone.
>Something more than free
>Ballad of a broken man
>Who's that fella
There's a prison in Texas with an over 9k population and no flushing toilets. Imagine what it must be like in there. Imagine all the poo and pee. Imagine it all.
>over yonder
for cheese and milk
my business is ruined, i am become financially destitute
I think all frogposters and weebs should be sent to the Texas poopoopeepeeprison
I don't get it
uma delicia
nice posts, retards
bring lube
don't think hungarians exist
Could be an insufferable cunt from New England too.
thicc indian poncho?
just bought a bag of fruit snacks at the gas station
is it really cold in the south?
You know the drill, lads
Time to take a shit
Check this out.
>Ingredients: pecans.
>Contains: pecans.
made an unfortunate discovery that the dude who does the tasting history channel on youtube is actually gay
thought he was just a poof because he lives in cali
not the worst choice
prefer those hostess jam filled fried pies if we're going for gas station food tho
nice pic breh
I read it and thought: no shit.
I've started stealing garbage from the garbage pile at work every time I go home for the day
So far I've just taken crates and other bits of lumber but they have some steel drums and stuff in there too
Place your bets how many days I can get away with it before they catch me and say fug off
based dumpster diver
They should give you a metal for up cycling
pro tip
what the fuck are you talking about
Pierre is definitely still a staple French name
And I've met a couple young Hans as well
>Up the bum no baby
Uhh based much?
Instant communion. Wafer and wine.
Please guys, behave on the loo
I'm only here to make sure innocent souls such as Hinds don't take your word for law
New Zealand's highest mountain
>innocent souls
I don't know lol
Based EFL
So do the nuts repel the monkeys or are they the repellent nuts of a monkey
throw nuts at monke face
monke go away
whats on the agenda for today?
probably computer
>blurry as fuck
this says a lot about our society
why would they care tho if they're throwing that shit away
i need an oil barrel to burn leaves in since open burning is frowned upon here
commodities trading is b&r
very old building, they needed to install new wiring and plumbing, this was the workaround rather than tearing into old masonry all over the place
beholden is when you're accountable to someone to repay a favor i think
okay poindexter
only thing you beholden is deeze nuts
how do I open a PDF
>go to panama
>appoint a defense force
panama more like potnama
>Presidency changes at 12 PM EST, January 20th every time an incumbent leaves office
>unless the oath of office is administered first
>Vice-President is subject to the same rule, but is usually sworn in several minutes before the president is
>therefore, if the new VP is sworn in before noon, they replace the old VP before the new President replaces the old President
Biden was Dubya's VP for around five minutes, Pence was Obama's VP for around five minutes, and Guatemala Paris was Drumpf's VP for around five minutes
nobody has ever been able to prove me wrong
no one wants to prove you wrong
Les get high and watch family guy
can we watch aqua team show show instead
prefer american dad meself
they're both dogshit tho
Therefore, if a sitting President ever decided to run for VP with someone else taking the Presidential nomination, they would end up being their own Vice-President for five minutes. If such a thing were to happen, then legally the United States would cease to exist and Kar'tuul'fnth the Omnimalevolent would be unleashed from his tomb-prison in the eleventh plane of anguish to consume all organic life in the universe with a gaping black hole of perpetually combusting nightmares.
Trust me, I'm a constitutional scholar.
For me it's Hank Hanegraaff and his buddy Boomhauser from Arlington Tennesse
Jinya are you on the kratom again
cute monke
Bitcoin market cap just surpassed 1 TRILLION
0 effort/10
God bless you.
I just saw a car driving down the wrong side of the road on a one way street.
Shut up man!
Pfft. Thank you for that.
sloppa prime
6/10 since i can only identify two thirds of the ingredients
would spending this summer in texas as a laborer be a good investment or would I have to get a dozen certs to even step foot in peoples houses down there
the certs are for the person doing the contracting/bids on the jobs
it's assumed the laborers working under someone like that are competent, and the employer would be liable for damages and the like
in louisiana even landscapers have to get state certified
my brother is in south caronlina and he says he needs a new cert for like every county he works in
where I live you only need cert for electrical and some heavy duty jobs
>look ma my coin did a 1.000005x!!
is that before or after it was in your stomach?
Are those cerrifications expensive or a way for jews tonrob money?
the world isnt that black and white it would depend on a case by case basis
it involves testing to make sure that the person involved is competent, and a fee
it's a little jewy but it keeps random shitheads from doing poor quality work for people
I was at a food processing plant. It failed the audit by BRC (British Retail Consorcium). They give the local third party outsources auditor (coubtry was Mexico) just 1000 USD. Then. Magic. Even tough theybwere serious HACCP failures and unsanitary conditions.
it should only exist to protect people from dangerous quality work
what a cushy job just get $1000 tips for doing your job properly and not ever having to report it
why are you angry
cus i pulled my btc out into shitcoins so i need bitcoin to crab so my alts go up
oh I see
carry on
more people trading BTC is ultimately good for every alt though, think long term
and short term too
btc just needs to top out for a week or two so alt season can begin
just took a test
Are ya winning son?
missed a portion of one question, probably will lose 5+ points for it. i'd be lucky to come out with a b on it