/lev/ +friends

Leb-user is fine edition.
Last thread:

Attached: pepe-me.png (1124x556, 142.18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

m.marefa.org/مناخ_البحر_المتوسط#:~:text=إن ما يميز مناخ البحر,الشمس ودرجات الحرارة المرتفعة والجافة.

كسمكن شو صار مبارح


Attached: 2ae4e66355038718ee24de20980ee4b1--beirut-lebanon-cairo-egypt.jpg (736x556, 110.27K)


Attached: 41606052074749952_n.jpg (720x540, 32.67K)

صباح اروى نصر

Attached: Arr.jpg (600x586, 82.09K)

صباح هيا مرعشلي

Attached: هيا-مرعشلي-12.jpg (640x640, 43.57K)

what is that?

Lebanese prime minister with syrian prime minister (back when we were a democracy)

Attached: Doc.jpg (464x339, 28.43K)


>5 stars review

ah... the good ol' days... maybe we could've united if things went right

You can practically cure cancer with mongolian throat singing
Look at that proud son of Genghis Khan

Attached: 1608311848308.png (600x447, 353.28K)

S*yria in a nutshell

Attached: syria.png (811x734, 385.11K)


LOL that is kekkers my dude Xd kufr pwned basedd

Yh, the Americans at that time suggested to the french to make Lebanon an autonomous region with in the syrian state, but the french refused.
Bad thing the coups in syria fugged up both syria and Lebanon.

Goat plan desu superior to what retarded brits and frogs made

Attached: FB_IMG_1609470279889.jpg (1080x1296, 155.94K)

Post what you define as cute


That's not a real map it's fan made

Attached: tmp598310443705958401.jpg (1024x543, 162.35K)


Turdman you don't want to remain an incel for the rest of your life?

yes i mean women are for rape

That time has passed, now you'll get in jail

this is a meh, if they r trying to make lebanon like the christian enclave or something then they should add the northern christian parts like valley of christians in syria. also why isnt jordan part of arabia

Lebanon is for maronites not for Christians,
>why isnt jordan part of arabia

those rnt even all majority maronite areas dood theres other chrisitnas, beirut area is majority orthodox especially in tha old times n shie

They should've just federalized all the levant desu

Attached: 1613603070811.png (532x576, 21.33K)

بمب يشراميط

لا تقتلوها بحق عيسى وأحمدِ


Attached: 743a5f5dfe181f944919640126646b8c.jpg (1600x900, 126.91K)

I went through the archives and there was a lot of Levant threads,
Should we name the general /lev/ or /levant/?



Attached: WAAHHIDOOO.jpg (251x201, 8.49K)


Attached: Boys in the Hara.jpg (480x360, 21.41K)

good GMT-3 morning to all fellow Oriental Christians and Oriental Christian allies
Bachir lives!

Attached: front.png (600x600, 153.85K)

/mena/ just died. What have you guys done

Attached: omg what have you done.jpg (320x180, 8.87K)

We killed it >:)

>allies with the jews to destroy fellow arabs
Classic arab move

but why

Attached: interesting.jpg (500x281, 50.62K)

not gonna lie, when israel+maronites teamed up and stomped the arabs was the most kino time ever

Kek,i don't see any jews in this thread
Whydo you like bab alahra lol, are u the assyrian?

>not gonna lie, when israel+maronites teamed up and stomped the arabs was the most kino time ever

Attached: images.png (200x200, 2.03K)

Not the Assyrian and Bab Al Hara is based but cringe at the same time but still based

Attached: Syrian supremacist.jpg (474x467, 45.24K)

the less you care about history the more you live

>getting your WHOLE FUCKING AIRFORCE shot down in an afternoon

Are you syrian? Bab al hara is hated here for fugging up syrian image
(Its already fucked up now)

>the less you care about history the more you live
You just described the state of Israel

>Are you syrian?
My identity has to remain a secret

>Bab al hara is hated here for fugging up syrian image
How do thy mean? What did I miss?

My Arabic is not that good :/

Attached: huh, really.jpg (720x480, 42.18K)

صباح القائد المفدى
صباح الرفيق الشفيق
صباح السيد الرئيس

Attached: commiekiller.jpg (521x615, 75.51K)

Describe to us, in a poetic way, how much you love Iran

>fugging up syrian image
oh no no no

It's hated by syrian leftists for showing da syrians as backward religious and conservative community while at the time of bab al hara women here were in politics and sheit
My nibba plz don't fuck up our comfy thread you can go to:
See above

I used to thinkthat when people say "sabaho" they meant :
sabah bashar al assad

Attached: 1587665540613.jpg (640x640, 37.25K)



4138 - 6747
(612 B.C. - 1999 A.D.)
Introduction | Frequency of Massacres | Please help

Table of Contents
From The Fall of Nineveh to the Rise of Islam
612 B.C.
448 A.D.
107 A.D.
November, 519 A.D.
Tahna. Ummah. and Hudayyah .
Good Friday, 339 A.D.
The Burning of the Church.
615-628 Assyrians Crucified

From The Rise of Islam to The Massacres of Badr Khan Beg
650 A.D.
661-680 A.D.
686-701 A.D.
737 A.D.
884-892 A.D.
852-858 A.D.
873 A.D.
987-1000 A.D.
1014 A.D.
1020-1025 A.D.
1072-1092 A.D.
1231 A.D.
1261 A.D.: The coming of the Kurds
1258 A.D.
1268 A.D.
1285 A.D.
1289 A.D.
1295 A.D
1297 A.D.
1310 A.D.
1324 A.D.
1361 A.D.
1369-1400 A.D.: The Coming of Timurlane.
1578 A.D.
October 1829
1832 A.D.
1918 Assyrian Exodus From Persia to Baquba

From the Massacres of Badr Khan Beg to the Present
1842 A.D.
1860 A.D.
1895-1896 A.D.
October 1914
Massacres which took Place in the Assyrian Villages in 1915
January 2-10, 1915
February 23, 1915
Statement of German Missionaries.
February 25, 1915
Winter 1915
March 5, 1915
April 24, 1915
April 1915
June, 1915
Massacres at Sairt
March 3, 1918: The Assassination of Mar Benyamin Shimun.
May - 1918
1918 The Massacre of the Assyrians in Khoi, Persia
1918 The Massacre of the Soldiers at the Port of Sharabkhana.
1918 The Battles of Urmia and the Final Exodus
1918: The Massacre in the French mission.
1918 Assyrian Exodus From Persia to Baquba
August - 1923 The Kirkuk Incident.
August 7, 1933
August 4-5, 1933
Description of the Massacre
List of Assyrian Villages Looted During the Time of the Massacre
Statement showing names of Assyrians massacred between 11th and 16th August 1933, in the Mosul Liwa
The Exodus From Sayen Kala to Hamadan
August - 1933.
August 11 - 16 1933: The Simele Massacre
Persons Brutally Assassinated
The Attack on Habbaniyah
1945 and 1946: Massacres in Azerbaijan and Other Northern Regions of Iran
1975-1981 The Lebanese civil war
January 13, 1996
April 27, 1997
1962 - Barwar, Iraq
April 26, 1969
1980 to 1988 - Saadam Husayn's Invasion and War Against Iran
June 1st, 1993 -Assassination of Parliment member Francis Shabo
December 17, 1994
March 6, 1995
January 20, 1996
May 12, 1996
August 26, 1996
April 27, 1997
September 25, 1997
December 13, 1997
December 9, 1998
January 7, 1999
June 19, 1999

Frequency of Massacres Against Assyrians

From the data in this document, we can cite the following years in which massacres of Assyrians have occurred:

If one averages these figures, (1992-339) / 33, we see that every fifty years there is a massacre of Assyrians.

بدي انيج عنجد بحكي المنايك طلعوا الزنا عن القانون شو الحل؟


Why nibbas always want to ruin comfy threads.....

Attached: 1598698842753.jpg (818x864, 74.33K)

Gaza is basically saudi arabia now

قاتلهم قبل ان تنيك

Fuck ASSyrian subhumans

This general was a brainlet idea

You are right

Attached: Give me a hug.jpg (480x360, 42.19K)

Nah, this general always existed, someone had to revive it

Attached: 1594571179083.png (496x476, 272.17K)

Kek, i met that guy multiple times

You could say the same about the black plague

طيب تعا شرف معنا

Attached: 15084785_2.jpg (540x350, 56.21K)

Kek, i deleted all my accounts and exited shady groups to be a better citizen

Nice! He has been around for a long time. Famous in movies/series and such.
How was he?


I am of lebanese descent and have consistently posted about it, if that's what you're asking, but I don't often namefag (only did that once I think)

Attached: 76768678687.jpg (800x700, 79.63K)

yeah i wish i was born in soria alassad

Kek, i thought you were the other Brazilian Lebanese

مين ربك ولا

At least you get pussy here + you can insult god whenever you want

Im always disappointed when i wake up after a heavy night of drinking
>shit i didn't die fuck

I remember you back from /sg/ you used to post about Kataeb right?

same god cursing culture exist here but you can't get ass in syria that's a lie

حاج تشرب يعرص

Yeah. Time does that.

t.never got syrian pussy

feels good the ASSyrians being genocided in Iraq : )

Why haven't they formed militaries and taken over? Or at least something like that. Has Christianity made them weak? I remember back in the days when they used to be ruthless evil cunts.
I still like them a lot


List of minorities that genocided by IRAQIS:
1. k*rds
2. ASSyrians
3. turkroaches
4. yazidis
5. araps of gulfie origin in Basra

Mufti remember that Facebook page that used to leak secret alawi shit?
Were you the admin?

Attached: 1598792714471.jpg (471x388, 94.25K)

Yazidis are kurds. Yazidi is a religion and their ethnicity is kurdish

modren ASSyrians are armenians larping

i don't want a 3rd world pussy filled with animosity and hatred for life i want to fuck a nice white lady with a pawg that will lay in bed with me and listen to my problems

there are two of us? St. Michael has been busy, I guess haha
I am definitely a Kataeb-poster but I wasn't active on /sg/
I'm usually on most threads about Lebanon and immediate neighbours except Israel and Syria because it's too many threads to keep up with desu

Attached: Bechir-Gemayel.jpg (535x359, 127.25K)

>i want to fuck a nice white lady with a pawg that will lay in bed with me and listen to my problems
So syrian?

Infact yazidis are very different from the kurds
They only speak a kurdish dialect

Yes there is another one I think. He used to post some copy pasta with lots of kataeb music

But I heard from a Yazidi himself that yazidis are kurds. And also, everybody says it

>Infact yazidis are very different from the kurds
How different?

ye that's not me
I wish I understood arabic enough to follow with the songs, let alone feel cocky enough to post some good out Alpine Middle Eastern bangers

The other one is Muslim i think


syria bros....

Attached: 1613691597156.jpg (432x608, 47.34K)

Still here


My grandfather was in USSR navy and he pimped syrian women, thoughts?

صراحة ما احب العراقيين والسوريين والمصريين.

And he ended up in israel
Like poetry

Can KURDISTAN be med to?
m.marefa.org/مناخ_البحر_المتوسط#:~:text=إن ما يميز مناخ البحر,الشمس ودرجات الحرارة المرتفعة والجافة.

He died before anyone moved here, wasn't jewish either

Yo. /Levant/ should create a Mobile Legends team

Attached: Levant Boys.jpg (600x300, 155.71K)

whats kurdistan?


What do you mean by pimped? He fugged her?

send syrian pawgs

We should make a /risk/ team

"pimped" was probably an overexaggeration, the women danced funny dances for them and shit

חחחחחחח איזה גמור אתה
your grandpa was incel enough to tell you about "funny dances"

Don't know what that is. I am sort of new to the game. But I am in

So he was a good commie, as only good commies are dead ones

See this

What's its name

نسيت مشان هيك عماسئلك

I don't know it
But i know ٢٠ معلومة لا تعرفها عن العلويين

لا هديك كان صفحة جدية
وكان كلها تعليقات من علوية مبعوصين
"ليش يا خيي عمتنشر أسرار الدين فيستغلها الغاوون"

كس اخت الغباء
والله يا حبيب يلي بدو يروح يحلف ع ابو طاقة بدو يستحمل التنمر من بقية الطوائف

Redpill me on alwaites claiming they were kicked out of aleppo

لو انني رئيس سوريا لأصدرت قانون يمنع صيد الطيور و الحيوانات ويسمح بصيد العرب

احم احم

Attached: 2d1.png (20x20, 1.24K)

They were not kicked out, half of them willingly moved to the mountains after the other half got genocided by sultan Salim (swt) and impaled in public

Someone said to me there's no historical proof in that, it's all religious legends

Does this someone also think that 9/11 was an inside job and the syrian war is a petrodollar zioqatari conspiracy ?

كس ام الزورانة اشباه البشر

How did u know?

Vgh, what covld have been...

حرفيا كسم الدياسبورا اللبنانية لبتلاقيها هون
كسم الكتائب
كسم حزب خرى
كسم فلسطيز
نيك ام اللبنانية لبيقروا صفحة واحدة من ويكيبيديا عن الحرب الاهلية و بصيروا مفكرين حالون ريدبيلد
نيك ام لبنان و سوريا كلها

>كسم الدياسبورا
You just posted cringe bro

>كسم حزب خرى

Attached: hehehe i never wash my hands after eating.jpg (480x360, 49.96K)

God damnit. I wasn't done with my post and it auto posted......

>file name
نسيت شغلة أخيرة:

اخير يوم مرة

>نيك ام
حسزبي ليش عمتثلد النافريز

يعرص المشروب ما بينشرب اذا ما معك بنات
Stop this madness

Not with the amounts i drink

I wanna drink arak and play risk

علقت بعقلي و صرت استعملها

What are we gonna do if you die? Quit Dab Forums?

Im invincible

قديش بتدفع؟

انا طالب هندسة

طيب شو رايك تصير الOp وتهندس الخرايط

Attached: Leonardo-DiCaprio-laughing-while-drinking-meme-template.jpg (540x540, 50.61K)

Idk how that works i told you it seems arbitrary to me. What decides how much land you take there isn't a clear guide.

سهلة كتير الشغلة جمع وطرح
It's all bout your roll

And the strategic mind

What about the user input, if he doesn't say defend what happenes and who decides the numerical significance

Lmao all this seething......

OP just automatically do what he pleases if the roller doesn't declare his action and just roll
But forming alliances and timing of NAPs and war play a major rule in the game as well

شعبين اكرهم:

شعبين اكرهم:

Op just does what he pleases. Thats how i see it


Attached: 1613580517457.webm (540x960, 1.39M)

يا خرا بس اذا كان اللاعب ما عميعطي اوامر محددة

اما كثلا انا طول الوقت وقت كانوا يقولولي روح على مكان محدد اضل ساعة ابحث على غوغل مكانو

كيف فيك تقرا عن الحرب الأهلية و ما تصير كتائبي

Attached: tenor.gif (498x362, 2.93M)

Wonder if its too early for arak
سوي ثريد بالليل

عندي دراسة

انت لكنت حتنتحر مبارح؟

كنت ولا مالبورو؟؟؟؟

Attached: 889f071a5ea4d14e457ccb4efb455c2c.jpg (300x300, 9.82K)

اسكت يا كلب خلصت جكايري

له مني لوطي تانتحر

الوووو؟؟؟؟ مخابرات؟؟؟ اي عندي واحد مهضوم بحب ينكت بدكن تيجوا تيخدوا تشوفوا الهضامة؟؟؟؟

النياجة قضيتي

نعم تفضلي اختي. من هو ربه؟

>مني لوطي
Not het ;)
جكايري is سجايري؟
Damn man i spent two days trying to figure out what u said.
Iragi accent.......
The only true كظية


تكولون سكارة لو دخان بسوريا

انا دمي فلسطيني فلسطيني فلسطيني فلسطيني فلسطيني فلسطيني
فلسطيني فلسطيني فلسطيني فلسطيني فلسطيني فلسطيني
فلسطيني فلسطيني فلسطيني فلسطيني
فلسطيني فلسطيني

احححححححححححححح كمل راح انزل


Kek, i meant توتوم

You meant what you meant :)


>two syrian presidents setting together

Attached: 04615c133228.png (452x436, 238.89K)

٧ طابات فلافل كتير جايز؟ حاسس حالي رح انفجر

اهم شي علبة الكليناكس عل طاولة

خدلك محرمة مسح طيزك

لا انا اكل ١٢ مع الخبز


قال الإمام علي كرم الله وجهه
"علموني علا الجكاير و التتن و بيه يشرب لو خلص باكيته"


يا عرصات لا تقتلوها بحق عيسى وأحمدِ


لا تخلوا يموت

Attached: 1613741142766.jpg (1080x1080, 85.28K)

العرص فات هات ناك ام الثريد

مين العرص؟

اللبناني الزومر تبع البلاك ميتال

Attached: 28_013418.png (202x202, 48.94K)

كس امه وكس اخت اللبنان

كسمو بس بدون لبنان

Attached: 1596984716683.jpg (640x640, 79.16K)

كسمك اللبناني لبمينا مش أنا


Oh shiet, sorry
Its rein

صوري بطيزك نشالله سئتلي سمعتي

اسف :*

Lebanese Christian men would you marry a Lebanese Muslim woman? Other way also applies for femanons

Shut the fuck up trash sectarian diasporat

I quite do like tanks

I have Leb citizenship since birth fuck off

Literally get rid of that shit and dont date leb women

What if I told you I was a woman?

Literally get rid of that shit and dont date leb men

When I date white men, Lebanese people tell me I'm 'self-hating'. Literally cannot win.

>associating with lebanese outside of lebanon
Thats your problem. In guessing you live in michigan



مرحبا يا حلوة، هاد جمالك ولا جمال عبد الناصر....

Attached: MV5BMTc1MDM0MDQ3N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzEyODQ2MjE@._V1_UY1200_CR485,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg (630x1200, 43.86K)

>s(he) is gone

حرفيا الضاحية الثانية

Why are foreniggers like this?

Identity crises

Pray for my health.......

Attached: 168-1688304_aku-from-samurai-jack-illustration.png (1201x949, 15.31K)

I think im Unironically dying of Corona.....

I hate shiias

التهاب رئوي حاد**** كورونا غير موجودة في سوريا الاسد


تاج راسك

ما عمأحسن وقف سعلة صرلي اكتر من ١٤ يوم

Why not as long as xher family didn't come after me

lmao cheers

Do you not speak arabic?

>tfw Aleppo is the only city filled with iragi tribesmen

Attached: 3660557827.jpg (720x720, 71.41K)

smelly thread

>last name is berri
This man will live for a looooong time

>tfw Baghdad filled with syrian prostitutes

Man this tribe is famous for being the shabiha of aleppo

>i pressed turdman button.

>i pressed the syrat button.

Lmao you literally started seething the moment i said "irag"
I wasn't even trying to insult ur cunt

>white lady with a white girl

/lev/ is TOXIC!

No it isnt :(

Then stop ignoring 3:(

whats kurdistan?

I think You should ask /med/

Anyone grow up in an abusive family and have long lasting trauma because of it but are told to suck it up and deal with it and respect them anyway by your arab family members because "family is family".

Sorry just wanted to ask REAL med countries like syria and leb

You still here lahab?

Are you the gurl?
Sir, there is a call for you.

Attached: 1598633726870-1.png (521x937, 224.08K)


يقبرني اللي ما بتلبك و بحتار يا ريت تكوني قميص لكون انا لزرار

Attached: MAI3O3o.jpg (597x597, 44.68K)

The war generation is like that. They're full of unresolved mental illnesses from the war and pass them on to their children. Best thing you can do is dissociate yourself from your family's criticism and not give them your attention

My family is liberal, but i knoe people like this

no they gave me too much freedom and no discipline that's why I have a dirty underwear that I use as a cum rag under my bed for 2 weeks now

I dont respect my family

Post pics


They don't respect me too

If I lay a fresh one I will it's dry rn

> Although rapid economic development followed the declaration of independence, Syrian politics from independence through the late 1960s was marked by upheaval.
Why did this happen in both syria and Lebanon?

We didnt have it as bad as syria desu. First two presidents had poltical crises at the end of their terms and there was the 1961 ssnp coup attempt but everything after that wasnt particularly characterized by upheavel

Nah we both fucked up economically after 60s
كسم وحدة الطيز

We're talking about political upheavel not economy. Are you ok?

I'm not, but thanks for asking
Re red my green text

I agree about the mental illness part(anger issues runs in the males from my dad's side of the family) but it's much more than that. Without going into detail, there were moments when I lived in fear of my own life. My dad and brother made my life a living hell but god forbid I give my dad a dirty look or else my mom tells me over and over again how horrible of a daughter I am and how I should respect my (abusive) father.

Why don't you just leave your home? You can do this in USA right? Do you have a job? Are you druze?

Literally get out from there

I mean even if you were druze you can run away in the US hopefully.....

I have a job. I desperately want to find my own place but I can't find a roommate and I wouldn't be able to afford my own place. Also, I don't have my own car yet so I need to get a car first.

Hope you get shit together, i heard biden doubled the wages

جديد جديد