This is white in Brazil

Post white people from your country

Attached: luizatrajano.jpg (770x520, 28.85K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: imwhite.jpg (270x360, 12.43K)

This is Churka in Russia

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t. nigger dick spammer
Still butthurt huh?

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Attached: white af.jpg (1800x1198, 256.65K)

Brown macron

That's not considered white here, stop being a retard

These are Australian aboriginals

Attached: 15_hatsup_1_3_1.jpg (4464x3144, 1.09M)


Majority of white brazilians outside Sao Paulo and the South look like her
Deal with it

Pelo amor de deus né? Isso aí não é branco nem no nordeste

This is white in Spain.

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I thought Brazil doesn't really have the concept of race as it exists in the US or something? Someone like neymar wouldn't be considered black, for example.

They are only considered white by retards. How can a person be considered white if their skin is brown?

because Neymar is a pardo

Our classification consists of white, asian, native, pardo (mixed) and brown. The problem is that many pardos and other kind of mixed people consider themselves as white (even someone with native grandparents)

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You can find europeans in Sao Paulo and the South
I´m brown and i live in a upper middle class white neighbourhood in Sao Paulo city and everybody here looks like european

But in the rest of Brazil and in the poor areas of Sao Paulo, they call light skinned mixed people "white"

A lot of latinx countries don't have the same concept of race as the us, white is just a skin color here. For example pic related will just be a Paraguayan, not "white" or "european"

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Where do I get a paraguayan gf that looks like that?

Me, im white

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Dispiste being a black girl in USA, is "white", for some brazilians, other said: "Born in Brazil, you aren't white"...

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to be considered black you need at least nigger hair, nigger lips and nigger nose regardless of your skin color

what race is this man considered in brazil?

It's hard to tell, even though his skin is "white" his phenotype is all fucked up due to his retardness

Attached: Redita Dominaityte.jpg (560x300, 34.81K)

this is how you latina gf will look like when she hits 50 whitoid


Nonsense, that probably only apply to deluded favelados

that is parda, not white.

Rip Jordi