As of 2008, Iran carries out more sex change operations than any other nation in the world except Thailand

>As of 2008, Iran carries out more sex change operations than any other nation in the world except Thailand.
>The government provides up to half the cost for those needing financial assistance, and a sex change is recognized on the birth certificate.

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Iran more like Itran

Qajar turkic art is cool...

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Okay so what's the catch?

The catch is that if they catch you being gay they let you choose between snip snip and execution.

If you're gay they bully you into transitioning because they believe that traps aren't gay.

>because they believe that traps aren't gay.
based and redpilled if you ask me

Cutting your genitals off is beyond retardation.
You can't get a real vagina, it'll just be a bloody wound, lol.
Furthermore, wothout a shenis you can't massage your lover's prostate.

t. Trap


Trannies are not traps

>getting fucked in the bum as a male=gay
>getting fucked in the bum as a girl(male)=poophole loophole
>government funds transitions to show they have no gays
basically all gay bottoms are forced to transition, tops are not considered gay

But what is the suicide rate of trannies in Iran? Also, does transitioning mean you have to cover yourself up like a woman?

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>Also, does transitioning mean you have to cover yourself up like a woman?
Yes, trans women have to cover their hair, because TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN

I've heard about that, but how widespread is it? Sounds a bit bullshit to me.

the catch is most trannies here are just in it for the fad and arent actually serious with it so will not want to transition. forcing them into it is pretty based, especially if they force mentally ill homos into it like some are saying

Axe wounds are based now? So they weren't kidding when they said that Dab Forums was an lgbtq+abcdefg board...

Imagine having a haram of ladyboys to service you.

So, same views as the old Romans eh?
How do they find out which fag is a bottom?

What's the difference?

> sex-change operations
You mean chopping off a guy's genitals and replacing it with an infected gaping wound in the crotch?

Even fags deserve better.

There isn't one anons are just trying to reconcile old Dab Forums (loved traps) with new Dab Forums (loves edgy politics) with awkward results


>loved traps
speak for yourself faggot

Post black angus

Traps pass as women at first glance but then you pull down their pants and you see a penis, that’s why it’s called a trap. Post op trannies are usually the complete opposite, they do not pass as women and they also no longer have dicks because they cut it off

It's like squares and rectangles. Every trap is a tranny, but most trannies aren't traps

VGH... the thick eyebrows of Qajar Persia...

>poophole loophole

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This is mandatory for homosexuals if I'm not mistaken

traps=boys who look like a girl
Transgenders are that, transgenders

nothing, trannies just go farther and cut off their dicks sometimes. in reality they are all just mentally ill homos

Go back to Dab Forums and post with your nazi friends there

Highly. We do the same. Policy in Pakistan with full 3rd gender recognition and protection under law. We went further than iran, allowing trans to say they're female or 3rd gender (hijra) on their birth certificate.

People think that we behead trannies and shit here when the reality is that were one of the few countries that don't shit on them and fund their transition.

You behead fags though right? Still *pretty* based

>you can't massage your lover's prostate.
That's gay, you're not a real trans then, wait. You're that fucking Russian tranny that keeps looking for buff top guys, will you ever fuck off, what are you doing on Dab Forums ? You usually post in lgbt

>behead fags though
No, gay people get arrested if caught. But more often than not the police ignore it because they have other crimes to solve. They only jail them for public indecency if they are gay prostitutes having sex in the street.

>People think that we behead trannies and shit here when the reality is that were one of the few countries that don't shit on them and fund their transition
yeah but don't you guys fund the transition because you kill gay people and its either become a woman or die?

It's funded because it's viewed as a non-elective and charitable proceedure. Same way govt might pay for someone with a birth defect, it's viewed in the same light.

We don't force gays to be trans, we tell them, did you feel you were a girl as a child etc, if they answer all the questions that suggest transgender then tbeyre advised to get treatment. If not, then they're warned that it is a crime in Pakistan and the state will offer support for their migration out of the country, otherwise they might be arrested if caught again.

It's actually very reasonable

>It's actually very reasonable
not form my perspective just seems really homophobic

Pakistan is not really ideal for gay people anyway, so the govt literally setting you up in Europe or somewhere in the West is a significant upgrade. How is that being homophobic? Would you prefer living here?

how many of them are bilingual? can they visit family in pakistan? how much money would it cost and will the government payout for the move? on top of that they are forcing these people to leave for an unknown land with no connection to it. does your cunt help them get a job and a place to live or do they just dump them off? like how much does all this cost and wouldn't it be better to use that cash to build the country instead of handing out free sex change operations or paying someone to move to france? just seems like a hole lot of wasted energy to kick out a person because they like the same sex, I get it tho I would imagen they would be attacked or killed by members of the public because of the culture but from my point of view and again this is me saying this as a stupid american but its strange that the government would involve itself in personal matters just because they don't like gay people