There is a statue of the first president of the United States of America in the city of Paris, France

There is a statue of the first president of the United States of America in the city of Paris, France.

Attached: France-Paris-George-Washington-2-473x630.jpg (473x630, 72.09K)

It certainly looks like it


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France is our greatest ally

Lafayette in Washington DC

Attached: Lafayette.jpg (704x1023, 157.77K)

France is American's natural ally against English dogs

I was about to say the US should have statues of French generals for their huge contribution to colonial victory in the revolutionary war then I remembered I'm a fucking idiot and there are tonnes of statues of Lafayette everywhere and parks named after him and shit.

George Washington was an Englishman who revolted against a king to stand up for his God-given rights as an Englishman, and there are statues of him in England.

He'd probably look at you too as foreign creatures who he'd probably enslave or something.

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>you too
you two

Of course.The french and american revolutions were the first manifestation of nationalism worldwide. Makes sense they are allies.

>Swedes are swarthy

Yes they tan

That quote coming from a man who couldn't keep his dick out of french whores. I'm having a bit of a giggle.

Lafayette has a street named after him in most towns and has a bunch of towns named after him


Boudica razed London to the ground 1960 years ago and absolutely hated everything the British Empire represented, yet they built a statue of her "guarding" London and used to associate her with Queen Victoria.

Attached: boudica.jpg (875x583, 454.76K)

Attached: LaFayette.png (890x770, 39.66K)

Boudica lived 900 years before England was a thing

That doesn't change the fact that she hated the things that the British Empire represented, things that already existed during her time in the form of the Roman Empire.

Did you know that Lafayette considered George Washington to be his adopted father and he named his son George Washington Lafayette after him? Pretty based!

Boudicca is a national icon who deserves a statue even if in reality she was a bit of a failure who stood against what we now accept as a genuine and substantial part of our history, Rome.

Yep Washington considered him a son as well

Washington would be a GOAT dad. Tall, humble, stoic and fearless man.

>Boudicca is a national icon

She wasn't anglo-saxon, she hated Rome and she hated London. She was just the widow of some barbarian chieftain who raided a town full of inoccent citizens that couldn't fight back then met her doom when a fighting force arrived.

The masonic lodges wanted to show unity between those in the USA and those in Europe despite the latter's infiltration by the Illuminati.

Gaysex :3
I bet they had gaysex

There is a statue of some hungarian dude in the us capitol

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Yeah kossuth was popular here during his lifetime

We also have a statue of a burger president. Paid by burgers.

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