What are some portugese stereotypes?
What are some portugese stereotypes?
not being Spain
I don't know about it worldwide but in Brazil there's a prominent stereotype that they're all bakers because of the absurd amount of portuguese migrants owning bakeries and working as bakers in Brazil, it's big to the point even a small town in the middle of nowhere had at some point at least one portuguese baker.
When I was a kid just my side of town (which is a coastal northeastern town with a population of about 200k) had about 6 bakeries, 4 of them owned by portuguese.
The most Incel latin people
The only thirdie euro country
>O plano português de recolonização do Brasil
Idiot... like ignorant... that type that think that is impossible the history of Noah was impossible, since not have local to the fishes...
Absolute Kek, when the 2007 crisis hit, my father got sacked and couldn't find a job, so he is uncle taught him how to bake so he would migrate to Brazil and become a baker.
Fortunately we got our shit together in time and my father found a job and didn't have to leave us.
>of Noah like,
women with mustaches
women with mustaches
Blonde and blue eyed people
Half of man are called Joaquim, the other Manuel...
Grumpy and in a bad mood all the time
Well, they,re incredibly good bakers indeed. If someone haven’t tried yet a pastel de Belém, it’s heavenly good.
balcalcolao, breddy gudd
In Brazil, portuguese are known for
>dumb as hell
>take everything literally
>hairy, with huge mustaches, and not just for men, but women too
>all work with baking bread and cake
>only meat they eat is cod
>Tfw our women have mustaches and I don't
It's over bros...
shave it ffs
in Brazil we tell lots of jokes about Portuguese people being dumb
I heard an interresting theory about the origin of this stereotype from some friends who visited Portugal
They said, for exemple, that if you ask a waiter in a restaurant if they have some item, they will say "yes" and just keep looking at you waiting for you to comfirm if that's what you want. In Brazil the waiter would just immediatly bring you that item.
I heard about many similar situations, it's just a different outlook on being polite vs being practical
thats some neckbeard if i have ever seen one
>They said, for exemple, that if you ask a waiter in a restaurant if they have some item, they will say "yes" and just keep looking at you waiting for you to comfirm if that's what you want.
That's exactly what you are supposed to do in that situation, are Brazilians that impulsive to immediately fetch whatever item is first mentioned?
We actually have a joke about, a kid that goes to a store and asks if they have [incredibly rare and expensive item], which of course, they don't.
He does this everyday, untill one day the owner orders that item, and when the kid asks for it again, and the owner gladly says they do have it, the kid just goes on a rant about how he hates those itens and doesn't buy it.
>are Brazilians that impulsive to immediately fetch the first whatever is first mentioned?
how do i fix this?
A classic joke about "portuguese reasoning" is:
There was a a sign in some praça (town square) in Lisbon, saying "don't step on the grass, 500 euros fine". Sometime later, it was changed to "don't step on the grass, 10 euros fine". Why the change? Because no one was stepping on the grass.
Do Brazilians know about the glass house proverb, or have self-awareness?
It really be like this
I heard that those jokes about dumb portuguese people were unironically invented by them. They’d tell jokes about stupid alentejanos, but when they brought those jokes with them to Brazil, we brazilians didn’t know what the hell an alentejano or Alentejo is, so we simplified to “stupid portuguese”
That's most likely it considering the baker thing.
Brazilians rarely say "I want" when requesting something (like anglos with "can I have?") most of the time we ask if the item is available to tell the seller we are interested in buying it. I do that a lot.
Another brazilian thing is asking for the item's price even when you aready know it just to show interest, make sense for the 80's when prices were changing everyday.
Nem sequer temos telhado, foi roubado.
Brazilians think we're bakers
Spanish think we're towel salesmen
Canadians think we're construction workers
French think we're poorfags
Luxemburgers and Swiss think we're fucking everywhere
No need, we have metal bars around our windows for that purpose
The subsist entirely off of bacalhau
And they are all true to some extent, but the only one that's absolutely true is that portuguese women have mustaches.
Accept you'll never grow a proper beard. Some people just dont have the genes
No, that is unironically the only one that is wrong
>Proving his point about how we don't understand sarcasm
>Named Da Silva or Da Costa
>Worship Ronaldo
>Works in the masonry
They do have them tho
All true
We say 'we want' when the thing is already on display in front of us, because asking if they have it in those circumstances would be stupid
>Named Da Silva or Da Costa
>Worship Ronaldo
>Works in the masonry
Tfw I literally have a long haired friend named Antonio da Silva working in Toulouse as a mason and obssesed by football
>Brazilians rarely say "I want" when requesting something (like anglos with "can I have?") most of the time we ask if the item is available to tell the seller we are interested in buying it.
that is the exact polar opposite of autism but just as dysfunctional. how much of brazilian communication is pure insinuation? does everything break down if one cunt is slow on the uptake?
There's no such thing, it's cultural so everyone kmows how it works. We all act like that, if you ask if a bar have vodka, they will show you all the ones they have. It's automatic, even the lowest of the lowest IQ will figure that out.
>how much of brazilian communication is pure insinuation
About 50%
Brazilians speak in nonsensical and irregular patterns often using made up or unrelated words.
The information is perceived based on tone, context and body language.
>how much of brazilian communication is pure insinuation?
No idea, I can't think of anything other than this buying thing and flirting.
Fun thread
That they leave you for weeks/months and don't host threads...
This is very true. Brazilian people often associate being direct or blunt with rudeness. For example, if you ask a brazilian to hang out and they answer “we’ll see a day” or “we‘ll agree on a date later” they probably don’t want to go.
It...it's not what it looks like
Hairy everywhere especially the women, work in construction, eat cod
An american said they do that in the US too
I host one next weekend (in 8 days)
You're awful Britain
starting this thread...
inviting all these Brazilian anons....
You just wanted to make fun of me
You're just like the rest of them!
Believe it or not, we are much closer to being your friends than the dirty anglo.
Its the best way to communicate in portugese imo.
Brazilian portuguese is way better than e*ropean portugese for a multitude of reasons, namely, it being much more grammatically permissive and having a better phonetic cadence to it, which allows for it's words to come out less constricted, free-er, so to speak. The fact that it's much more malleable than it's e*ropean counterpart means there's less stutter when trying to describe any given and relatively unusual situation that the base language would simply not be able to describe properly, whilst also being able to be as precise and as technical as e*ropean portugese on any other given subject. Portugese are just butthurt that their version of the idiom is archaic and impractical in today's world. Portugal is very conservative in many ways still, a consequence of having the majority of the positions of power occupied by old-timers. The unacceptance of significant changes to our native tongue reflects that in a clear way.
t. open minded portuguese native
Shared continental culture? Do spanish speaking America and Canada do that as well?
Our western most country but actually eastern European tier
Brazil didn't make an ultimatum against Portugal like did by brits in 1890
No clue about them, better ask /lat/
I didn't even make this thread but its legitimately cute, what Dab Forums should be about
Why not this day?
I think sudacas are like that too to a certain extent, here people will just use the imperative to get something.
Ponme un vino for example.
Busy getting my life together
Das rite..
What is happening bro...
t. Lisbon """""""native"""""""
Health problems.
Hope you don't die...
Thanks Vampirine bro
Why would I live in a ticking time-bomb that'll crumble down once the earth beneath shakes a little? It's also ugly af
What illness exactly?
>strike up conversation with portuguese person
>within 2 minutes they are complaining about the minimum wage
every time
It's personalerino
100% native like Ódio Israel...
ED confirmed
Oh I understand
You're dying of skin cancer
Translation of this profound exchange please
That's Greece user
That's spain user, we have women with unibrows here
Everything you said here is wrong. Not only does brazillian have 0 gramatical rules, making it almost impossible to "write correctly", it sounds like complete shit.
Bet your stepdad is brazillian or some shit lmao.
Sadly, correct
Who let the monkeys on the internet again?
>no response
It's really a simon from palestine of the worst species, i wishh you death head of ???
Allah is going to punidh you hebrew shit
Your god is a delirium of of a sick mind, fucking philistine
It's the same god illiterate shit nigger
Deus te ajude.
Wait first one says it's actually a monkey from palestine i think
I have no idea either, he's writing in a weird dialect, i can only understand the other guy.
Thank you, very enlightening
Probably Autocorrect made "simio" into simon
Are you still here portu/risk/man?
I am, why do you ask?
About skin cancer...
Bro, why do you care?
We'll talk when i host.
Yeah, at first i thought it was some kind if jewish mutt language like yiddish but then the dude said porra
>Not only does brazillian have 0 gramatical rules, making it almost impossible to "write correctly"
The gramatical rules are the same as in our version of the idiom albeit more permissive, as it allows for better communication by, for example, making the use of the gerund (gerúndio) a standard practice and not a restrictive one. There are many more examples of this (one of them being the lesser cultural stigma regarding the appropriation of foreign words, i.e. empréstimos). To "write correctly" with it is just as easy as it is with the our version of it. In fact, it's easier. Just go read Brazilian literature, it's way easier on the eye and mind, and it's just as compelling and detailed if it so wants to be.
>it sounds like complete shit
Subjective, i find it neat
I'm 100% portuguese btw, it's just that im not a contrarian asshole
I'm worried bro
>The gramatical rules are the same as in our version of the idiom albeit more permissive
So basically, "the rules are the same", except you have free pass to break all of them?
The absolute cognitive dissonance apologists of Portuguese (simplified) have.
Our language is perfectly fine at it is, there is no need to dumb it down and use it in a completely arbitrary and incoherent manner.
You ARE a contrarian. You are the only self proclaimed Portuguese person i have ever seen claiming that speaking mumbo jumbo is better than a proper language.
Women with moustache
Short people
Hairy people
Civil Constructors and many more I guess.
>CTRL+F old people
>0 results
kinda surprised if i'm being honest
also tourist attraction is a popular one and my personal favorite, that bit of land surrounding Fatima
If something goes wrong, I'll post my entire map folder
Cope tonguelet, you know what i say is true
>Cope tonguelet, you know what i say is true
>>Cope tonguelet, you know what i say is true
post it now lol
Simion de portuguese
why tho?
Not the right time and place.
theres never a right time and place.
all an invention
Anyway I'm leaving now.
See you around
bye bro
immigrant that doesnt adapt
no education
football is everything
no hygiene
doesnt know how to dress
extremely nationalistic for a shit country "portugal caralho" (youll often hear this)
This is the image I have of my comrades even though I dont fit this stereotype myself
>they're all bakers
I've heard this as well. Bakery and Pastry Shops are the staple for portuguese cuisine.
All over EU most of them work in either pastry shops, cleaning or construction jobs
anyways i made this pic
our Balkan brother...
we are all this, except we are tall and white and our bakers are Albanian
they like spicy chicken because nandos