No fucking joke i only learned about the Spanish empire when i started browsing Dab Forums lol
No fucking joke i only learned about the Spanish empire when i started browsing Dab Forums lol
I thought nobody knew about us until I joined Dab Forums and see how panchitos hate us 24/7
Also I thought that Murikkkans believed that Spain was placed in Mexico.
are you catalan? :)
What is a panchito and can i eat it?
Habsburg Spanish bros why did you leave us to the mercy of the Anglos ;_;
We tried bro, we tried....
Most Latinos in int feel absolute indifference for us, are you a newfag or something?
Based moroccan chad
do you not learn shit about the old empire in spanish schools either
british empires pretty much one giant [redacted] from our syllabus
Until I was 16 I had no idea where Mexicans and all the other LATAM came from I thought they just lived there forever
>Wrecked off the coast of Ireland
I thought Ireland was Catholic, why did you allow the Protest Wind to sink our ships?
So you are saying that /int is better history teacher than your school system?
How could you not have heard of the spanish empire? How did you think all those countries in South America started speaking spanish?
Yes and not, high school history in Spain is pretty shit and propagandist, it's basically a continuous larp about how good where the muslims and how bad where the Italians
If you want to learn properly history you have to go to college or undergraduate studies, then is good, probably the OP haven't finished the highschool because everyone who's +17 knows about the Spanish empire (Mainly because one question in the admission exam to college is always about it or it dissolution)
Unironically sad to hear
He didn't finish the high school
ok fair enough, sounds more comprehensive than here at least. only so much you can fill retarded western kids heads with anyway
>it's basically a continuous larp about how good where the muslims and how bad where the Italians
Damn, it wasn't like this for me at all, but I went to a catholic high school so maybe it was different from public ones
My Spanish History teacher was an actual falangista so it was the opposite for me lmfao
Mericans on here are only slightly smarter than the average American. I have met many that thought Spain was in Mexico and that Spanish was a language created by Mexicans
You can eat my ass
Although theres the odd reference in our history lessons you wouldnt know of the extent of the british empire unless you studied it outside of school.
Dab Forums's weird depth of cultured racism defintely enhanced my knowledge about the globe and her history.
My language teacher was one too, and I hated him so fucking much
People who get it ass blasted will go out of their way and learn about your countries history for ammo. This is an easy task when everything we do gets world attention from the media.
We tried to liberate you in Kinsale 1601 but one of (((your people))) sold us out to the e. A.