How's Ukraine

How's Ukraine

Attached: ukrayina.jpg (1024x576, 53.87K)

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the ukraine is weak, it’s feeble



The Ukrainian money for buying the vaccine was stolen by Ukrainian politicians

They all went to Poland

It's fine, thanks for asking. And how is your crane?

Attached: crane.jpg (2048x1454, 1.76M)

crimea is not part of ukraine anymore

romania should annex ukraine

>corruption in Russia? But what about Ukraine?????!!!!

nice whataboutism, polakk

Bazat si Antonescu-pastilat.

nobody mentioned rusia

Russians live inside the Polish head free of charge

Trying to hold out
Nah just noone wants to share except based chinese

his flag did

i like hohols

doing well

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>based chinese
When why you backstabbed them?

I am from Ukraine

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still having covid backlash in forms of economy failure, and also still having covid

>nearly genocided several times
>third world poverty for the last 100 years
>under military occupation right now
man, will ukraine ever get a break?

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> France, Sweden, Poland: Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine not for elderly
> Ukraine to receive 1.2 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine from Poland

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so true man

Attached: smoker.jpg (250x201, 8.45K)