
cute girls that some people mistakes as boys edition

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My gf lives an hour away and we only get to have sex once a week. Life is suffering.

There's guys here that are 28 and have never got SEX, that my friend is suffering

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i dont care
im fuckin this thing so hard till i cum twice


>New board added: /xs/ - Extreme Sports

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people here be like
>the breakfast
>picture of literal shit
stopping eat gross stuff come on its not that hard


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So, they're balkanizing /sp/? Who's next, /an/?

I'm angsty as hell today

Is this legit lads???????

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any socials ?

Japan is a Utopia.

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>Who's next, /an/?
No don't give them any ideas!

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>I suffer in Russia

androgynous cute tomboys are my type

They're all mentally ill lefties

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Why not? Do they live isolated in the woods or something with no women nearby?

what should people eat for breakfast then?

How can you possibly balkanize /an/?


rolled oats, soaked overnight in my cum

People always call her boy >:(

Why have trannies polluted the minds of this board.

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She had one insta called oniigai but got deleted, unfortunately I don't have any, but a spaniard guy told me that she has a tiktok called beer_money which I couldn't find because I don't have a tiktok account

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Pet board, alternative pets board, wild animal board.


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Only food that I approve of.

i dont have tiktok either

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but she looks like this now if you don't mind

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I hated penis inspection day


I kind of want to sing creep or say it ain't so in vocaroo lads

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Fund it.

Had homemade granola and yogurt with fruit for breakfast

/an/ is so fucking shit balkanizing would do nothing to save it

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for instance?

/an/ is comfy levels of shit, like midday /cum/

Approved. You can eat now.

Burrito gato lole lole lole!!!

>/an/ is so fucking shit
Take that back right now.

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In that boat but I'm 30.

I'm not even a failure, I've got a good job and am a homeowner and am not some sort of social recluse. I didn't think getting a gf would be this difficult. The problem is that I don't work with any woman my own age and my friends don't have any single woman they can introduce me to.

Honestly, I'm not that upset about it. I have a good life regardless of my lack of any sort of relationship.

this is for office guys, if you're hard working worker it's not enough to feel good for long day.


>mistakes as boys
that's a bit gay innit

>Honestly, I'm not that upset about it. I have a good life regardless of my lack of any sort of relationship.
The way it should be, being virgin isn't big deal

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fuck dusters

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Japan is a utopia because it has Chinese tourists in rental yukata?

Never get any matches. My big issue is that I'm lean. The only matches I get are fat chicks I accidentally swiped right on and I have no intention of going there.

Woman have way too high a standard on dating apps.

3D print a girl

>My big issue is that I'm lean. The only matches I get are fat chicks
I don't see a problem with either of these things.

>My big issue is that I'm lean
since when it's issue? kind of it's considered as advantage, isn't it?

how do we solve the gf problem

>My big issue is that I'm lean
gomad + SS

>Japan is a utopia because it has Chinese tourists in rental yukata?

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deleting the internet unironically

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a nigga shoulda started the homework earlier but at least i submitted it on time

How are there more women then men but everywhere I go online its predominantly male

The problem with a lot of guys here including myself is that since you get social interaction and dopamine here you don't pursue anything irl, I bet the sooner someone gets off the internet the better it gets after some struggles

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youre not going on the girly websites

like what makeup period breastfeeding support.com lole

If I'm not married to someone my own age by the time I'm 30 I'm just gonna bust my ass working to be wealthy by the time I'm 40 and marry some 19 year old who needs her student loans paid off.

Ain't putting up with no autism kids though. Gonna make her get an ultrasound twice a week to nip that problem in the bud if it happens.

imagine femenizing someone until he looks like OPs pic, wouldn't that be hot

do you seriously need to ask this

>Dab Forums
>people are assholes to each other
>average woman hates based bro banter, only some girls can handle being called a fucking retard every time they post something

what other websites do you use besides this one

I'm the CEO of male virginity

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I got plenty of interaction before coronavirus.

I saw my friends at least once a week.

mega simp retard

Imagine holding her in your arms while you lay in a nice warm bed LOL

She's going to wait until you've payed off the loan then divorce your ass.

very kawaii

It's more being a creepy predator on the young and taking advantage of their grim economic situation than it is simping.

Then the prenup will be that she has to give me a bunch of healthy kids before I pay off her loans, then we can divorce.

She will receive a monthly allowance of $800 for the rest of her life.

Mgtow is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read

Fucking retards. All of you can fucking die for all I care. Dumb pieces of shits I hate you all.

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Cope, fart balding loser!

Do you have any idea how often prenups are thrown out of court?

t. seething female

Is the biggest cope

What ethnicity is this

I wish. If I was born female I’d be hot af and take advantage of as many simps as I could. They deserve it for being dumb and retarded.

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That’s cuz all the judges are females :/

If you were a girl would you give me a kiss in the cheek pretty please?

It's such a terrible idea I don't know why anyone could ever agree to that. Being that bitter and miserable must be an awful thing. Imagine ever turning down big juicy thighs.

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Aqua Something You Know Whatever - Shirt Herpes



Mate, sounds like you’re not giving her a good enough deal. Gotta at least do $3000/month for the rest of her life if she gives you a set of kids before the divorce. Keep her happy and she will less likely sabotage your other female relationships.

it is better than being some dumb retard that donates their money to women or the feminist types of men at least

Update: still no gf

Child support isn’t a donation

stop porn retard

get a gf

Come to the Midwest

im talking about shit like onlyfans or twitch you mongoloid

Admittedly, I do donate money to some twitch streamers I like, but not only fans lel

I don't watch porn.

get out of here

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that shits free nigga


It’s like pirating good games or movies. After a while you feel bad, and give them your patronage for their entertainment.

no u

you need a shirtless photo but it cant be a gym or a bathroom selfie
I went from a match every 2 days to like 150 matches in a week, and I'm DYEL
A photo of a man on a boat without a shirt is the signal that you're DTF for all thots.

>be me
>at work
>customer comes up speaking Estonian to someone on the phone
>really surprised because I've never seen someone speaking Estonian
>most Americans don't even know Estonia exists
>politely let him finish his phone conversation
>start taking to him in Estonian
>He's really surprised I know Estonian and we have a polite conversation before he leaves

Holy fuck bros I know it seems like nothing but I bursting with happiness that I actually got to use my Estonian with someone other than my parents. Today has been a good day.

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Teach me some Estonian

That's pretty neat desu.

this nigga speakin estonian lmao

qt women are great i love women

My left nipple hurts what the fuck is this

also who is that qt grill (female)? any socials

going to the gym a lot later than normal, hopefully there are still qt girls

I look up to Ted Bundt and Gary Leon Ridgway