This is how the Roman Emperors looked like

>Brown, Blond and Reddish hair
>Brown, blue and green eyes
>Hair types from curly to straight

So Romans were basically Northern Italians? It’s common for people in Northern Italy to have light hair and light eyes

People who claim Romans were Nordic are retarded, but the ones who claim they looked like Northern Africans are also fucking stupid

Attached: 79094EF5-F47A-486E-BC01-ADCD47C758FB.jpg (960x688, 135.52K)

I am Greek

Who's the GOAT

Romans were notable people from all over the Empire, the vast majority of the people were tax payers for the notables.

Nah, they were Nordic.

Commodus looks badass as fuck, not gonna lie

>This is how the Roman Emperors looked like
they weren't white

Attached: 1611132185235.png (629x530, 177.75K)

Fucking imbecile

>Nassim Taleb

Lmao, no one should take this pseudo-intellectual serious

No they where nordic people ruling over brown manlets.

But as Varg said civilization makes a man wicked and evil so we left for northern evrope to live a fulfilling life as hunter gatherers. Rome obvious collapsed when the nordic master race left

Attached: tolstoy8.png (800x800, 20.17K)

Are most of these people family or at least blood related?

the source is right there, brainlets

see nordics were the barbarians fighting against the romans

Will you ever realize that there are Blonde people outside of your shitty part of the world?

Attached: 7AAEE038-6639-4F16-9282-FDBCE8D7DBC5.jpg (470x652, 29.72K)

Complete bullshit.

Attached: 1613027996554.png (1410x1226, 2.5M)


Please come back, my roman master

Because you are cherry-picking. Not even South Germans are known for blond hair

Trve Avgvstvs

>You'll never look like a Roman

Attached: Caracalla.jpg (819x566, 78.68K)


lo! he was come, made larger by much dust and sweat, and yet for all his weapons and hastened labours still pleasant to the sight; a radiant glow shimmers on his snow-white countenance, and his locks shine more comely than tawny gold.


South Germans aren't swarthy like south Russians

Cope, wh*toids

Attached: 1613024176277.png (1416x2528, 2.43M)

WTF he is a horse

Swarthy Russians don't exist, only Chechen mutts


No one here is claiming that Italians are known for blonde hair. All I’m saying is that there are full blooded Italians who have blonde hair, that’s all. I’m pretty sure there are Nords who have brown hair and brown eyes as well.


what is the source on this bullshit meme pic?

Attached: pic.png (1895x679, 624.59K)

>Someone has blonde hair
>That automatically makes him a Nord/Scandinavian

Shut the fuck up retards

Attached: 47071B77-5EAD-4A40-B506-6483CC14F928.jpg (504x609, 35.9K)

who is this swedish man

Yes I look Scandinavian


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