Based Germany. Bismarck statue will be soon destroyed because of African colonies.
Eat that Germans, your history will be erased
Based Germany. Bismarck statue will be soon destroyed because of African colonies
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I thought Bismarck was opposed to colonies
What the fuck
Why do incel nazoid french posters alway lie on this board
Wrong bro
> The responsibilities of the first chancellor of unified Germany in colonization are increasingly emphasized, in particular to request the dismantling of a gigantic statue in Hamburg.
Always hiding the link of the article, disingenuous stupid retards as always
You are the retard to not write the title on google to find the article
In those days, you couldn't just order stuff over the internet. You had to have colonies that exchanged chocolate and bananas for schools and railways.
Everybody did it.
critics i.e. fringe leftards demand that it gets destroyed. thats about it. But I guess this frenchman knows more about the city I live in than me.
How many african countries did Hitler destroy?
Why there's no statues of Hitler in Germany?
I rest my case.
>He really thinks that leftards will not win
Do,you know the world where you live ? In particular western world ?
>How many african countries did Hitler destroy
France and England
Cultural revolution good?
a whole 120 demonstrants came to the last demonstration for the destruction of the statue last year
Germany created wonders in Togo.
im scared
are we going to have leftists demanding that we remove all statues of Piłsudski because he didn't consider the belarusians a real nationality in 10 years
that statue looks way too based for modern day cucked germany anyways
You will see bro, you will see
translate or shut the fuck up
they demanded that for the last 10 years.
at the moment the statue gets renovated; so theres that
don't worry belarusians are too white, they won't grant them this much power
10 years ago BLM bullshit and black washing in movies series did not exist
its nothing more than demands from fringe groups for the last 10 years
It will soon be the case, yes. As sad as it is, people don't understand Bismarck at all, he's some sort of "original Hitler" boogeyman to many.
even at the hight of blm when the renovating began nothing happened
Having statues of anyone but Jesus is retarded anyway. Nationalism is a brainlet ideology.
wieso gibst du dem lügenden franzaken munition? die statue wird im moment renoviert und es sieht noch nicht so aus als ob der abriss einer 2800 tonnen statue wirklichkeit wird
how many tuđman statues has your town got?
He was, but the national enthusiasm after the establishment of the German Empire was too large, Bismarck couldn't refuse since the population and all the kings wanted to have colonies. Bismarck himself didn't do anything to obtain colonies, but there were private German businessmen that went to Namibia for example and came back with treaties. As pressure mounted, Bismarck caved in and accepted the official transfer of these colonies to German government officials. He shut down numerous other expeditions, there were people who came back from other areas in Africa with treaties supposedly signed by African chiefs, but Bismarck discarded them as "worthless negro crosses on a piece of paper". Today, people say that's a proof to how racist he was, but it's just a fact that it was nothing more than an "X" on a printed paper, the chief had no idea what it meant.
Many leftists also hate him for not being a super-friendly democrat, but as Weimar showed, not being a huge fan of democracies wasn't always unusual.
The worst part is how some "experts" claim to be "neutral" and "factual" when proposing stuff like "Let's not tear every statue down, but break it: Spray it with graffiti, put barbed wire around it, put signs about his crimes on the statue, maybe pull it from the ground and put it in upside down"
Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit. Es gibt eine erschreckend große Anzahl an Mongos, die sich den Abriss dieser Statue wünschen und dafür werben. Hamburg wird von Grünen und SPD regiert. Spätestens wenn die nächste Renovierung fällig wird ist es vorbei mit der Statue, wahrscheinlich früher
Ich weiß nicht ob du die Statue schonmal gesehen hast, aber die ist gigantisch. Es wäre einfach ein zu starker Einschnitt im Stadtbild für eine Person die letzten endes nicht so rassistisch war, wie sich einige laute Minderheiten es wünschen.
None that I built.
Ich bin in Hamburg geboren, ich kenne die Statue. Und ich kenne (zu) viele Leute, die sehr laut sagen, dass sie ein "Schandfleck" zur "Verehrung eines Massenmörders" sei. Die sind laut genug und die Politiker sind behindert genug, irgendwann wird Bismarck in der offiziellen Geschichtsschreibung wie der leibhaftige Satan aussehen, und dann ist die Statue futsch. Vielleicht kommt dann eine Statue von irgendeinem Herero-Anführer oder so dahin, die werden sich schon was Tolles einfallen lassen,
If this is fucking real I have no hope in the future.
Bismarck was a based man who played Europe as a whole and created a proper Germany out of Prussia.
SJW BLM Leftard Woke era
Selbst in Berlin bleiben Bismarck Statuen weitesgehend unberührt. Ich denke mir, dass das alles sich wie das Kreuz vom Berliner Schloss abspielen wird; viel Krach und am Ende bleibt es dann.
There aren't any plans to tear it down as of now, it's just that many retarded leftists and niggers want to tear it down because they can't handle the sight of it. They can't accept tbat Bismarck is a historical figure of titanic greatness, no matter how "undemocratic" he was. As of now, the statue is safe, but there are way too many people who are completely deranged and still - for some reason - listened to as if they were leading and completely unbiased experts. I expect that opposition to increase in the next years. Everything is either good or bad, black or white. You can't have a differentiated view on Bismarck and his role, either he's "the first Hitler" (something a fellow student of mine said in a lecture) and therefore deserves to be erased from history, or you like him... which means you're a Nazi. I wish I was kidding, but this is how many people debate in 2021, particularly on twitter and the rest of the internet, where a group of 100 well-connected and loud people can pretend they are a massive movement that represents the entire society.
Ich kann es nur hoffen, aber ich bin da wirklich sehr pessimistisch. Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn die Statue in 30 Jahren noch steht. Und das neue Berliner Schloss mag ein Kreuz haben, aber es ist trotzdem ein komplett entstelltes, seelenloses Skelett des alten Schlosses. Es ist weder dem alten Schloss ebenbürtig und wert, eine Rolle im nationalen Gedächtnis zu spielen, noch repräsentiert es irgendwas, worauf man als Linker aufbauen kann. Sie hätten es komplett aufbauen sollen wie geplant, aber für irgendwelche Spasten wäre das ja gleichbedeutend mit dem Reichstagsbrand gewesen.
Vor 30 Jahren (und anderswo) hätte man darüber gar nicht erst diskutiert, das Kreuz wäre draufgekommen und fertig. Jetzt muss man Kreuze überall rechtfertigen. In 30 Jahren wiederum wird man darüber erneut gar nicht erst diskutieren, dann kommt da einfach kein Kreuz drauf und jeder der was dagegen sagt ist ein Faschist.