Incoming African Population Explosion

What will a century of explosive African population growth mean for the world's culture? Will they balkanise along more ethnic lines? Will Swahili and Yoruba become the new hot thing?

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>flawed study says it will happen based on current data, that means it's true!

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Rhodesia but there's nowhere to run to.

Until Africa can deal with it's endemic corruption I doubt it. Also, is Africa even capable of feeding so many people in its current state?

I understand the cope, I don't want it to be true either. But previous UN estimates that were only slightly less optimistic were actually a vast underestimation. I fear it's over whitebros.

India has 1.2 billion people and still has plenty of corruption.

>non-stop civil wars

Africans will turn into China's slave population as they age.

I hope we will install automated machine gun turrets on European borders

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the death toll due to this will be enormous

>What will a century of explosive African population growth mean for the world's culture?
More Africans moving everywhere else.
>Will they balkanise along more ethnic lines?
Probably not?
>Will Swahili and Yoruba become the new hot thing?
Most indigenous African languages are already being marginalized in favor of larger languages like English. Swahili is a rare exception; it's actually displacing other languages in East Africa.

Me and my own plantation of fat assed African girls to fuck at will

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nope, the chinese will rule africa. they know how to play the game better over there. the western world is over.

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>by 2095

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There will likely be civil wars and mass migration, Europe is doomed lol
Massive foreign aid + improved land productivity using widely and cheaply available modern farming techniques.

This is the reason to care about climate change. Hundreds of millions of displaced sahara adjacent africans is NOT a good thing.

>Europe is doomed

You're probably right. Time to start terraforming Mars & Venus.

>bug people find an even buggier population

there's levels to this shit

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This is equivalent to people in 1950 knowing what populations would look like right now. They didn't. Predicting this far off is little more than guessing.

Stop giving foreign aids retards

Are you retarded? They will probably die of some disease or war, africa wont reach that population.

Big time cope, farming has become massively cheaper and the population is young.

>Asia will still be more populated

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Better not develop too much Nafris, or they'll want to move to your countries too ;)

Asia is very big to be fair.

It's not even the entirety of Asia, just pic related

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Oh, they surely will, Europe is doomed was an understatement, they will move all over MENA too, no matter how autocratic, some will end up in Asia(yes, even India), they will fill up applications for Anglosphere countries and even try geting into latam via the nearby Brazil and Argentina. A migration wave like no seen before.

Strongly suspect they'll be all over China. Big population problems incoming there.

That circle is the entirety of Asia

Fuck yeah. This is why I will go back to Africa inshallah

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I hope Islam manages to displace Christianity in most of this population.

Things tend to be reactive, rather than some kind of smooth eternal tangent from a given point. People forget Europe is coming off a 500 year golden period of growth and dominance, it wasn't going to last forever, and while they might slump for a period the bounce back can happen rapidly in the right social context. The rebirth of nationalism, or a quiverfull movement in vogue. A catastrophic political collapse would also ironically enough probably spur population growth as more unemployed women stayed home and had nothing to do other than rear families.

Some will(by that I mean some millions), but since it's further away, I'm not sure they will be pressured too much and even could help relieve them of part of the problems caused by their massive ageing population, by working in the very low but necessary jobs. Europe, MENA and the richer countries of Africa like SA and Botswana will not be that lucky.

Shouldn't it curb itself if we stop letting them in and giving them food? Famine or war should correct the growth.

Well start a war.

What's over? With whites being even rarer, it means more fine black pussy for us.

if your country fertility rate is below 3.0, it's literally over for you

>Strongly suspect they'll be all over China.
China would probably nuke Africa before they come there