
razer is based edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


simple as pie

incel OP edish

had mongseason on the ropes in the discord earlier

What happens if I put my thumb over your bumhole and you tried to fart.
Could I stop it?

There is no, nor should there be, irreconcilable contrast between the individual and the collective, between the interests of the individual person and the interests of the collective. There should be no such contrast, because collectivism, socialism, does not deny, but combines individual interests with the interests of the collective. Socialism cannot abstract itself from individual interests. Socialist society alone can most fully satisfy these personal interests. More than that; socialist society alone can firmly safeguard the interests of the individual. In this sense there is no irreconcilable contrast between "individualism" and socialism. But can we deny the contrast between classes, between the propertied class, the capitalist class, and the toiling class, the proletarian class?

Not the foggiest what any of this crap means.


You guys make fun of us for losing the Iraq war but I'm pretty sure you guys joined us on that one, along with Australia and Poland for some reason.

just had some roasted chicken fridge raider nuggets and......

Raaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh faaaaaaaaaaammmm.........




The People's Republic of Great Britain and Ireland

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Think I'm spending too much time on the chon lads.

I've got this really painful muscle spasm in my pelvis and have a doctor's appointment for it soon.

What do I need to say to him in order to get some good drugs? Hoping to at least get valium or an opiate or something.

Thinking about playing up how I can't sleep cos it and how much it affects me (which is true, but just going to act like a bitch about it)

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We make fun of you for still being in Iraq.

business idea: capitalism but without the elites

imagine having strong political opinions
what a grim little gremlin you must be

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longseason's in a headlock and i'm giving his taut ballsack a drubbing with a ruler

45mins till I leave for toil
suppose I better prepare my lunch and get dressed

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Fucking love turning off the work laptop and opening up the home laptop.

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>there are discord freaks in this thread right now

wish they'd keep it to reddit or twitter
faggots the lot of them

>peaceful, tiny Asian socialist country
Why are they like this?

Amazing how much the nazi term "Weimar Republic" has become ingrained in discourse.
Should really be called the German Republic.


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I too watch the lolcow known as Jason Unruhe.

When you say you're afraid of communism all you're saying is you're afraid of yourself and prefer a society where the rich own you.

Unfortunately it's a natural order of things. The only solution is state capitalism that creates artificial competition for big companies but I doubt it's very sustainable

we didnt lose the Iraq War, now the vietnam one, thats a funny one

mf UP diaw for time being


yeah much better to be owned by a bunch of party officials

I work in a factory and I am a communist already.

Technically, the Weimar Republic's actual name was still the Deutsches Reich. So we should be calling it the German Realm if anything.

You pain ass utterly

I would like to suck Russian lad's knob.

cant believe how many brainlets in brit fall for culture war bollocks hook line and sinker

Dont do drugs.

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don't know how communists do it
how do they look at the average communist and think the ideology has any path
only ideology where people actually enjoy being as weak and fucked up as possible

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leftypol discord raid

can see why it might be important for germans to imply disconinuity init

the issue with communism is that they believe the working class deserve more than they already have. Which they do not.

doing drugs to own rorke

got mongseason living in the garden shed

he tends to my garden, got a shock-collar that stops him from escaping

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this is what longseason looks like

business idea:
>CapCom (Capitalist Communism)
Tax the wealthiest and any inheritance to create a UBI which the public can do with as they wish. Abolish the Proletariat instead of the bourgeoisie and make everyone an investor.

Do you call people names like this away from the internet, Irishman?

>The first is an attempt by Gavin Williamson, the education secretary, to protect guest speakers at universities whose views cause offence...
>a study at King’s College London found freedom of expression had been infringed at only six of about 15,000 events over five years—but attract considerable publicity.

ahhh yes free speeches on campuses is under threat.

Bailey jay is fat as fuck now.

>doing drugs to own rorke
what drugs lad

economic revolution is stymied by lack of cultural unity; even after memeshit like muh faggotry is ignored, the ethnic problems "diversity" has introduced will work wonders in preventing radical economic reforms in the future

who the fuck let selby in north yorkshire anyway?

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It’s not really bollocks though, is it? It has real world effects. The media and education are far more progressive in outlook than they were 20 years ago. Our culture has shifted. All sorts of wronguns and freakish behaviour is tolerated now.

Why yes, I do consider myself a class traitor and would happily help to oppress the proletariat.

leftypol taking a double dose of paracetamol to 'own' me

im not really i justy thought it would be a funny thing to write

kek this is me

it's overreaction to an overreaction.
that's how politics works nowerdays just nonsense grandstandings.

Boy lookin schematical... [spoiler]I like that[/spoiler] my my my

Don't want to abolish capitalism because I deserve to be a billionaire.

>49% of students said they had views they felt they couldn't express because of fears of backlash on campus.

Liberals may enjoy wallowing in pity, communists do not. Communists hold that the workers must organise themselves into a party and army.

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have conditioned mongseason in to thinking about tranny porn and chastity belts every time he closes his eyes

Sure, why not?

On whether Keir Starmer does or does not look like a Prime Minister in waiting...

Does: 28% (-5)
Does not: 48% (+7)

Via @YouGov - Feb 15
Changes w Jan 18

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seems like a slight simplification to me


6 is too many

you lost rorke

It's a desperate attempt to unite northerners with telegraph reading southerners

especially since northerners are about to face the brunt of austerity again.

what i don't understand is that a lot of these people who claim to espouse progressive social issues don't even believe in objective morality/ethics so where do they get the their telos from lol

Not a fan of the way autistic freaks are trying to make "neurotypical" a commonly accepted word

Most people are attracted to easy to understand, emotional discourse. If it's a simple black and white issue that takes maybe 30 seconds to understand then you can guarantee it will dominate discussion. Everyone has an opinion on say - abortion, or gays because they're fairly easy to understand, positive or negative and people can get really fired up about it. Very few people have opinions on say - LIBOR rates or housing policy, and even if they do they're not as emotional.

my iq has taken a nosedive

Thank you for appreciating the meme I posted.

porky little piggy cheeks

Communist literature is massive and there’s many different branches and many different types of communists. Some are about economics, some are about history, some about culture, some about society, etc. There’s not really an average communist.

Stop being a degenerate nonce freak and maybe people would actually agree with your economic agenda, dumb leftoid.

just-world bias

>he doesn't know Dr Oetker is going to knock his door down any second now.

the lads

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Because it is

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I shit on Hambleton.

Yes but the term has never been used in English that way. We call the 1871-1918 country the German Empire. So yeah you could call the 1918-1933 country the German Empire as well but it sounds daft.

>61% of stats posted in brit are fabricated and can't be found by googling

I support capitalism because I want to be middle class. If capitalism is abolished, that won't happen.

desu there is an awkwardness about him that makes him unministerial in that sense but obviously johnson does not look anything like what you would imagine a leading stateman to look like (while starmer looks more like one) but he isn't awkward at least i guess
iamgine it
government rekts us with lockdown
government rekts us with austerity again
i psychologically cant handle it if it comes to this.

you all excited for diablo 2 remaster

Because someone might get very upset and feel bad about themselves.


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I refer to the modern German state as BRD GmbH.

smear shit on the wall

Women would openly rather be a guy's side girl rather than date an incel, polygamy is making a resurgence in the west but this time under the guise of feminism.

Clown world.

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ah yes all those men dead so some Georgian bank robber can live in a dacha. do one runtoid

Communism is just Fascism for people who would be considered subhuman under Fascism. Same type of person. Just weaker.

been looking to buy some coathangers from lidl or whatever but they didn't have any so i've had to cave and buy them from amazon
another penny in bezos' pocket

your god has rules about when you can eat pancakes mate
jog on you utter joke

*hits back at trolls*


that's why they're trying to distract the north with national heritage removing statues or elgar's music being played on tv.

would settle for Nazbol at this point

thoroughly bizarre post

You blind, lad?

i never ordered pizza

just ate a banana ama

North Yorkshire, not North Riding of Yorkshire. Please look at the map and the legend.

Good im lonely

The Tories should just cut spending in Labour seats rather than Tory seats desu. Who gives a shit about places like Hackney anyway?

>daily express

what next UFOs foun in devonshire?
get fucked

favourite colour?

Millions of workers gave their lives willingly for the finest cause in the world, and Stalin lived a pretty austere life.
Nothing wrong with robbing banks to fund a revolution either.

uuuh lads??

Natcent is based

communism and fascism have long been described as two sides of the same coin - see for instance vassily grossman's writings on experience under both
problem is labour supports hal of it as well.
there is no opposition
we have no opposition
in fact the only dissent is from a few backbench conseravatives. we need conservatives to save us from the conserveatives.

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Starting to feel like converting to Islam and getting a brown gf is the only way forward lads. Our women are RUINED.

yes, but who the fuck let selby in?
bears no resemblance to north yorkshire

yes lad

>The express reporting on a poll means the poll doesn't exist.


Dr Oetker comes whether you've ordered pizza or not.

What did it taste like?

Brings a tear to my eye.

ah yes the austerity

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>fruit of the loom


Just wait for the Hong Kong gfs to arrive. Boris will deliver.

I'd fuck her boi bussy

Quite enjoying this gimmick

T- 1 week til payday de ladsssss

absolutely delusional

equating morality with god necessitates all the rules being the definition of morality, not just the ones you happen to agree with
but he doesn't exist anyway so it's not really worth worrying about

Just clapped back at an internet troll in the most epic way possible.

Every once in a while I get a real craving for fried chicken but then after I've eaten some I always feel really sickly and disgusting.

watching a youtube video

bit confused by this pic lads

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The Soviet system's not ideal either since it's another type of centralized, private ownership, putting the entire economy into a small number of hands who behave autocratically. Russia was far better off under the Soviet Union than it is today (since at least Russians were running it and had concern about the lives of citizens), but it wasn't good for the satellite states (where people were treated as disposable). The Soviet Union always ideologically saw itself as a "holding action," we'll set up a tough state system and keep the dream alive until actual communism takes off in the more developed world.

Ultimately any system where employees are not owning and running their places of employment democratically, and social and economic policy isn't carried out democratically with concern for the interests of all citizens is intolerable.

I don't know why conservatives here talk so much about the USSR, all of them would've been Politburo hardliners had they been born there and trying to crush anti-Soviet dissent. The US also treated its sphere of influence far worse than the Soviets did theirs. The third world is largely a wreck because of the past 200 years of western influence and intervention.

me in the 67%

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Communists defeated fascism, they are nothing alike.

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>a poll commissioned by a meme political party asking if people are 'afraid' to say things

I wish people like you would at least read the first few paragraphs of an article, just so you don't embarrass yourself posting shit like this.

deanoism to mention/care about payday

is this cunt joking or what

dark hands

4:45 am
1x large woolies custard tart
c. 375ml iced coffee
down the gullet
government's silence is deafening

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keep making references to conversations i've had with longseason's mum to make him paranoid that i'm shagging her

It's a female penis, it doesn't count.

don't women already get enough free shit, then complain about it being pink or something

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ok tarquin

>Ireland to extend full lockdowns until May.
this better not happen to us lads, on the edge

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>major survey of 2,000 people has underlined growing concerns about the Left’s attempts to “cancel” individuals, “no platform” them or even have them arrested.

sounds like its riddled with leading questions.

I'm actually at the point in my life were I don't need to check my bank account because I know there is enough money to pay for things in there regardless.

Stupid cunt

Spanish civil war?

put the queen in a council house then we'll talk

ah that's not even bad mate don't worry about it

True, York and Selby just don't have that North Yorkshire feel to them, and driving to them from Leeds you pass through all the areas of East Leeds. As a West Yorkshireman I am all for annexing them.

what on earth are you talking about mate where in the bible is the rule on pancakes
christianity is much looser and less codified than the other abrhamic religions. in fact you could argue there are only two moral rules:
love god as revealed through jesus christ
and love your neighbour

My father in law gets prescribed tramadol for severe back pain but it depends on your doctor really. Some are more than happy to sort you out with stronger painkillers if you just tell them you tried co codamol and it did nothing

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Not an argument and you know I’m right lol.

Getting a big fat 3k

That was property of the Soviet government. Millions of working class families in the USSR also had access to dachas thanks to the socialist nationalisation of property.

need prince harry in a tragic airplane accident stat

What's it like living 11 hours in the future?

Can you let us know what tomorrow's footy results are, i fancy a flutter

Dunno why this is a polling issue because they already have these in schools.

mate you just sound like you're coping honestly, the average communist absolutely exists and he's a massive faggot

nary a pixel

men should get 500 calories of free food each day to make up for average higher need

How much broccoli has this lad got... every bloody day he's eating some.


Opened the Gin lads.

The Spanish Republic wasn't led by communists. Had it been, Morocco would've been granted independence immediately upon taking power, depriving Franco of his Moorish cannon fodder.

pay day or as i call it rentoid rape

men don't need more food

okay so the rest of morality's up for debate then?

Janny's gonna get you, janny's gonna get you!

Communism is a brainlet ideology. Only childless “academics” and literal faggots are drawn to it. Have no interest in talking with these people. They’re soulless.

any loose cannon man in

Turkey dinos, chicken tikka tendies, chippy wippies and beans for din dins.

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any virgin freak man in

saw your da in the paper

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I'm a proletarian, yeah, and I know my interests.

This is the official Norf border. Anything below it is Middul.

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That's why Prince Phillip's in hospital. Needs the peace and quiet to put together a plan.

Whilst i agree with you, /brit/ posters are largely soulless too

26 yo virgin reporting in.


For me its the 13%

As a guide, men need around 2,500kcal (10,500kJ) a day to maintain a healthy body weight, and women need around 2,000kcal a day (8,400kJ).
you've got so confused i'm not trying to present christian ethics as the way (although i have a lot of sympathy for it as you know)
what i'm questioning is how someone who believes morality is subjective which is a la mode for young lefties can present "progressivism" with a telos when by their own admission it is based on nothing more than their feelings. nothing to do with christianity or anything like that im talking about objective vs subjective ethics.

>Study comes up with a result I don't like
>Therefore it is biased

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peak district isn't north
simple as


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kek this line goes straight through my village

>After talks with the Japanese Emperor, Barker announces that Britain is to become part of the Japanese Empire, with himself as Governor General. In return, all repayments to Japan are suspended indefinitely. This agreement is sealed by the marriage of the Emperor's daughter Sayako to Edward, the Queen's youngest son.

we suvvners should build a fuck off big wall and firebomb the lot of ya

My city is in this picture. Based.

haven't had alcohol since dec 31st

>yer da

Any British person who says "boomer" instead of this gets the rope.

alright Kameron

Why is York so small when New York is so big?

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