What is the difference?
What is the difference?
Portugal is African
Spain is Nordic
Portuguese are autistic
The Portuguese are slightly more depressed
Left is cringe and autistic, right is based
One is called Spain the other is called Portugal, no need to thank me.
Soulless (Spain) vs soul (Portugal)
Left is arid.
Right is not.
One is your dad and other is creepy uncle
Portugal can have no soul at times too. It is not as bad as the hispano-mongolian steppes though, there soul are harversted to produce bromillas canallas de Jose mota xdd k gracioso es ese tio, y mira que se mete con todos eh? xddddd
One is moor the other is black.
Reminder that to Iberians, you're all inferiors to us. We tolerate you at best. Don't come to this peninsula.
Spain has paved roads Port doesn't
Spain has 5/10 looking women Port has 10/10s
no difference. Portubros are just galicians larping... but that will end soon. She will make HISPANIA one again!!
Portugal has a bigger cock lenght and girth on average by like 5cm each
>O português vai até seu chefe (português também): - Chefe, nossos arquivos estão abarrotados. Será que nós não poderíamos jogar fora as pastas e documentos com mais de vinte anos??? - ótima idéia! Mas antes tire uma copia de tudo.
>Vai até seu
>jogar fora
>nossos arquivos
spain is a soy country
portugal ...
Spain is brown
Portugal is black
Portugal is a Galician banana republic whose identity revolves around not being Spanish
We are ONE
Portugal is way better than Spain anyway
t. have been in both
>Portugal is the unucked part of Galicia
yeah, i'm thinking based.