How does one cope with going blind in your country?

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always look on the bright side of life

Are you blind?

He can't if he's blind you dingus

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I got told by my optician today that I have muscular degeneration in both eyes.
So I'm basically going blind.


Prepare your suicide while you have sight. It will be 20x harder once you are blind. As the rest of your life.

Dont lose hope on death

>Prepare your suicide while you have sight.
I'm 18 and too much of a pussy to do that

Sorry for your condition. Hope things get better. As always you learn to live with it.

I presume they get used to it, some better than others.

There must be some way of slowing it down

In the past: become a painter like Beethoven.
In the future: neuralink.

That fucking sucks, do you have an estimate of when you'll go completely blind? the only tip I can really give is to study brail so you have some way to pass the time, I'm really sorry this is happening to you and I hope you find some way to be happy despite it.

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Did you mean 'macular'?

You ask for movie in the public transport or in any public place


Its really hard to be blind in every country,to be honest if i ever get blind i would just commit suicide.

>estimate of when you'll go completely blind

What kind of benefits do blind people get in the UK? Is it enough to just stay at home and try running a home business?

Is it dry or wet?

I'm going to end up blind one day too. I can't really give you advice since I've nothing to live for anyways and I don't mind it as much due to the fact.