How do arabs feel about orientalism?

how do arabs feel about orientalism?
Do they consider it kino, or see it as a foreign fantasy?

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This is how we view it, theres lots of romanticism on our part as well
theme of the thread

those are jallaba thus nafris not arabs
i am subscribed to poorer arab arabs from ksa and their campings camel milking tea karak chai

no offense but its bad
Heres some

sand people, thus identic to the non-muslim

i really like this ksa trucker unlike other browns with tacky gypsy taste he has good sense of style

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why you interested?
are you planning to be baybars v2?

Theres a shit ton of these trucks here btw they are considered to be the style now along with other big cars that are good for going in the desert or drifting

I don't mind
It is somewhat fantastic but represents the core ideas of the good old days well

Arabs don't care about anything, they just want 3 things:

Sex sex sex with white women

They don't know about culture

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only outside of civilisation and outside of urban areas you can fell real freedom both physical and mental, small whimp looking comanches without any modern weapon were real dangerous to both mejicans and whiteoids in real fight they couldnt defeat them so killed all the buffallos

based, fucking whities is our culture and one we try our hardest to preserve


Opinion on Disney's Aladdin

meh, i get why they chose an india-like vibe (more colorful) and an indian actress (not many arab ones) but wouldve been nice if they did their homework and tried to make it more arab/mena-centric

You start to know about arabs when you live in an arab country like France

my father is doing this right now
he's retired and spends most of his time with his camels in the desert
pretty based and comfy hobby

we almost have same arab population as france after syrian war.

only thing i can say is i know that feel bro.

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If only all arabs would fuck off in the desert with their camels. Earth would be a paradise

They never gonna leave, aren't they?

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bahahahaha inshallah you get in the arab league habibi

You will never be european

do you like shilat music?

Most orientalists can't even tell the difference between Indians and arabs so most Orientalist works are offensive abominations for both cultures
Example : Aladdin

Dont worry my fellow french frend, we will treat them as they deserve.

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nope this type of music is pretty new and i never really liked it
i dont get why its so popular now


That's depressing. If you married her you ought to provide for her at the very least

What the fuck, teach me Turkbro

Thought saudi chads hated music

The anti-thesis of Orientalism is Macaulayism which is more harmful. Until the 1820s, the British in India were Orientalist in their outlook, but Macaulay then introduced a very strong set of reforms that was an attempt to Anglicize India completely. In his words,
>"We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect. To that class we may leave it to refine the vernacular dialects of the country, to enrich those dialects with terms of science borrowed from the Western nomenclature, and to render them by degrees fit vehicles for conveying knowledge to the great mass of the population."
The result of Macaulayism was a class-struggle that exists to this day, the lower class of this country are in a cultural conflict with the culturally Anglicized upper class.

we also have saluki like dog breed, they are not as fast as ksa ones but were very highly valued back in the times, when hunting was mounted on horse

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And to make matters worse they think "Arabs" and "Indians" are single race with a single Identify
they don't understand how different "Arabs" themselves are and they have no idea how many different ethincites and people groups with different languages and customs call themselves "Arab" or "indian"