They're perfect for each other bros.
They're perfect for each other bros
Gamer Girl and Sad Boy.
imagine them stealing chips in their local bodega
Women have no imagination
They can only do a shallow soulless copy
And that copy will have a massage of something like
>waaah men bad so now I'm justified in literally skinning puppies
they look like they're from an anime opening
>implying joker is not a copy
joker copied taxi driver
is she running with a toast in her mouth? KAWAII!
It's a pop tart
so, a sugary toast?
actually more so king of comedy, but its all wopshit
he was a gamer boy
she said "se you later, boy"
this is the worst shart ever
Did the make her do that stupid anime bread in the mouth run thing?
made for each other
kek someone made this
where is tv?
That would actually be hilarious
too far to the left to register.
Joker's first appearance was in 1940, so actually Scorsese copied from that, just like he copied the bible for The Last Temptation of Christ. Does this guy have any original ideas?
jus like muh anime
Yes I did. I was the one that also made this
and no I still haven't watched Joker and never will. Just like the OP movie
too far to the right to register.
He was Indian village boy
Why is /lit/ so smug?
Off the chart to the far still left
Not fair because the average Dab Forums iq is lowered due to shills and redditfugees
>/g/ that is equal parts Dab Forums Dab Forums and Dab Forums
>on the right side
lol /g/
Emma Stone is so fucking hot
she is perfect for this
I need some recs about Femcel kino, feminist shit or movies where they killed dogs
damn, feels good to be on top of the bellcurve
Didn't someone survey the boards with iq tests and then ranked them? I remember seeing it. /lit/ had the highest average iq followed by /sci/
I'm far right
>basic shot-reverse shot makes it a deliberate copy
That aside, it's hilarious that you only need to see the trailers to pick up on this
Ironically that puts you on the far left of the chart.
Because they can write more than one sentence replies.
those numbers are made up retard
fucking kek
lol x
No it doesn't
de niro and foster mog them hard
>thinking Dab Forums is the smartest board
trust the plan user
did you Photoshop his legs on her
Dab Forums has no iq required
You're like crowbcat but for movies
hope that was a compliment
*who let the dogs out start playing*
Jewish men and jewish women are a match made in heaven.
Or whatever the jewish version of heaven is.
Abraham's bosom its like elysian fields
>users identified by the board they visit the "most"
>multiple boards don't count
This completely kills the descriptive value of the averages how fucking dumb is the person who made this
wow its like poetry
imagine their chosen children
Can't believe you've fallen for this movie. Idiot. And don't call us "bros".
Further to the right: /mlp/
This will probably be the best female lead movie of all time, Based Emma, Best Emma.
>fit that high
>adv that high
yeah this is made up
surprisingly accurate and non-biased
She was fearless and crazier than him. She was his queen, and God help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen.
>can't read a simple chart
do americans really
user, I...
That's Cybill Shepherd, not Jodie Foster. Why would Jodie Foster look like a haggish old crone at only 13?
Gamer and a Twitch thot.
She almost looks good with the makeup covering her disgusting frog traits
Didn't Netlix make their poster of Taxi Driver just an image of her leaning against a wall in short shorts? What did they mean by that?
Dab Forums is definably below Dab Forums, as be is just choas with no intent, while Dab Forums just humors their ignorance like its a virtue. /lit/ /g/ and /sci/ I agree are the "smartest' groups here, Dab Forums should be somewhere in the left upper half, definitely after Dab Forums . We stick to topics but we are still plagued by Dab Forums bullshit.
more like twitch streamer and her mod
right upper half. ****
Off the scale.
Yeah Dab Forums is the most 'normie' of the boards funnily enough, I'd say it averages out to be around the middle
Palantine "We are the people".
Forshadowing Star Wars prequels?
Its all they have going for them.
Based. Director’s CV glows harder than the agitprop incitement around the promotion for it
Go to /r/ and request Chinese kills animal. Apply restriction female chimrse, domestic animal, dog.
Then download three terrabytes of throat cutting, blow torching, stomping, boiling & dragging behind a car.
user, have you ever considered that people might tell lies on the internet? Shocking, I know.
is shovel dog in this?
According to this Dab Forums would be high IQ niggers.
There may be some truth to this.
Dab Forums are the retards posting Goku making a spirit bombs to win elections instead of going out to vote
there's no reference on this chart. Whoever made it is a complete retard.
Dangerously Based.
Do it
>implying voting does anything outside of local elections
Chikoku chikoku!
Depends on the state (which is fucked up in and of itself). Regardless, spirit bombing is nigger-tier retardation
The OG Joker and Harley
When will we finally get rid of them once and for all?
If that's all it takes then I might be one of the chosen people. Might still have a chance at those khazar milkers bros
>/lit/ that high
Holy shit they’re all psueds. /lit/ is the Mecca of midwits
wtf i love jews now???
It was fun in 2016. But then again, I'm a pathetic newfag and don't know shit.
There was a ridiculous thread today where they failed to solve an 8th grade math problem. It was worse than Dab Forums. To be fair though it's not like the competition is exactly stiff
I went there to outsmart them and it was easy.
Ic is full of literal retards
return to tradition user
only a burger could think this is how charts work
>literally make Joker but with a woman
>if you don't like it but liked Joker, you are a misogynist
What does the horizontal axis indicate? Terrible chart
its true, this movie looks great
Inbetween Dab Forums and Dab Forums, look again.
Remember the golden lion disneycucks
She come India? She mobile number? I learn joke for she
emma stone isnt jewish retard
Dab Forums's that low because of all the non-whites, especially the Americans and Canadians.
is she gonna say the thing?
>audio not allowed
whats the point of this board
remember taxi driver
Here's your Cruella, bro
Int is that high? Sure...
She's gonna say the D word
Kill yourself faggot
i will now buy your movie
how the fuck is Dab Forums so fucking high?
I do that's how I know joker it's not a rip off, watch more movies marvelcuck
>mfw my home boards are /vg/ /k/ /o/ and /out/
0.999...=1 is not a 8th grade math problem, if you are referring to that
I'm shocked Dab Forums is so high.
i hope margot robbie kills herself
There are a gazillion vampire movies you know
>a place where people talk about what electronics should they buy, noone can program, people shit on apple and circlejerk with the same shit threads
>high iq
>>waaah men bad so now I'm justified in literally skinning puppies
you're imagining things to get butthurted about. That is a clear sign of mental illness.
Dab Forums has both some of the smartest and some of the dumbest people here
>i hope margot robbie kills herself
left: boomer shit
right: oscar winning kinó
she is so fucking ugly jesus
They believe in sort of a hell where you feel the absence of God until the real Messia(TM) (NOT Jesus) comes.
No wonder so many of them become atheists lol.
is this what was meant by gamers rise up?
Dab Forums should be behind Dab Forums, it's just porn at this point.
Dab Forums should be above /sci/ except when topics like Jews come up in which case Dab Forums is Dab Forums-tier.
The most intelligent board I've been to might be /k/, at least they seem to know what they're talking about and aren't underaged faggots.
True arrangement:
>70 IQ
>85 IQ
Dab Forums, Dab Forums
>100 IQ
Dab Forums
>115 IQ
/lit/, /sci/, /g/
>130 IQ
Dab Forums sans sneed
>200 IQ
Dab Forums sneedposters
why did you circle outside that guy's ankles?
That's literally the exact opposite of /sci
oh wow! both of them are ugly without make up
We get it hollywood is full of jews. you can stop making thees mindblowing revelations now
>sans sneed
When are we gonna purge them
>Both have main characters that sat down and wrote stuff at a desk
>Both of them walked on the street
>Both had a notebook
>Both had a gun
>Both sat down to watch a form of entertainment
>Both went to a cafe
>Both had a conversation with a female
>Both looked in the mirror
Shit guys, I've done all of these things, does that mean my life is a copy of Taxi Driver?
turn around and take your surrounding in
Harley got cucked
does she live in a society though?
Yet /lit/ still can't comprehend Hegel
her fingers are so long and manly
Do incels really think Joker was the first movie ever to feature a villain/morally questionable protagonist
Next time make threesome
is that a candy necklace?
>hot cruella
it's pretty obvious this movie/trailer was disneys reponse to joker making billions of dollars
Have u ever been to /lit/? They are some of the uppity, pretentious faggots that think they're above everyone else because they read books (woah!)
Larg butt :)
i’m surprised they didn’t take the film off because it’s too good
It's not the first time Todd Phillips does this shit. War Dogs was a carbon copy of Lord of War.
she kinda looks like that lesbo twin from skins
>tfw /lit/
/g/ is definitely dumber though
never thought super quirky society commentator would be the next hollywood meta.
>implying /sp/ isn’t the most intellectual board
Jewish males are behind the movie
please give single proof of this
wow you are vary vary taxi lady please come mumbai I make big loving to you
>single digit IQ
all boards except Dab Forums and /lit/
>Einstein level
/lit/ and Dab Forums
>/sci/ and Dab Forums are the based boards
>everywhere else is normalfag scum
Makes sense
>Do incels really think
No, incels don't think
You could say they are a Cruel Joke.
look closer
Are you attempting to pretend that Joker is an original movie or that Cruella wasn't written and filmed before it came out?
Uhh bravo you discovered Harley Quinn
>sci at the top
>every other thread is climate change denial, 1+1=3, medfag general where /fit/ comes to ask what their herpes is from
this entire website is sub 95 iq with some rare 115s pulling up the average.