ITT ultimate pleb filters
ITT ultimate pleb filters
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Just fucking apologize
The Last Jedi really is the ultimate pleb filter.
J.J Abrams is a massive cuck who only makes crowd pleasing generic as fuck movies that never have a drip of original content. His main strategy of getting people engaged is creating "mysteries" that he hasn't figured out the answer to yet, so the rabid fans will cream themselves and create constant hype for the movie.
>"Maybe" Rey is lukes daughter omg!!'
>what if snoke is palpatines old master!!!"
Rian Johnson, The only Star Wars director nearly as based as George Lucas, said fuck all that. I'm not gonna pander to these onions boy diaper shitting consoomers by making another basic crowd pleasing mediocre ass movie to add to disneys line up crowd pleasing mediocre movies, I'm gonna use the creative freedom they've given me to make a some fucking kino.
nah it's just straight garbage.
Pic related is a true pleb filter
All three sequel movies really weren't that bad. Rise of Skywalker being particularly kino.
Plebs haven't even seen Silence to be filtered in the first place
I see OP's been filtered by Last Jedi
It's shit but it's also by far the best of the secuels.
Don't need to. Knew the movie was kino ever since i saw it opening night tripping balls on acid.
Rian understands the true heart of star wars, not the cereal box version wikifags and lore autists are addicted to
contrarian threads are always cute
If you like that one, you are certainly a fucking pleb.
The fact that Jar Jar Abrams Treks and Wars are trash doesn't change the fact that TLJ is also trash.
>J.J Abrams is a massive cuck
in order for a jew to be a cuck he has to be based
JJ is just normal
I got this and the Pilgrimage confused and watched it instead. I was very confused.
This. TLJ was shit but at least Johnson was trying to make something that wasn't just a series of flashing lights and all your favourite characters back to back.
I unironically think the last Jedi should have stopped at 2/3rds after Rey and Kylo make up.
Literally how? The movie is what it says in the tin. No pleb will go see a 2.5 hours long movie about missionary work in Japan in 1600s and then be filtered when the movie is exactly that.
Never seen a more based reply in my life
See, with age I've grown to appreciate the prequels on a thematic level - George basically understood exactly what kind of neoliberal hellhole the United States was turning into and he basically predicted the Iraq War (and Revenge of the Sith shows the consequences of it) but the prequels are still dramatically inert, boring pieces of cinema that rely way too much on technology that wasn't there, yet. George is a bored and disinterested director who doesn't actually enjoy making films and would rather just let the computer make the movie in post for him.
And he completely failed, because he is millenial bobblehead who think his ideas are better than hundreds of years of storytelling before him.
He is basically the same cocksucker like Kurzman, or Druckman - talentless uberironic dipshit who wants to subverse stuff without having basic understanding of the material.
Trump lost and you will NEVER have sex
Agreed - if you like it, you have brain damage
True, only a pleb would make it all the way to the end.
I had sex unlike Rian who just gets fucked in the ass by execs and takes out his frustration on things made by his betters.
>Trump lost and you will NEVER have sex
You mean everyone who pretends to like it is a compensating pleb? Yes, it does make those people obvious
oh hey i recognize this move, arya used it to kill the ultimate big bad who'd been hyped up for like ten years in a single attack.
Nigger what? TLJ was pathetic, pandering garbage.
The fact it pandered to different people than JJ’s abortions doesn’t make it any less sycophantic
>I'm not gonna pander to these onions boy
Have you watched a single one of his movies? It's the epitome of soi pandering. That's a big reason why people didn't like tlj.
Then why do so called "true fans" hate it so much? OH wait it had a nigger and a purple haired lady in it so it's "pandering"
told ya. This board will start liking Sherlock again in the next two years.
I love how people pretend TLJ wasn't an almost unanimously praised film and that the "backlash" wasn't almost entirely incel fanboys on the internet
Based illiterate
Please make Frens, fren
The editing is tragic when you compare it to ANH or Empire. The clunky script structure didn't help but the knockoff Nolan crosscutting literally sabotaged every highlight
>I love how people pretend TLJ wasn't an almost unanimously praised film
TLJ: 98% Rotten Tomatoes
>RT is made by DA JOOOZ!!!
Rise of Skywalker: 51% Rotten Tomatoes
>Disney pays off critics! Except for all those Disney movies that critics hated, they LET those fail so no one discovers the ruse!
I always love how you fags have to pit the movies against each other. They all fucking sucked and you're a fag for trying to deflect criticisms like that.
meme all you want TLJ is terrible
Not the point, retard. Did Disney just forget to pay off their critics for episode IX or what?
yeah, let's forget the audience percentage and let's forget it almost tanked untankable franchise
No one cared about RoS
Not Disney, not JJ or the actors everyone knew it was shit
>Did Disney just forget to pay off their critics for episode IX or what?
the ending was leaked months before and they already knew people hated it so why bother wasting money on marketing or more reshoots
the sequels were already unsalvagable after TLJ
never change Dab Forums
always the ultimate contrarians
J-j-j-johnson-sama... I apologize for everything I said about you, and I KNEEL.
>unanimously praised film
It has a 40% audience score, everybody hated this piece of shit
>i have never heard of review bombing
I never saw it but Captain Marvel must have been the worst movie ever too
>luke is a murderous psycho now
Remember when people compared star wars with lord of the rings? How do you like them apples now star cucks lmfaooooooooooooo
Weird how these evil incel russian bots known as 4channel only target objectively awful movies like the last jedi or captain marvel, while letting the competently made ones like wonder woman and black panther alone despite being even more SJW, funny coincidence innit?
I'll happily be a pleb if it means I don't have to sit through the Amazing Adventures of Finn and Rose.
there is no indication of it and review bombs are always obvious, like last of us 2, for example
Meds. Now.
>review bombing
It has a ton of issues, but I still think it's way better than TFA and TROS after rewatching the whole film franchise.
My opinion of TFA significantly lowered on the rewatch. There's some good aspects (the effects are nice) but the story and characterization are a complete mess and it doesn't "feel" like a Star Wars movie in terms of direction/cinematography. It feels like JJ Abrams. TROS is just a disaster. TLJ wins out just by being the most interesting, having competent camerawork, and having the highest number of good scenes. I would change a thousand things about it but it's a movie that can be fixed, TFA/TROS cannot be fixed.
It looked cool sometimes at least...
bad thread
worse movie
If you actually think Black Panther is a more competently made film than The Last Jedi then you've completely gone off the fucking deep end and your brain rot is irreversible
Even if you're a full time unpaid diaper shitting soi wars fanboy who hates the movies story, saying Rian Johnson (Director of Breaking Bads Ozymandius and Knives Out) is an incompetent director demonstrates a complete lack of any film making knowledge and you should probably stop sharing your opinions about it immediateley before you further embarrass yourself
And Rise of Skywalker has 80% audience score despite being worse on basically every possible metric
Just admit you got filtered AND LYNCHED.
Picture failed.
ros and tfa having good audience scores is a proof TLJ wasn't bombed, mate
if you're resorting to other movies and shows to proove that last jedi is good and competent, then it's truly shit
He didn't write Ozymandias, for starters. And Knives Out was basically TLJ but wasn't in an established franchise.
Why the fuck are you posting your shitty movie here Rian? You are a failure and your movie sucked plain and simple. Now GTFO of here you cunt.
>And he completely failed
Whatever you think about how the story turned out, He did something original and new, and did a great fucking job directing it, and brought out what was easily the best performances from the trilogies actors.
>Instead of being a an unrealistic christ figure who always did the right thing until he died, Luke is a traumatized human being who has isolated himself to cope with his guilt, making the character a relatable 3 dimensional human instead of an action hero made to sell toys to soi wars diaper shitters
>Instead of being the next generation of a magical jewish bloodline fulfilling her destiny, Rey is a nobody who answered her call to adventure and proved herself through her own merits (still a pretty shit character, but she was hard to salvage after what a bad job JJ did)
>Instead of being the next darth vader who was a good kid who had turned bad for no good reason other than "da dark side" Kylo Ren is a kid who's own uncle tried to kill him, making him go down a dark path he can't turn back from because his only other option is to return to the family who betrayed him. Kylo is the best thing Rian Johnson did
This all culminates in Kylo finally finding a viable way back to the light: Rey. Someone who is willing to accept everything he's done, someone who's done him no wrong, and someone he can actually see giving some other purpose in his life, and right when he finally has a perfect chance to redeem himself, he is still consumed by his old ways to take it (A crucial point in any good 3 structure redemption arc, see zuko from avatar)
Kylo goes further off the deep end and becomes consumed by his emotions, letting it all out in an unhinged rage against the rebels. When it looks like all hope is lost, Luke comes out of hiding and finally confronts the villain he created, giving the rebels one final chance to flee and rebuild, knowing that they will survive because he is no longer the last jedi.
pure fucking kino
>Clearly state that I'm talking specifically about directing
>"but he didnt write it!!!"
Keeping coping soi wars diaper shitter
Nobody said the directing was bad though. If that's all you want to say, sure the directing was fine. Let's talk about the script now.
It was in response to him saying that it wasn't "competently made" you room temperature IQ, funko pop collecting, toy lightsaber dueling, force believing, paint eating retard. Read the the context of the posts you respond to
I talked about the script here: and here: Challenge: Make a response that doesn't reflect your fanboyism or views on social issues
>funko pop collecting, toy lightsaber dueling, force believing, paint eating retard
Not him but who do you think are the ones sucking rian's cock and defending tlj? Do you think they are gigachads?
As in anyone who unironically liked it is a massive plebeian?
God damn, Star Wars fucking sucks. Don't you virgin manchildren have anything better to argue about? This entire thread is underage b&.
Stfu incel chud go back to Dab Forums
Say that too my face motherfucker, you wouldn't dare.
cute siblings
> #
>It was in response to him saying that it wasn't "competently made" you room temperature IQ, funko pop collecting, toy lightsaber dueling, force believing, paint eating retard. Read the the context of the posts you respond to
>I talked about the script here: #
>and here: #
>Challenge: Make a response that doesn't reflect your fanboyism or views on social issues
>competently made ones like wonder woman and black panther
ok you are a fucking retard, if you honestly think niggercat: return og kanngz is anything but most overpraised shit in film history, you are reddit tier retard
I can't be filtered if I never watch it.
Checkmate, faggot.
What a worthless thread.
Has anyone tried this shit?
>soi wars fanboy
>has soijaks saved
soi boi detected
Why the fuck would I when Chickfila exists?
As a curiosity. I'm sure it tastes nothing like chicken. I can't imagine the texture would be very pleasant either.
>eating real chicken in 2021
Yikes! That's not a good look sweetie!
Do you want to unpack this?
yeah but he failed
no prizes for second place bitch
TLJ was the worst movie ever made
>I'm gonna use the creative freedom they've given me to make a some fucking kino.
He may have said that...but why didn't he actually do it?
What about this?
I agree - if you like this movie, you're a pleb (and probably semi-retarded too).
>take shit film that people hate
>say it's a plep filter
>some anons jump on the shitpost train
Works every time
nope. this is a midwit take.
>Sorry BUD, but this isn't your grandpa's Star Wars. All you stereotypical crowd pleaser moments, all your manbaby continuity, all your interesting plot threads and setups? I'm gonna get rid of all of it & replace it with literally nothing of substance
Original does not always mean good you retarded fucks. Disney has set the bar so low for you you're praising a steaming pile of horse shit solely because it's a unique looking piece of shit
You're a fucking idiot for saying that.
Greatest franchise killer of the century.
I think he's a vain moron that killed star wars by accident and not the genius troll some people present him to be.
k e y e d
Pleb, filtered.
this movie is such a strong filter that it filters plebs before they even watch it
Indeed. If you like it, your opinion is like black lives (it doesn't matter)
>the genius troll some people present him to be.
I can't believe people actually think that. While that would be based, there is a 0% chance he would intentionally tank star wars much less any other franchise.
lol this reading into the prequels is like that dude the other day who talked up thor ragnarok as this anti imperialism masterpiece
>be retarded
>make retarded claim
>get called out for being retarded
>lol filtered
I'm glad I'm not caught in your filter of shit taste. Go watch the prequels again zoomie
What was your favorite moment from the absolute kino that was TLJ? I mean there are just so many beautiful pieces of cinema in it
>the prank call
>the yo mama joke
>the giant fleet destroyer with all of 6 defensive turrets
>the paper-thin bombers
>"Le bombing run of D00M!"
>Luke angrily drinking milk
>Superman Leia
>Admiral Ackbar dying off screen
>the first thing soldiers do when they land on a new planet is lick the ground
>Rey becoming a Jedi master after 3 days of training
>"The force is more than just lifting rocks," followed by the thrilling climax of Rey becoming truly in tune with the force by lifting rocks
>Luke thinking himself to death
>the completely dropped plot string about how quickly Rey falls to the dark side
>the fact that TFA and TLJ combined take place over the course of MAYBE a week
Man there's so much more too. It's just so satisfying and well planned out.
They're both trash
>"B-But the script was bad!"
So was A New Hope. Didn't ruin the movie. Just like it doesn't ruin The Last Jedi.
What was the point of the codebreaker?
What was the point of Holdo hiding her plan?
What was the point of Rey even training if she was already perfect and BTFO Luke every step of the way?
What was the point of Snoke?
What was the point of the portal under the island?
What was the point of Hux being slapstick comedic relief?
How had NO ONE ever thought of a hyperspace ram before?
Why did Luke completely give up after being defeated ONCE?
What was the point of the little slave children and not freeing them?
What was the point of freeing the horses if they were just gonna be recaptured?
What was the point of the casino planet AT ALL???
Oof must suck not having sex huh incel?
>What was the point of the codebreaker?
>What was the point of Holdo hiding her plan?
It served the story thematically without making much sense for the actual plot.
>What was the point of Rey even training if she was already perfect and BTFO Luke every step of the way?
Rey was not already perfect. The only thing she really showed Luke is that she restored his faith in the Jedi. And, even then, it was ultimately Yoda who did that.
>What was the point of Snoke?
He was basically a shit version of Palpatine. Just a powerful dark side force user who tried to play Emperor and failed.
>What was the point of the portal under the island?
Outside of being a callback to the cave in Empire Strikes back. The Island was originally a Jedi temple meaning it was most likely some kind of force sensitive spot.
>What was the point of Hux being slapstick comedic relief?
>How had NO ONE ever thought of a hyperspace ram before?
That was just plain bad writing.
>Why did Luke completely give up after being defeated ONCE?
Because he made a terrible mistake that ended up undoing everything he had worked to build. Destroying his faith in both himself and the Jedi.
>What was the point of the little slave children and not freeing them?
They were essential to the thematic point of the movie. Which is that everybody can be a great Jedi, regardless of your background or parents.
>What was the point of the casino planet AT ALL???
It was supposed to be thematic by showing that the scope of the universes problems are a bit deeper than just "Empire/First Order bad".
>What was the point of freeing the horses if they were just gonna be recaptured?
Minor cool action scene.