The pandemic's end is in sight. Were you constructive with your time spent cooped up indoors...

The pandemic's end is in sight. Were you constructive with your time spent cooped up indoors? You DID finish your movie screenplay, right user?

Attached: good luck.jpg (535x768, 67.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That's a lazy boomer hack of an executive right there

Look at all the scripts of people not connected with the jews.
Meanwhile if you are part of the tribe your script is going to compete against 4 or 5 other ones tops.

Boomer executive throws out all the good scripts to make one more retarded scorcesse flick

If you unironically feel intimidated by this staged exaggeration you deserve to be a loser who will never make it in the showbiz.

What’s funny is there must be at least a handful of genuinely great scripts in there.

I wanted to write a book on international politics and write an albums worth of songs and I failed.

Attached: 69mal7zrojg61.jpg (750x1012, 95.53K)

And what the the last film or tv show that you made, user?

There's probably a bunch of kino in there which will inevitably get ruined by a shitty director.

>management office
Can someone explain whats happening a little more? Are they sending in their scripts to get representation as a writer? Like to get an agent type person to rep them?

>The pandemic's end is in sight.
What ever gave you that idea

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good scripts don't make good movies, good directors do

I tried to start working out but I gave up after a week since i looked exactly the same and it's too exhausting.
I tried to start reading books but I can't focus anymore and I gave up after chapter 3.
I signed up for college but cancelled because it's a waste of time since I will never become anything with my life.
I now sleep for 12 hours a day since it's the easiest thing to do to make the time go by.

>t. American
lol you’re going to suffer forever.

>gave up after a week since i looked exactly the same

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This. Look at the script of Sicario. It's hot trash. And yet at the same time it's an incredible movie.

This, but inironically

We're going to get all vaccinated in Europe by the end of this year. Most of us will probably get it before the end of the summer.

>The pandemic's end is in sight

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Imagine if they actually read these scripts and made movies out of the good ones instead of just financing their nephew's film?

This is ngmi levels I usually only associate with Dab Forums my guy. Consider picking up meth or something, it'll be a positive change at this point

>I tried to start working out but I gave up after a week since i looked exactly the same

Attached: 1613576226126.png (613x681, 530.96K)

>he thinks the vaccine is going to change anything

It's only 95% effective, countries are still gonna use that as an excuse to close their borders and have mandatory quarantines.

I still do have not met or know anyone mutually who has actually had the "COVID" virus. Wake the actual fuck up.

Those goddamn boomers missing out on your autistic anime fanfic tier creativity. You fucking embarrassing autists...

I thought scripts only got written for movies after the production company buys the rights to some half forgotten franchise from the 80s that has name brand recognition enough to draw plebs to theatres, not before.

Why are you being purposely retarded? It's already getting hard for governments to keep the restrictions and even if there was no vaccine they would have to relax those in a month or two tops. Nobody is going to care about covid here come summer.

>I tried to start working out but I gave up after a week since i looked exactly the same and it's too exhausting.
You generally need about 6 months to notice significant change to your body. Others will see it quicker but they're not as familiar with your body as you are. It sure as shit doesn't happen in a week and you were probably only doing 3 sets of curls or something equally pointless.
>I tried to start reading books but I can't focus anymore and I gave up after chapter 3.
Restrict yourself from Internet time and read thing in which you are interested, not just something you've heard is good.
>I signed up for college but cancelled because it's a waste of time since I will never become anything with my life.
Depending on what you were planning on studying college could be a waste of time and money.
>I now sleep for 12 hours a day since it's the easiest thing to do to make the time go by.

Well duh you’re an incel shut in. I know plenty of people who’ve had it and through mutual friends people who’ve died

Most of my family had it and I personally know 2 people who died from it. I struggle to believe that anyone but some basement dwellers can be that sheltered.

Instead they will take a screenplay by someone that wouldn't have even gotten in this pile if it weren't for their connections.

They all lied

>I still do have not met or know

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>it-it'll be over a couple of months!

Lmao people kept saying this last year and somehow it still keeps going.

>Most of my family had it and I personally know 2 people who died from it.
What weaklings.

I've had it. I had it "mild" without the respiratory symptoms, but it still aged my body about 10 years in a couple of weeks.

They were pretty old desu.

It's finished. It's about a group of scientists and sailors investigating a Japanese WW2 submarine wreck at the bottom of the Pacific ocean, when they awaken a supernatural force that has survived.


average covid denier

I started learning memeblender finally, after a while started to get freelance work and have made more money in a month than I would usually make in a year in my 3d world hell. I'm so happy lads.

A few people at work had it, one had no symptoms, one got pretty sick and had to isolate for weeks. He still doesn't feel 100% and it was September last year.

I don't doubt it. It's generally only fatal to the old, those with respiratory conditions or weaklings.
It's basically the fucking flu. It's astonishing to me we've restructured our entire society because of it.

Well if we didn't do that and my family didn't take measures to safeguard my grandparents they would have died from it probably. I don't mind some wagies losing the jobs. Nothing actually useful to society stopped working.

You could speed read these in a week. Why bother hoarding them if you're not reading them.

And I'm happy for you user. Good job.

Look bro I was in the same boat, I still feel like shit most of the time, but you need to realize that your depression and lack of motivation is the result of your shitty habits, which in turn result in more "depression", you have to break the cycle, you have to stop cooming and consooming, stop watching porn, cut off your internet, stop eating shitty food, return to the fucking basics, how can you stay motivated or do anything of use when the alternative is much easier and much more rewarding?, why work out when you can masturbate?, why work or study when you can sit under your blankie eating nuggies and marathoning a show that ran for 12 years in 2 days?

You were raised wrong bro, so were we, and habits take a long ass time to change, but it's not too late. also if you're "incapable" of change, something might really be wrong with your brain, so might as well try a therapist/psychiatrist, could change your life, hell, you could pin test and grow some hair on your chest.

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Where was the vaccine last summer?

because there were no vaccines being administered last year, you actual dumbfuck

You're talking to a brainlet, don't bother.

Dude, governments have been desperately trying to open everything up the very moment infections start going down because the economy is going to shit.

It's legitimately allowed me to work full time from home so for that I'm thankful but it's still bullshit. The elderly and vulnerable should take precautions as well as those that may come in contact with them. The rest of society rearranging completely to slightly reduce the possibility of passing on the flu to the vulnerable and everyone going along with it completely unquestioningly is just absurd to me but that's people for you.

>The pandemic's end is in sight
Is it?

Thank you user, we are all gonna make it.

how fat are you and whats your blood pressure

>still aged my body about 10 years in a couple of weeks.
How so? Did you get grey pubes or something?

What the fuck is memeblender and how do you make money from it?

Third world shithole user here, I thought getting design work online is a pain in the ass, what do you do exactly? animation work?, sculpting/modeling?

Glad life's working out for you bro, being poor fucking sucks.

i know someone and he was really bad at one point but he and his family survived in the end
literally a bad flu that kills boomers and amerifats

Fuck you, you tuk rrrr jerbs!

Joints are dry as fuck, musclepain in the calves, retard brain (went away after extensive B6 and Lion's Mane supplementation), general levels of energy are low as fuck.

I have always doubted this. Why not stack them in boxes with labels on them? You know those binder separators with colored plastic that you slip a tag into? That way you can color code for genre.

Blender, the 3D cg software

It is a bitch early on but once you break in its like that shit about all girls ignoring you until you get a gf, suddenly you exist for other people once one of them sees you. Ive been a 2d artist for a while so I transitioned into sculpting and animating.

Maybe if you are Australian. Coincidentally most people that hire me end up being Australian


>cooped up indoors
Speak for yourself nigger, my state said fuck that lockdown bullshit real quick.

I don’t know if they get these digitally but if they don’t you can just OCR the text and use text to speech software and just listen to them like an audiobook.
That’s what I would do, I suck at reading, I find it painful, I think I have some sort of mild dyslexia, something’s definitely fuck up in my brain.

Yeah, I did actually. Filming began a week ago too.

>Coincidentally most people that hire me end up being Australian

Because to get anyone to do anything here "professionally" is $50-120/h

how are closed borders beneficial for the country you dumb fuck

If you are a connected jew (and tehy pretty much all are) then you get to write the script on set while half the movie has already been shooting.

There are actually new strains popping up that decrease the effectiveness of the vaccine ;

Wait, globalists want closed borders now?

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Helps keep out the Mexicans. Even if by a little bit, I will take it.

Get the fuck out of here with your cultist bullshit.

There's just no reason for me to try anymore. I've given up on improving. I tried for years to fix my life and every single attempt ended in failure. I don't even think I want to be a normal person, their lives look so exhausting and it's easier to just stick to what I have. Really the only thing I want is for this to all be over.

I'll break your youngest female family member's hymen.

Im finishing my sixth feature and starting my seventh. I actually got hired during the pandemic!

I think I'm gonna make it bros.... you can too.

i didn't finish it but i've started it. I wrote the pretty detailed plan of the movie, where i know what happens and i've figured out the pacing up to the minute.

Fuck every single "positive" cocksucker that came to this thread. Specially those with testimonials pretending to try to inspire the rest of us. You are obviously just gloating. Extra fuck you.


Look and laugh at the wagie haha

Dreams are forkids and women. Grow up, man up.

I fucking hate One Piece's humour, it's so fucking cringe.


Closing borders is a necessary and urgent decision regardless because mass tourism and immigration do not benefit anyone

>I still do have not met or know

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>The pandemic's end is in sight.

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Go back to pol

No but I've written 35k words of a novel that may one day be adapted into a screenplay by someone else

Kek normalfags are starting to catch on shit is fucked up. I think that it's equitable to that moment in a fire when they notice heavy smoke in the air and realize shit's going down south, but before that point where they all rush to the exit at the same time causing everyone to get stuck and die. "Oh no it's a fire", they might say. "I really wish there were no fire. But the smoke is clearing up, it must be over", they repeat to themselves.


trump lost

>end in sight
user, I...

>governments have been trying to open things up
But... they're ones shutting everything down.

Nigger, literally nothing changed for me during this whole corona meme, except that I have to wear a mask 10-12 hours a day (which sometimes gives me nose bleeding, yay). Everyone said muh shutdown, muh can't work, muh disaster, and I was looking forward to some NEET time. Fuck all happened. I feel cheated.

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Yes, to try to control the infections.

remember it's two masks now

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What infections? Do you know anyone who has gotten sick? You personally?

>Yes, to try to control the infections
Yes, that's why they're doing it. Makes perfect sense.

My grandfather died because of it.

It doesn't?

I don't know why more of you fags haven't caught on to the fact that the virus + vaccine are both meant as depopulation measures. The former for destroying birth rates and the latter for outright killing people and ensuring infertility.

35k words is a novella, flaggot. Mines at 70k right now and it’s just one third done

>literally nothing changed for me during this whole corona meme, except that I have to wear a mask 10-12 hours a day

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Then they must be doing a terrible job, considering how low the death rate is.

>even if you get the vaccine you still need to wear the mask
Yes, but for you, the vaccine makes it so you don't get ill, you can still infect other people.

I’m a nurse, this shit is annoying. Been in the waste deep in covid and it sucks but it’s not the end of the fucking world. So many stupid fucking normies and non-important doctors bitch and cry about basic shit. Had some stupid fucking infectious doctor tell me I’m more likely to die by a cop then by covid vaccine. This coming from some fucking pajeet who sits behind a desk and enters orders from the safety of his isolated area. Motherfucker had the nerve to talk about being more exposed to covid than actual nurses, respiratory therapist, and intensivists who are actually doing patient care than dumb fuck who just orders covid plasma and anticoags and calls it a day. Smh fuck healthcare

You first. Stop buying into propaganda, whether it's self-help or defeatist resignation. Find your own path.

I'll always find hilarious how Americans really think that if you don't directly see something that something doesn't exist.
This entire website has opened my eyes to how really dumb americans are, like constantly trying to "prove" things about entire demographics because of one twitter screencap.
And it's not just a "hurr dumb southerner american hicks", the city people in the US are just as retarded.

Did I say it was finished you idiot? I said that's what I've done, the pandemic will last and I'll have time to procrastinate and not write more.

Lol, tranny.

You're one of those people who think Earth is flat cause you can't see a curve.

Yet you also believe Satan walks the Earth...

You're a crisis actor.

>I want no one to read my novel
The chances you're Dostoyevsky are remote. Edit, nigger.

If there WAS a curve, why can't you see it?


>Yes, but for you, the vaccine makes it so you don't get ill, you can still infect other people.

Attached: Ways-To-Keep-Your-Parrot-Happy-And-Healthy.jpg (960x688, 65.03K)

And you are an american, you are always wrong everything.

It's a bit too late for Americans, a nation of statist bootlickers who form cults around politicians to pretend they are unique or have their own opinion about things.

>We're going to get all vaccinated in Europe by the end of this year
Finland here, we're not because the little girls running our government are incompetent

Ya just like how the flu vaccine stopped the flu

No, but it's rendered it borderline irrelevant.
If corona can end up as neutered as the flu, then it'll be over.

The problem with mutts is that they are so stupid that if you keep calling them something they just end up becoming it.
Just like journalists blamed Dab Forums of being misogynist and now half of all threads are all crying about women, or how their left used this to accuse the right of being all denialists of corona, so now they all are.
It's just so easy to manipulate americans that I don't understand how their country is still standing.

vaccines nothing, it took rona to cure the flu

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No, what made the flu cases dive is that literally everyone was wearing masks, the common flu is much less infective than corona. In Japan and Korea during winter they always wear masks simply because of the regular flu, because it makes it borderline non-existant.
Hell, them being used to all of this is how they are handling the whole thing decently.

You do realize explaining hygiene and basic disease prevention to an American is a lost cause?

I would submit my script in braille, that way only blind producers can read it, so there's much more demand and much less supply

High IQ move right here

All these scripts yet all Hollywood does is shit out remakes and sequels lol

Pretty amazing how it prevents flu but no corona eh you'd think corona rates would've gone down too if that was case now wouldn't you dumb cunt

Also in the picture they're talking about Australia where at the time there was no mandatory mask wearing besides during the 3 lockdown's in Victoria and during an outbreak a little over a month ago in NSW but that only applied to public transport and shopping centres, as it stands you have to wear a mask on public transport but no where else in NSW, seems scientific

>you'd think corona rates would've gone down
They did though. Corona is contagious enough that if left unchecked it spreads in an exponential pattern. Considering that nowhere on earth are the numbers of Corona growing that rapidly we can safely assume that the measures taken are actually working.

See There's no mandatory or large scale mask wearing in Australia you retard

>goyim pile

>Corona is contagious enough that if left unchecked it spreads in an exponential pattern.
>Considering that nowhere on earth are the numbers of Corona growing that rapidly we can safely assume that the measures taken are actually working.
or maybe they're just fucking lying about the first one
this has to be bait

>every country lied about their numbers
>when in reality most of them tried to suppress the numbers for the longest time at the beginning
I hope you are merely pretending to be retarded.

Bill gates was on cnn saying it
but remember to take the mrna vaccine

you will only get shill and tranny replies

>Here's a corner in a management office in Hollywood. And these are the scripts that had loglines interesting enough but weren't written by juiced-in relatives/children of the Jewish industry bigwigs, studio and entertainment moguls.

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Answer my question here The picture is about flu rates in Australia where mask wearing was not and is not a thing outside of a few isolated short periods in 1 state

Fauci said were gonna have to use use masks

based jewish "science" denying trips


They didn't have widespread vaccination nor a means to distribute it to the entire population in 1918.

Not being mandatory doesn't mean that nobody wears the mask. Large gatherings and the like are also the major way of transmission and I assume all of those are canceled there like everywhere else. Just because measures are not enforced it doesn't mean that people are not taking precautions by themselves. Generally speaking the numbers don't like and unless you're saying that every country in the world is in a massive conspiracy here it's impossible that anything you're insinuating here can be true.

>It's a schizo seeing the patterns episode
oh no

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Cause it's big, you fucking wet ballbag.

The point is that pandemics come in waves, and the first one is always the least worst.

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why would you? hollyjew is stone cold dead and not coming back.

>Not being mandatory doesn't mean that nobody wears the mask
As someone in Australia I can say yes mask wearing was rare mainly done by Asians
>arge gatherings and the like are also the major way of transmission and I assume all of those are canceled there like everywhere else
Nope in June in NSW gyms could have 100 people, you could ahve 20 people in your home and restaurants were open but had a limit on people
>Just because measures are not enforced it doesn't mean that people are not taking precautions
As someone who lives in Australia I can say they were half arsed at best it seems you're talking as if you live in Australia and know what's going on


>closed borders
god if only

the first wave was in march last year m8.

If anything we're in the midst of the 2nd wave right now.

Attached: 2nd wave.png (658x425, 28.35K)

Yeah, it's great. I'm not even doing any essential work like medical personnel or people who work in keeping the bare minimum running, not even retail or something like that. But I have to do stuff at my workplace and can't do homeoffice most of the time. So, whenever we are in the building we have to wear a mask at all times. At least they gave us some, and we didn't have to buy our own, but this doesn't make it any better.

trump lost

retard brain might be something you had already

>it seems you're talking as if you live in Australia and know what's going on
I'm pretty clear in my language that I'm just making assumptions. I don't know why your numbers look good if that's all true. Could be that it spreads slower in hot climates? Maybe because nobody is travelling and not enough covid infected people came to Australia to start an unmanageable pandemic.

A "wave" is characterized by a crest, and return back to baseline. Your image does not show that.

>3d world hell

quick rundown on b6?

Long Covid can fuck you up for years though. There's going to be a lot of issues in the coming years of people chronically fucked by Covid scarring their lungs.

>Hot climate
My God you're a retard and no we allow in thousands of "citizens" and permanent residents a month into NSW

they were already fucked by being fat diabetic insulin resistant pigs

Well my aunt got it and the gf of a buddy of mine. For my aunt it was like a flu, but she says she still doesn't feel all too fit even 2 months later. The gf of my buddy was interesting. I don't really know her, but she apparently has some immune deficiencies, so once she caught it the doctors were basically already considering her dead. But she got through it pretty easily, just a flu basically. It really depends on the person, some get rekt, some hardly feel it.

>we allow in thousands of "citizens" and permanent residents a month into NSW
From where? And isn't Australia just permanently hot?

It's an essential vitamin that helps to create neurotransmitters. It also helps regulate energy use in the brain. Vitamin B6 deficiency causes cognitive decline and dementia

Neither do the fucking 1918 spanish flu pandemic. The peaks are higher because of the massive difference in medical quality, but the virus doesn't completely go away during the baseline period you donkey. Not to mention Spanish Flu had a higher lethality rate, so most of the return to baseline was from it overkilling the population it relied on.

I get that you want to larp as a doomer intellectual, but fuck off.

Attached: _104465666_weekydeathrates.jpg (976x600, 96.94K)

The image you posted literally shows waves returning to back to a baseline level, you absolutely coping brainlet.

From where?
From all over the world most are Indian though, they're """citizens""" and permanent residents so they're allowed in
>And isn't Australia just permanently hot?
Australia gets more snow than the Swiss Alps and June is the worst month for flu deathas the picture says because it's the dead of winter

Rural sit com about two farmers coming this fall. It's called Sneed's (formerly Chuck's).

ah i see you're american

Name a better country to live in that is not also in decline. The U.S. is going downhill unironically thanks to libs and browns.

God knows what is happening in Australia. But as far as I remember India didn't have that many cases in June either.

>MAGAchud Qtards derail a perfectly good thread that could've been spent bashing on Jewish nepotism in Hollywood
thanks for nothing retards

That looks like it could easily fall over

Oh please, nobody outside of Australia knows anything about it. Ask an average European and he will probably also think that Australia is permanently hot desert.

Are you actually believing the numbers reported by the Indian government let alone their capability to test given a large portion of their population doesn't even have electricity

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We can't really but then again if too many people started dying we would probably hear about it.

>The U.S. is going downhill unironically thanks to libs and browns

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the whole planet is connected and the media has wanted to play up rona ever since it became political, if it was bad there you would be seeing it constantly
so maybe we need to re-examine the religious belief that left unchecked it would turn the world into a ghoul inhabited wasteland within a few weeks

Why would we hear about covid deaths in India when there's already a shit ton of deaths in India because it's a third world shit hole, do you hear about Indian mortality rates frequently?

How would you know it's bad there if they don't even have the capability of determining if someone has it?

Those dead people would probably would first have to be in the hospital which means that by that point they would have been overrun with coofers. No way we wouldn't hear anything if it actually got bad enough.

>The pandemic's end is in sight.

what the fuck are you on about, the bottleneck is the production, we are using all the vaccines we get weekly

if there's a plurality of people there with it, untreated, in hilariously unsanitary conditions, and they're all fucking fine, then again why is the planet being shut down

Google most common cause of deaths in India in the top 5 are respiratory diseases and tuberculosis, so how would they determine it was covid instead of the other common respiratory related illnesses

I mean that the number would be way higher than usual. I don't know but I assume that it would hit the news if India's hospitals were full to the brim with people.


But their hospitals are already filled to the brim because they're an overpopulated third world shit hole

>The pandemic's end is in sight
Look at the optimist. My country expects to be done with vaccines by summer.
They'll still keep everything locked down. Maybe gyms will open next year.

>Nobody stopped him

so then they should be piling bodies in the streets and desperately asking for the schematics for hitler's special miracle ovens

Based and redpilled

Historically, has there ever been a case of some random sending a script to Hollywood and then actually having the movie made and him getting his pay?

>The pandemic's end is in sight
Says who? Thousands still die every day. You still can't go anywhere without a mask. There's still no cure.

No virus has EVER been proven to be contagious. EVER. You cannot transfer a virus from one person to the other. It doesn't work like that. In fact I would pay you 100 000 € if you found ANYONE on earth who could transfer this "virus" (or any other "virus") to me.

In short: A virus is a cellular response to overexposure to external toxicity like chemicals, electricity, bad food etc. How do you define "overexposure" you might ask? Admittedly, that is a subjective term but that's because - it depends. It depends on the susceptibility and the susceptibility, in turn, has to do with the quality of the water in your cells. These people, of course, know this too therefore they use mercury compounds in the "vaccines". Water + mercury compounds = susceptibility. Do the math.

The order is reversed. The vaccine is the disease and the damage to your immune system. They say there is a virus which doesn't exist, then they inject you with poison - meanwhile they claim the virus comes first and the vaccines are the cure.

When the cells get poisoned they try to purify themselves by creating this solvent we call viruses. They are NOT the cause of anything and cannot be transmitted.

During the Spanish flu 1918 they tried injecting voluntary prisoners with the "virus" and they even tried with horses. Not one single person got sick, and not one single horse got sick. Not even by injection.

Viruses are basically RNA/DNA and proteins. They are DEAD microbes, they have no digestive system hence it would be impossible for your DEAD microbes (or micro organisms) to kidnap other people's RNA and replicate themselves.

That's ridiculous. This is also why you will never see them try to isolate the virus (which has never happened) and transfer it to a rat in order to prove contagion. It would be so easy to prove by purifying and isolating the virus and then transfer it to an animal.
Ask them to do this, and see them squirm. Because I promise you, it CANNOT be done.

>No virus has EVER been proven to be contagious. EVER
This is the most obvious bait I have ever seen.

>There's still no cure

Absolute bottom of the barrel pathetic.

It's why you start your own shit, and make the jews come to you. Don't wait for a handout from the tribe, because you're not going to get one. Most of the big directors now started off making indie shit and/or youtube videos.

Does anyone else think the virus is massively overblown but loves the effect it's had? Being encouraged to stay at home, avoiding shitty social events and watching normalfags cry has been amazing.

Attached: heckinsciencejews.png (1563x1357, 1.61M)

You can take the vaccine and not be cringe about it.

Reality of the Spanish flu isn't accurately portrayed by the numbers reported at the time. It was wartime, and most European journalism was restricted by various propaganda offices.

do you have the one where the pregnant chick gets the vaccine and then has a miscarriage

the little things was written in 1990

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No you literally can't holy fuck you "people" are retarded. You can only infect people if you are generating new virus which you cannot do if you are immune. Jesus fucking christ if you are still freely generating viruses then you will get sick.

you know that the common cold is caused by a strain of viruses right? how do you explain someone sneezing around you and then you coming down with a cold within the next couple of days? because that is a thing that happens

so you're assuming gone down equates to being over?

2 of my neighbors got it, one of them feels fine but still cant taste or smell after 2 months, and the other has permanent asthma symptoms when they were fine prior to getting it

We need a new hitler but one that only wants to eliminate redditors.

unironically the advice a close family member got from an entertainment megakike. guy let the veil down and made it clear that they never respond to petitions, they go out and scout talent. not that you want to take offers like that anymore, but that's how they do it.

I mean they can hire 50 people to read all of them in like a couple months.

Why would a pregnant woman get vaccinated? Even my 3rd world shithole is strongly advising against it and they'd be on the last group to get vaccinated anyways.


i remember Jeremy Jahns reviewed it and said, if they made it back in the 90s like when it was first written, it would've had an actual impact.

They should've shown the killer stalking a girl at the end just to end it the same way it started, it's not like the ending made it dubious that he's still out there so there's no mystery to hold up by not showing him again and it'd also go in contrast to Mr. Robot getting some relief.

And they will be ignored and instead some friend, family member, or fuck buddy of a higher up will get their script approved instead.

i think she was a nurse, trying to prove it was safe to "covid deniers" or something(?)

I have changed absolutely nothing about the way I live, aside from wearing a mask when I buy groceries.

i'm pretty sure i got it in feburary after spending a bunch of time with my gook friend who just got back from vietnam for tet

>willing to jeopardize her unborn child for attention and social brownie points
Women were a mistake.

>willing to jeopardize her unborn child
Tons of women go out of their way to purposefully do this.

what a retard

>the vaccine makes it so you don't get ill, you can still infect other people
then why do you need to wear the mask? sounds like the perfect incentive to get cunts to take the vaccine

>caring this much about another male's offspring

>I would pay you 100 000 € if you found ANYONE on earth who could transfer this "virus" (or any other "virus") to me.
so you'll pay me 100,000 euros to bumfuck you and give you AIDS


based and true

My aunt who is one of those "I'm the smartest person in the room at all times" bulldyke lesbians talked my grandma (who at this point is getting close to 90, and has struggled with health issues for decades) into getting the first round of vaccine, and she got insanely sick from it. Her doctor told her not to get the second shot, which led to the doctor getting into a fight with my bulldyke aunt, who has herself convinced that she's smarter than the doctor.

tl;dr Some people are just really fucking indoctrinated.

I know what esoteric deep web podcast this guy listens to, but not going to tell anyone

you mean japanese humor? it's all fucking cringe
anime is for autists

They said the same shit every single month of last year. Retards in Europe somehow thought that after Christmas it would disappear, even as their healthcare systems would collapse. Now we’re being told that even with 100% vaccination it will still be social distancing and masks. This isn’t going to go away and we’re moving into a Covid and non Covid world (Asia Pacific). I seriously hope you anons go over to the better side.

How on fucking earth do any movies, TV shows or books even get made/published these days if that is the state of the industry?

scouting locations and buying lighting equipment right now

Would the reverse be more appropriate to your comment? Having too many script choices isn't exactly "how does anything get made" sentiments. Having very limited choices would be.

...and? Immunity does not last forever, so are you planning on revaccinating everyone every 6 months forever?

During the pandemic I unironically started HRT but dropped it after a couple of weeks because it made me insomniac and nauseous.
I made a lot of videogame mods though. I planned to watch a ton of movies but I only watched a few B flicks.

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They have to say that shit because if they said "this lockdown's gonna last 2 years" half the normies would have gone apeshit and the TP panic that happened in supermarkets would be small game compared to the looting they would have done to score food and shit.

>The pandemic's end is in sight
>unleashing roasties again
It’s gonna be chaos

I've seen this webm hundreds of times, but it always makes me laugh.

>every week there's new reports of the next super-mutation
>vaccine passports are being advocated for
A few more months for covid to end and two more weeks until Trump is president

Or if they were told the truth in general about how bad the disease really is.
Better to just mention dying from it and let people think you're over-exaggerating it. People act like suicidal lemmings when they panic.

but you'll always be a pathetic faggot who got scared by media into taking an experimental gene therapy for the flu

>The pandemic's end is in sight
It never really kicked off in Japan. Shit's been comfy in Tokyo: no lockdown or restrictions, less busy because of no international tourists, and everyone got a yen handout from Daddy Abe

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Good, stay off of it user. You will never achieve female easy mode life. That's the sad reality. You are better off as a dude than a freakshow.

>Or if they were told the truth in general about how bad the disease really is.
And how bad is it, schizo

Why does that picture make me feel sad. Hope he is ok.

>You will never achieve female easy mode life
Well I know it would never be easy mode for me, I just want to stop being disgusted from being stuck in a male body and to be treated like a woman at least once.
>You are better off as a dude than a freakshow.
I do agree though, I'm too broke to get plastic surgery so there's no chance in fuck that I'd ever pass as a woman. I guess I can at least try to be glad that people won't be able to get the enjoyment of making fun of me for failing at being a woman if they don't know I want to be one.

my screenplay is my life and i'm the protagonist

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There's many scientific studies that have researched this. I suggest finding and reading them, instead of getting your information about the virus from your facebook groups, media, or fellow scizos.

It's the kind of pain you wouldn't want to inflict on your worst nemesis

>can't provide arguments
>the "i don't have time to educate you" cope/retreat
Didn't know what i expected honestly.

>The pandemic's end is in sight.

Just agree to disagree, frens

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"What to do when Corona chan comes over to Netflix and Chill"

Rundown on latest SARS-CoV-2 vaccines
SARS-CoV-2 sensitive info on origins/responsible parties

SARS-CoV-2 Common/Non-rare Complications

SARS-CoV-2 Info/Research/Studies 2.0

Now you have zero fucking excuses to be an ignorant dimwit.

Ahh the classic technique. Make your rival read a lot of stuff, regardless of whether it's real proof or not, so that they become tired and can't argue no more.

It's all relevant information fucktard. Just admit you're a lazy retard, instead of string everyone along believing you're somehow salvageable or even care about being educated on a subject.

I'm not gonna fall for your classic "dude just read the Bible" charade

>Some survivors recorded 8.5-point drop in IQ
>check out the link
>It's fucking Daily Mail
>no link to the "study" itself
>No information on sample size, metodology. control group
You should go back to your /cvg/ threads, schizo

There's other links describing damage to the brain. You can discard that source, but you can't ignore all the others that collaborate in some form that newspaper article.

I got vaccinated (Israel). They gave me a receipt showing that I got my two shots, and it says my immunization will expire in 6 months.
It is Pfizer.

A lot of different people use this website, many of whom have better sex lives and gender identity

Where are the people keeling over with strokes and dropping in the streets with heart attacks in their early 30's? Where are the masses of retards with brain damage? Where is it all? Are people just toughing it out, or let me guess - the media is covering it all up in some master plan conspiracy?

they changed the testing. the cases are going down.

>vaccinating with a mRNA vaccine instead of getting the traditional Russian adenovirus vaccine
I thought you Jews were supposed to be smart and crafty?

>Where are the people keeling over with strokes and dropping in the streets with heart attacks in their early 30's?
That was a Chinese variant. You are aware right that different variants exist?
>Where are the masses of retards with brain damage?
As you are so wonderfully demonstrating, most people are already pretty fucking retarded. Losing 5 IQ points wouldn't make much of a difference. Furthermore, you are naively assuming EVERYONE would get brain damage, or that it would be enough to cause a very noticeable change in behavior, or that it won't manifest decades down the line along with other organ damage.
>or let me guess - the media is covering it all up in some master plan conspiracy
>dude the media is totally conspiring to exaggerate this disease but they're totally would never under exaggerate lmao what are you some kind of scizo?

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>I would pay you 100 000 €
Post credit card number, three digits, and expiration date or get the fuck out.

only our elites are. you think every single person in Israel is a scheming mastermind rubbing his hands?


I wish corona was real so this species would die off forever

I could do with another year of not going outside desu

The coronavirus is a mild cold

Cool. So if I hook myself up to an IV drip full of Poland Spring I'm good right?

Goddammit I lost so hard kek

It behaves like a binary poison. In animal testing every RNA "vaccine" caused horrible symptoms when they were exposed to the common cold.
Also, people are already showing bad reactions to it. stupid strawman argument.

Cool. You can start first.

How come healthy people are dying from it? I've met 2 forty something year olds that died of covid and were healthy with no "conditions" like diabetes, etc.

actually the virus has never been isolated and sequenced fully which is genuinely bizarre. Probably because in actuality it's multiple viruses that keep getting released intentionally.

I mean from the artist's perspective. The odds of having anything made seem to be the lowest they've ever been.

They want to force the vaccine on people because it allows for nanomachine-based mind control. Look into Charles Lieber's research. He was funded by DARPA, and was arrested shortly after Covid started spreading for not disclosing his ties to China. He was actually working at a lab in Wuhan.
"Syringe-injectable mesh electronics integrate seamlessly with minimal chronic immune response in the brain"

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How'd they get those weights in there if the opening is 1/3 the size

the vaccine does not stop you from spreading the virus dipshit. It's literally pointless for anyone that's not 65 to get the vaccine.

>there are actual anti-vaxxers on Dab Forums now
This place really took a turn for the worse

I had it and thought it was allergies. Still went to work, flew to SLC and CA. It took 7 days for my test results to come back and by then I had already delivered hundreds of packages to people and flew across the country twice lol.

I blame Dab Forums and the 2016 elections.
Based super spreader.

peer pressure.
thanks for the argument.

I interned at a few different LA production companies back when I was a film student. All I did was read scripts all day. The reality is that 95% of them are horrible. The reason most people don't make it in Hollywood is because they fucking suck. I read so many scripts written by people with agents that were laughably bad. Like, fanfic tier.

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>read until offended
It takes a trivial amount of time to filter a script, unless you’re a functionally illiterate hack, which the studio system actively selects for

the virgin facts vs the chad anecdote

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Vaccine is old news buddy, i suggest finding another conspiracy now that Biden will be the next hot topic after summer


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>be conspiracy nut
>make up some shit because you perceive yourself to be someone who sees the TRUTH
>because everyone else can't see it because they are sheep
>only you can see the truth because you are special
>out of all the experts, politicians, scientists, leaders etc. not one of them will blow the whistle
>not even one, they're all in on it
>they want to put nanobots in our bodies
>not a single doctor in the entire world will be able to see this should we get tests done
>they'll just ignore we have nanobots
>or the nanobots have stealth technology yes
>also COVID isn't real
>all these sick people are actors
>the hospitals aren't full, well, hospital in bumfuck nowhere with population 1 isn't anyway
>barely made it through highschool but smarter than anyone else
>wake up sheeple, nice arguments