/who/ doctor who general

Switcheroo edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Where's the backlink

Worst Doctors

Correct backlonk

>mfw I saw the 12th Dcotors' opening titles for the first time

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Who is the hottest dw tranny ?

___you are___

Dw needs a creature to be loved like baby yoda
What existent alien could became a cute baby version?

You made me blush


Is already tiny and derivative from stitch


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Cute potatoes
Are the sontarans the Irish of dw?

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Jodie should have kept Peter's outfit. It suited her. The lesbian get up doesn't.

Extremely offensive question.

Sontarans do not drink.

Just the fabric material
Had to be tighter

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>You must be logged-in to do that.

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try harder, user

Can one say fag in there?

Amazed GB is still going. Last I was in there (2014) they boasted "the most users ever" or some shit, because they had tens of thousands of accounts. But at any one time, there'd be about "200 users active" and considering they have about 35 fucking subforums, you can imagine how dead the whole board felt.

>linking to gallifrey base

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only got 11/40 lol

2nd as the 7th.
7th as the 2nd

Silence, pleb, 9 is GOAT

Please exit through the close accessible door.

>it's a schizo thread
bye guys

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I want
Preferably Amy’s

FULL of bras? Like, can't move, there's no space, because of all the bras? wtf?

that's my fetish.
especially if they're L A R G E bras

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Crappy fanart does nothing for me.


What does that stand for?

Boob Racks And Dildos InSide

>This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
>The specified key does not exist.

ummmm what?

I'm using Chrome, of course.

just screenshot it so i can see wtf your talking about and why it relates to Doctor Who

The new Dalek book having a made up explanation for the different actors to play Davros is peak Doctor Who

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not canonino


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In Series 13, Chibnall will confirm that, actually, there have been 16 Davroses, all of them sisters before the sex change operations

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Sadly you are very likely to be correct.
Although that would change the narrative from "woman good, man bad".

when will chib himself make the transition?

Reminder that Chibnall already had the Doctor turn out to be a black orphan girl who was experimented on and biology-raped without consent.

The latest incarnation of Davros is easily in the top 5 things that nuWho has ever done. Julian Bleach was fucking amazing in that role.

What's the other 4 things, you say?
in no order:

Casting Peter Capaldi
Letting Peter Capaldi choose all his own clothes
The 11th/12th Doctor's tardis interior
The 5(ish) Doctors

All of this exposited to the Doctor by a man, too, as her agency was taken from her. Before being saved by a white guy and absolved of any responsibility.

>Julian Bleach was fucking amazing in that role.
still worse than Molloy, pleb

Wisher > Molloy = Bleach > Gooderson

>top 5 things that nuWho
New Earth

i'd tell you that you're wrong but it's obvious you're too far gone to bother

never watched genesis and never will

Remember when we thought the blowjob slab was the worst thing nuWho had done?
Those were the days...


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>Doctor Who fans
>complaining about recasting being explained in-universe
this is peak fanbase degeneration.

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Do what we all do and apply canon only when and where you see fit

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Chibhaters would disavow regeneration itself out of Chibhating.

>implying that the number of Doctor Who fans that have dismissed 13 as non-canon aren't the majority

but this is not a demogracy


if you meant "democracy", then that has been reflected in the sheer millions upon millions who simply aren't watching the show anymore.

does not matter, bbc has a plan for the show and you just consume and pay license

it is more like, the majority accept as canon, but wishes it wasn't

if tv was a democracy, everything would be for normies and nuwho would never exist, because would never be voted to be produced based on its cringe status

>only UK ratings are relevant
>what is international sales
>what is piracy
also 7 isn’t canon with the same rationale.

that’s precisely why it shouldn’t have existed in the first place

all tv would be Fast & Furious for Men
and Friends for Women
and Sherlock for Fags

>implying NuWho is less gay than Sherlock

We need a smarter elite class to decide what we consume

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it's a kind of capitalist democracy for most channels, because it's all about whether they can sell ad space and how much they can charge.
for the BBC.. i dunno. it's literally an agenda, I know that.

this but unironically

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even american broadcast TV rides the threshold of ratings vs agenda

most of NuWhos successful ideas are ripped-off from novels/audios for which "nobody cares".

Is Chibbers ripping off any novel/audio ideas?


no, that is why, he is bland af

Yes, a few.


forumfag go back

forumfaggobackanon begone

hi neo

Which ones are they?

lungbarrow, duh

you're not talking about Lungbarrow are you

Fuck the hell off and never come back.

Have a quick look at tldr: Mary Shelley and the Cybermen / Lungbarrow / Cold Fusion / The Infinity Doctors / Supremacy of the Cybermen (comic) / Chib also ripping off RTD and Moffat's TV episodes too / and others

Go fuck yourself.

Rosa was ripped from the Ann Frank meme

how new are you?

fuck offerino

Fuck off.

fuck off tranny

I'm starting to understand what people mean when they talk about "the schizo"

fuck offerino :^)


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kys fag

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>the schizos back

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Is Jack a hemaphrodite or something? becuase i don't see how two men are going to reproduce otherwise

by cutting himslef in half


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>Join Mark Gatiss, James Goss, Gary Russell, Eric Seward, Robert Shearman and Joy Wilkinson at noon on 9th March for our exclusive chat about their new titles!


that sounds like the worst collection of writers humanly possible.

episodes with this feel?

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there's only one good writer on that list

Under the Lake / Before the Flood

that pesky pesky, definitely existing, schizo is back!

>Gary Russell,
best of the bunch

Took you this long?

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>Mark Gatiss, James Goss, Gary Russell, Eric Seward, Robert Shearman and Joy Wilkinson
Are they going to lock them in a room and set it on fire or something?

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>roflbot (6).jpg

is that matt lucas in a wig

Gareth would improve this meeting


well I'm sooorrrrry. I created the image something like 10 years ago.

So fuck off.

fuck off

We do not want you here. Please just go back and stay there. Please. It doesn't do anyone any good for you to try and stay here as well.

I can't make this epic event. I'll be busy putting my dick in a microwave.

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Why are you trying to two-time and come here as well? Please just go back to your Discord. Please. We don't want this kind of thing here.

what is the problem with roflbot ?

We do not want you here. Please just go back and stay there. Please. It doesn't do anyone any good for you to try and stay here as well. Please.

>We do not want you here

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Hey you guys, I've finished my lockdown Star Trek Voyager rewatch, so this means only one thing.

I'm going to start watching Chibbers!DW for the first time ever.

I hope my body can take it.


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that just about sums up the state of the DW fandom

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and that is why comics are the bottom tier of dw

didn't ask

>schizos back

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le pesky schizo meme
honestly, give it up, there IS no schizo, there are just anons you disagree with sometimes, if you dont want any disagreement then just goback2leddit

spoken like a true schizo

schizo > binge

very true
schizo has always a tongue in cheek irony on her posts

tongue in cheek = patch on cheek = patch covers tongue?
whingey whingey...

trips confirm truth

a special prolific summarizer with a patch on xer face!


This episode is kino.

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It has an excellent tardis interior scene.
I don't really remember the rest of it

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It's in the top tier of the Christmas specials, but unfortunately that isn't saying much

why don't we call schizo by its real name?

oh well, looks like that pesky schizo is here! better talk about nothing else but the definitely real schizo the rest of the thread!

Here's another image I made approx ten years ago, and probably the worst attempt at humour I've ever made in my life.

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There is no fucking "schizo".
There are people you agree with.
There are people you disagree with.
That's it.

We're not Reddit. Do better people. They're aren't /who/ bogeymen out to "ruin the thread".

bingey whingey

What are you even talking about?

fuck off.

>retard spams a thread with shitpost, 2011 style memes, half-broken sentences, bait, self-bumping and off-topic shit
>retard earns the name schizo
>others start mocking schizo
>/who/ implodes
>le schizo doesn't exist
nice work as ever, /who/

You are posting off-topic meta shit about the "schizo". How do we know you aren't the "schizo" yourself, since YOU are now the person dragging the thread off-topic with shit that isn't Doctor Who?

are there really no oldfags here? its not some vague unknown schizo, its literally just judy/molly, they have all the same obsessions and broken english

t. schizo

So, thanks to whichever user created this series 13 bingo card- if there's one for series 11, please share.
I don't know hardly anything about Big Finish, so that square is probably safe from me.

How to sum up "The Woman Who Fell To Earth" after my first ever watch?

Dull, uninteresting, uninspired, flat.

So many scenes of people standing around talking. Did the people who made this forget that it's a television episode? A visual medium?

Plus every single shot was like ditchwater. I know it was 90% set at nighttime, but still.

I reserve judgement on Jodie's 13th Doctor for now. but so far.. competant, I guess?

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what a retard. goodbye /who/, see you when the spastics have fucked off.

no one asked
go back

no one asked
go back

Go the fuck back. We don't want you here.


You're still not posting about Doctor Who, so your complaints about the "schizo" seem hypocritical at best.
See you in an hour.

S11 is worse than I remembered.

'The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos' ticks Overly Long Episode Title. 'Rosa' ticks the Wikipedia box. 'Senpai' has to count as "outdated slang." Lee Mack and the guy in Ghost Monument also count as 'wasted guest actor'. 'Timeless Child' is also referenced.

Fuck off.

I unironically think that a gender swapped 9 would really work. They spent too much time making 12's look distinctive when in fact I think less would be more. A leather jacket two sizes too big but she doesn't recognize it, some aviators, and she's good to go.

You are posting off-topic meta shit about the "schizo off-topic poster". How do we know you aren't the "schizo" yourself, since YOU are now the person dragging the thread off-topic with shit that isn't Doctor Who?

We do not want you here. Please just go back and stay there. Please. It doesn't do anyone any good for you to try and stay here as well.

Nice try, schizo.

Just trying to figure out how to make 12 work. It's harder than it sounds.

This post cursed the next 3 months of /who/

There's no such thing as Macra.

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the forum wants you back

This place fucking sucks now. Shut the fuck up about 'schizos', 'go back' and other retarded shit

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hi ethan

Please. You have to go back. You just have to. We do not want you here. Please just go back and stay there. Please. It doesn't do anyone any good for you to try and stay here as well.

your post is very clever, stop fapping over it

The forum. Go to it.

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>by Nicholas Briggs

It is time for Who to end. The embarrassment has gone on long enough.

>by Nicholas Briggs
copyright 1985

if you mean /who/, you might be right

why don't you go first and never come back?

the schizo would coelpost at you for that

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schizo much?
is just fun you know we say fag etc

>post tiresome absolute shit and just pitifully bump your own tiresome absolute shit
>no one wants to engage in the thread because of you and you're all alone as a result
perhaps there could be some cause and effect between these two phenomena?

just have fun fag, its /who/, its for shitposting

the exact same shitposting and going in circles with the same 4 copypasta memes every single thread isn't fun, user

maybe the jannies were right to ban /who/ last year

just leave ffs

no problem user, enjoy talking to yourself for the rest of the thread

You are literally saying it was right to ban /who/ and that you find /who/ fun
So why the fuck are you here? Go back, or at least go somewhere else.
Nobody is making you stay here. Just leave if all you're going to do is cry about it

>the exact same shitposting and going in circles with the same 4 copypasta memes every single thread isn't fun, user
meh, is for me

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miss me yet?

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/who/ is fine, it's just stick up the ass fags like you that make it shit by crying about people on fucking Dab Forums having some fun shitposting. Just go back, or find somewhere more moderated. You bring everything down by crying about Dab Forums being Dab Forums.

just go back to the forum

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there is nothing more pathetic than a fag not forced to be here, screaming about how terrible they find it here
just fucking leave

your wrong so just go back

>the exact same shitposting and going in circles with the same 4 copypasta memes every single thread isn't fun, user
no, but posting the exact same shit and going in circles with the same 5 copypasta memes every single thread is fun, user

at least even binge tried to make /who/ something she would like posting on. these cocksucker complainers just cry and cry and cry about shit, it unironically makes threads so much worse than just the actual schizoposting they freak out about would

>user cries about thread
>gets flooded with replies about how he ruined the thread
>retards dont realise irony that they're the ones now dragging the thread down instead of just ignoring cryanon

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please just go back. We do not want you here. Please just go back and stay there. Please. It doesn't do anyone any good for you to try and stay here as well.

thanks for helping prove the point

if you need schizo filter, you need a safe place like the forum

Off topic post. If you care about /who/ so much why are you shit flinging meta shit as well? Schizo.

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Off topic post. If you care about /who/ so much why are you shit flinging meta meta shit as well? Schizo.

go back, andrew

Why do people that clearly hate Dab Forums even come here at all? If you want a safe space, there are so fucking many online for Doctor Who. Go use em.

Go back to the forum, retard.

to say fag

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You can't have both a safe space and a place to be free, it's either a hugbox Doctor Who community or here.
Wtf are you talking about faggot? I like it here.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. This general is officially lost.

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if you like it here youd like it more at the forum so just go back

it will live with or without your gay ass

I can't "go back" to somewhere I haven't been. I've been here for fucking years. I was here back when Wang was. The people having a tantrum about here are just newfags that can't cope with Dab Forums being Dab Forums.

who the fuck is Agatha Harkness?

just fuck off

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Please, please, please, please, please, please, please just go back. We do not want you here. Please just go back and stay there. Please. It doesn't do anyone any good for you to try and stay here as well.

pting smut when

just ask Neo on twitter for the password

>muh stop crying ive been here years this place is for shitposting
>anons shitpost
>user starts crying about it
top kek

With how good /who/ is at falseflagging and LARPing you'd think some of us would be good actors at least.

hi schizo


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Buy the merch

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>muh big finish
Go back.

big finish panty liners and condoms when?

Unironically this
They think very opposing opinion is bait. /who/ is not a hive mind. Chibnall is the best showrunner we've had

>big finish
r/gallifrey is the place for you

people who buy bf never have intercourse

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>Chibnall is the best showrunner we've had
for that you have to kys

why don't they send bames to mars

Vortis has some explaining to do


These things are stupid looking, but I need them.

It's fine, it's only annoying when people try and make /who/ act like it's somewhere else.
Chib's alright, he's pozzed no doubt but I'm up to whatever chibfucking he's trying with the lore now.

After the state of timeless children, I want him to double down and just shit stir some more, let's see how far the madman can go, idc if we end up with 0.4m viewers

go back

Did you enjoy the sweet (You)s user? Good work.

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>Letting Peter Capaldi choose all his own clothes
Really? That man will never disappoint me.

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He's not trying anything with the lore. The episode after TTC already decided to treat the lore fuckery as a one-off. It wasn't ambitious chibfucking at all, it was just self-cannibalization instead of a new direction.

Pretty much this. It's better than Moff repeating himself year after year.

Judy Pepperdine provided costumes for the Doctor Who story Warriors of the Deep.
Judy Norman played Ma in the Doctor Who story Gridlock.
Judy Neame was credited for make-up in the Doctor Who serial The Hand of Fear.
Judy Corry was the assistant floor manager for the Doctor Who television story The Curse of Fenric.
Judy Holt played Sandra Mitchell in the Doctor Who story The Long Game. She is best known for her role of Elaine Fishwick in At Home with the Braithwaites
Judy was a member of Gabriel Rosewood's cult. In 1972, she was killed when a Corvid drained her psychic essence. (COMIC: The Highgate Horror)
Judy Cornwell played Maddy in Paradise Towers.

>Chibnall is the best showrunner we've had

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nice trips

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After opinions like these I think I'd just prefer the schizo

Seen series 13 have you? You have no idea what he will or won't do. If you want to blindly just "MUH CHIBNALL FUCKING SUCKS!!!!" whenever anyone tries to discuss anything about his era, guess what, there's a place for you but it's not here.

This post will age like sour milk.

Meanwhile in a parallel universe...

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It was either this one or the purple Tennant one where there was a loop where you always threw down cans. It was annoying

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No one cares. Go back.

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Have you seen Chris Chibnall's previous work? He is not the type of writer of showrunner to go for song long-term misdirection mindfuckery. Nothing in his writing history suggests so. The fact the latest episode directly after TTC does nothing with it except say "nah its all on in the past lol" suggests TTC will not be explored further, how can it be explored? What will be explored, can you suggest some ideas?

This, Moff got boring. We have no idea what Chibnall will do

chose your destiny and fuck off to the forum

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Just go back already, jesus christ.

Inability to understand how S12 was self-cannibalization shows a fundamental failure to understand storytelling.
So no actual argument, thanks for conceding!

His second episode of his era mentioned Timeless Children and nothing happened until a whole series later when it came back. That same episode also namedropped Stenza again and fuck all happened with it until the Stenza came back for the finale. I guarantee he'll at least do more with "the division" that he created, and Jo Martin will come back.

Stop typecasting him
Doctor who can be anything he wants it to be
Cope harder

I hope he never touches it again

go back

Why backlink if you don't want me to catch up?

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So all this schizo shit was copied from /trek/
like doctor who was a blatant copy of ST

>What will be explored, can you suggest some ideas?
The Division seems like an obvious thing to explore more. As does his Fugitive Doctor and Gat, which ties into it.

Trump lost, get over it

Unironically go back

>doctor who was a blatant copy of ST
Amazing seeing as Doctor Who pre-dates Star Trek by three years

gat is dead

>how can it be explored? What will be explored, can you suggest some ideas?
The Doctor goes back in time to find Tecteun and confronts her and the 'founders' of Time Lord society. The Doctor goes to try and understand/find out where she's actually from. The Doctor goes to explore more about the division (which cuts out deliberately in the episode as if to suggest there's more to the story). etc

go the fuck back u turd


The Tom Baker years were planets and ships copied from ST federation
also plots

you've got balls to come into /who/ and bullshit about things you obviosly know nothing about

name one

Last post

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Jack could find a way to impregnate his clone. For all we know, that's common in the 51st century.

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