Why is male virginity and failure to score just a laughing matter for Hollywood...

Why is male virginity and failure to score just a laughing matter for Hollywood? Why do these kind of situations perceived as sad when it is about women, but male loneliness is brushed off as being horny and thus dirty. Do men not deserve affection like women? What makes female affection more pure and worthy of emotions?

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there are thousands of dramas about male loneliness, certainly more than about women. i think you kinda pulled this complaint out of your ass

please give examples

yes you don't deserve affection chud

Taxi Driver

uhh, synecdoche new york, paris texas, le samourai, punch drunk love, taxi driver, blade runner 2049, honestly pretty much every other critically acclaimed film

Um you can't be an oppressor and be sympathetic sweetie

>muh virginity
lmao get laid incels

Historically, and in modern times, female virginity has been regarded as more significant than male virginity; the perception that sexual prowess is fundamental to masculinity has lowered the expectation of male virginity without lowering the social status.[3][4][55] For example, in some Islamic cultures, unmarried women who have been sexually active or raped may be subject to name-calling, shunning, or family shame, while unmarried men who have lost their virginities are not, though premarital sex is forbidden in the Quran with regard to both men and women.[4] Among various countries or cultures, males are expected or encouraged to want to engage in sexual activity, and to be more sexually experienced.[3][55][56][57] Not following these standards often leads to teasing and other such ridicule from their male peers.[3][55][58] A 2003 study by the Guttmacher Institute showed that in most countries most men have experienced sexual intercourse by their 20th birthdays.[59]

Male sexuality is seen as something that is innate and competitive and displays a different set of cultural values and stigmas from female sexuality and virginity. In one study, scholars Wenger and Berger found that male virginity is understood to be real by society, but it has been ignored by sociological studies.[60] Within American culture in particular, male virginity has been made an object of embarrassment and ridicule in films such as Summer of '42 and American Pie, with the male virgin typically being presented as socially inept.[3][58] Such attitudes have resulted in some men keeping their status as a virgin a secret.[61]

>blade runner 2049
>about failure to score
missed the entire point of the movie lol

i said its about a guy who's lonely

nobody should have to endure a chudslut either. please leave.

If you only got out of that movie how a guy is lonely you really missed the point

>there are thousands of dramas about male loneliness, certainly more than about women

Thats because women never truly are alone while men are

the story of K is in its entirety about coping with not being a real man, i understand why it sounds funny but i his point stands

the op said that male loneliness is only ever treated as a joke in hollywood.
i used blade runner as one example where male loneliness is treated earnestly and with conpassion.

there are many lonely women out there.
they're just not the young attractive women you pay attention to

>they're just not the young attractive women you pay attention to

nice try
porno is the ultimate proof that men will fuck anything and if you want a second check reality TV where even the fattest ugliest cunt can score a average joe

Men see ALL types of women its the women who only look at the top

I really don't think this is true.

bro go outside look around xou and you'll see tons of poor, dead eyed, 50 year old women slugging along. you think those women are out every night partying?
i think women have it easier in many ways in modern society but there are tons of lonely women out there

Those women are the victim of feminism and decades of brainwashing where they were told they could have it all

Id love to shine more light since the number of those women will only increase over the years but current society does not deem it politically correct to tell women that they are wrong / they cant have it all and most importantly biology matters

kinda irrelevant to the original point isnt it

There are a bunch of lonely women who are kinda cute but also have crippling depression and anxiety. Problem is, they are at home and are afraid to socialize, even on the internet.

Doesn't matter in the real world, all men, baring people with disability lose their virginity by 19 years old, maximum.

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>blade runner 2049
He was a fucking robot lmao

>lonely women who are kinda cute but also have crippling depression and anxiety.

Lol @ even thinking this, 'Depression and Anxiety' are 'Cool' now because some social media/celeb she loves spoke about it, now she has it too!

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What is female virginity for hollywood? Something to despise? Something to laugh at too? Or what?

you think the female gender cannot be affected by mental illness or what

>Why is male virginity and failure to score just a laughing matter for Hollywood?
Did you even watch this movie? Everyone was caring and affectionate towards Lars. He wasn't brushed off as horny or dirty, the community even helped take care of the sex doll. It wasn't even really a comedy movie, more of a drama with romance and comedic elements.

I'll venture to say that the movie is about inhuman amounts of loneliness. He is a lonely friendless manufactured and disposable robot

of course they can but female disorders are excused more than male ones

>Why is male virginity and failure to score just a laughing matter for Hollywood?
Because the kikes who run Hollywood scoff at the idea of having to go more than 4 hours without some Gentile wannabe starlet sucking on their dreidel

No, i'm saying that most will just say 'depression' because it is 'in' now - and they have never been diagnosed.

Have sex.

it's not only hollywood, everyone laughs at the "failed man." it has always been like this since the begging of time. it's sad but it's the truth. people despise men like these even if they don't show it. they do not feel empathy. get used to it and either improve yourself or stop giving a fuck

Why do you let it get to you? You're weak if it gets to you, and women pick up on that. You're overthinking and self sabotaging preemptively.

fuck off back to Dab Forums retard. hypergamy is making everyone dumber. It's not creating some master race of blue eyed blonde haired aryans it's creating muts pretty but dumb as bricks.

I'm 21 balding, hairy as fuck, almost dad bod

Hypergamy isn't even common, it's just what incels tell themselves to cope with their own failure

"edit" and a virgin

Leftists are sex-obsessed perverts and predators who partially measure someone's morality and worth by how much sex they're having.

that sucks that youre balding that young, i'm sorry

Having sex is a natural part of human social interaction. Being unable to have sex despite a strong desire to indicates a deficit in social skills which is also usually reflected in other areas. For instance, sexless people also often struggle with conversational skills

Leftists outright think you're a bad person if you aren't having sex. That's not natural, that's a perversion.

If you want to question someone's social skills, then critique the social skills directly.

>literally a male trait, why would you list this? to have more excuses?

what leftists

Cope more incel

>social skills
>virgin thinks you can talk your way in to sex

For example, this leftist:

I don't think being sexless is morally wrong, but if you struggle to socialise, nobody is going to want you as a friend. Incels generally see this as an insult

Rightists write long ass novels and think its the next great american novel

Lots of fat, ugly, bald, poor men manage to have sex without paying for it. How do you think they manage that?

yep I know that, but during my highschool days all my female classmates would prefer hairless guys, I would always be picked as the ugliest guy in my class because of my face and because of my hairy body

Why are you judging someone's social skills and personality based on how much sex they're having, rather than the actual social skills and personality they demonstrate?

The publishing industry is dominated by the left.

im not getting much from those three words

Virgins males over the age of 18 are hilarious tho? Personally I would burst out laughing if saw you in real life

The fact that there's 1.4 billions of indian mean you can really talk your way into sex.

He's claiming I have to be a bad person because I'm not having sex. Incel is a leftist term.

>Incel is a leftist term
The absolute state of incel

One of the hallmarks of leftists is also that they'll tactically disavow things associated with them.

>21, hairy as fuck, almost dad bod
a shitton of women and men will want to have sex with you
it sucks and it will reduce the number of potential partners, but don't give up, user, you just have to look around harder

You only got the surface level meaning of the movie if you think that he's incorrect.

Because the two (lack of social skills and incelism) directly correlate. I dislike associating with people who have no social skills and in my experience these people are the most likely coincidentally to be incels. I don't make the distiction on a purely incel basis

>feminists: men only caring about sex and objectifying women as sex objects is problematic
>also feminists: men who don't regularly have causal sex with women and then discard them are losers and this is problematic
Aw gee, it's almost as if women are selfish bitter cunts that just hate men no matter what they do

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>Ending a statement with a question mark.
Go back.

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We're not talking about sex, user, we're talking about loneliness

You are using someone's lack of sex to make inferences about someone's social skills and personality rather than simply directly judge their social skills and personality. Why are you this retarded?


i don't know user. i work in a predominantly female environment (only 1 man to 8 women at the place I work at) and they all take antidepressants. Note that the only way to buy antidepressants here is if you've been prescribed those by a doctor, so they have all been diagnosed with it. In fact I'm the only one who doesn't take the pills and don't feel like I need them, but then again I also spend my days shitposting on a uruguayan coca-beans farming forum so what do I know

No one cares about men who are unwanted and lonely.
Especially if you're a straight white male. Because you deserve to suffer, and because the people who preach about love and tolerance and acceptance are the biggest hypocrites you'll ever see.

So the reason men shame other men by calling them virgins is to pressure them into having intercourse or children at an inopportune time. This gives the shamer a competitive advantage, especially if their target is not capable of sustaining such a relationship. In reality, there is nothing wrong with being a virgin. Nothing at all. Don't let hollywood control your emotions.

Because men are supposed to be the active element in romantic pursuit. A pretty girl can't "fail" at dating. She just has to be visible in public, wait for potential suitors, pick one and not shit herself throughout the encounter.

No, the reason men do this is a form of social competition where they ostracize other men to cover their own inadequacies and failures. It's virtue signaling and jockeying for position among other men.
>"I'm not an incel, you are!"
Because when it comes to sexual conquests ALL men are liars, especially in front of other men. And no guy wants to be labeled a loser, a virgin or an incel. So they label other guys first to gain acceptance in their group.
Shaming someone else for something that you yourself are guilty of to deflect from it is one of the oldest tricks in the book, and a sure sign of insecurity.

Almost as if Pfiser and the like are in a money making cartel creating an 'illness' and selling every man woman and their dog a pill....

>there is nothing wrong with being a virgin. Nothing at all. Don't let hollywood control your emotions.
If you're under 17 years of age, sure.
But it's reprehensible for a modern man to not being able to fuck a girl even his own age, it's literally as easy as saying hi to a girl.

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Biden lost.

i hate the failed normalfags on here

On a related note why is that when people describe themselves as incels everyone disagrees with them telling that they are volcels because they haven't done everything in their power (self improvement, looksmax, therapy) to get laid; but when people describe themselves as volcels everyone tells them they're just coping incels?

honest answer is because men spend more money in the pursuit and the retention of women than they ever would alone
((())) want men to at least try and have sex since those men will spend a hundred bucks on dumb shit in the hopes of getting a piece of pussy

You have no idea how destructive the idea you're pushing is. Or maybe you do.

Yeah I'd much rather be an unloved autistic virgin not know what breasts feel like or a girl cumming on your cock...

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Just the usual leftist tactics. Everything is always wrong, damned if you do damned if you don't etc.

Yeah totally, I mean making EYE CONTACT, opening your mouth and voicing HELLO, I'M user with a SMILE is godawful!!!!

So much more constructive to come here everyday for 4 years and complain about women, rather than 5 minutes of action.

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Because these words aren't actual descriptors, they're insults. It's not supposed to make sense, it's not supposed to help you, it's supposed to hurt. Understand that feigning empathy is how these people express aggression.

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I think a lot guys have trouble with this because of all the games, tests, and spitting game that must be done to meet woman's shallow expectations. It can be done simply as you said, that's healthy.

People should be each other because they feel that person, not because they surpassed a bunch of frivolous and superficial tests.

project more

wahhhhh wahhhhh wahhhhh

>watch Lars
>have existential breakdown depression because its such a fucked up movie that hits too close to home
>later find out most people think its a mediocre comedy

Say la vee

Literally because of feminism.
Anytime you see an argument that has no logic to it and declares that women are never to blame then you know it's rooted in feminism.

What if you can't say hi to a girl?

I live with my brother and his gf in his basement and I don't even bother closing the door when I masturbate anymore. If they're dumb enough to come down here without making any noise to tell me that they're here, that's their problem, not mine.

>because of all the games, tests, and spitting game that must be done to meet woman's shallow expectations
Well yeah that's true to, it's a social problem - If you were Tom Hardy the girl would literally find a spot close by and let you fuck her raw.

If you are Joe Average, you need to take her on 5 dates, let her flake on you, pay, and you might get a peck on the cheek.

It's why escorts will always be cheaper and less of a head fuck - you get your balls emptied and split. the end.

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Not having austism is a disclaimer I didn't list.
And you need to walk ,.... OUTSIDE.


women literally cannot be lonely
dont believe me?
make a tinder, use ugly girl pictures and have no bio
you will have 10 matches in 5 minutes

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Lmao no, politics has nothing to do with this.

But Lars and the Real Girl doesn't really make fun of Lars. In fact it's quite the opposite, it humanizes someone like that and tells the audience that they're bad people for not trying to understand the type of lonely person who forms parasocial relationships with things like real dolls.

It's coming from leftists.

Modern Men actually waste their lives masquerading as the lesser species online all because of 'muh horny'

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What does affection have to do with virginity, you mentally ill incel?

>he thinks OP actually watches the movie

People seem to be forgetting that Goose was the bad boy romantic in all these movies, his character here was made for women 'oh he's still so cute as a wierdo'

you’re the first poster to bring up politics

>tinder matches = companionship
Ask me how I know you're an incel. No lonelier feeling than pulling your pants up after cumming in some bitch you don't care about.

I was just the first one to point out that this is coming from leftists.

How is it coming from leftists

what girl cums into other girls you dumb retard?

And what do I do when I get to this OUTSIDE place?

I was talking about myself and assumed the bitches feel similarly. It's called empathy, you absolute autist.

just be yourself bro

They're sexual degenerates who measure a man's worth by how much sex he's having, and they control the culture.

you pull yourself up by the bootstraps, talk to a women, take her to dance and marry her
oh wait that doesnt work , every single fucking female has atleast 50 horny faggots who would literally do anything for her in her instagram dms, 100 more in her tinder, 100 more in her bumble, 100 more in her hinge, 400 more in her facebook
shut the fuck up you tranny nigger and go back to /lgbt/ stupid fucking faggot
>hurr durr women are sooo lonely despite them being able to get male attention instantly from any man on the street, or in a bar or online
fuck you

Correct. It was never laughing at him

This. The huge difference in how easily Chad gets women vs the monumental effort I have to put in to even have a female acknowledge my existence is the main reason I don't even try anymore. I'm not some incel NEET living in grandma's basement or incapable of looking a woman in the eyes and talking to her. I have a good job, I own my own house and I've had serious relationships before, including a couple where we lived together. I'm fucking sick and tired of putting in 10x the effort of Chad to get results that are 1/10th as good as what he gets simply for existing. I can't wait for all these cunts with their absurdly high demands to smash into the wall and end up alone and miserable.

Leftists want to seize the means of production and destroy the bourgeoise in Hollywood friend. We don’t care about ‘sexual degeneracy’, Hollywood is run by liberals not leftists

spoken like an incel

you probably see dozens of them a day without even realizing it. 80% of men are not sexually active.

Lars scored tho. Only reason he got the doll instead of going straight for Margo was because he had issues to work through.

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Communism was never anything more than a means to an end that seemed to make sense at the time. As the times change, so do the means. Leftists are not attached to any particular ideology or cause.

troons mad

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The only goal which unites all leftists is seizing the means of production. Everything else is secondary

women are inconsequential. i dont hate women, i
just dont give a fuck about women.

How's your virginity coming along? And why are you son sensible about it?

"Seizing the means of production" was just some meme that was used for a time, until it was time for something different. Some useful idiots just didn't understand what was really happening, and seriously thought that leftism had something to do with means of production. It always happens. Witness the feminists who are dumbfounded that they are cast out as radicals for not accepting male crossdressers as real women.

>the core tenets of an ideology are a meme
Tell me have you ever read anything on leftism?

Leftism doesn't have core tenets. It is whatever it needs to be. It can be communism or it can be capitalism, or something else. This is what useful idiots don't understand.

>back to /lgbt/
I'm actually having sex with women while the only thing you're touching is your own dick. So if one of us is a faggot, it's definitely you.
People wanting to fuck you doesn't make you less lonely. You'd know that if you had sex before.

post body troon

Nigger what the fuck are you talking about?
Leftists are fundamentally against capitalism, are you gonna start calling Milton Friedman a leftist next lmao

why do people in your class know about your hair body wtf. Literally just make sure it's not sticking out of the back of your shirt and after that people won't care

Daily reminder that there is no such thing as an incel, only an entitled man with too high standards

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>bragging about sex with boring uninteresting 4/10 women
hahah ok dude

Leftists are the ones running capitalism. There was never any ideology, no principles, no tenets. Only means to an end.

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fucking lol

>leftists are the ones running capitalism
You are thinking of liberals, as I have repeatedly stated leftists (socialists, communists, anarchists etc) are fundamentally against capitalism as it is exploitative.
And even then, what system would you want that isn’t capitalism or communism?

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>using /fit/ memes on Dab Forums
So you're a gymcel. Kek, so that's why you think getting pussy will magically fix all your personal problems.


He could get laid that day if he wanted to. My point stands.
Lower your standards.

>Why is male virginity and failure to score just a laughing matter for Hollywood?
Because a man looking for sympathy to solve his problems instead of confronting them head-on is cringe comedy at it's finest.

>Why do these kind of situations perceived as sad when it is about women
Women don't find themselves in these situations.

>male loneliness is brushed off as being horny and thus dirty
Because it is.

>Do men not deserve affection like women?
No they don't.

>What makes female affection more pure and worthy of emotions?
Women are better, because men decided to treat them better, because at the end of the day most "men" will stab their brothers in the back for a shot at some pussy.

Nice, lad.

>bragging about
not bragging just stating a fact
>boring, uninteresting
True. Then again I don't hit them up for pleasant conversation now, do I?
Occasionally, but mostly sixes and sevens.

They're leftists. You just don't get it. You are a useful idiot. You fell for the memes. You thought there was an ideology. You thought there were principles. You got taken for a ride.

Leftism has never been anything other than jews controlling and weakening gentiles. They don't care about the methods, they only care about the results.


>no body
>uses incel

>Leftists are fundamentally against capitalism
Yet they're the biggest stooges to import infinite immigrants which economically only benefits the 1% business owners while destroying the value of labor, which is especially devastating for the lower class and working class the left claims to support. They also love to suck off billionaires and huge corporations when it benefits them, like when social media bans conservative users for wrongthink.

>youre a useful idiot
How so?
>Jews controlling and weakening gentiles
This never happened in any communist state. The ussr didn’t support Israel while the US did

And I’ll ask you again, what is your ideal society

You control men by humiliating them and giving them comfort. For example, only depict masculinity as harmful and offer porn and video games as an escape.

You control women by making them fearful and stroking their egos. For example, tell them all non-women want to rape and oppress them and that every action the take is brave and clever.

>no sex
>obsessed with trannies

Yes I agree, a lot of leftists aren’t anti-immigration they’re anti-capitalist. You’re right that its a travesty that foreign workers can be paid next to nothing leaving our workers unemployed. However the root of the issue is not foreign workers but the capitalists exploiting them.

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The communist revolution was a jewish revolution against Russia.

>And I’ll ask you again, what is your ideal society
This is completely unrelated to anything.

Can't exploit illegals if there are no illegals.

>Jewish revolution against Russia
Nigga, are you really gonna say that. No historian would ever back that up. Not only that but communism is against religion calling it an ‘opiate of the masses’

And I just would like to know as you are against both communism and capitalism

Yes you can still exploit your workers though, furthermore it would take a huge amount of state power to stop all immigrants from coming into the country. Instead of targeting the symptoms we need to target the root cause of the issue that being the capitalists

>some men keeping their status as a virgin a secret.
what does it mean to keep it a secret? no one cares.

Your point? Both look like a bunch of faggy loosers.

No historian would ever say anything negative about jews. Nobody who wants to remain in polite society would say anything negative about jews.

>Not only that but communism is against religion calling it an ‘opiate of the masses’
You still don't get it.

The US changed its immigration laws in the 1960s. Prior to that the country was overwhelmingly white. Now whites are heading for minority status, and any efforts to curb mass immigration are violently opposed. Trump was Hitler 2.0 just for wanting to build the wall.

No, the issue is more labor = lower wages. More immigrants, whether they are illegally in the country or on work visas or become naturalized citizens, means more labor which means lower wages across the board and increased competition for work. We have too many people for too few jobs as it is and automation is only going to make that worse. Increasing the supply of labor and competition for jobs fucks over the entire native population outside of business owners. Does exploitation happen? Certainly. Would immigration still drive down the value of labor even if exploitation didn't exist? Yes.

There is no economic reason to support immigration unless you own a business, and you can't just handwave away the wage depression immigration causes by pretending that only happens because of exploitation.

> sad when it is about women, but male loneliness is brushed off as being horny and thus dirty

And yet in reality it's almost always the opposite
>image very related.

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whats ironic is that if a female did show affection to us we would just wonder why and be paranoid

Why wouldn't you? What sane person would go around declaring they're a virgin?

i dont hang out with normies who i have to impress, also everyone knows im a virgin just by looking at me especially women

I need a fucking source if you’re going to say that the Bolshevik revolution was a ‘Jewish revolution’

Yes, and? Whites are the minority of the global population. You can’t expect america to remain an ethnostate.

Yes I agree, more labour equals lower wages because capitalists can pay them lower, and you’re right automation will only make this worse. So why are you I advocating for an economic system which can’t cope under immigration and automation? Instead if workers had a social safety net and could unionise they could get strike or take time off work to get better wages and a better job, or re-educate themselves which will be crucial after automation

That's what I mean. Keeping it a secret implies you're making an effort to do so.

>. You can’t expect america to remain an ethnostate.
why not?
its built by whites
why do cant non whites stay in their shitholes?
oh thats right, because nonwhites never achieved anything good
fuck you
if israel can stay an ethnostate so can any country

that's not what that user is saying though. He said that the idea that being a virgin is somehow shameful is destructive, and he's right

Because if you keep yourself as an ethnostate you become economically stagnant, look at japan. If you want a white ethnostate so badly go to Croatia or Ukraine.

Being promiscuous is incredibly destructive. Interesting that you attempted to defensively peer pressure and belittle me immediately. Why is that?

You'll never pass

>, look at japan
>implying japans problems are not tied to their toxic work culture
you are so fucking stupid you nigger
imagine trying to shill to anyone why we need niggers and spics and cant just have more white children
fuck you

I'll be 25 in a month and I'm a KHV. Sometimes I go to a dominatrix because it's the only avenue I feel comfortable expressing myself sexually and getting bitch slapped helps me feel the soft, warm skin of a beautiful woman.

You'll never pass.

In 100 years Japan will still be Japanese. Cant' say the same about any Western country opening the floodgates to (((diversity))).

Stupid fucking retard monkey
Japan’s problems aren’t that they have a toxic work culture, the issue is that they have an ageing population which is causing economic stagnation, the shitty work culture is trying to compensate for the economic stagnation

Ok, as I said go to Ukraine or Belarus if you want a white ethnostate

>, the issue is that they have an ageing population which is causing economic stagnation,
and the solution is to import niggers and spics
not to make them have children
you know why they are ageing? its because they are constantly working to afford a living
stupid nigger
fucking lefties always think the solution to everything is to import more niggers

Occidental Observer has written about it many times.


I can't bother to go through all of the search results.

>Yes, and? Whites are the minority of the global population. You can’t expect america to remain an ethnostate.
America would remain an ethnostate if the people in power simply wanted it to. There is nothing inevitable about this. It's all intentional.

>and men will want to have sex with you
It's not cool or funny to encourage a straight guy who can't score to have gay sex. Where's your empathy?

You fucking retard, they wouldn’t be bringing in any spics or niggers at all. Why would Africans or Hispanics travel halfway across the world to,go to japan? They’d be bringing in skilled workers from China or south east Asia. If any niggers go to japan they’ll be from America

No thanks. America was intended to be that and it took decades of subversion from (((civil rights advocates))) to turn this country into its current 56% abomination.

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>why are our white people no longer breeding
>I know, let's make them wage slave even more!
>they'll surely have time to form emotional connections, bond and mate when they work all the time and have no disposable income
most animals do not mate in captivity. The same is true for humans in modern civilization. If you've ever made fun of a panda for not having sex to save their race, that's what's happening to us.

>They’d be bringing in skilled workers from China or south east Asia.
they are yellow niggers
somehow nobody is concerned with "ethnic stagnation" in israel, really makes you think

i'd suck off any guy on the left. I wouldn't touch "women" on the right with a 20feet pole

>not virgin
It's so easy that a virgin male is completely pathetic to see.

Jokes aside, there is a lot of serious movies about male loneliness, but if you only see comedy movies, it's pretty obvious you are going to see jokes about it.

>america could remain an ethnostate if it wanted to
How? America was founded with a large black slave population, it then conquered a third of mexico in the mid 1800s, the only way fir america to remain an ethnostate would be genocide

Refer to my other comment

Israel does bring in immigrants, you do realise that?

As a dumb kid, raised on movies and TV, I assumed young love and losing your virginity were something that "just happens". It was only when I reached my 20s that I realised how wrong I was. Sure if you're a girl it happens as soon the first boy asks you out but for guys, if you never make a move, it never happens. But nobody tells you that.

I was always terrified of getting a gf because my parents would always tease me whenever a girl looked me in the eye. In the end I just closed myself off and fell into a deep depression. I finally did lose my virginity in a one night stand and I remember feeling so empty afterwards. I literally had nothing to look forward to anymore. A few years later I did get a gf (still together) but those childhood scars never really go away.

>America was founded with a large black slave population
>it then conquered a third of mexico in the mid 1800s
Yet despite both of those things, America remained ~90% white until a certain piece of immigration legislation was passed in 1965.

Attached: immigration_act.jpg (1516x876, 382.1K)


These are the same people who deny that jews are presently running things like banks and corporations, even though it's public knowledge who runs them.

By being an ethnostate. It's a choice. There is nothing inevitable about this. It's all a choice.

>It's so easy that a virgin male is completely pathetic to see.
if you lose your virginity to an escort, you still have virgin mentality. A man loses his virginity through being able to seduce a woman enough to have sex with him. The actual act of sex is irrelevant for a man.

>85% white
Britain and France are currently 85% white but I doubt you would call them an ethnostate

>Jews run the banks
Like how Irish descendants run the banks and currently have an irishman as president of the United States?

As I said america could not have been an ethnostate without genocide


All singles are mocked to at least some extent. See: The cake or the crazy cat lady. It's just that it's really easy to lose your virginity as a woman, so there isn't any reason to mock that.

>Leftists outright think you're a bad person if you aren't having sex.
So did the Romans. And I would argue their reason, there is something wrong with you if you aren't having sex, still holds up.

Jews have an extremely disproportionate amount of power in America. Yet if you ever say this it will be denied. Even though it's always public knowledge who runs which company or institution. They'll deny that someone is a jew, even though he plainly is one.

>As I said america could not have been an ethnostate without genocide
Where was the genocide prior to the 1960s legislative change?

Why don't you come up with real arguments as to why someone is bad, instead of just guessing things based on them not having sex? Because the mere fact that they're not having sex is what makes you think they're bad. Because you're a degenerate.

>The Jews.
Ah, you are just insane and need to be locked up.

Just tell us from the start next time.

Yes, anyone who correctly points out what the jews are up to is clearly insane and needs to be locked up. For the good of society, of course.

As I have said, the Irish hold a disproportionate amount of power in the US but no one is calling for and answer to the ‘Irish question’

And again as I have said, if you don’t count the United Kingdom as an ethnostate despite being 85% white then you can’t say that American was an ethnostate before 1960

Yes. You believe in insane conspiracy theories. You should be locked up. It's not that hard to understand.

I would lock up somebody that believes they are Napoleon as well.

JIDF has arrived

Attached: shut_it_down.webm (272x480, 1.06M)

What if they were Napoleon?

>instead of just guessing things based on them not having sex?
Because it's a good assumption to have. If somebody refuses to have sex you can generally assume there is something deeply wrong with them.

It's not about giving a reason, it's simply self preservation.

Cope you got btfo’d

Then ask him to show how he came back.

I'm not a bad guy. I was sexually abused by my mother and grandmother and beaten by my father. I never wanted sex until recently. But I have reasons, and im tired if being seen as though something is wrong with me. I am the victim, not the aggressor :(

You clearly don't understand or won't admit just how much power jews have and how many pies they have their fingers in. It's actually absurd. And worst of all, they use that power to destroy us.

>And again as I have said, if you don’t count the United Kingdom as an ethnostate despite being 85% white then you can’t say that American was an ethnostate before 1960
Before the 1960s, whites were the supermajority and it was taken for granted that America was a white country run by white people for white people. Now whites are going to become a minority, and no longer have any political power.

>m-muh conspiracy theory!
That's what you say about every inconvinient truth.

If you have such a problem with someone's personality, then attack it directly. Tell me what is explicitly, clearly wrong with them. Stop playing games.

Because no one cares. Straight white males hold all the power. And because of these few (that don't give a shit about their fellow people), poor or ostracized men are hung out to dry.
Simple as.

>That's what you say about every inconvinient truth.
No, I do not. Only insane Jew conspiracy theories.

> Tell me what is explicitly, clearly wrong with them.
Depends on the person. Point being that 9/10 times there IS something wrong with them.


Attached: funds.jpg (750x866, 98.82K)

Straight white males are somewhere around the bottom of the power hierarchy in America.

>No, I do not. Only insane Jew conspiracy theories.
Blah blah blah.

>Depends on the person. Point being that 9/10 times there IS something wrong with them.
Based on your bizarre guesswork.

>he had to pay somebody to take his virginity
I feel so sorry for you, user. Genuinely.

if someone actually brings it up to you, then see if you have it in you to be confrontational about it, though I know abuse victims can be very passive-aggressive. Basically drive home the point of "If you think this is a problem for me, help me solve it or shut up, all you're accomplishing is making me feel worse." And if they actually help you, then fantastic, otherwise they should shut up.

>Blah blah blah.
This is what I hear anybody talks about the Jews.

Only thing bad about it is that you people are scapegoating instead of attacking the real cause of everything you hate.

>Based on your bizarre guesswork.
It was the norm for most ancient cultures. Obviously, that doesn't mean it's automatically good. But I think it makes quite a bit of sense to be distrustful of people like that.

Male virginity has always been a joke user.

Women unironically believe that they are as lonely, if not more lonely, than men. Women are literally incapable of understanding what actual loneliness feels like

Attached: lonely women.png (1216x770, 806.65K)

Jews are the real cause 99% of the time, and everyone else gets scapegoated.

>But I think it makes quite a bit of sense to be distrustful of people like that.
No, you're just a degenerate.

because if they made a film about a 30yr old woman with one egg left being constantly turned down for 2nd dates, the director would be hunted down

user... white people still run most major businesses in America and account for the vast majority of the senate

Jews are not even a real group. Which means they can't be responsible for anything. So, like, suck it.

>No, you're just a degenerate.
No, it's degenerate not to have sex. Again, the Romans got this. Why don't you?

tfw 27 year old 5'10 balding hugless relationshipless dateless virgin manlet who hasn't had friends in 14 years and hasn't had a conversation with a female that wasn't his mother in that same 14 year span. what should I do lads? the only half decent thing about me is that I have some money

Look up how much of Congress has dual-citizenship, what country they have dual-citizenship with and what the I in AIPAC stands for.

Lars and the Real Girl isn't a comedy if that's what you're trying to imply.

Attached: No Luv.webm (768x320, 2.99M)

women can't even fathom the level of resentment men have against them,
the 'men are trash' crowd are absolutely nothing compared to the constantly neutered feeling of the modern man.

Ok, whites still hold the majority of the power in the US

Many of those "white people" are actually jews, and jewish power is so overwhelming in America that even white people have to follow or willingly follow their lead.

You're using the antifa defense for jews? Really? How desperate are you?

>No, it's degenerate not to have sex.
It's your behavior that's degenerate. But like all jews you just invert everything.


If you're an adult virgin, it's because you've got no redeeming qualities.
That's why it's so easy to make fun of incels.

you know damn well that the people on the left are a bunch of college students and the people on the right are completely deranged

Lmao, yes and? Whites people still hold the majority of the power in the US

Because real men can take a joke. Men don't throw a fit and demand heads on a platter when their gender is used for comedy.

>Point being that 9/10 times there IS something wrong with them.
Not the guy you're replying to, but that's vague as fuck. Did you ever even directly speak to an incel or is your perception just based on tired clichés and cringe compilations?

Gooseling owns stock in the silicon mines?

start doing activities where you can regularly see the same kind of people in a neutral mixed-gender setting
yoga class, hiking groups, going to the dog park at the same time regularly, etc. This gives people the chance to warm up to each other and have a "story" for the relationship, rather than some online date meetup. One time you can just say hi and introduce yourself, next time you ask them if they have anything going on, next time you can ask them if they're down for doing something related to your activity (e.g. a hike for the two of you) or something you've learned about them.

By what metric? Why is the overabundance of Jews in positions of power never allowed to be brought up without someone being labelled a Nazi?
Why is okay to be racist if it's toward white people? And also why are white countries being flooded with immigrants at replacement levels?

jews are white

Yes it’s okay to be racists towards white people, you are being anti-Semitic and have used racial slurs, why can’t minorities?

>the Romans got this. Why don't you?
Right, let's take pointers from a culture that choked on it's own degeneracy and fell apart when it had no meaningful outside opposition because of that.

And what happens if whites try to advocate for their own interests? Trump never even explicitly did that, and he was still called a nazi and a white supremacist along with everyone who voted for him. Even the perception that you might be working for white interests causes that reaction.

So the holocaust was just white people killing other whites.

>So the holocaust was just white people killing other whites.
and? genocide is bad chud, especially of white people. You disagree with this?

>I would always be picked as the ugliest guy in my class because of my face and because of my hairy body

>alright class, today we will be ranking all the male students from hottest to ugliest again. and yes yes I know we do this every week already, but we need to make sure user has an easily disproved strawman story for him to post on Chinese cartoon forums about why he’s a virgin

I’ll take shit that never happened for 1000 Alex


>You're using the antifa defense for jews?
I didn't even know antifa used it.

Regardless, it is true. Working class Jews are not the same as the Jews in the upper class in the USA. Who are not the same Jews as the once that run Isreal.

>But like all jews you just invert everything.
Ah, I am a jew now? Didn't know that.

>Right, let's take pointers from a culture that choked on it's own degeneracy
It chocked so hard it lasted for almost two millenniums. Meanwhile, every puritan civilization destroyed itself in less than a century.

Yes because you shouldn’t work for a single races interests. I bet you’d have a tantrum if Africans or Hispanics did that so why is it ok for whites to do it?

Girls like to list and rank shit.

>Why is the overabundance of Jews in positions of power never allowed to be brought up without someone being labelled a Nazi?
Because it's something primarily Nazi's bring up. More so than that: And? There is a historical reason for it. It's not some kind of conspiracy/

>So the holocaust was just white people killing other whites.
Yes. The idea of "whites" didn't even exist in 1939 Germany. It was all about races and ethnicities.

You dishonest retard. He didn't say that

What slur have I used, how is jew a slur?
Why is discrimination okay against anyone in a fair and just society. Also why is it not okay to point out faults in anyone that isn't white without being called racist.
White people are a global minority, and since the majority of people in the US are non-white that means that they will be a minority here too (assuming they are not already).
Why isn't the replacement of whites considered genocide?

I'm sexless because I have no idea how to experience emotional connection with people and because I don't have any malicious drive in me to pursue women for sexual gratification.

I mean, I would start that you shouldn't work for the benefit of your race when you can't even define that race properly. Like, I hate Nazi Germany. But at least they had a race theory that, while blatantly wrong and stupid, was at least consistent.

"Whites" is not a race. "Europeans" is not a race. "Blacks" is not a race.

A town contriving to compassionately accommodate its town madman toward helping him heal being outlandish as it is in the film is the real subversive element.

The entire point behind the holocaust was that jews were the victims and whites/Christians the oppressors. The whole thing stops meaning anything if both sides were whites.

>I didn't even know antifa used it.
Sure, sure...

>Regardless, it is true. Working class Jews are not the same as the Jews in the upper class in the USA. Who are not the same Jews as the once that run Isreal.
A working class jews is almost an oxymoron, and it's not a class thing. Jews across the board are hostile to us.

America is a white country so obviously it should be advancing white interests. But whites are the only ones who now are not allowed to advocate for their own interests.

It's really amazing what kind of mental gymnastics jews will do for the sake of an argument.

this girls in my class literally made a list I was the last one...

user, there is no "replacement" happening. Nor would it be considered a genocide anyway since nobody is being killed. The only reason white population is declining is because white people are having less children. Which is their choice, not a scheme by somebody to attempt genocide.

Yea you're right. I wish I was more confrontational. Unfortunately I internalize everyone's criticisms of me.

>and it's not a class thing.
user, everything is a class thing. You have more in common with a working class Jew than you do with a upper class white.

>It's really amazing what kind of mental gymnastics jews will do for the sake of an argument.
What? The mental gymnastics of pointing out Nazi Germany didn't believe in the same race theory you do? You do realize that, outside of Jews, the group that Hitler probably hated the most was Slavs, right?

Oh, what am I saying? Any facts are too much for a mentally ill lunatic.

Weren’t you the guy who used nigger and spic?


>The entire point behind the holocaust was that jews were the victims and whites/Christians the oppressors. The whole thing stops meaning anything if both sides were whites.
Both sides were white. The world is more complicate than your racial fantasies. The Holocaust happened. Jews are whites. Accept these facts and build your worldview from those foundational facts.

>almost two millenniums
Lol, try barely even one and even then the decay accelerated like crazy once the mindset you're advocating for got introduced.
>every puritan civilization destroyed itself in less than a century
Objectively wrong. Every long lasting culture shamed whores and valued virgins (especially female ones) for as long as it existed. The sexual revolution is a recent thing and we're already witnessing the disastrous impact it's having in real time.

This is the most retarded idea I've heard. Can't talk about a systemic attack on certain people without being a nazi, what the Fuck.
Nazis killed outside groups. I only want to bring attention to the problems my people face. Stop legitimatimizing bigotry and hate just because of some Nazi boogeyman

The founding of the Rome was most likely in 753 BC. The fall of the last part of the Roman Empire was in 1453.

That is at least two millenniums of existence.

> Every long lasting culture shamed whores and valued virgins (especially female ones) for as long as it existed.
Pretty much all cultures only looked down on female promiscuity. In most ancient cultures, you weren't a true man unless you had sex with as many women, and sometimes even men, as possible.

Any culture that looked down upon male promiscuity was destroyed.

No. Ive worked around other people for decades, I don't believe in that kind of bigotry.
Such an influx of other people into an indiginous group used to be a symptom of genocide until recently.

>no replacement happening
Yeah, it's just whites becoming minorities in their own countries with no cultural or political influence. Everything is fine.

>Nor would it be considered a genocide anyway since nobody is being killed.
Not according to the UN.

>The only reason white population is declining is because white people are having less children.
Part of that is caused by social engineering, but I guess you just conviniently forgot about all the mass immigration.

>user, everything is a class thing.
This is just a convinient fiction.

>What? The mental gymnastics of pointing out Nazi Germany didn't believe in the same race theory you do?
The mental gymnastics of arguing that jews are white.

>Oh, what am I saying? Any facts are too much for a mentally ill lunatic.
"If you don't believe us jews, you're CRAZY!"

>Both sides were white.
You don't believe this. Nobody believes this. This is just some shit you pulled out of your ass for the sake of winning an argument by any means necessary.

>Can't talk about a systemic attack on certain people without being a nazi, what the Fuck.
You misunderstand. You are not called a Nazi because you talk about systematic attacks on people, you are called a Nazi because you believe Jews being overrepresented in certain places is a systematic attack on people.

>I only want to bring attention to the problems my people face
What problem? The problems white people are causing themselves by choosing not to have children?

>Such an influx of other people into an indiginous group used to be a symptom of genocide until recently.
No, it was not. It's never been viewed as a attempt at genocide. It could be viewed as a attempt at colonization, but not genocide.

Explain to me how jews aren't white then you blithering retard. Define whiteness for me, because you clearly aren't going by the obvious metric.

Jews don't consider themselves white. They act as a group separate from whites. They act against whites. You know this. You are just lying because it's convinient.