George R.R. Martin developing "Roadmarks" adaptation for HBOMAX

His work on the books has been postponed to work on this adaptation.

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He's just doing anything that prevents him from finishing the damn book.

this fat old fuck is never finishing his fucking books

He's halfway done after 10 years. There's no excuse.


Honestly this dude couldn't have gotten a ghost writer? Is he retarded?

look fatman if you don't wanna finish the book just come out and say so, stop jerking your readers around

spoiler alert, he's never going to finish the books because d&d did everything he was going to and he saw just how bad it fucking bombed


He basically did.
>assistant leaves after last book
>cowrites another series releasing one book a year
>martin doesn't release another book ever again

OOOhh god I hope they kicked him off that as soon as they could and just got to work.

I don't think anyone gives a fuck about his books anymore. I enjoyed the books and actually defend AFfC/ADwD. I remember around 2014 when there were his murmurs of nearly being done, it's around the corner, etc. etc. This fat cunt is done, and nobody really gives a shit anymore about a series that once seemed pretty promising

>In February 2021, Martin said he had written "hundreds and hundreds of pages" of The Winds of Winter in 2020 but that even though it had been the most productive year with regard to The Winds of Winter, he still had hundreds of pages to write; although he is hopeful of finishing in 2021, he does not want to make any predictions.

>pretending that he's ever done any work after dance with dragons

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I'm sure the show spoiling his ending has made it more difficult, but he probably knows his version will be much better received. There is already a lot of set up for king bran (Google it, I'm not elaborating) and Dany going insane. I thin knowing how to reveal one the greatest plot twists of all time (R+L=J) now that every normie and their mother has had it spoiled by d&ds fan fiction willl be his biggest hurdle in that regard. Plus the nature of the butterfly effect will make his finale much different becuase of all the different variables (fAegon, Lady Stoneheart, real Euron, etc)

Never coming out

>I don't think anyone gives a fuck about his books anymore

A lot of losers high on hopium like me do, and if/when TWOW winter comes out more people than ever probably will. You probably would to if you reread them because they're incredible books, I wouldn't do that until we get a solid release date though because the pain of the wait is real.

I think covid actually did help his progress immensely. This is really good news if he doesn't scrap it all

He wants to finish the book because it's the most important part of his legacy and his proudest work, but he probably resents every moment he spends writing it which will no doubt effect the quality. The problem is that he keeps writing tons of content then scrapping all of it. for the first three books his hand was literally guided by god himself, he's lost that ability to just let it flow and is now agonizing over making sure its perfect, while constantly distracting himself with side projects to get a break from the stress all of that causes.
George is a based old fat and perverted genius, and whatever happens I will always be grateful for the time we got to spend in westeros, even if we never get to see it through to the end. I think it's still my favorite story of all time even in it's incomplete state

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he hasn't even started ADOS yet either.

>it's been 10 FUCKING YEARS since adwd

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This. Who gives a fuck about fucking Game of Thrones anymore lol

He may finish Winds of Winter. He will never finish A Dream of Spring. It just isn't possible considering his age and sizeable girth.

just watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes

>There is already a lot of set up for king bran (Google it, I'm not elaborating)
I can only find retarded show shit that unironically uses "chaos is a ladder" as explanation for Bran becoming king.

Remember his lunatic timeline of releases?
1. The Winds of Winter
2. Dunk & Egg #4
3. A Dream of Spring
4. Dunk & Egg #5
5. Fire & Blood #2

He's either completely delusional or he hates his fans. Either way, we'll be lucky if we get TWoW. I'm starting to think we won't even get that.

It's very boring


>Watching anime makes me smart and sophisticated

I'm surprised fans haven't tried to write it themselves at this point.

hating anime is one of the defining traits of the midwit curve

He'll troll us all and A Dream of Spring will just be a single chapter.

>"I will make no predictions on when I will finish. Every time I do, assholes on the internet take that as a “promise,” and then wait eagerly to crucify me when I miss the deadline."

>“If I don’t have ‘The Winds of Winter’ in hand when I arrive in New Zealand for Worldcon, you have here my formal written permission to imprison me in a small cabin on White Island, overlooking that lake of sulfuric acid, until I’m done,” wrote Martin in a Not A Blog post in 2019.

>ASoIaF fans think they know suffering

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Fat lazy bitch should be handing out stickers to kids at the entrance of a Walmart somewhere. Fuck him for wasting everyone's time. Someone high up should talk to him like an overactive child.

"No, you can't open that new cereal until you've finished the one you already opened. You're being wasteful."

why do you care for these glorified harry potter books so much?

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>HBO isn't content with simply ruining the adaption, they have to ruin the books too
Absolutely based.

literally who gives a fuck anymore about Battle for a Chair

There was a time when they were a compelling read, but it turned to meandering shit in AFFC and ADWD, so it didn't surprise me when the show took a nosedive even before they ran out of source material.

>and if/when TWOW winter comes out more people than ever probably will. You probably would to if you reread them because they're incredible books, I wouldn't do that until we get a solid release date though because the pain of the wait is real.
Yeah I'll read TWOW if it is released but I don't give a shit for now. Zero hype, if it never gets released won't care, etc. The hype train is DEAD

trips of truth

Someone made a big write up about it a long time before the show ended, I'll try find it for you

>thinking fromsoft has the ability to make a good game when sekiro and ds3 were both awful

chtorrchads laught at you weeb scum


Long post but it's worth a read, this guy called it all the way back in 2015. The context around Bran becoming king is very different to what we saw in the show, but I think this is how it will go down in the books. I highly doubt "because he has a good story" was one of Georges ideas

i dont know ho you anons even finished ADWD.. it was so boring and the dorn plot was absolutely retarded

>actually linking to that dogshit tranny forum
embarrassed for you

I don't know what the connection is between the forum and trannies but I'll assume you've forgotten to take your meds

The userbase of Dab Forums on the other hand is 50% trannies and 50% people who are fucking obsessed with trannies. If there was ever a tranny forum it's the one you're posting on now

>thinking you have the ability to make a good post when your taste is awful


Where’s my fucking Elden Ring you fat piece of shit?
I don’t care about got or whatever this shit is, I just get pissed when I see this overweight slob

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never coming out, silksong chads are laughing at you elden ring cucks

It's Miyazaki's best game, fagtron

This isn't on Reddit. Where can I go for salt?



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Do you think this is news to me? I'm not a tranny

You on the other hand may be because you seem to be obsessed. If you can't stop spilling ropes over trap porn and making angry comments about trannies you probably are one.

Go take your estrogen, but take your anti-psychotics first


Wtf it actually isn't on r/asoiaf

Who's gonna tell em?

>I'm not a tranny
t. tranny

That's not very lady-like of you user

>chingchong bug crap
>platformer sin 2016+6-1

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unironically dilate

Should we blame sword of shannara for making multi part series popular?

I would like Berserk to have an ending as well user


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hiatusfags at least get like 10 chapters every 2 years or so
grrm has done absolutely nothing for 10 years now


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>chingchong bug crap
It's made by aussies. The only female VA they had was some random asian chick in the office next to theirs which might be why you thought that
>platformer sin
Hollow Knight had fuck all platforming and was mostly combat focused, the devs have said silksong will have even less

Glad someone thought so, every other response I got was calling me a tranny

>Closet trannies having a meltdown

This was a good read and I think it will probably turn out true. But it’s really not about Bran becoming king.

>Martin said he had written "hundreds and hundreds of pages"
Show the pages or that's a fucking lie.

>they’re incredible books
the first three are pretty great. feast and dance are both trash.

He hasn't even started Winds yet. He's lying.

I just want him to die.
He's a jew so he's going to burn in hell too.

Im actually worried that the ending will be fedora and shonen at the same time.

I didn't reread it before I posted it and just assumed it was the right one.

The one I read was about Bran ruling from the isle of faces that also drew parallels between Bran and the fisher king. Or maybe it's just a bunch of theories that my brain has combined. You might have to dig around some more but I think there are a few good explanations for the Bran the Broken ending (in the context of the books obviously)

No responsible editor would ever let this happen.

Sekino is From Software's best game

Here is another one. I actually read it again this time

>inb4 leddit

go back

Harry Potter would be unironically based if it had all the rape and sex ASoIaF does.

Thou shalt ne'er a true maiden be. Thou hast neither womb nor ovary. Thou art a catamite, twist'd by foul perversion of chirurgeon's art to crude fleer'ry of Divine perfection.
All validation as thou receivest like unto Janus' own be, and tepid to boot. 'Pon thy hind, good folk fleer.
Thy good father and kind mother art in troth disgust'd and in shame of thee.
Thy friends doth make sport of thine hideous countenance 'twixt themselves.
By thee art all of Adam's sons utterly repuls'd. Our Lord didst fortuitously permit all menfolk to divine thy fraud with wondrous accuracy.
If by trickery, thou didst 'pon occasion "pass", all gentle folk verily wouldst 'pon closer examination revile thee. By the Lord's arrangement, thy very bones betray thee.
And if 'pon chance thou pliest with drink an unfortunate companion unto thy fetid bed, 'twould soonest fly as drink in the aromas from thine diseas'd, fest'ring wound, the which thou cherish in mockery of Eve's daughters.
Tis certaine that never shalt the devil's spawn pass from thine false womb, thus fruitless art thy efforts to ensnare gentlefolk.
Joy shall likewise escape thee.
'Pon waking, thou paint upon thy face a Deceiver's frippery, but inside thine heart, parlous despair circles like Leviathan, eft t' crush thee 'neath th'unbearable weight.
In the end 'twill be too much to bear - thou shalt find thyself procuring firm rope, mocking the hangman's noble art, and plunging into the bitter abyss of the Divill's embrace, to spend thy days better cavorting with thine masters.
Thine father or mother shall occasion upon thine empty shell and weep, caught 'twixt heartbreak and relief that the shame thou broughtest them hast, user, abated.
Thine headstone shall reflect thine Christian name, and hist'ry shall record thee a man.
As worms and creatures of the earth feast on thine unholy corpse, thine bones shalt betray thee again - unmistak'bly like unto Adam's.
'Tis thy fate, self-appointed. Ne'er shall thee revoke it.

I mean, you whine a lot, like a tranny would.

>mfw you illterate faggots have already read 8,000 pages of GRRM's shit and will never get closure

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>I'm sure the show spoiling his ending has made it more difficult, but he probably knows his version will be much better received.
You really don't know about the GRRMasterplan? He gave Dumb and Dumber the worst ideas he had, so that their show would be sabotaged. If the show had his real ending, then there would be no reason for him to finish it. But he made them do a shitty ending, thus taking out competition, and making everyone and their mother, want his ending now. That's business 101. GRRM was playing the long con, since the day he met D&D.

While I love the idea that George only gave D&D the rights to make the show because they were the biggest retards he could find, I think the characters endings in the show thematically fit their book counterparts perfectly, hopefully things are different enough to still be surprising though.

Unexpectedly based.

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Feast is a great book. Most of the themes of the series, shine through the best in Feast. I love how it takes a breather between epic wars that we usually see in fantasy, and takes us through the war torn country, showcasing the political, social and economic troubles of the post war Westeros. It's something that fantasy books rarely touch, and it's done really well. I like how we go from cool characters having a grand old war, to looking at the ugly aftermath. Really sobering.

I stopped caring some time ago. Although, I will probably read the damn book when/if it comes out.

>I think the characters endings in the show thematically fit their book counterparts perfectly
If I wasn't in horrible pain from the corona, I would write 10-20 paragraphs on why I disagree.

>The adaptation comes from Kalinda Vazquez, who has written on Star Trek: Discovery
to the trash it goes

I wonder what is his Tax Policy?

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>greatest plot twists of all time
you are stupid fucking monkey nigger and R+L=J was never going to happen

>R+L=J was never going to happen

Have you actually read the books? If you try and tell me his mother is Ashara Dane I will pitch another show for Grrm to be a producer for

>believing this perfect story of how an epic super duper warrior with super duper parents going to save the world
ohhh, summerchild

Don't know how to tell you but Miura is constantly monitored by his oncologist.

Who do you think his parents are then? if you say Ashara + Ned you instantly out yourself as a retard

This was retarded before the show and it's even more retarded now please stop and move onto killing yourself.

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Tourney at Herrenhal
Eddard Stark + Ashara Dayne = Jon Snow
Robert’s Rebellion
Rhaegar Targaryen + Lyanna Stark = Daenerys
Eddard promises Lyanna
Returns Arthur Dayne’s sword to Ashara
Discovers Jon Snow
Eddard trades Daenerys to Ashara for Jon Snow
Ashara “commits suicide” and becomes Septa Lemore
Takes baby Daenerys to Willem Darry
Joins Jon Connington and helps raise baby fAegon

Screen cap this because it is known.

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>I think the characters endings in the show thematically fit their book counterparts perfectly

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Bend the knee you shits, to the true King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm!

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