
What was your reaction when you found out who directed this episode?

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I watched only looper

Neutral. Like my reaction to all episodes after season one.

>Didn't mind Looper and thought that was a great episode of Breaking Bad
Wow, how good is Last Jedi gonna be?

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The series has a showrunner and isn't this guy.

Tarantino's CSI episode is free of most Tarantino bullshit which makes his movies bad.

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i was unsurprised that it was the director of the only good new star wars movie


I was excited because the Star Wars sequels didn't exist at the time and I loved the "Fly" episode of Breaking Bad which was also directed by Rian Johnson and Looper was a kino film.


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>episode title references something that you need to google it to know what it is and feel uncultured because of it
Fuck them, why can't they just name the episodes something like "the one with the pink meth" instead?

I like rians flicks

>The One Where Henk Dies

I didn't care for season 5.

Any middle schooler who read watchmen would get the reference

I'll watch anything Rian does, Brick/Looper/Knives Out are all great movies

I still fucking hate the Last Jedi though and it's defintely about 80% his fault

He killed millions

Television shows lets actors and random people off the street direct episodes. TV directors don't have as noticeable an impact on a show as a movie. His films are polarizing, but it's hard to fuck up a show like BB when the foundational crew had things rolling and locked down for seasons before he directed anything.

He directed the infamous most controversial The Fly episode of Breaking Bad, which had his signature style all over it

not surprised. it's over rated as fuck. Look to Granite State or Fly for actually /kino/ episodes

that episode was very solid and wasn't out of place for the show as a whole. At this point thinking it's infamous or controversial is just making something out of nothing.

I hated that episode and nobody will convince me it's not shit.

>His films are polarizing,

Are they? I thought the only real movie that caused controversy was TLJ

The rest is now either people who hate him for 'ruining' Star Wars and now retroactively hate his other movies

(I do remember Looper being slightly polerising for it's plot change 1/2 through)

i remember this episode was ruined for me when I saw a post from a Hank fanpage on Facebook that literally never posted anything except for when this episode aired, something like "up here in heaven is beautiful, minerals everywhere"

He’s onto Gus

5a you mean? because that 2nd half was amazing

Rian also directed the Fly episode too. He directs nothing but K I N O

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>live free or die because there's a new hampshire driver's licence that says live free or die
>madrigal because they meet the bitch from madrigal electromotive
>hazard pay because it's about mike getting the boys' hazard pay
>fifty one because walt turns fifty one
>dead freight because they rob a freight train and the kid gets dead
>buyout because jesse and mike take a buyout
>say my name because walt says say my name
>gliding over all because walt is in charge and glides over all
>blood money because jesse is uncomfortable taking the blood money
>buried because walt buries his money
>confessions because walt makes a fake confession video
>rabid dog because they compare jesse to a rabid dog
>to'hajiilee because they go to to'hajiilee
>ozymandias ___
>granite state because new hampshire is called the granite state
>felina because a song about a girl callled felina playes
it's the one fucking example in the show you retard

Yeah, you're right.


You are correct in the sense that SW ruined and influenced a significant portion of opinions on his career's work. The impact it had on this board alone is enough to forget it's mostly just SW and aspects of Looper.

I hated the fly episode but I liked Episode 8.

I was surprised when I found out Rian was responsible for TLJ when he made this kino.
Besides, during BB’s end episodes it’s said that he bragged to other directors that he “got to fuck the prom queen” by writing Ozymandias when they didn’t. Wondered what shit crawled up his ass after that.

Gliding over all is a reference to the gliding o'er all poem you fucking retard

Hmm let’s see
>a production and writing team who consistently produced excellence for five seasons
>some lil bald cunt director whose other works are shit
Who is the primary factor in this episode being great?

Directing wasnt the issue with TLJ (outside the terrible fight scenes) it was the writing

Breaking Bad is pleb tier. It's every normie's favorite series.
>dude SAY MY NAME lmao epic

to make disney billions

The Fly was his best episode. *chefs kiss* the pinnacle of breaking bad

probably the best episode in the show it kinda felt like a father son type movie when they were stuck in the desert

holy shit that makes so much sense now. consider my expectations for that episode SUBVERTED!

There is nothing special to the direction. The writing is what makes the episode good.

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It is infamous and controversial. Ask anyone.

His name is Honk

Half the episode was Walter just fucking around chasing a fly because they didn't have enough budget and script. Back then many people hated it. Redditors only love it now because the writing itself is actually super good in the later half and they wanna be special.

I thought it was Isaac

His name is Ballsack Schrader and you can go fuck yourself

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His name is Baldcap White.

>>felina because a song about a girl callled felina playes
His name was sparky

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Not that surprised since Rian's shit comes from his 'creative' decisions. If you give him a script/story that isn't trash and don't let him write it as trash, then there's not much he can really do to ruin it.
He'd be a perfectly competent director-for-hire. But he's embarrassingly bad because he has the need to prove himself as some kind of auteur when he's a hack

People always praise Johnson for directing the highest rated episode of Breaking Bad, but conveniently forget to mention that he also directed the lowest rated one.

kek i found out after i watched and hated the last jedi. gotta say that im glad i knew this before i watched knives out-- gave me some hope

sex gifs

>director now means creator, writer, cinematographer, editing
Unironically end your life.

>a good director directed a good episode


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He didn't write it though

Breaking Bad finale was utter trash

why are BB threads always about how casual and normie the show is? Do people really feel so insecure about shows they've watched?

Is this the episode where there are like 15 bikers with assault rifles aimed at hank, then they start shooting and every single fucking one of them misses? If so that scene suddenly makes a lot more sense,my expectations on how guns work was subverted.


they didn't miss, they shot him and killed Gomez. they also make the shootout seem much longer than it is, since in the intro of the next episode you only hear gunfire for a few seconds

no it wasn't, cuck.
it's impossible to discuss this show without some moron going "but m-muh sopranos"

What do you mean? Sopranos is vastly superior in every way.

what was so good about this episode?

>The One Where The Rock Collector Goes 6 Feet Under

Lol did you even watch the video

watching sopranos feels like watching the acting olympics and who wants that?

>it was utter trash
>no it wasn't
>did you watch the video? cause it will definitely change your mind on whether or not it was trash
I bet you also watch conspiracy theory videos designed to make you believe falsehoods.

>my name is Isaac schrader
Dropped the show at this point. It’s so full of plot holes it’s dumb

Ah yes videos on inane political bullshit is comparable to analysis of visual and auditory media

What ever happened to bmineral

You don't need to watch an analysis to know BB was complete shite compared to Mad Men and The Sopranos.

If you don't know one of the most famous sonnets in history I'm sorry to say you are in fact uncultured.


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my most recent rewatch has convinced me that S2 is the best one

It convinced you wrong, because it's actually season 3

>Was chosen to direct the episode that pretty much ran itself
Says alot about how others regard his lack of talent desu

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you are wrong anonidas
3,4,1 are all on a similar level

Fuck off contrarian faggot

This shit made no sense.

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Why did Uncle think that Isaac's name was Fed?


Nazis hate jewish people