A Serious Man

What does Dab Forums think about A Serious Man?

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The couple Anons who watched it will say it's great. The rest will hate it because mu jooz

Fucking nice

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never seen it. how serious is this man?

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I watched it. Didn't like it. Too many jews

Pretty serious about killing whores

>SY ABLEMAN?!?!!?!!

Jew kino.

The actor is kino in every role he's had

It was very, very good

it was boring as fuck maybe i dont get it coz im not american

literally nothing happens

Most underrated Coen film

its just a guy getting cucked constantly

Life is a giant cucking

I'm Jewish and I didn't particularly like it. I found it boring and overly dour. My parents liked it more though. They said the parts in the temple and Jewish school are a very accurate depiction of what they were like growing up.

thats the message of the film? it kinda depressed me i guess its good art but i wasnt entertained

A seriously boring movie

i felt some undertones of things i didnt understand similar to parts of uncut gems i guess. Exposure to judaism and the general day to day operations of the faith are a bit unknown to me

I don't know if that's the message exactly but it's not supposed to be uplifting. Most Coen Bros movies aren't really

Both hilarious and bleak. It's climbed up in my rankings for best Coen brothers films.

Well they said is was largely based on their childhood, so of course you won't have much access to it.
I am neither a jew nor a burger, and my mom loves to watch those nostalgic documentaries about the 60s and 70s and it's a completely different world.

Faggot zoomer

Well from my perspective being Jewish didn't unlock some deeper understanding of the film. I was thinking it would be an adaptation of the book of job, but it's not.

I watched it and it was boring as shit. Pointless shlop
>inb4 hurrr durrrr
I loathe actionshit, capeshit and weebshit.

i love their other films tho cant quite put my finger on why this one wasnt as good to me.

the most underrated coen brothers film is Hail Caesar

A bit boring and banal.
But I still can't get it out of my head though.
So I guess its good.

ok good to know im not missing anything drastic. I read all about passover after uncut gems interesting stuff

I don't know what the "message" is, but it certainly says some things about Judaism. It criticizes Jews for being overly sentimental and self-impressed. I think the goy's teeth scene is the movie in miniature. Some people, though certainly not the Coen brothers, would interpret the whole movie the same way the rabbi interpreted the story.
It's also weirdly anti-divorce, which is not a classic jewish position. I might wonder if the Coen brothers are secretly Christian.

luv a serious man
ate hail caesar

It's basically a variety show listing all the common jewish neuroses. I don't mean that as a bad thing but that's pretty much the depth of it.

>nothing happens
things dumbcunts say about films

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i think i missed the parts about day to day life under that religion. Isort of get the unhelpful rabbi cliche and how they dont seem to be able to talk back like theres a different authority

I find it entertaining that Serious Man is about a jew who gets constantly shit on by fate while Hail Caeser is about a Christian for whom things always work out.

I thought it was very entertaining and insightful even

Insightful about what?

just rewatching the goys teeth scene and i think i need to rewatch this film its been years

I think the message was that you, as a mere mortal, will never understand the nature of God or the meaning of life. So just try your best to be a decent human being, and don't get too disappointed when things don't go your way.

Do rabbis tend to have a lot more power over their parishioners than other religions?

kino of the highest order

The film is playing a trick on you. By trying to discern a deep message you're trapping yourself in a pointless search for meaning like Larry.

Outside of ultra orthodox no.

yea i stated earlier clearly i need a rewatch . was in my early 20s last time and life was different

is it pretty common occurrence for men to ask their rabbi stuff like in the goys teeth scene. like is that a monthly thing a lot of jewish ppl do?


Every single Coen Bros. movie has some sort of tribute towards a philosophy called absurdism which is about how someone who works hard and does everything correctly might suffer and conversely how someone who is lazy and nasty might do well. To a lesser extent a lot of their movies contain elements of Taoism which is about how people have to go with what is given to them otherwise they end up with two gears grinding against each other. The Taoism is exemplified by how a lot of good characters end up in bad places for being proactive such as the main character's dealing with the college bribe and the uncle in this movie.

It's a movie about jews but it isn't a jewish movie.

It's the worst flick Dab Forums has memed me into watching. Blade Runner, The Dark Knight Arises, Fight Club and Tree of Life all seemed more interesting and enjoyable. Even cringeworthy ass Drive was better.

I feel like I can’t “get it” because I’m not Jewish. Good scenes, acting, etc though. 8/10.



When the truth is found to be lies...

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one of the most depressing films i have ever seen
i know it's supposed to be a "dark comedy" or whatever, but the ideas put forward (god is real and punishes you despite trying to do good) are really grim

>god is real and punishes you despite trying to do good
Except he doesn't. He gets the doctor's call and the tornado closes in on the town when he considers accepting the bribe.

>will hate it because mu jooz
jewish stereotype characters are great comedy tho

>its just a guy getting cucked constantly
that is a nice succinct description of the Book of Job

>one of the most depressing films i have ever seen

lol that's not the chekist

is this the one with the jew tornado?

No he had already changed the students marks.
That is why HaShem was going to kick his ass.
For not standing up and being a man.

I love it and I love vonnegut books

I've never watched any old Hollywood religious movies other than The Ten Commandments when I was like 12, I just don't have the coursework done to enjoy Hail Caesar.

U wot? By changing the student's marks he did accept the bribe, or are we having a misunderstanding?

damn forgot about job lol he got fucked over

i think the user is saying he wasnt trying to do good

culture clash
this is defamation

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It's pretty accurate, the whole thing is a farce, the reality of life is that might is right, I'm assuming this is what is meant by the tornado.
As I get older I realise that hedonism is the only respite that isn't total bullshit.

Well yes, and I was saying that is why the really bad end is implied. I.e. had he not changed the grade, he wouldn't have had cancer and the tornado wouldn't have hit the town.

>I might wonder if the Coen brothers are secretly Christian.
They have that old testament thing going