630 days until Captain Marvel 2

>630 days until Captain Marvel 2

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Will she be allowed to show emotions other than constipation this time?

shes hotter with short hair

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Its funny TV and everyone else used to HATE brie with a passion. Then she got her tits done and everyone loves her.

I'm fairly sure everyone still hates her

we always love tits
we still hate her

Why is that a problem?


I don't like brie, but I want to cum on her face.

Hope that she is not lesbian I can’t stand dykes for some reasons (getting tuned hard for lesbian porn tho)

she always had the tits, didn't you see her fappening pics? Dab Forums autists hated her because she got cast in a marvel movie and popular thing bad.

I've started calling her Captain Ass

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She honestly looked hot in Endgame. Don't know why but short hair works for her.

Don't worry, she's straight in the comics.

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based king t'challa hating the race mixers

wtf I love tchalla now

imagine you're underneath her while she's doing this.....

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post nudes retard

She's literally responded to criticisms of her ass from a couple years ago and has been doing about 500 squats a day since to create the plump bubble butt she has now. This makes me both happy and diamond.

she is so repulsively ugly it hurts

shes hotter with long hair

stop spamming this ugly bitch you faggot

fuck off

Nah I think she looks way better with long hair.

Is that war machine?

God I want her to crush me with her gross feet

>Then she got her tits done
didn't happen
>and everyone loves her.
happened way before that (which didn't happen)

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she's qt with any hair she wants

Dab Forums always loved Brie

Yaaaaaaaas queen

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MCU will place at least 8 gays at once, get ready for blacklash Disney and one of them is 14-year-old America Chaves

>hating the race mixers
I don't think you understand how a uterus and brain works, but the brain is something you don't really have

30 days until Zack Snyder's Justice League!

>Dab Forums autists hated her because she got cast in a marvel movie and popular thing bad.
Dab Forums autists hated her because she's a mouthpiece for globohomo all while having a set of big rubber tits to prove her bona fides as a feminist.

>gets a tit job
should've taken steroids instead

No way they're real

Is Brie in it?

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>heroes need ass

Probably not.

superior brie coming along

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the brie we deserve

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Is Brie Larson good at sex?


She somehow managed to get an oscar and a starring role in the MCU. I assume she's good at certain things, if you catch my drift.


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