Agnes is Agatha.
Monica got powers.
The Engineer friend is still coming.
Sticking pretty close to House of M.
Ralph is Mephisto btw.
I want to fuck the witch.
Agnes is Agatha.
Monica got powers.
The Engineer friend is still coming.
Sticking pretty close to House of M.
Ralph is Mephisto btw.
I want to fuck the witch.
Other urls found in this thread:
shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up
>I want to fuck the witch.
Based. Reposting this beautiful image of the actress someone else posted in the last thread.
we saw the engineeer friend
it was random black engineer #343
lets just enjoy a few moments before the angry stormfag autist follows us over here
No it wasn't. And that lady wasn't black.
>it's an user doesn't understand basic plot points because ((she)) 'watches' the show on ((her)) 3rd monitor while jerking off, shitposting, and playing fornite at the same time ((she's)) 'watching' episode.
what a shitty episode
how do we stop capeshit?
You stop watching it and move on with your life?
No chance Agatha is doing this on her own obviously, right? Harkness is always tied to Mephisto in the comics.
>everything after March 12
>it was random black engineer #343
i cam ignore the fact that you are faceblind and cannot recognize what race someone is, but i cannot ignore the fact that you don't recognize iconic Marvel character and star of Captain Marvel: S.W.O.R.D. operation leader and former air force pilot Major Goodner
Gee, I don't know. All the devil statues in the basement.
nooooo don't kidnap me and put me in your sinister basement dungeon and torture me please evil witch lady i'm just an innocent young boy don't do this nooooo
How is Black Widow a phase four film?
You just know she's draining their energy with her mouth.
>cap marvel
it was a pretty forgettable film
Lol at this image. I don't understand those asterixes, though.
he's giving you shit. Goodner is a literal who that has no ties to any other character or movie in the MCU. unless it turns out to be a skrull or some shit, it's literally just a throwaway character that we'll never see again
>Ralph is Mephisto btw.
This is true btw. He's first introduced as a fly in the comics. I think they're not going to show him directly but they will make strong references to an 'entity'.
Memed into reality.
It was Agatha all along
Evil white males are at it again. Than god that womynx and people of color are there to stop him.
I'm loving it.
There is zero chance Marvel goes with a literal devil as their first P4 villain. It'll either be Nightmare or such a watered down version of Mephisto that he barely resembles the comics.
Is the negress a super now?
>it's over an hour later and he's still seething about black people in a children's show
>Agnes, who always had Wanda's back, is a villain
This sucks, man. I hope it's some Xavier and Magneto thing where they disagree but ultimately refuse to kill each other because they're friends.
Remember to ignore the schizo
Mephisto is not the devil.
>a literal devil
Mephisto is no different from Dormammu, which they used in an origins movie. The only difference is that Mephisto has powerful magic powers bound to making deals, making him a much lower-tier threat than Dormammu if anything.
Jesus, what a shitfest.
So was Monica a mutant all along or did she get transformed by Wanda? The flashback dialogue she went through while entering the hex again makes it seem like she was always like that
Now all she needs are longer legs, slimmer hips, bigger tits and a better face.
>eternals and kung fu man
>not a single proper trailer yet
I wanna fuck her too. Hard and dry.
So you wanna tell me that a 1. Single 2. Black 3. Female who raised her daughter alone set up something like SWORD out of thin air?? But not just that her daughter was about to replace her before the snap without nepotism? And of course the evil white boss will get kicked out at the end so she could take over and she has now powers. There is so much bs I can handle.
>was she a mutant all along
>get transformed by wanda
>flashback makes it seem like she was always like that
you fucking faggots always cry about capeshit, but suck paying attention to anything at all
Darcy clearly says her cells are changing each time she goes in. Obviously she wasn't like that at the beginning and Wanda had nothing to do with it.
No wonder Tent confuses this board. Too high brow and its only capeshit
Jesus Christ, just watch the show.
Absolutely based taste. I, too, read Otochichi.
There's no evidence that she was about to take over S.W.O.R.D., she was just a space jockey.
Checked shitshow
Quote from Franklin Richards?
Cant wait when more people go thorught the dome multiple times but only she is the special one with powers.
asterix is a legendary french warrior
Its a prequel and that's about it. Maybe sets up some new plot elements and characters.
Sound version on /wsg/:
So that "guy" Rambeau was gonna meet was just some air force person who literally just brought her a truck, which she didn't even use because of reasons?
I think monica has a phat ass
No he just fulfils literally every facet of the devil's role with emphasis on faustian bargains. But he's NOT satan. He's Diet-Satan or Off Brand Satan but being the pedantic faggot you are, he is certainly not the devil.
And what is probably the fricking Darkhold on a stand. There are worse things than Mephisto.
So what exactly did Agatha do wrong? She even helped Wanda during the magic show by teleporting the black lady into the closet.
>inb4 someone brings up the stupid dog
some homo literally looked through thousands of pictures of this hag just to find one where she looks decent
So that was a space rover with a four cylinder diesel right?
Problem, chud?
She's going to expand the Hex to be global and as a result will essentially create the X-Gene in humanity. Not everyone that goes through will become a mutant, but going through the hex will be the catalyst to gaining your mutant abilities.
In the dialogue she says she could fly and “shine brightly”, she also didn’t look confused at all with her mutant powers, she even defended herself from Wanda’s attack
I think this whole things is about Agatha/Mephisto trapping Wanda in the hex and speedrunning her life so she could have kids and they could take them.
Am I right? Is that what happens in the comics?
seemed to be inferred shes done some sort of cosmic missions in her intro episode. maybe already had some cosmic power that the hex woke up. or some other made up bullshit
Just from seeing the bottom of her witch outfit at the start I can tell it's going to be a sexy costume.
All capeshit with no exceptions should be banned to Dab Forums
Yeah actually. They built towards this person actually being somewhat important when in reality it was a literal no-name character that didn't even do anything besides deliver a truck to the location.
When hovering over the reply the position of "the devil" in the original post is the same as in this post. Too spooky.
or that isnt the person they were foreshadowing you dumb fuck
Trump lost, get over it
>Is that what happens in the comics?
No, but I hope that's what they're doing. Wanda accepting a deal with Mephisto to bring Vision back on the condition that he'll get to ask her kids to help him with something when they're of age would be the perfect way to bring him in without it being Wanda selling her kid's souls. She would have figured that she couldn't have kids with Vision anyway, so all she had to do is not get inseminated and it wouldn't be a problem, or if she did have a kid she'd just raise it to not accept Mephisto's deal. But of course she didn't count on his trickery, siphoning her power to set up a world where the kids get groomed into running away from problems by ageing themselves up, so they never learn important life lessons that would make them reject Mephisto's offer. The perfect way to show what Mephisto's all about.
what so special about her kids??
What's up with Pietro though? He shows up in the post credit scene which they're now doing
Love the facial expression. Just what the MCU needs.... An angry black woman who knows everything.
Have you tried not being terrified of black people?
Aw, should she smile more? Is she not peppy enough for you?
I'm fairly confident he's going to help Rambo out because he wants to help his sister more than he wants to be a slave to Mommy Agatha.
maybe because she's a special agent whatever and grew up around captain carol
she's not like a teenager who accidentally blew up her bedroom or some shit
He's not Pietro. He's not-Pietro.
Dubs of truth. We've always won dcchad
In the comics they didn't want Wanda to have kids around the same time they didn't want her to have a relationship with Vision, so they retconned them into literally being pieces of Mephisto's soul, used as a weapon against Mephisto which made them cease to exist. Until they then got reincarnated years later so they could use her kids as teenage heroes. So there they were important because of being part of Mephisto that Mephisto wanted back and that Mephisto's enemies could use against him.
I fucking hope that's not the route they're taking, because it's the worst kind of retarded comic writing where each new writer dislikes some aspect of a character and so rewrites shit, only for someone else to come in an restore it and it all becomes a mess. With the shark commercial making it clear that Mephisto is feeding on magic I'd say he's planning on using Wanda's kids as a better battery than she is, feeding on them. Making sure that they speedrun through adolescence so they never learn to be proper adults would make them easier to control than Wanda, maybe.
Or you're the dumb fuck because it would make no sense at all for them to meet up with truck-lady unless that was the person Rambeau called for help.
>in the post credit scene which they're now doing
What kind of bullshit is this? They've primed us to expect nothing but five hours of credits, including dub credits for the retarded countries, and NOW they reintroduce them? How is anyone going to know to stay?
I check the timeline preview, I guess they're now doing post credit stuff since the two last episodes are full on MCU schlock
Fans of this show need to be sterilized.
I think its a fairly clever trick to dump up their numbers because some people will go back and watch the credit scene when they hear about it online and Disney might be interested in knowing how many people that actually is.
why waste millions in advertising when rona can still cuck your theaters?
So wandas reality altering powers came from the mind stone experiments von strukker did im the mid credits scene of winter soldier? Are we not gonna talk about why that makes no sense?
Complete and total missed opportunity to introduce a proper, unused X-Men villain into the MCU
I'm fairly sure even as whatever he is the bullshit he's going to do is that he was made to be her brother and love her like a brother and protect her.
What was her plan?
there's 2 things i'm a fan of
Marvel's favorite analog to Satan, and a common meddler in magic storylines. Has run ins with Dr. Strange, Ghost Rider, and DOOM.
Thanks based user
Am I looking at this way too hard or does her pillow look like it has Grim Reaper's helmet on it on the right? Like he's some astral force moving towards Wanda's Nexus in the middle, competing with two other entities? The one on the left looks more like a humanoid casting a spell. With Galactus' skirt.
He's not Pietro, Wanda says so explicitly in this episode. He's probably Mephisto or Nightmare, or is a being under Agnes' control.
You forgot Silver Surfer, Mephisto is basically a SS villain
Yes, he's Not Pietro. He just is made to behave as her brother. Which leads to plot contrivances of him caring about her even if he isn't real and his feelings aren't real.
This is anime level stuff.
I thought Wanda's powers came from the Tessaract or whatever that infinity stone was
I think the idea is that the Infinity Stones are all interlinked, even when they're separated.
Sorta like how Danvers' powers come from the Space Stone, but they aren't specifically Space Stone-like power
He's the guy that Spider-Man sold his marriage and unborn child to in exchange for making his decrepit ancient aunt live a couple of more years, after he went around asking all his friends who are magicians and super-science people, all of which were unable to help with a fucking gunshot wound.
to take down whitey
>He just is made to behave as her brother.
He behaves nothing like her brother and she's suspicious of him immediately.
>Which leads to plot contrivances of him caring about her even if he isn't real and his feelings aren't real.
When does he show any feelings for her at all? Are we watching the same show? He shows up, creates a lot of chaos, gets close to the kids, and pushes them into malfeasance.
We're talking about Wandavision, gringo. Stop letting Trump live rent free in your head.
They're bringing witches into the equation now and the writers of the show have talked about how this is the moment where Wanda finally becomes The Scarlet Witch, even making sure the viewer knows she has no "funny nickname" by having characters bring it up. I bet they're going to explain it as the mind stone merely unlocking her link to chaos magic. Either the link was always there but kept in check with some mental wall removed by the mind stone, or the mind stone linked her mind with the chaos dimension and Pietro's mind with the speed dimension, or some shit like that.
>ok so now here's the face you want to do constantly so we can get the public's attention: >:(
Her powers came from the mind stone which was in loki's scepter and later visions head
Since the first episode I'm constantly expecting post credit scenes. And because it just takes me hovering the pointer over the loading bar, I always do it.
>watching kino on a computer
The stones have always done whatever the movie requires them to do. How did loki teleport to earth for instance? He didn't have the space stone, it was on earth. Who opened the portal?
Or, more likely because that sounds retarded, the Stone tapped into their dormant X gene, which will play into the Eternals whenever the fuck that comes out
Wanda's clearly shown as a witch not a mutant. Fuck off X-fag, you're not having her this time.
No, retard. Not he's made to behave as if he were her brother. Not her actual brother. How are you this stupid.
I think feige said they're gonna stop using the stones as plot devices after endgame
What about Nightmare and Grim Reaper?
>he has a smart tv
So instead of the more likely outcome and reasoning behind the siblings powers, just go full retard and say their powers came from a different dimension when they're both clearly being played as the first mutants in the MCU
They're bringing in cosmic energy, which links in to Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer and Galactus. The sones were just primal sources of cosmic energy.
He's not Pietro. He's Peter.
>Normie meme pic
>New general
Ah, I wondered where all the disney shills from /wars/ went..
That was fucked up I agree, this show should've been leading to either XMEN or Fantastic 4. They just had to spite us because that one bitch from Collider already predicted Mojo.
She's a wielder of chaos magic, user. Why would you expect that to be tied to an X-Gene when we've already been shown that all the other magic wielders simply learn to use magic, without being mutants? The writers of the show have said it's the moment where she really becomes The Scarlet WITCH, and they just revealed Agatha fucking Harkness. Why the fuck would any of that lead you to believe that they want to make Wanda just a regular mutant? They're playing up the magic witch angle as much as they possibly can, complete with her being in the next Doctor Strange movie.
Face x-fag, she's not yours any more and Magneto will never be her daddy.
Wanda's reality warping powers come from the darkhold, did people even watch the episode?
post sexy kat
Agatha is hot
Change my mind
there is only one person on the universe that can destroy pietro
She is definitely going to be hot when she burns in hell for her satanic deals.
She's clearly the cause of the mutants even if she's not a mutant herself. Her brother, both her kids are clearly mutants rather than magic users, and they all share a proximity to her.
What was up with the subtitles talking about how children only come up once a year when Wanda was serving cereal?
Also one time right before it showed the twins at Agnes' house where it wrote "Hey sammy."
>She's clearly the cause of the mutants
Only in your headcanon wishes, x-fag.
This might be the absolute highest point of the entire MCU
I think its Monica's ass this episode.
Mutation is not the only source for superpowers.
Literally this. DCfags are so jealous of us right now. But hey, at least they have Batwoman, kek.
She looks like a right dinosaur from the side.
>tfw you have wanted to be dommed by agnes ever since she raped john c mcginley in step brothers, and now everyone elses agrees
She was looking like a Pixar mom when she got her new costume
True but Rambeau's call have "altered on a molecular level" which seems like like they're just calling a mutant without actually saying she's a mutant.
Is Ms. Marvel going to be Monica/Photon?
There's literally nothing to suggest the inclusion of mutants so far or Wanda being tied to mutants, especially not in the show where they're clearly going full steam in the magic direction. That's just what you wish to happen. At this point it's much more likely that they'll introduce the mutants after Strange's Multiverse Madness movie, if they're going to bother melding the universes.
They're saying her whole body makeup was changed on a fundamental level by cosmic energy, which is not mutation.
I thought it was agreed that Wanda isn't using cosmic energy but magic? Or are they the same thing?
That's not what a mutant is. That's a mutate, like Spider-Man. She was changed by an outside force like Spider-Man and The Fantastic Four was.
How about saving him for the X-Men instead
The MCU has been clear from day one that magic is a cosmic force that you can study and learn about just like any other science, with some magicians being esoteric ones and others approaching it like sci-fi scientists. Wanda's stuff is a bit different because it's Chaos magic though, inherently more volatile than the stuff Strange does and probably why she's a target.
finally, i thought it was just me
her latest jumpsuit really makes her hips pop
The whole TV transmission was broadcast on the background of cosmic energy,
That scene has some odd subtitles yes. Don't remember if any of this came up in the last episode.
Ah yes, the CMBR good point.
Yeah, I scrnshot them and put them in one pic.
>Wanda keeps her coffee in the fridge
She truly is the villain after all.
I thought she was hot before but hot dang she looked great in that suit.
I think they're meant to go along with the visuals in some sense. The missing kid on the milk box being paired with them reading hoping that the ghosts came out last night and a maze on the ceral box is an odd coincidence
I'm glad Monica's thiccness will balance out No Ass Carol
Wandavision spoilers from a year ago:
Did Wanda kidnap the kid?
I don't get it. What's strange about the subtitles? It's just the local radio station she was listening to, talking about the Halloween event?
The fact that there's no radio playing in the background, at least not on my torrented files.
>I watch my kino on a monitor with shit blacks and shit HDR
Have they tried inventing the wheel?
WTF why are there so many threads for this show you're not supposed to like capeshit
Everyone wants to be a part of the cultural conversation.
How was I supposed to focus on the plot after this? Dick was diamonds
>at least not on my torrented files.
Seriously, there's just a radio on in the background of the scene where you hear the guy saying all that stuff, it's just not very loud. You either have shit laptop speakers/headphones or a bad audiomix on the torrent.
horrible body, maybe you are tranny
This series sucks. Marvel Phase IV sucks and Kevin Faggy is a fagot. Just watch the three or so minutes featuring Agnes or fast forward any portion featuring Ageing Titcow, Blackwoman, and Asianmale.
This. I mean it's very telling that minutes after the episode aired last night, there were self professed DC fans hating on it.
I would never watch Arrowverse shit in a million years, most people don't, but DC fans consume Marvel even more than their fans do - hell, seeing as they watched it in real time, DC fans even PAY disney for the privilege. But you know, they think the show sucks, lol.
Seems to be an audiomix problen. I have a tested it on both headphones and surround sound, I can't hear shit.
its designed specifically to trigger commentary and conversation from overly critical assholes like us. Every episode is it's own self contained commentary on an era of media, even without the dumb cape men punching eachother
Oh no no no Mephistobros, we got too cocky...
DCfags are transparent AF
They're just mad that the MCU is the only game in town right now
wait a sec, the shrill cunt with the kinky hair and big nose is the secret badguy??? OY VEY!
B-but Snyyyydeeeercuuuuuut
either you are a lier or into beasality, either way neck yourself
Epic gamer moment.
I don't get why people watch this show, from what I hear of the plot it sounds like a huge jerk off.
>snyder cut released and discussed for 2 days, a whole weekend mayybe
>meanwhile the bucky falcon show blows it away for the whole 2 months it airs
i can smell the fear and coping already
It's the capeshit version of LOST
Dr. Strange is all but confirmed
>if you like big asses you must think you're the opposite gender!
it's hard to even get offended at something so nonsensical
>Kathryn Hahn singing her own theme
How can one woman be so based?
It's finally something different
Everything must sound like a huge jerk off when you haven't had sex
her hip ratio is wrong like the trannies you fap to
Her and Darcy are thicc
Bucky/Falcon has motherfucking U.S. AGENT
That's all I need to know, to know it's kino
Also, all the MCU series lead into the films, so there's build up, anticipation, etc
Snyder Cut leads nowhere
your brain is broken
Wanda's loonier than a Gaviidae Gavia, confirmed.
u must be an afron
He's Loki - isn't it obvious?
So Feige's plan has finally reached the point where they're just taking deep dives and throwing obscure shit only nerds could possibly know about and turning them mainstream
Lost was a good show in that even if the mystery was constantly being teased it was still a good show on an episodic basis. Wandavision seems like one of those streaming shows that have a season worth of story and just divide it into chucks for viewing.
Why are you responding to an obvious shitposter, you idiot. Stop giving the tard attention.
Interesting how Dab Forums struggles with things like satire and irony.
>finally reached the point
user, Guardians of The Galaxy released seven years ago.
But Loki is dimension hopping in his own show
will she get powers?
You keep making me forget that there was a time GotG wasn't a household name.
Am I supposed to be attracted to this?
Check'd. She has the power to make me want to jerk off every time I see her on screen.
>"nigs gonna nig"
Raimi did it again
She's gonna be She-Hulk. Her breaking those chains with a single flex is the hint.
The dog deserved it.
I saw her trying to break into the house and though Dab Forums is gonna have a field day with this.
tight boipucci
If we're being honest nobody gave a shit about Iron Man before the first movie released, either. Not in comics or in the mainstream. He was like the least popular Avenger they could have chosen.
don't worry, we'll get to that eventually
It's a set up for florence hog's character as the new black widow for future cameos, they are just using scarlett's character to bring more attention to it.
What about Nathan Fillon as Wonder Man? Is that ever happening?
Last night I had a weird dream where Jamie Lee Curtis showed up as Old Woman She-Hulk, with graying short hair but perfect green muscly body. I do not dream of superheroes, so make of my clearly prophetic vision what you will.
>We don't like your kind around here
>*cuts to black*
Good thing they put it post credits.
>Nathan Fillion
I'm sorry user but his career is genuinely dead.
BASED step brothers chad
>plebs watching Wandavision
Don't you guys know that Thursday night is Servant night?
Yupp and now he's with DC doing Suicide Squad. A film that is aptly named.
>paying attention to Shamaladingdong
>a gorillion years after he's shown that Sixth Sense was a one hit wonder
But it's Friday
Wrong. Unbreakable, Signs, The Village, Split were also good. I'm sorry you can't appreciate telekino and prefer to watch baby shows.
Signs was also good.
Altough I was like 12 when it came out, so who really knows.
That peach...please marvel give me a beach episode
Because he doesn't have to be an ONLY X-Men villain when he's a perfect villain to introduce both multiple realities, and mutants, which is exactly where the MCU is heading.
How did Monica get her powers? She was walking throught the magic wall and splitting apart, but then managed to recollect herself and now she has blue eyes somehow? What was that all about?
Very good
Scary Movie parody is better than the actual movie
>The Village
This is pretty decent
another closeted tranny
>One is bad so the other must be good
How old are you?
They likely will refer to him as an evil extradimensional entity similar to Dormammu.
Notice how the book glowed with fiery energy. That seems to hint to the hell energy of the Darkhold.
>Ralph is Mephisto btw.
but who is mailman
The sitcom schtick is overdone now, it never progresses the plot it just pads time. If it was genuinely funny or leaned more into the sinister unreality I would be on board but I feel like it’s become a crutch at this stage. Peaked with the magic show.
I watched it a few days ago and it still holds up.
Is Ralph the black guy? It literally shows Agatha magically manipulating him in the "Agatha All Along" skit.
Buy a brain.
that's the point. it started to fall apart a little more every episode since then.
I want to fuck every woman in this show
Bets on the big reveal?
Something X-Men (one of the Magnetos, Wolverine?)
Something multiverse (Tom Cruise Ironman?)
There's really no excuse to be 7 episodes into a 9 episode season and still doing webcomic level humor about media tropes.
>character explicitly says that they got her test results back and she's been rewritten on a molecular level from her time in Wanda's world
>hurrdurr how did she get sudden power from nowhere when walking through wall?!? I no understand
100% Reed Richards
>Tom Cruise Ironman?
So Iron Man must always be an overcompensating manlet, no matter which universe he comes from?