Why is Hollywood so afraid of men being shorter than women?

Why is Hollywood so afraid of men being shorter than women?

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Won’t they trip over that ladder?

Fucking hell, imagine being told to stand on a wooden box just so you can gain an inch on your female co-star. I'd die of embarrassment.

It’s weird to me because clooney is so searingly handsome, why try to make him seem tall as well? Might as well shove a 12 inch sausage in his pants to make him seem hung while you’re at it.

wouldn't it just be easier to make the girl take her high heels off?

these people are ok with screaming and making angry faces at green walls while pretending to imaginary fight robots and/or aliens, as long as they are getting payed. they left their dignity at the door a long time ago.

>female privilege

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Thats sexist

Because the first thing a woman notices about a man is his height

Women are walking around on fucking stilts and people still go "cant believe the guy is shorter than her"

please be a meme.

>not hugging her and "accidentally" putting your face between her tits
what a gaylord

Some people look just right for a part facially, but it makes for a better shot when an authoritative male is taller than the female.

>putting clooney on a box
>not just putting the actress in flat shoes

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>George Clooney is 5ft 11

It's over

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It's more that actresses are narcissistic and don't want to appear "bigger" than their male co-stars. Women feel the most feminine when they feel small

Lol he's 5'8 at most

Celebheights has got him at 5ft 10 3/4 and they're normally mega autistic about actors heights

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They have to appeal to women because they want men that are taller than them it's not that hard to understand user

that would probably change her posture.

Jesus he literally has to look up. Embarrassing!

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>ywn live in a world where everything stays the same except women tower over men
Kill me now

That look of of hope on his face when he thought he was about to get picked up and carried to bed.

Cringe. In heels my Amazon girlfriend is as tall as I am. Step on me, mommy.

I mean his wife isn't bad either though.

Lol, must be fun being Gwendoline and absolutely ruining all of these actors self esteem. She's gotta be taller than 80% of the cast, probably 95% in heels.

>not just cutting her shins off
women love their shoes more than they love you

She's taller barefoot than 95% of American men

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>le edgy smoking comedian

I would totally go to town on a taller woman but sadly most women like taller men.

Those tiny heels wouldn't do jack shit, look at the size of the box, versus her shoes. But I see your point. Hillarious either way, he could pull off being shorter, too. If hollywood wasn't so retardedly pushing this tall and handsome meme, a lot of women wouldn't care so much about height.

i just keked my lungs out

Because people notice it right away when a woman is really tall or a man is really short and then that's all they can think about.

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Height is the only thing that women are really judgey about

Ngl I would probably end it all if I was a manlet

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God imagine the snu snu

changes her posture

What is this delusion? Trust me mate, they are judging you on absolutely everything

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Men have "can't appear shorter than women" clauses in their contracts.

Girls will overlook a lot of things as long as you are at least the same height as her

>they're normally mega autistic
yes he has a youtube channel where he anaylizes actors heights and reviews shoes lifts. The guy isn't even short which is extra hilarious

But if you're shorter than her she'll be looking over you LMAO

Wish I was a manlet so I could live out my giantess fantasies

The stick arms destroyed me

They judge even the state of your nails, mate.

Bullshit. This means guys at least 5'8 would be able to pull 90% of women no problem because they're taller or the same height as most women. Even if they're ugly, autistic, and fat.

In reality, girls are judging you on your height, weight, face, hand size, foot size, voice, dress sense, confidence, social standing, wealth... Absolutely everything. If you're 6'4 but have nothing else going for you, you are basically just as fucked as a 5'3 guy with nothing going for him.

because if he was short he wouldn't be so searingly handsome

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I mean the fact he has Clooney at 5ft 10 3/4 rather than 5ft 11 says it all. I don't even know my own height to the nearest quarter inch, let alone some random actor I've never met.

What was this face meant to convey?

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hollywood shills non handsome all the time, like Jude Law for example. Both dudes are def not ugly but Jude Law is not at all as handsome as his movies shill him out to be

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god i need this so badly i'm even the same exact height as harington

women don't want you to be taller than them. They want you to be taller than the average man

this always makes me laught

Jude Law is very handsome what are you talking about

Jude cleans up well. He looks so average most of the time but in some films he looks 10/10.

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>Everything stays the same
>Including women's preference for taller men
Imagine constantly being surrounded by gorgeous, desirable females who have everything you want in a woman, and every single one of them, even the most ugly and desperate, would rather die alone than degrade themselves to your level. Everything you could ever want, right in front of you, but forever out of reach.
Wow so awesome bro.

Her high heels must add quite a bit too to be fair.

>He looks so average most of the time
this is realy the case. all the movies I've seen him in he's kind of forgettable.

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Orgasm. You probably have never seen that face.

The shot is all that matters.

he has boyish good looks, like decaprio


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I bet you're like 5'7 lmao get over yourself you pathetic piece of shit

"When will they learn?"

>>Including women's preference for taller men
That would just mean that they would prefer a man who was 4'6 than 3'11

Nigga what. Prime Jude Law was like slayer supreme 10/10 britchad. Just look at his earlier filmography.

Tall charismatic prettyboy model/actor. Like every woman would mention him as the hottest actor. From your mother to your little sister.

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>5'10 is considered tall for an actor


because they're trying to sell sex and fantasies to both men and women.
Every man wants to be a tall handsome hero and every woman wants one to fuck.

It's biology. Simple as.

5'10 is humungous for hollywood actors yes

It's money, you retard. If you have real money you can be Warwick and still get poon

I have am a 5' 9 1/2" manlet and have bedded a 6' 3" blonde woman.

Ask me anything.

Women dont like men that are shorter than them.

How was her pussy? The tightest pussy I've ever had was a 5'9 slut who fucked like a pornstar

Does he not realize how obvious it is? I even remember some dumb fanboy article online where it refered to his "special shoes" as "totally cool" or something like that.

These shoes are really suspicious.

This is fucked up, the more reasonable thing would be to dig a hole for her to stand in

>Does he not realize how obvious it is?
How dumb are you to ask this
I'm not even going to explain it because you're so fucking stupid

This webm is extremely cute. Is it from a movie?

I hate people who cite “money”. Money will get a woman to sleep with you but it won’t get her to be legitimately attracted to you


well, that's my world right now

Please explain it. I really don't get it. Is he proud of wearing shoes with lifts?

It was serviceable.

This. They want their mate to be taller, stronger, wealthier, better looking, with higher social status than the mates of other women.
Its a basic survival instinct, when hard times come the guys at the top of the tree survive as do wife and their kids. Also wives of lesser men have to kowtow to the wives of greater men.

Women want a winner because their survival is dependent upon it. They just can't articulate that because they are brainwashed from birth to be independent stronk wimmin.
They also complain about men wanting younger (more fertile) more beautiful (healthier) wives, even thpugh thats male survival drive. Men don't need a woman who is their equal, they need a woman who is loyal and will survive child birth and give them healthy babies.

Good thing you never leave your residence.

It's the other way around, Hollywood has to make the leading men appear taller than they really are because it's attractive to both women and men.

isn't Tim Robins and Vince Vaugh like 6'5?

Amazing. I'm 5'10 after breaking my back three times and having my spine fused. I feel like a short ass having lost an inch.

I put 5ft 11 in my US passport application, is that a real measure?

I hope I didnt fuck up, im 180 cm


bro, this is what normal people look like. you're a normal sized guy.

How did you manage that?

How much did you pay?

My girlfriend is taller than me. I'm 6'3. No shame in that.

i think your girlfriend is a tranny

insecure manlet is so pethetic lmao.
I'm 5'3 literally shortest person on this board. but I don't see why I have to be insecure about that. it's the thing you can't change. what you should be ashamed of is that the thing you can change. such as going to gym (I am guilty of this too)

anyway I prefer my women taller than me anyway, the thought of "conquer" the tall women is what fuel my motivation.

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Is her dick also longer than yours?

you know what i'm 5'8 and all the nicest women i've met in my life were the tall girls. they seemed to like me too. maybe its mutual acceptance of how undesirable we are to the opposite sex or something.

> it's the thing you can't change
Well apparently you CAN change your height, there are some techniques if you want to become taller.

Nah she's just Dutch.

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Weird, the tall women I've met were mostly entitled jerks. The shortest girls I've met were the most nice and caring.

You're one inch below average, how fucking insecure are you?

pics or it didn't happen

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He's a good-looking chap just lost his hair is all. For some reason he refuses to take the buzzpill which would help a lot.

I'm handsome and charismatic, and we were both close to graduating college. We fucked about 4 times after the first time, and all I had to do was ask her what she was doing.


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In Korea maybe

>Just dox yourself and your girlfriend on Dab Forums
Yeah I don't care if you think I'm larping. Just trying to say there is nothing wrong with dating taller women.

Based, I'm 5'2" and I feel the same way.

Nothing. I didn't even pay for her drink or take her out to dinner or even pay for condoms. I'm good-looking.

5'8" manlet oldfag here. I feel sorry for you lads. You've adopted female insecurities with this relatively recent obsession with male height. Growing up, my height was never even an afterthought. People just didn't think about it. Women will recognize your insecurities far more than they will your height. It's your insecurities that will chase them off, not your 5'7" frame. God gave you the body you have and there's nothing you can change about it. Embrace it, accept it and be confident in it. I know I grew up in a different time, but never have I had an issue with getting dates. Been married for 14 years. Unironically...just beeeee yourself.

>he doesn't know

She still wants his dick so bad. Reminds me of a friend I had that was fucking tiny, though he had a really handsome face. He would always get hit on by girls in the rare instances we could actually drag him out but it was like he was suspicious of girls. They'd always be one girl that would be all over him but he was never receptive to their advances. He would have been a pussy slayer had he been at least 5'9 and some confidence.


tall women are always seething that they're the same height as other men and really tall guys still date short girls.

I’m 5 9 and have been rejected because of my height a ton of times. Usually by chubby 5 5 sized bitches. It’s fucking weird. 5 9 isn’t even short.

Koreans are taller than Americans

im diamonds now

It isn't relatable to 99% of the Earth's population.

take an existing pic of you and your gf, black out the faces, upload it to imgur or something to erase the metadata, download it again, and then post it here

That friend was me, but my compulsive erotomania leads me to believe that it's me projecting attraction onto women

>I’m 5 9 and have been rejected because of my height a ton of times.
so what? rejection is part of the game. you play until you find the one who likes you for who you are, not for what you could be.

I can assure you that it wasn't because of your height, although it probably didn't help lol

that's why its a fantasy and people pay to insert themselves into it.
that's what people are paying for you dumb faggot.
I don't watch Lord of the Rings, because I relate to the character. I do it to experience adventure and excitement vicariously.

If this dude had erotomania he might have at least made a move on one of those girls. Seriously, it used to irritate me how many opportunities he would turn down to the point I started teasing him about it.

what is she supposed to say?

How do you know it's because of your height?


Brutal. I feel bad for the men.

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5'8 manlet here.

5'7-5'9 is the ideal for a woman & coincidentally the height of most of my gfs.

That was pretty mean but I guess women even back then pretended to hate compliments because it's empowering and feminist to receive them and pretend to hate them.

How the hell did you manage to fugg her? I would think you’d be so tired from the Herculean climb up her legs that you would just pass out around her knees

She also has superior facial aesthetics to everyone else in that picture. How did she do it?

King Leo's magic beanstalk is growing there

how tall is he? looks much shorter than average 5'8

Why would a woman need to tolerate a "compliment" from a man that is blatantly inferior?

Chadstralian Genetics

Margot Robbie is also from there

Because it creates a less stressful and less hostile environment for everyone involved. The compliment wasn't mean spirited.

she's way too old for him

I do agree that compliments based on anything physical are retarded. You can't change your height. Maybe this guy didn't mean it as a compliment. I want to assume the whole conversation was staged but it's not the case 100% of the time.