What did he mean by this?

what did he mean by this?

Attached: 1613743673233.png (640x576, 312.22K)

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They monke

dunno lol

Attached: france.jpg (474x248, 12.9K)

blacks are only capable of destruction

This is Islamophobic. Delete this please, habibi.

lolwut? Paris was ugly in Amelie too, except when /ourgirl/ was walking by. It's a running visual gag in the movie.


Paris is too brown

>In an interview with IndieWire, Jeunet said part of the reason for not making a sequel is that he finds France's capital Paris "ugly".

>"It wouldn't be the same actress, it would be cheap because it wouldn't have the same budget, and in Paris now it's so difficult to shoot because there are construction sites everywhere, so Paris is ugly now," the director said.

>"So no, I don't want to make a sequel or even a series," he added.

>During the interview, Jeunet revealed that he hates niggers. "They are ugly, they ruin everything they touch, and they don't belong in civilisation", the director said.

Is he basee and superieure rougepille?

a director can control what is on camera.

>Dab Forums will defend this

So is your mom
>t. your daddy

>It wouldn't be the same actress
Audrey Tautou officially walled. Rest in peace, mon petit chaton.

Attached: 1587954918183.jpg (736x1162, 99.23K)

He caught me off guard with these truthful words

This is the real reason

He made a pretty good movie named MicMacs set in modern Paris, that embraced its grittyness more, while still going for a whimsical, light hearted magical realist style.

underrated post

Fyi, the film was accused of racism because of the lack of minorities even back in 2001, by "les inrockutibles" a french magazine (something like Rolling Stones).

Is Paris the name of the actress who played Amelie?
Why would the director call her ugly?

>importing 3rd world trash ruins cities

Who would have guessed

Well, yeah...


He means it's full of Baste Black Christerinos.

Attached: french pepe.png (477x539, 2.92K)

black people


Who is "they" ?


In Paris the problem are the muslims.

Le basade directeur

Too many niggers

>calling that walled
I would still smash my dick against that until it fell off.

>May 2019
We probably know what he meant by now

Anyone seen T.S. Spivet? Worth watching? I've seen every other Jenunet.

What would be the point of a sequel? Amelie is a fairytale that wraps up perfectly at the end.

He's just being a racist pig. When the first one came out Paris was already ugly, Paris was always ugly unless you got to some wealthy hotspots. The movie he made is a complete fantasy that never existed.

The first 3 paragraphs sound believable but stopped at the 4th one. Also has anyone heard of Paris syndrome?

You green text it but this is what schizos actually see when they read it.

who wore it better?

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>lack of minorities
isn't the grocer boy in the movie a brown algerian?

Like Elon Musk writing: "Who do you THINK runs the media?", this exact statement will claw into the insecurities of the very people that have made Paris ugly, and cause them to strike out. Easy bait.


holy shit this is so fucking depressing

>paris or mogadishu?
i don't want to play this game anymore

there are french people but they are working during the day to pay for these people to do nothing. sad state of affairs

>you fucked up your homeland with wars, extremist religious laws and many things, so you should stay there cause we don't want our developed countries to turn to shit
why is this so hard to say?