Why is he such a simp? Is Pam's pussy magic or something?

Why is he such a simp? Is Pam's pussy magic or something?

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it's the Booba m8

Pam is fun and easy to talk

If you’re not friends with your lover, why are you in love with them?

i dont have a lover, and i was definetly not friends with my ex

He had to be relatable to the shows audience

also fuck you

>Andy actively recognizes his character flaws and mental health issues and tried to get therapy
>this piece of shit bullies him out of it
THE most despicable character in the show

Dwight is the actual simp i mean look at his relationship with angela

>Pam is easy and fun to talk

I AM best friends with my lover though. That's why I stole her from her ex, which is what Jim should have done after the first season if he had any balls.

Lol your girlfriend fucked other men and you're proud of it

Incel cope


Still more of a man than Jim. How's the wife btw?

How do you date a girl without being a simp?

Jim is a Gary Sue, prove me wrong.

Have a platonic relationship instead

Does anyone have that webm of her in a bikini?

>he thinks most "virgin" girls haven't sucked a dick or given handjobs
lmao. even if they haven't they've still kissed someone before you

By being nice ONLY when you know she will return said pleasantries. E.g. Don't buy a girl a drink unless you plan on banging her in the very near future.

Have you even seen Karen from behind?

>That's why I stole her from her ex
And you'll be next when some other guy steals her from you.

So you had a mother-son relationship then?

This. Women who get "stolen" are just sluts with no inhibitions. The first clue should have been the fact that she was dating someone who she wasn't friends with

This is based.

Yeah, ok there comrade changstein.


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you say this because you don't have male friends, or you are unironically brainwashed by pussy.

I'm willing to bet Pam's pussy is lined with honey. Plus she's qt

on huwhat, may i ask

based incel

idk, but their relationship got so cringe as the series went on

Good one

why did kelly say she is dating a lot of black guys to make ryan mad? do the writers thinks thats a bad thing?

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