How does one franchise go from this

How does one franchise go from this...

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I only like the first one, all the others are too goofy and dumb

The first one is shit this?????

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To what? The first film is about Max, the rest are about other people with Max being a supporting character. Big deal, one of those stories is about a woman.

Am i supposed to be angry

Mad max 2 is the best and only one worth watching

why is 3 showered with praise and attention even though it was shit?


Show thunderdome

Holy shit (((((madmax)))))))
>Le wasteland where gas is more important than food, water, shelter, community, etc etc.
>Raiders are bad because muh bad characters that just raid lolz
>Raiders are dressed in faggot black leather degenerate costumes that belong in a rave club from Berlin
>You're better off calling mad max 2 softcore gay porn
>not to mention using black leather in australia weather
>muh stoic character that isn't charismatic or fucking interesting at all
>muh action scenes for boomers instead of exploring the setting of the wasteland and it's consequences
The game was alright, though.

No. It's the best

Fury Road is like 2 hours long
I should make a video that’s the same length and upload it to youtube titled “Mad Max: Fury Road 2015 Full Movie”
But actually the video is just a 2 hour car crash compilation that’s got a heavy orange filter

It wasn't shit in as much as it was unyielding to familiar thematic sensibilities.


>why is 3 showered with praise and attention
What? Pretty much everybody has Thunderdome as the weakest entry in the series.

Thunderdome starts excellent, with a cool setting and plenty of great worldbuilding. Then Max finds the kids and the movie switches into this weird campy adventure-comedy thing.

Fury Road sucks because the audio/voice dubs are fucked and shitty and bad

only if you're an incel

Mad Max > Fury Road > Road Warrior > Beyond Thunderdome

One of the best female characters ever put in an action film?

It gets better?

>How does one franchise go from this...
Mad Max intentionally disregards it's own canon from film to film. That's how you get glorified kid's movies like Beyond Thunderdome and crypto-reboots like Fury Road

capeshitter post

Why did they suddenly start painting their faces and acting like uncivilized idiots anyway? Its not like MM takes place in a post nuclear apocalypse. It takes place right after an economic one and everyone who lived in civilized times is still around, so why has everyone suddenly become spear chucking tribals?

I will admit that Tom Hardy turned Max into a grunt machine but I liked furiosa