You’re a fucking fool if you’re still trying to be screenwriter in 2021
You’re a fucking fool if you’re still trying to be screenwriter in 2021
yeah right
Jesus what an ugly little monster. Is this the one who got thrown out of a bar for being belligerent?
>same middlename as father
why? and when will they finally reveal their last name?
>be normie
>work on script for a while, fine tuning it and running through multiple drafts
>run it by family and friends to make sure it's decent
>pitch to studios, hope you don't get ripped off
>maybe just maybe you'll be the one in a million scripts that actually gets read
>maybe just maybe the guy who reads your script isn't immediately dismissive
>maybe just maybe a studio buys the script
>gets butchered by some hollywoodfag
>be joe schmoe hollywood faggot
>get millions of dollars to make whatever you want
>don't even start scriptwriting until production has started
>fuck up every step of the way but nobody cares
>movie turns out to be shit, sells like shit, greenlit for 8 sequels and a spinoff on HBO
Good for her!
she looks like she fucks white guys
why is she straightening her hair? That's cultural appropriation
isn't her bf a brit?
you just know...
Yeah. The seethe her dating a white guy causes is hilarious.
She sadly got Harvested
>experience: Harvey Weinstein's intern
Is she 18 yet
Jesus, 5 more years and she'll look exactly like her "mother". Sad, many such cases
But her face is the female version of her dad
How do we stop nepotism bros?
Do you know what nepotism is?
white male cringe
That's hot
meanwhile common people
why do they think thier some big family of people...
It's Obama dipshit lmfaooo
Did you think bush was called bush? Are you a retard? Hahahahahahahaha
that's what a race is, faggot
They always seemed like a decent family with an absolute nightmare mother.
Buck Ofama
I wish i could buck Sasha and Malia Obama
Maybe he's just really likable behind the scenes, being nice gets you work to just look at brad pitt
>malia obama
why do they call her by her fathers first name?
Miyazaki was actually based