This two minute scene in The Irishman is better and more kino than every capeshit movie combined.
This two minute scene in The Irishman is better and more kino than every capeshit movie combined
who are you talking to?
i don't get it.
Watch the vid.
Still a shit flick.
I honestly don't get the meta of this scene. If the spot was made on purpose to strangle Jimmy/Frank in the front seat, why did Sully allow Frank to take the back seat? If the spot didn't play a role in how Jimmy would enter the car, why did Sully needed to square the story with Chucky?
this film is so fucking bloated and boring. i like slow films, i like gangster films, i like Scorsese but fucking hell man it's over 2 hours long and a good hour of that is just people telling Hoffa to stop annoying the mob and him saying no
No no. I'LL sit there.
I'm not sittin there, I'm sittin THERE.
ultimately the movie is just bad. the fish scene is the cow tools of mob movies
I think it's supposed to "build tension" by recalling how sully is a ruthless killer who strangles people in the front seat (just in case you forgot the movie while watching it), plus highlight the difference between him and the hapless chucky who can't even make a (presumably) true story sound convincing
That was pretty decent. I might actually give the whole movie a rewatch.
>ultimately the movie is just bad.
I want to strangle you and put you in a woodchipper
fucking garbage board
Fuck, if they used younger actors this might've been the best thing in years
The worst part is that it didn't make you acquainted with the world of that particular period of history like Goodfellas or Casino did. I watched the movie and I still don't get what the big deal about Jimmy Hoffa was.
it doesn't accomplish or even try anything casino didn't already do better. I guess it would be partially excusable if the irishman was made by some other person who just really liked scorsese's old movies and wanted to make something similar
>inb4 b-but it mentions getting old, and the actors are old!
I bet you he is the same guy who collects Star Wars lego and shed tears during the trailer release.
Yes, but WHY the story needed to be convincing at all, if Sully just lets Frank take the back seat, then squares the made up story about the already irrelevant wet spot with Chucky, and then it goes further because passenger placement didn't play a role in anything, and Frank just shot Jimmy in the empty house? It's baffling from the screenwriting perspective. If that story is a darkly comedic coincidence we are meant to take at face value, reminding us of Sally's habit to strangle people in front seats (he did this 1 time), why did he indicate to Chucky that he needs to "get it straight"?
Frank was just being cautious because of Sully's history. Sully wasn't going to strangle him because they needed him for the hit. The spot had nothing to do with getting Frank to sit in a certain spot. The whole back and forth with Sully and Meth Damon is just to highlight how gullible and unobservant the character is. The fish story is a reflection of what's going on in the scene now. Meth Damon goes to pick up two mafia assassins and his dad, who the mafia openly wants to get rid of, without asking any questions or thinking anything of it - just like he didn't ask anything about the fish. He's an idiot.
>if you don't like thing i like you MUST like other thing i don't like
>this film is so fucking bloated
It feels like Scorsese wanted to used Sheeran's story as a base to his cinematic history of the mob, then realized it was too much and edited it down, but for some reason left some bits and pieces of it there. Like the subplot with Joey Gallo, which comes out of nowhere, takes up 20 minutes of screen time, has nothing to do with the rest of the film, and then just wraps up with no payoff.
There is simply a huge correlation between mob movie haters and star wars fans.
Watch any of the other gangster movies he made and then watch this. It's pretty obvious it isn't up to snuff.
It was horrible. I didn't check the time while watching it, but I expect more
This is the biggest problem for me, personally
That and they have an overhead shot of a semi turning that can't possibly make that turn, and you can really tell because they cut before it gets around the corner