
Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

/film/ Literature
/film/ Charts


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Evening ladies.

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where can i find 'Rerberg and Tarkovsky' online? please.

Why are there no longer actors like Alain Delon in modern acting?

Is this the Selena Gomez thread?

>putting together my 3x3
>the oldest movie on the list is from 1997

Post it.

I bet it's Lost Highway.


The End of Evangelion

Why are you afraid of being made fun of on an anonymous vietnamese basket weaving forum?

Okay tranny

I'm curious to see it when it's done

Philippe Garrel is pretty good, a burning hot summer was kino

I miss dumontfag2

i hate films! i loathe the cinephile!!!!!

kys, Dumontfag2

I miss dumontfag3


im a gaumont chad

Embarrassing thread desu

christ grow up.

Just like your life.

more comfy movies like this?

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