>literally midwits: the show
we live in a whoresiety
Was Grace best girl?
This. Babby's first show outside game of thrones tier.
>le protagonist's first scene where he sits and drinks le manly epic whiskey while his family's fighting epic win xDDDD
They look like male and female versions of the other.
Deano Kino
I'm on welfare so I don't really sell anything
only your dignity and self-worth
I never had any to begin with
so deep bro
I do not understand the popularity. is it because they all look like chads?
I saw someone say it's the male equivalent of live, laugh, love. In a way I agree. Everyone is elegant in a gritty kinda way. And all those "badass" musical montages.
Do the viewers say "He's just like me!"?
I really wanted to like it when I watched it because I like cillian murphy but holy shit was it bad.
Are you sure?
>disappears from the show S2
>comes back S3 with a nosejob
>gets killed right away
for what reason
PB is infinitely better than game of thrones. It's the opposite of expectation subverting postmodern shit, it's unapologetically just trying to be cool and exciting.
He looks like a gay creep possible reptilian. I wish him and Ben Cumsnatch would just do voice acting.
Her death felt like the nail in the coffin for this show having any point or meaningful narrative trajectory. It was at that point it fully committed to being a meandering soap opera.
He has a pretty good radio show if you like his voice
My absolutely retarded Mongolian roommate watches this show and says it's super deep and awesome and that was enough for me to write it off