Why did he stop using guns...

Why did he stop using guns? He obviously doesn't care about killing people since he throws a metal shield at their heads to hemorrhage and kicks them off of boats in the middle of the ocean to drown, so why not just shoot them?

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some men like guns. some men like shields. others? killa


That dude he kicked off the boat survived, Balrog?, he's been confirmed for Bucky/Falcon.

Also, don't worry, we're getting U.S. Agent, he ain't a pussy like Cap. If the voices in his head say "shoot this commie bastard", he acts on it!

Attached: 4bbcf-u-s-2bagent.jpg (1290x968, 162.17K)

Look at these retards. One of them is carrying a quiver of arrows while running directly into a melee engagement. One of them has magic that probably dwarfs the might of the entire airport combined, and is doing the same. Another has a suit that can make him an impossible target to hit while retaining his strength, yet there he goes. These films were not made for triple digiters

But muh epic running scene for the trailers

Because he's more effective with the SHIELD and wants to be seen as a heroic figure, not some gun-totting vigilante ala Punisher.

It's rule of cool, meant to resemble a comic book splash page. You're not a genius for being able to plot out the logical inconsistencies that everyone can see. We just don't care.

If only that relaxed attitude was carried into certain other capeshit threads.

he was using guns in the first avenger movie and he looks lame

>muh realism
No wonder why movies are so sterile nowadays

>call something bad
>"uh we can see its bad we just don't care we eat up the shit anyway"
Wow user really showed him

Realism has nothing to do with in-universe logic, retard

He never said it was bad, who are you quoting, Jew?

So he is a aware of optics and is political enough to know his own propaganda value?

>hating cookie cutter marvel movie #123 makes you a jew
What? Also he implied the scene was retarded which would imply bad mousecuck.

...that's literally what Winter Soldier is all about. So much so that I'm tempted to write this off as bait.

Considering he was created as a literal propaganda tool to get people to buy war bonds, yes it's safe to say he understands the value of optics.

>>"uh we can see its bad we just don't care we eat up the shit anyway"
I never said it was bad. That's the problem with greentexting instead of responding to what I actually said.

>we just don't care
Oh, it shows

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He only uses guns in times of war or some stupid shit idk it’s capeshit dude just turn your brain off lmao

No, there was a random henchman he kicked and he went fucking flying off the ship. I always think about that kind of thing when one of these movies is on. Batman flipping a car and I'm supposed to buy that the dudes inside it aren't dead or at least permafucked and wheelchair bound.

These conversations would be more interested if there was even a shred of substance to your endless contrarianism. Oh well.

But how would anyone know if he shoots people when he's on a mission? There were propaganda reels in the first movie with him offing people with a 1911 but a lot of the times he is fighting it's either against terrible odds where no one could fault him for shooting or he is with other people that are shooting (like his black friend who dual wields machine pistols) where he could get flak for it anyway. Im just saying that there is no good in-universe reason for why he won't use guns

sprinting at each other isn’t cool at all though, it just makes them look silly

To say it's contrarianism is to imply he isn't earnest in what he's saying, and that no one could possibly disagree with you in earnest on this topic. I still enjoy this schlock for what it is though.