Isn't Plato's Cave literally us when we watch TV or movies?
Isn't Plato's Cave literally us when we watch TV or movies?
Not really because you recognize the movies as not real from the start, unlike the people in the cave who only recognize the shadows after philosophizing
Lol nerd
This is very clearly a sex dungeon.
you have to be older than 15 to post here
the cave looks comfy desu
How many 12 year olds you know that talk Greek philosophy?
I wonder how plato feels that his treatise on subjective truth has been simplified into calling people low IQ for not believing the earth is flat
Who do the hooded figures represent?
Its more like watching a flee circus.
This is a circus, and man is on a tightrope over an infinite abyss, behind him the ape, and ahead the uberflea
What's platos cave?
It’s us on the board talking about kinos without reaching a greater understanding
The ones who went to proper schools. Children should be taught philosophy and rhetoric instead of math.
Kinda. With biased shitty media such as most of netflix or the nyt ppl are fed mindnumbing shit but other movies/media help make you free.
Dab Forums, where autists use trolling and twitter screenshots to present a severely skewed portrait of the world to other autists
It’s literally you all the time, hylic retard.
couldn't the guys in the cave see each other though?
No. Their heads were fixed in a way they ould only look at the shadows