New south park episode in March and It's another special. Discuss
New south park episode in March and It's another special. Discuss
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I enjoyed the last one despite having not enjoyed south park in a while. I'll watch it.
wow they're making fun of Q, how brave
These fags cried blumpf got elected and wanted to air the election post show as just a black screen
>that is for voting joe biden
>What has he done so far you ask?
>Ignore that viewers!
Did they even do a new season or just doing specials now?
the show has been shit since Trey got BLACKED and got himself a wife's son
imagine being trey Parker and Matt stone and still fucking making this cartoon over 20 years later. literally writing every single episode still. it’s less commendable and more downright sad. Seth Macfarlane is arguably more of a Chad for stepping aside from writing family guy and working on other projects
they could have quit ten years ago and spent time making some actual fucking kino instead of enslaving themselves to this creatively bankrupt cartoon that stopped being relevant 12 years ago. everything they do outside the show has been pretty fucking good, too—team America is a masterpiece, Ive heard good things about Book of Mormon. I just don’t get why they’ve done this to themselves
Hell it was nearly 10 years ago when they did that meta "everything is shit now" episode, though that was probably more to scare comedy central to pay them more
No fucking way
when will they cancel this stupid lame show? lol
QTards on life support.chuds.
they went from making fun of liberals to being liberals
But Trey and Matt are republicans
That kid is gonna slay more pussy than you saw in internet.
>south park
that's still a thing? huh.
t. Tycartmanrone
t. QTard chud
they're probably closet trumpsters. they even stopped trump parodies when he got elected
Yay they're gonna MOCK THE SHIT OUT OF DUMB REPUBLITARDS, qanons and antivaxer terrorists. Dab Forums is gonna screech and that will be the BEST music for our ears.
can you guys just cancel this shit already
its lost its soul long time ago
Fat, greasy, non white virgin hands typed these
> they even stopped trump parodies when he got elected
because they said it was stock and low hanging fruit. Everyone was doing it so they thought of it as passe
I haven't seen any south park episodes. Do I just start with S1 or?
imagine writing this post, when they're millionaires and you're not.
Nope they're Hollywood Libs and loved Hillary
He will grow up to be a homo like Will Smith's son
season 4
Maybe I'm just colorblind but that bitch doesn't look black to me. To me It seems that she got blacked and the nigger left his niglet son for Trey to take care of
what third world country is that from?
she prob bleached her skin and possibly got a nose job. she obv straightened the fuck out of her hair
looks like haiti
american capitalism is to blame, money corrupts your spirit
I thought I saw english words. maybe Nigeria?
Looks much better than white peckerwoodhoods.
I don't care.
Cope and seethe chud, we care.
no it does not
They were always libshits. They're episode on immigration was obvious on that
couldnt care less. if it ever goes back to the old formula lemme know, it lost its charm 20 years ago
probably autism
>Trey tells CC he doesn’t want to do SP anymore
>basically tell him if you don’t want to do it, we’ll find somebody who will
I get it. Watching somebody write your own show is cuck behavior. That being said, it’s sucked for like 10 years
Yikes. Black americans are Lords and Sires compared to white amerifats.
>my ancestors emigrated to USA
>NOOOOOO you cant emigrate now
Cope and seethe