Is Pedro Pascal handsome or ugly? My brain can't decide and it makes him feel uncanny

Is Pedro Pascal handsome or ugly? My brain can't decide and it makes him feel uncanny.

Attached: Pedro_Pascal_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg (1464x2195, 2.13M)

He looks like he has a harelip

Ugly-handsome. He's a piece of shit though, so that tips it more to he ugly side

Kinda seems like a gay

>He's a piece of shit though

Quick rundown?

hes a leftist

He looks like a non-white Renner and I've never seen him in a role I like. Not Renner because Renner is in lots of good movies
>The Hurt Locker
>that one Bourne movie
>Wind River
As for Pedro? Kingsman 2? Yikes.

Attached: Jeremy_Renner.jpg (790x1080, 178.2K)

pedro's best work is on tv

Wasn't he pro Gina Carano though?

the opposite

Trump lost chud

Jeremy Renner is also ugly imo.

So is your mom

She's 67, be nice.

He used to be handsome, but he has hit the wall at light speed. The confusion you feel is due to you seeing the remnants of his good looks behind his wrinkled and bloated face.

Attached: IMG_6715.jpg (720x1080, 157.62K)

Pedro was good in Narcos but he got mogged by the white guy

Cry more chud. That means he's based and REDpilled.

Slightly above average, so he 100% would end up a virgin if being born 15 years later. However, the fact that he was on tv and probably can get you some social media followers probably makes 20 year old e-thots flock to his dick.

post I mean not being a leftist

He has charisma which boosts his otherwise average appearance.

he got fat or something
all went to his face

neither. he's entirely average, dad bod, pudgy face. He's also unwatchably bad in Wonder Woman 1984. The only reason they put him in everything is endless woke tweeting and trannie sister. Otherwise it's hilarious that such a progressive icon is still in the closet like a massive homophob. he ain't fooling anyone. he's gay af.