This is so lame
Venom deserves a rated R movie, possibly a dark action thriller directed by a serious director like David Fincher.
You mean kino
>Venom deserves a rated R movie, possibly a dark action thriller directed by a serious director like David Fincher.
soijak me next please
oh look it’s shit
This is the most onions based shit I have ever read.
this would actually be good tough
Let there be garbage lmao
t. Didn't watch the trailer
>Black Canary
Sony has a better chance of making comic accurate silk + sable costumes than mcu
but I'm not holding my breath
Looks neat. Cringe opinion, OP.
Venom sounds like a retard and Woody looks awful
>Venom should stay PG 13 so i can laugh a retarded jokes during the whole movie cause I'm a fucking child, also check out my wojack
>>Venom should stay PG 13 so i can laugh a retarded jokes during the whole movie cause I'm a fucking child, also check out my wojack
If he eats people, where does the mass go? Where does the mass for the tentacles and suchlike come from? Are the symbiotes connected to the Dimension of Meat like Wolverine?
another guaranteed 1M, dcuck tears everywhere
You don't get to call anyone cringe if you think that pile of shit looks neat you fucking loser
>I'm gonna have to go with a serious director
>slow rendition of popular song
>funny quip in end
I'm thinking kino
>what if Venom but red
Bravo capeshit
>I hate it because it's cape kino and that's what Dab Forums tells me to think.
Giga cringe.
>wasting the first live action carnage adaptation on this garbage
>Venom singing and cooking
lmao yep, it's a retarded Sony movie alright
how did hardy fall so bad from grace. is he just doing this shit to fund a second season of mmm nootka
If it streams I'll consider watching it.
I'm not going to the theatres anymore because it's too unpredictable.
I'll just watch it at home if I can.
>I pretend to like kids movies because Dab Forums shits on them, holy cringe
>the venom symbiote is just a comic relief sidekick that pops out of Eddie's bag to do and say retarded shit
>Am i not serious to you? I made zombie land, everybody liked it
My only issue is with Venom's voice, he sounds retarded now
I reserve my full judgement until i've seen the whole movie. Unlike the baboons on here (such as yourself).
Unironically probably yes. This flick is meant for the SpongeBob SquarePants smoking weed t shirt wearing chinstrap kids who never graduated HS and chase underage girls.
Let him do a full trilogy and we can get more hmm Nootka.
Oh yea? Did you reserve your judgement until you saw the first one as well?
They made Venom look like a wimp.