With Season 2 finally switching from SoL to Action, what fights and shenanigans are you looking forward to most?
For me it is S U M M O N I N G
With Season 2 finally switching from SoL to Action, what fights and shenanigans are you looking forward to most?
For me it is S U M M O N I N G
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Just marathoned this. Pretty fun. I'm still sad about Shizu. She was a top tier waifu.
the laser show genocide in the next 3 episodes
I hate her so much, hopefully she dies.
I can't wait for next week so i started reading the LN.
>switching from SoL to Action
Finally, this season started off boring as fuck.
Good opinion user. For whatever reason a lot of Dab Forums unfairly hates her
>Cute ogre girls
>Not just humans
>Cute lizard girls
>Now just humans
>Demon Lord girls
>Look just like humans
>Girls arrive from the furfag nation
>Look just like humans
My only real problem with the show. At least there's still the goblinas.
Then you are a faggot or furry. Either way you should just neck yourself.
Ogres were definitely cutter before evolving. But I still love giant shion
Really? Why? She's such a sweet heart, while still retaining a sense of bitterness at her situation. One of the few isekai characters that's legitimately well written. And her design is also top notch (though I do kind of hate how the mask has a big red clown nose).
What's even the point of having a fantasy story about a bunch of monster races teaming up if everyone just ends up looking human?
Yeah you definitely need help.
But they don't.
What's even the point of having the monsters magically evolve if they don't evolve into the most superior form possible?
And you need to stop eating shit, it's ruining your sense of taste.
Nice try faggot.
>For whatever reason a lot of Dab Forums unfairly hates her
Literally nobody hates her. You're just making shit up now.
No idea but maybe Dab Forums just likes being contrarian.
It is weird
No we don't you stupid faggot.
Dab Forums is extremely contrarian.
Why would you watch isekai for the action, the self-insert MC literally wins every single battle with no problems anyways
your retarded head
Dab Forums is also really bad at understanding jokes.
Literally every series ever unless you want MUH underdog MC who either stagnates and recycles the same shit over and over, or got antagonist scaling that would make Elder Scrolls game look like child's play in comparison.
Or MC just dies, the end.
Sometimes you just want to watch the OP MC kill losers with his heartbeat.
>That wasn't even an isekai
Shut up that doesn't matter.
For underdogs I watch MT, for overdogs I watch Slime
When is that happening? Will it come up before mushoku tensei first oh shit moment?
It's like you don't even watch the show.
probably next ep
>obvious trolling
>looking forward to anime fights
Are you 8 years old?
Look at how the stupid bitch got our MC attacked last episode by failing to educate her students properly.
If you stopped trying to fit in, will you die?
No, power fantasies like slime and overlord are terrible. Sincerely. This one is the worst of its kind.
also I'm gay just wanted to let you guys know that
>pretending there is a possibility the hero will die even though he never will is better
You just don't understand how refreshing some actual honesty is.
Nobody hates her she's just a non-entity. She barely existed.
Overlord is gay but you're wrong about slime.
It's not that I hate her, It's that I hate how much extra filler was written for a character that rimuru canonically knew for only half a fucking hour then spent 2 days unconscious then died 5min after waking up.
>Overlord is gay
fuck you
I don't like the aesthetic. That and I kind of find Ainz annoying. But that's it.
>Cute ogre girls
How to spot an anime only. In the LN their appearances barely changed, the ogre forms are anime original.
Slime is gay but you're wrong about Overlord.
You must enjoy SNK
MT oh shit episode is in 2 episodes
Slime oh shit episode is either next episode, in 2 episodes, or in 3 episodes
It's a little harder to project for slime
Slimes pretty fucked as far as timing goes, 6 episodes in and season 2 finally starts.
Oh come off it. just because it's not constant action doesn't mean it hadn't started yet. Do you even know what buildup is you impatient little shart?
he is right though
No he's not, retard. Fuck off back to some shounen if you want constant battle.
I have only watched the anime and did not expect the ramp up on nation building that the series took, I really liked how the previous episodes started to talk about world politics and relations.
Last episode was really good in building tension as well, I mean, Rimuru won't die but the fight was really good, and I'm honestly more worried about the people in the village, especially Hakurou, I really like his voice. I wonder if the usurper skill works piecemeal or has the new girl stole every skill Rimuru has already
ask and ye shall
You're arguing the wrong point. Season 1 left off at rimuru leaving about to encounter hinata, the first 5 episodes are back tracking things they skipped in season 1. Episode 6 starts off where season 1 ended
It was as gay as a recap episode. We skipped this crap in S1, and it should have stayed skipped.
excellent reply user
The rest of the season will be a good balance of political intrigue and fights, you won't be disappointed
Only "bad news" is that once this cour ends the Slime Diaries spin off that runs in the spring is purely SoL fun stuff
Apparently none of it was important.
How caped is Rimuru here? He is really getting his ass kicked here... please tell me there is a more berserk unforgiving monster version of Rimuru that`s not as candid to his enemies. I always enjoy those.
Honestly they have just crammed all of that into slime diaries and nobody would have complained.
It was important, the content skipped is important now and will be even more important later. Plot points would come out of nowhere and people would be asking "Who are these characters? Why are they here?".
Slime diaries is comedic though isn't it? All that stuff was important.
Another user claims that the sponsors of Season 1 included toymakers so the last 8 or are episodes are wonky & out of order because they needed to get certain characters in for toy deals
After Season 2 was picked up properly, Eight Bit did their best to fix their boo boo but their imperfect solution was what we saw.
IMO a better way to do it would have been launching Season 2 in media res during the Hinata battle that we saw and cutting in clips of burning Rimuru City. That for 10 minutes before a flashback to the where Season 2 started would have solved about 80% of the complaints because the audience would know going into it that Something Very Bad was about to happen and actually give the audience a reason to care about this backstory political stuff, a core component to the Something Very Bad saga
goblin slayer isekai'd there and slay all goblins
>Isekai thread
For me it is sharks
I know it's important. It's that impatient retard who doesn't understand that.
Going scorched earth now are we?
Every one of those hobgoblins could kill him without a second thought.
>Slime diaries is comedic though isn't it?
Yea. It mostly focuses on food and cute SOL stuff. It shouldn't have the political stuff crammed into it, the tone shift would be wacky.
They could have fit it all in the first episode then gotten on with the story in the second episode.
>tensura is split cour
Ah fuck, the saving grace is that we know the staff puts the effort, but still, for a second I got worried that 12 ep was everything we were going to get
I'd watch it, although GS wouldn't chimp because the goblins in Slime actually build cities and society, not capture humans for breeding in rape caves
Isn't there an isekai where the MC is a shark?
It's a standard for me now.
That's just how they trick you with the long con, they have to all die, there is no other way.
You're not wrong but we'll see how "effort" actually works out.
It's split cour that's *split by a cour of Slime Diaries*
If it's all the same team, we're talking animators working on nothing but slime for 9 months straight.
I am not an animator but I'd imagine that would result in either positive or negative effects on work quality. Depends on whether your heart is in it.
If it is a different team for Slime Diaries, this won't matter, of course
>IMO a better way to do it would have been launching Season 2...
I mean, it's not bad idea, but coming in blind I can tell you that the shock of everything going to shit in 2 chapters hits pretty well
Do you not watch Fuka Tensei?
Well maybe if you had decent reading comprehension you wouldn't argue the wrong point until you're blue in the face. Your whole argument hinges on me being an impatient shounen shitter. The point I'm making is that the first 5 episodes should have been in season 1 instead of putting progress on the back burner to play catch up.
> shock was good
Yeah I'm not surprised by your reaction, probably a huge difference in how this is viewed between first timers / anime only and LN / WN / manga fans
Eight Bit probably made a decent call with how they're proceeding with S2
It's not the same key staff at least
If that stuff had happened in season one then about the same amount of episodes would have been in season two for teacher stuff. So either way it would have been the same. In other words, you are impatient.
Not doubting you but MAL doesn't have a built out equivalent list for Slime Season 2 for whatever reason
You don't tell a story out of order.
>you are impatient.
and you're an idiot.
Oh I agree. They also screwed up with the demon lord meeting in season one by leaving out loads of information.
Cool argument.
I think he's just upset because a few people have been shitposting in the last few slime threads. Generally it's agreed that it was a mistake to have this content in the first 5 episodes of this season. The reason its there is because the production company had no faith that the first season would succeed, so they were never planning on making a second season. As a result they skipped a lot of content and tried to stop where they thought there would be a semi satisfying conclusion. Overall the situation sucks, but they had to cover the skipped content.
was the OVA an original anime thing?
They should have just continued the story and then have the MC narrate the missing info as needed. Obviously we didn't need everything from those 5 episodes given all the bath scenes and whatnot they included.
Not him you're replying to but it indeed was. It also was written by Fuze himself so it's canon.
gotta sell those Diablo toys for Purim
Yeah I'm a bit upset.
made for _____
The episodes were good
Pick a new show and go watch the episodes out of order.
Or maybe there's a setting where there isn't any direct power-scaling at all, and magic power - or its equivalent - cannot be honed beyond creative applications.
shit series
I'd be upset too if my favorite show turned out to be this much of a train wreck.
Adaptations of light novels almost always get messed up. Luckily I can read the novels and still enjoy the show despite its faults. There's still value in being able to watch things since it's just fun to watch events happen.
Thankfully I think this is a pretty minor flaw overall, even if it is an objective one. The events being slightly out of order is not that big of a deal and doesn't hurt my overall enjoyment very much.
I think they've done at least a decent job at course correction.
This except the opposite. At least the boring shit is finally over.
Dressing up like a doll
Aaaaaaaaaand i couldn`t wait to see this weekly so i picked up the manga. Seeing those 3 outworlders pieces of shit die crying felt pretty good.
The way Shogo died was the best one.
>slime chads crying because of some criticism
Fucking kek
This, what's interesting about watching someone going around solving everything with zero struggle or emotional conflict? It boggles my mind. There isn't a reason to care about anyone or anything, and you always know what is going to happen.
Some people just want to mindlessly wind down after a long day of work, user
>and you always know what is going to happen.
This is 99% of shows though. The stakes have always been fake and gay.
Kill yourself.
Why not just watch Friends or something?
I guess, but not in good shows. And anticipating that something bad will happen is far more exciting than a show just letting you know nothing is going to happen.
You first
Yeah and then you same retards come and shit on other shows that do the same.
This fucking cunt acting all smug when they're both aware that she's cheating, and has to nerf a slime just to win a battle, and her fucking "anonymous sources".
>Less than 1% of shows are good
Yeah we don't do that pretentious faggot shit here.
Back to whatever shitty website you come from to be watching that shitty show.
Clearly you don't care how shitty the show is?
Ironic coming from a slime reader.
He deserved even worse... but i can`t complain because for a second there he had hope. For most characters i would consider that cruel but honestly, fuck Shogo.
By the way is the manga ongoing? Kind of late to think about this but i am really really REALLY hopping this is not another Vagabond/ Berserk/ Hiatus X Hiatus one...
20 seconds of just staring at each other instead of just saying "she wanted me to kill her".
I don't know, I read the light novel. Also, I was sort of interested to see if Shogo could become a lot stronger.
That wouldn't have worked though.
How do you know that. He didn't even try to explain a single thing.
Because I'm not an anime only? You will find out later when it's revealed who was pulling the strings here.
Odd of you to call ribbons pulled by the author into a neat little bow "strings."
just like USA elections
1 word
>It's bad because it's written by an author
Last episode was trash, I much prefer the comfy nation building. Short hair edge cunt was unbearable.
>20 seconds of just staring at each other
is this your first anime?
please tell me that cunt that tried to #metoo poor Gobzo gets what she deserves
That just means you are invested.
she joins the harem
She... gets backstabbed by Spiky-haired dude who kills her for a power-up for himself.
Patrician opinion
Exactly the same opinon. i love the power crafting and nation building. I actually like how long Kumoko (spider show) for instance is staying in the cave. I liked the cave, it brought a sense of wonder. Wish slime stayed in it for 2 episodes longer.
>solving everything with zero struggle or emotional conflict?
The exact opposite is happening right now
"We became friends, and she wanted me to put her to rest from dying from spirit cancer. Funny that you didn't know about that."
would certainly have gotten some results.
I have a question that only the Ln readers tell me. right now on his level in the anime hinata could defeat rimuru even without the berriars?
The result would be:
"Yeah, my informant told me that that's the official story you use to justify her death."
Holy fuck can you ESLs please proofread your fucking posts before sending?
Yes, she'd still win, but Rimuru would at least be able to give her a better fight and also escape from the battle.
However it's also later revealed that this battle is only a "personal matter" to her so she only used her privately-owned gear. Had she come in official capacity with full gear, Rimuru would be dead no matter what at this point.
Not him but top kek
She loses even with the barrier. Even anime onlys should know this, you saw how the episode ended right?
>you saw how the episode ended right?
It ended in an inconclusive cliffhanger. Your point?
If you didn't understand what happened then that's your fault for being retarded.
Wtf ability did rimeru do at the end there anyways
he eats her sword, that was the moment she lost
She would still win even if he wasn't nerfed by a barrier. Her sword is too broken to deal with until he gets his Ultimate Skills.
M is blessed
I know exactly what happens because I read both the manga and LN, so it's you who is retarded.
From an anime-only perspective he did something with Gluttony, his absorption ability, before her attack reached him. That's it. Until this point she managed to counter every single one of Rimuru's tricks though.
Also her sword is not the only thing she can use to kill him.
Nice try retard, it's obvious that you are a secondary.
Surviving by playing dead is not "winning". It is indeed a "losing the battle but winning the war" situation for Rimuru but even he himself said afterwards that it can only be considered a tie for him at best.
He's just being retarded because he doesn't want to kill her.
Oh fuck AHAH yesss
My slime bro becomes even more over powered >:D
Diablo and Rimuru shenanigans is the only thing I'm looking forward about this season.
He had no way to deal with her regardless. She hard-counters Rimuru at this point because her body itself has the same properties as the barrier so magicule-based attacks would not be effective either way. The only reason Gluttony was a threat to her was because it was let loose and unstable, if Rimuru controlled it normally it would not be strong enough to even potentially absorb her.
>Well yeah he is stronger, but it doesn't count because reasons
>Only managed to absorb the sword
>but he paid for that by being unable to use Gluttony for the rest of the battle
>ducking in some corner while being blind, completely exposed to a killing blow if she spotted him
>if he tried to flaunt his other fancy skills with his main body, she'd just go full Forced Usurpation on his ass and steal his Skills like Ultraspeed Regeneration or whatnot and disintegrate him
Yeah, totally a "win", right...
Fellas, am I gay if I want to fuck Diablo?
In the anime they say that the barrier drains magicules but why would the humans not be affected as well? I'm pretty sure that humans' superhuman strength comes from magicules as well, so why the lazy, incomplete plot device? It's really frustrating.
He didn't want to kill her you retard, how hard is this for your retarded ass to understand? Please go cope somewhere else.
Depends. Are we talking pitching, catching, or something else (ie power-bottom)?
>>ducking in some corner while being blind, completely exposed to a killing blow if she spotted him
About that. Does the rainbow skill counter reset after a time or is it permanent?
for me, it's HIM
Like hell he did. Gluttony would have undoubtly killed her if she hadn't been able to react in time. He himself said at the end of the battle that he would no longer take Shizu's wish into consideration, meaning he was willing to get her out of the way even if it meant killing her if it's what it takes to get back to Tempest. But even before that he had no cards to play to kill her. If he had such leeway he'd just run away from her and try to break through the barrier instead.
Why does noone ever discuss the manga?
Yeah we get it, you are retarded. You can fuck off now retard.
I accept your concession.
Yeah you obviously didn't pay any attention when he mentioned repeatedly how he doesn't want to kill her, so you can just fuck off.
It's unclear if it just heals/resets over time, but considering what happens later, any damage Rimuru got from that battle would definitely be healed.
Good question. I’ll start a thread tomorrow or so and see if anyone bites
This barrier seems to be way too OP for this isekai world. If they were able to create this barrier all along then the great forest would have be absorbed into the kingdom long ago, as they'd need only cast the barrier to kill all the monsters inside (including Veldora - not that he was able to fight back). In addition, the demon lords would have been defeated right away as they would be unable to fight within the barrier. Even if they could, the latest episode is demonstrating there are humans at/above demon lord level so why make peace with unpredictable beings when you can just destroy them?
I really feel like the latest episodes are ruining the world building because so much of the show makes no sense with such a defacto deus ex mechanism.
Shizu is a good 2nd best girl
You mean the lines "even if you are Shizu's student, I won't hold back on you" or "It's no good, she's far too strong!" ?
Sure sounds like someone who's totally winning the battle...
>outs himself as an anime only
Yeah you should try reading you secondary.
Really? Not trying to be a typical Dab Forums contrarian but I’m super not a fan of Great Sage. She’s a sarcastic talking voice in his head versus an entire show of strong-willed-but-obedient actual women
So did she not know about Ifrit?
I would be like "yo bitch do you not recognize who that is?"
>overlordfags posting trash skeleton
I want to see Milim grow a magic penis and fuck Rimuru in "his" vagina. Alternatively Rimuru should slimepregnate all the girls.
Every faction in that world has a secret weapon that can destroy a nation but everyone would just end up being dead if they all use it. In the end, it is all about politics. Smart people would try to avoid war as much as possible.
>no sarcastic Alexa-wife
>why make peace with unpredictable beings when you can just destroy them?
Because actual demon lords won't let church people just set up the 4 pillars needed to set-up the Prison Field barrier used on Tempest that weakens monsters, unlike Tempest which had basically presented itself on a silver platter. And only the strongest bunch among them can set up the stronger Holy Field barrier that's being used against Rimuru.
And there are more in-depth reasons why the church doesn't go on a crusade against the Demon Lords (aside from the fact that Milim and some other Demon Lords could solo the entire church on their own) which are extremely spoilery and will only be lightly be touched upon in the second cour and only properly explained in a potential season 3.
Boy are you going to hate her more once she evolves into [Wisdom King Raphael] and then later transform into [Manas:Ciel]
But does she evolve some boobs?
>implying that you can stop the big red faggot and the stupid pink dragon with such a puny barrier
>implying that the Church isn't actually run by a demon lord too
I hope Diablo and Shizu can be together again.
any LN reader, will slime fuck shion or not?
only imaginary ones, she just lives in Rimuru's head (rent free lol)
Rimuru and his gang are still mid-tier in the world. The higher end of the mid tier, but still mid tier. It isn't after the war that they become high tier.
Just because Rimuru holds back (or at least tries to hold back) against humans and even moreso Otherworlders, it doesn't mean that he'd become a corpse for it, nor that you are just obviously moving the goal posts from your non-sequitur initial argument of "Rimuru doesn't go 100% all out with intent to kill from the start, therefore he is stronger than Hinata" is any way more true now than it was before. And we talk about the Rimuru as he is where the anime is at now. If you had seriously argued about Rimuru at the level he is at in the current manga chapters or even the current Japanese LN volume, then you can only blame yourself for bringing up such an unrelated matter.
>nor that you are just obviously moving the goal posts from your non-sequitur initial argument
This is what happens when retards try to sound smart.
that might be a good reason to hold back against nations but how can such a vast, untapped resource such as the great forest stay independent then?
but how come the barrier doesn't drain the magic of humans as well? Don't humans use magicules as well? It doesn't make sense unless humans do not use magicules.
>Rimuru doesn't go 100% all out with intent to kill from the start, therefore he is stronger than Hinata
There this is what you say and it's illogical because one doesn't prove the other. Got it, low IQ user? Simplified it enough for you?
>Rimmuru - we tied
>I'm a fucking faggot
Wow, your quote really makes you sound dumb bro.
>but how come the barrier doesn't drain the magic of humans as well?
According to Hinata, the barrier is like a filter. We can assume that it only allows magicules that humans uses. Let us say that the monsters breathes carbon dioxide while humans breathes Oxygen. If the barrier filters out the carbon dioxide, the monster will slowly dies of suffocation but the humans can still breath easily.
>It doesn't make sense unless humans do not use magicules.
They don't, monster bodies are literally made of them, when they die their bodies evaporate into magicules.
>that might be a good reason to hold back against nations but how can such a vast, untapped resource such as the great forest stay independent then?
Until a few years ago there was Veldora there and his aura made approaching impossible unless someone had high magicule affinity or high magicule resistance, but even if you had a large number of fancy equipment that could somehow deal with that, there's also the uncontrollable monster attacks where if you just tried to forcefully build a mine, you'd get monsters spawning behind the miners or such. It'd be a high-cost, uncertain-returns undertaking that probably wouldn't be worth it. Only after Veldora vanished and Tempest was built, was there anything that made an invasion worthwhile not just in order to get Tempest to stop being an economic threat, but also for its production methods and technology.
>but how come the barrier doesn't drain the magic of humans as well? Don't humans use magicules as well? It doesn't make sense unless humans do not use magicules.
Most humans don't use magicules. Even among human mages not all need magicules for magic and even those who do just use the magicules in the air rather than having an internal magicule storage. Razen, the old Wizard guy who commands the 3 Otherworlders might be an exception to that, but that's not certain either. Holy Knights like Hinata use holy energy instead which makes their bodies strong and resistant towards magicules.
But while Holy Field actually purges the magicules in the air, the Prison Field specifically makes monsters weaker, but also has weaker potency than the Holy Field.
>how come the barrier doesn't drain the magic of humans as well?
it does, but humans aren't made of magicules, so they aren't weakened., and if they are protected by personal barriers, they can still use healings and buffs (but still no attack magic).
i remember that ainz has a sharknado spell, too bad maruyama's too much of a hack to actually use it in the story
Anyone? For someone who seems to care so much about Shizu, Hinata doesnt seem to know her backstory?
Or is Ifrit just that much of a slut that he lets everyone use him?
He used it versus shalltear speed watcher.
>Hinata doesnt seem to know her backstory?
Yes and no but also yes, it's a lot to explain since there's a ton of time travel fuckery involving hinata.
Isn't it a monthly release? Those hardly get discussed for more than a thread or two when a new chapter arrives
I watched season 1 of overlord, cute characters but it feels like nothing happened and there was nothing to make me fall in love yet.
like it didn't actively piss me off like Re:Zero but I'm not sure if its worth checking out season 2 when I can just try something else.
You are literally a faggot. Go be a sodomite somewhere else.
Shion death, also, hope they go anime original and keep her dead, make the resurrection shit something that failed
Did you somehow forget that in the beginning of the show Veldora was permanently trapped inside of a barrier? It was a different kind of barrier, because the kind of barrier they're using to contain tempest is way too weak to do anything to handle someone as powerful as Veldora. He would just smash through it with sheer force and destroy the army anyways.
very late reply user but the manga is monthly release i believe
It doesn't make a difference. In the manga she recognized it but the most it could do is make her think that he killed her just to get his slimey hands on Ifrit. And in truth this Ifrit certainly doesn't work for Rimuru just because he's acquainted with Shizu anyway.
she wouldve low-diffed rimiru at this point even with no barriers, hinata's speed/weapon/skills are too broken
No, she doesn't have her holy armaments on. Her body that's still slowly in the process of becoming a Spiritual Lifeform cannot contain the full output of a Saint on it's own yet.
The sharknado was mentioned in the webnovel even earlier than the actual movie sharknado
Yeah I meant with her full array of equipment/abilities, i should have specified
You know you can only pick one right?
New Chapter when
There are like 5 manga's of slime tensei. What's the name of the real one?
The one with 80 manga chapters.
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
This show is so bad it's hilarious
its good enough
I like Dr Stone and Jobless better this season but its a good season
most seasons this be the best we get and this good for S2 I'm feeling good about slime
how can you even mention something as good as dr stone with this slime shit lmao
I said Dr Stone was better?
in fact it is my favorite thing airing right now and THE manga I'm focused on getting every volume of as it comes out.
but I can like more then one anime!
please stop comparing 2 stories i like and calling one bad
user, I like both, but Dr. Stone is bad. You can like something and acknowledge that it is terrible, it's really trivial to do; almost every single non-psychopathic fan of BNHA and One Piece can do so, so why can't you?
Hell ya!
Dr stone and Slime are kinda close in some ways they both show a outsider improving a simple society one step at a time! and both really care about their friends! Slime&Stone together strong!
we got a Dr Stone thread don't forget, today is episode day and the episode is out already I'm downloading as I type.
Dr Stone is unironically good period where BNHA is unironically good for nothing trash that I still watch because I'm trash, learn the difference!
Dr. Stone doesn't really have a good story, it's just science and technology masturbation. And I like that, it just doesn't make for a compelling plot. It also has great art too.
the manga art really is amazing.
the story is keeping me hooked but I'm reading along with the physical volumes not the weekly online translations, I still am wondering who WHY man is [although I think from the spoilers I have seen he is that weird clawed guy] , seeing how the stoneing device works and looking forward to seeing them use that gun maybe the story gets less compelling later but where I am at it is pure sweet addiction making me want more Stone.
It's not DEEP but I submit that it is a great plot that isn't stale.
I can admit when i like things that are bad, like all the shitty police tv/normie core tv that i watch, but I think dr stone is pretty good, as far as shonen go. And i think that slime is a pretty good isekai, from what ive read of it so far
and one piece is really good
boichi's art is fantastic, it's unreal that he's got like 3 series running at once, man is a literal machine made to create manga
so what now, will slime go ape shit about human attack, turns to overlord and mull over all human countries?
>from what ive read of it so far
>and one piece is really good
Yes, but then it shits the bed at around chapter 600 and it becomes terrible. The pacing of NuPiece is literally 5 times slower. Wano has less going on than Alabasta, but it has taken at least 4 times as long and there are still at least 100 chapters left in the arc.
The indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people that Rimuro will unleash on the crusaders who dared to attack Tempes.
What are you on about? Falmuth is such a nice nation sending supplies for free!
>nu piece spammer in other threads too
you have to go back
Are you that retarded faggot that thinks that JC and JK are spam?
Kill yourself.
I can't stand how he draws girls.
i like the alien-waifu syndrome he has going on when he draws ladies, but i can definitely see why that shit would turn someone off
It's not that impressive once you realize that his secret is that he just understands how to properly utilize line thickness. The only time anyone else varies line thickness is when they go for the NIPPON NUMBER ONE IT IS A BIG FUCK OFF BRUSH STROKE NIPPON NUMBER ONE bullshit.
I still really like everything else so it's tolerable.
>got trips twice in a row
i love her.
Rimuru looks very erotic there.
Thanks. That`s better than expected. Specially since the anime is weekly. My only concern was not getting more once i was up to date.
That's super cute.
there are always the light novels as well that the manga and anime are both based on, there are official translations out for a lot of volumes (i dont know exactly how many and im too lazy to look it up right now but i own the first 8 volumes)
Episode was good but how did he get trapped like a noob. Also that antimagic stuff is super annoying
ah so they went with -that-... laaaaaaaaame
hes an idiot who doesnt really ever stop to think about what other people might think or do about him other than in the immediate, until this encounter, which opens his eyes to how blind and dumb hes been
What I don't understand about the overlord adaptation is why the main character suddenly stops being a main character and the entire series just turns into these meaningless one-sided fights or the gay ass drama with that goth girl who was cute until her fanfic tier drama dragged out for-fucking-ever. Overlord is a seriously trash series to watch. Maybe the reading is better but fuck that adaptation was moldy slop
Because the LN's are like that. Overlord was basically written out of order.
So how strong is Hinata actually? Because i am guessing this is literally the one time they`ll be evenly matched and she had to put two barriers and a cowardly surprise attack strategy to make it so. Those conditions will never be met again...
Because Ainz is the big bad. He's our protagonist, but most of the story is building up the world and seeing what the powerless humans are doing while Ainz plots his world domination. If it was nothing but Ainz beating ass it would be boring. We have to see some non-onesided fights occasionally and do world building.
This is literally their only chance to destroy Rimuru and his kingdom. This kind of magic surprise attack will never work again.
Without that barrier the fight would've been over in a heartbeat. The only characters that can fight and beat Rimuru on even ground are the Demon Lords like Milim.
this feels uncomfortable to watch as i got used to overpowered rimuru
She wasn't at full power either since she saw it as a "personal vendetta" rather than an official mission so she wasn't in full gear and can't fully use her innate power because she is in a sort of "super slow evolution process" that, without any special circumstances, takes years possibly even decades until her body is adapted to her energy level. So to use her full power right now she has to wear certain gear that temporarily allows her to use her full Saint powers.
With Hinata in full gear, Rimuru would be clapped completely even without barriers, at least as he is right now.
Well i am guessing they`ll try and summon the hero or something... but considering that the hero is probably Chloe and Rimuru already performed that higher spirit summon or whatever to save her that option would be off the table for them so as far as i know Hinata is the only option available.
But we all know he is not dying here and that next time they meet Rimuru will be stronger... and the way Rimuru evolves that`s probably going to be some aggressive power up. Like, i am not saying he is going to be Millim level but yeah, probably. Let`s say that`s the case, do humans have anything capable to take down a demon lord? (other than the hero i mean)
>Rimuru on even ground are the Demon Lords like Milim
Rimuru is not even close to Milim until way, way later. And by that I mean like Season 5 or 6 if the anime ever gets that far.
when does it get the ability to grow a penus?
So is the anime adapting the manga or is it adapting the light novel directly?
ty user
Both, manga as primary source and LN as secondary source. Though the anime seems to add its own parts as well, which were only alluded to in the manga and LN. The part in Tempest this episode is completely new and only happened off-screen in the LN and manga.
Haven't kept up, is best girl back yet? You know who I mean.
The reason i ask is because if it is the manga alone then it would mean that once the anime is up to date they`ll have to wait before starting to work on another season but if they where adapting directly from the light novel then they would have enough source material to keep going...
Milim isn't back yet.
Not him you're replying to but an alternative is to animate the other manga in the interim.
Example - 2 cours of Slime Diaries in 2022 and then back to main series in 2023
I guess that`s exactly what they are doing...
/our guy/ Diablo.
Rimuru only knew her for a short time but she had a big impact on him. She was the first person he met who was also from Earth, the first fellow Japanese person and he took her form, so he remembers her every time he looks in the mirror. She also has an impact due to the children arc.
So is Rimuru going to go full on psycopath, ends justify the means, slaughter anyone I desire like in Overlord? I actually really enjoyed Slime S1 because I liked how wholesome and kind Rimuru is compared to a lot of other similar power fantasy stories, but if he just becomes Ainz, I'll probably lose interest.
he kills the army that attacked him and the army that orchestrated it all but he still prefers diplomacy and being a nice guy
I mean yeah, that makes sense. I was just concerned he'd turn into a sociopath like Ainz. That really turned me off from that series.
Ainz is justice though, you are just gay.
I really REALLY want to see him do some damage with a grin on his face.
>Ainz is justice
He's sort of going into a hamurabi code mindset. Which I think is pretty fair. At least in dealing with Humans. Basically play nice with those who play nice and treat people who don't in kind.
It's more of a Faustian Bargain type of thing.
What they're doing this year is similar - 1 cour Main Slime, 1 cour Slime Diaries, 1 cour Main Slime
Given that the underlying manga for Main Slime will be fully caught up in Fall 2021, the studio needs to wait a bit before the next 24 episodes of Main Slime anime. Therefore, it would make sense to have 2022 be 1 or 2 cours of Slime Diaries and then Main Slime returns in 2023.
I see the spin-off with the Beast Kingdom protag getting adapted if anything, especially with the material this main season is covering.
He goes full slaughter but he's still Rimuru so he realizes he's throwing away his humanity.
Can Diablo take on Hinata in the off chance they meet at Falmuth`s extermination? I`m guessing Falmuth will have many Outworlders for him to play with regardless. That`s going to be fun.
Freshly summoned Diablo? If it's Hinata as she ambushed Rimuru, she'd be dead no questions asked. If it's her in full gear, she might have a chance at escaping. If it's named Diablo, then she's just fucked, period.
Going to spoiler this because it is VERY spoilery through end of LNs, be warned: My understanding is that the Primordial Demons are individually each the most powerful beings in the universe with the only exceptions being Veldora, Milim, and the other 2 dragons. To where the LNs are at presently, Rimuru himself is almost at that level but unknown if he could actually beat them individually. Luckily a few work for him at this point so it does not really matter
season 2 part 1, slime diaries and season 2 part2 all air this year. it's 9 uninterrupted months of slime.
Nine months of slime makes me want to slime all over in excitement.
Sorry I am basically spamming threads at this point but as much as I like slime, it needs to be shaken up... It needs the samumenco treatment. youtube.com
I like Spyair's Gintama ed.
>missing the point of overlord this hard
Never seen it. But it is probably great. But we still need OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Now that i would like to see. I really enjoy those situations where cocky characters that fancied themselves strong suddenly realize how fucked they are and cower in fear.
Nice!! because i am thinking i don`t want the slime fun to end. Looking forward to it.
based. Was listening to this track this morning.
Such a great OP for a solid series
I am truly glad. It really was a fun series, but the audio was GREAT, and does not deserve to be dragged down by the anime. Even if it is good. Even if the plebs don't understand. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
yeah this is a good trope
I need to hear the tsundere dragon discuss the sacred texts
I don't want Diablo to defeat her. I just want him to rape her until her mind breaks.
My guess is that he appears halfway through cour 2 .
>Shuna tries to read Rimuru's private diaries without even asking
>Adapts the shit he read in manga into an actual martial art
Veldora is that kid that unironically naruto ran.
It's becoming really difficult to predict where the first cour ends. Though with the current pacing, getting to the end of LN vol. 5 seems outright impossible without overly rushing things. Even just right before Rimuru enters the cave again might be too far. At this rate it might really just end with Raphael doing Raphael things.
Samumenco is rare and awesome... I will list further flare points if I must. Later.
Mindbreaking is also acceptable in my books as long as she learns that she wasted the only chance she`ll ever have to deal with Rimuru first but i guess i would be fine with whatever Diablo chooses. He seems to be in this purely because of fun anyways.
I am guessing this also. Dramatically speaking the counter attack works great as the climax and Raphael doing his thing works great as an epilogue.
I think it's safe to assume it will end sooner in the series than later.
Remember, we still need to go back and cover Beretta
Shy =/= tsundere
Idk if they'll cover that fully, probably just a flashback, they still skipped adventurer rimuru.
I think it'll be at least 1 episode because the characters from that arc are featured in the OP.
I don't remember any sharks in the LN or animes.
Nah, he only slaughters jerks that come pick a fight.
>So is Rimuru going to go full on psycopath
Those soldiers went to war prepared to die. It just so happen that Rimuru needed souls so it was a win-win situation. Rimuru granted their death wish and took their souls as compensation.
Is slime isekai any good? I don't really like the fact that MC is genderless because it's harder to self insert
Yeah, its funny story. Everybody will shit bricks when they find out about Veldora, but thats nothing next to Diablo.
Yeah that definitely drags down it's score, but it's still slightly decent.
what a slog
Milim's one of the 4 true dragons? She said she's a "Dragonoid" in the anime. Is that the same thing or is this a spoiler that we're not supposed to know yet?
>wtih his heartbeat
Fifth most popular show from this summer.
The Misfit of Demon King Academy
This is a dumb technical answer that doesn't reflect power rankings but Milim is not one of the True Dragons; she's the only Dragonoid. There are "4 True Dragons" but because of dumb plot shenanigans there are at least 6 of them or something.
Following on to this: I think the short version of what we are talking about here are actually distinctions without differences. Both groups are immortal and have enough power to destroy the universe
He's mentally male.
So, how are souls defined in this series? Are they being treated in some sort of religious sense, or are they just doing the "its just your energy I use as a battery" type deal a lot of series go for? I want to know how monsterous it is for demon lords to be collecting them.
>4/5 preview pics are the same scene.
So you have a physical body, an astral body, and a soul. A soul needs a container or else it disappears off to wherever. An astral body is the thing people have because this world is half mundane(earth) and half spiritual, hence magic. The soul itself seems to be the being. The body can exist without it but the person will be a blank slate that needs another soul. So it seems like a soul is a soul in the religious sense. Gods do straight up exist in this world after all. At least that's what I gather.
Damn, so demon lords actually out here, erasing people from existence in a spiritual sense. That's pretty messed up senpai.
That's just mercy though, they are being saved from the pain of existence.
Seems like it. Fuck humanity though.
link plz
Absolute snoozefest
nvm found it
>best girl
Very soon friend
Imagine being so much of a coward that you go after the slime that apparently killed your pal, but not the person who summoned her to that world and forced a spirit into her to begin with.
I want Milim to killu me
I wonder if Shizu ever told anybody her story. Given the last second nature of how she went about telling it to Rimuru, I feel like Rimuru was the only one she told.
why do all the demon lords have based voice actors, when will leon show up?
>when will leon show up?
At Walpurgis during the 2nd cour.
>14 sec clip. 2 seconds of shark.
Ah. Barely see any sharks. Just some shadows.
fuck yeah love me some fukujun
All 10 preview images of episode 31 have been released now.
thank you user
Rigurd is pissed.
I have a feeling those knights are not going to have a fun time
He looks so bored, guess nothing is happening.
beretta will just show up with her when she shows up to build rimiru his labyrinth
specifically isnt she the child of a true dragon and a human, wherein the true dragon lost all his power and it was put into her, the first dragonoid?
Why does Rimuru want a labyrinth?
tourist attraction, also he plays DND with his friends in it by creating clones and using them as avatars
>Why does Rimuru want a labyrinth?
It's because the tsundere dragon existing creates monsters, and if tsun-dragon doesn't let out his power (stopping the monsters it cause an EXPLOSION
I wonder.
Nah that won’t happen - Season 1 has a quick montage of this and explicitly says “but this is a story for another time”
We’re definitely getting the arc via an extended flashback
Exactly right. The WN and LN differ on textbook definitions but she’s exactly what you described
beretta's creation wasn't an arc though, it's just something he did at the end of his time at the spirit area to make up for fucking up ramirus' toy golem. beretta showing up with ramirus next time she shows up is easily solved by then having a quick flashback after or before showing his creation (doll is created -> demon summoned -> demon makes contract)
Seeing the pace of how this season is going thus far, I’m sticking to my prediction that this is dragged out into at least 1 full episode
>Seeing the pace of how this season is going thus far, I’m sticking to my prediction that this is dragged out into at least 1 full episode
yeah, when you put it like that I find it really hard to disagree with you, I figured we'd be be at rimiru seeing shion's corpse already but they really dragged out hinata/rimiru babbling at eachother and added the extra scenes in tempest (which i actually didn't mind, they werent bad)
along with seeing the children graduate for the 3rd time, etc, etc
What's his master plan?
Indeed. No complaints from me either - I’m enjoying the season - but they’re definitely going maximalist on content and including everything + new content to really add depth to the season
>Why would you watch isekai for the action, the self-insert MC literally wins every single battle with no problems anyways
Slime is just plain boring when everything is resolved in a really convenient way for mc.
But if you make it fun by playing with the cliches it can interesting like chad Anos:
Getting addicted to manga, then kyssin when rimuru runs out of manga to copy for him
Maximal faggotry
Who cares? It's a cartoon character.
who the fuck were her sources been wondering
It’s best not to spoil yourself on this just
The reveal later is great
Not him but thanks, will check it out
I hope we get to see him crush some skulls.
Unironic Justice. I am not kidding.
>This person knows that I am japanese
>I've only told three people that I am japanese and two of them are dead
... user.
The qt3.14 ninja spy girl from Dwargon could've been listening in.
You forgot what was mentioned in this episode, the "Spiritual Body".
No, there are a bunch more. Rewatch episode 18. Though i can understand why you missed that, since ep 18 is probably the most boring episode of the entire series.
Bane posting and watching the world burn.
The reveal isn't that great, it's just a scene with laplace talking to the person in question.
It's neither a "great reveal" in the LN later on, nor in the manga sooner.
Everyone save one person that knows all that is dead. I figured out that rat bastard was the source the moment it was brought up.
I wasn't aware that Fuze is dead.
Forgot about him but that narrows it down to two people still.
Fuze only knows that he was once human, he doesn't know that he was a japanese man named mikami satoru.
Forgot the mention, but Eren, Kaval and Gido, the adventurer trio, was in the room as well when Rimuru told Fuze about it.
>a japanese man named mikami satoru
The only one he told that about is Shizu.
They were only told he was human at one point, not his "cover story" only one person still knows that.
Heck yes
and yuuki
>believe it or not, I used to be a human
That doesn't mean he told them he was a nip.
Who's the least based demon lord? They're all so good its better to ask least instead of best.
fucking clayman, he's such a god damned jobber.
Arguably the Curse Lord Kazaream, Clayman's former boss. Got killed like a bitch by Cromwell after making a big show and was nothing but a pawn for others afterwards.
Orc Disaster.
Anime-only here
Theres really only one person who could be the informant. Thats someone who would care about slime being japanese. Rimuru could have told everyone about him being japanese but that information would only go fly over their heads unless theyre japanese too.
Have you guys been stuck in a country that doesnt speak your main language? You can meet all sorts of people but the moment you meet someone from the same country, you lock on to that information.
He was a "demon lord" not a demon lord.
Make Rimuru submit to him as his wife.
No he did tell them.
>"Shizu-san entrusted everything to me as someone from the same homeland."
>The four of them looked surprised, but none seemed angry. They retained their cool as they waited for me to continue. They had chosen to believe in me, luckily enough.
>“Shizu and I came from the same country. When she died, she asked me to take over her mission…and as proof that I’ve taken on her will, I picked up the form you see here. So…I can’t go around acting like an ass while I look like Shizu, you know?” I said quietly.
That info is enough for Hinata to assume that "same homeland" refers to Japan. It's not like she is literally quoting her information source to Rimuru.
>next week
>week after that
>HYPE (or depending on the pacing) MORE FUCKING TALKING
>MUH instant gratification
Shizu's spiritual body got trapped inside Rimuru when she got eaten, right?
No, i think there was a small vestige of it that became part of a skill though.
No, it broke down and is gone. Shizu is dead. Dunno if her soul still remained in Rimuru or if it went back to the regular cycle of reincarnation though. Technically her soul should have returned to the cycle of reincarnation because Rimuru at the time could not interact with souls yet.
Given the "okaasan tadaima" scene, presumably the soul actually passed on.
But she wanted to be eaten so she could remain inside Rimuru forever. She does not want to be reborn in the world she hated except maybe if Rimuru is the one who will create a body for her.
So this is how Gluttony will look like in the anime.
Screenshot from the tensura livestream that had a preview.
She meant that she didn't want her body to decompose and become part of that world.
Not sure I like it, I always imagined it as just a big featureless blob, like a pile of toxic sludge or something. Kind of like this thing.
Well it was described in the LN as an amalgam of various monsters he had eaten so it's pretty accurate.
New key visual for Slime Diary.
LN scholars, what happens to the knight chick
I hate being a downer but some of the faces look kinda fucked.
That RImuru is too smol.
Better than the manga version at least.
Has it ever been confirmed what "it's" working with between the legs? Is it gay if I want to fuck this slime?
>Better than the manga
Manga chimera is kino
"like a doll"
There's nothing there. He can use whatever genitals he wants from any creature he eats though.
Neither an Abyss, nor a Tower. It's a smooth plain. The backside is sealed by a smooth plain as well.
>He can use whatever genitals he wants
He can't, actually. No genitals allowed.
thats disappointing
thats more like it.
He's a slime, though. You can always create an entrance.
That's not until raphiel evolves into ciel.
Do the LN's also bait and switch the 'death' of rimuru? Or is it just a manga thing?
See for yourself.
Can someone please fucking tell me exactly what characters touching the outside of a [/spoiler] cause the spoiler to be canceled please. I know it does it for , . and ' but is there anything else?
The 4th LN volume ends pretty much the same way this anime episode ended, with Hinata doing her final attack and Rimuru activating Gluttony, except that it didn't mention anything about Hinata's sword actually reaching Rimuru in the LN, it just cuts off after the monologue of Rimuru about his consciousness fading as an effect of Gluttony.
>aki "sameface"99
The entire slime is an onahole.
Higher Quality version.
Why is the perspective so fucked up? Everything is straight lines, but it feels like a fisheye.
It's Shiba's art. The spin-off mangaka just draws them so weirdly.
New Tensura Nikki / Slime Diaries Trailer:
Wait, I've figured it out. Every single fucking line has a different vanishing point.
>Monsters in RPGs have innately higher stats
>Humans compensate with Gear and Items and Tactical battle choices, also barriers
>"This is fine."
>Boss Monsters in Hack&Slash Games have innately higher stats, cool abilities, and far, far, far more health, than the player character(s)
>Player(s) compensate(s) with Gear, Items and abusing boss gimmicks to win
>"This is fine too."
>Advanced nation of monsters who are not only innately stronger than humans, but also got their own Gear in even healing items like potions which are normally the privileges of humans/players only in other settings
>Use anti-monster barriers to even the odds
Oh noes, how unfair those barriers are!
Doesnt he just enipe them all ? what is brutal about that
Cannot unsee
Not that user, but...
>Tempest council arguing over Rimuru's next girly outfit
Gotta love their priorities.
>Rimuru is just Golgo 13'ing them without mercy
You guys are making me too hype.
Okay if you say so, but no crying or getting salty about the barriers later.
Now now... that`s not merciless. that comes later
Rimuru is more of a Shinigami than any so-called Shinigami in other franchises.
Thinking about the reckoning that's coming is making me hard.
I wonder if the anime will cover chapter 65.5 as well.
I want it to, but I kind of doubt it at this point. Kind of annoying because it seems they have (or at least had) plenty of time to squeeze it in instead of dragging other parts out.
>pls dont kill my family
Say the fucker that was killing innocent child goblins hours ago
Nah that was the vanguard troops. That was just 100 or 1000 or so out of the 20k main army.
damn that was uploaded to the site I read the manga on, just read thru it. That would be a really good scene to adapt
oh god your right and it hurts my eyes
I love how the solider considers him god. A cold, emotionless being passing judgement while looking so childlike he Rimuru reminds him of his daughter.
Between that and everything that happens with great sage the power leveling is doing a good job making him look as divine as he is becoming
It's the wings.
Post spoilers without context
Question: what LN is chapter 80 in?
>Post spoilers without context
isekai hercule satan soon
What happens to the isekaid adventurers that started this shit?
Are we really gonna see him tho? They revealed a lot of spoilers in the OP his season but I don’t recall seeing him.
brutal deaths
Not until season 3.
Nothing good I imagine.
Oh, right. That's not until the tempest founders festival, so season 3.
god bless