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Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, so what? You still shouldn't try to kill people with a megadeus. Killing people is wrong.

Dumb Scheissewald.

If only this show's ending had made a lick of sense, it could have been great.
inb4 "filtered"

Go away Shirou, you're in the wrong thread.



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Black forest did nothing wrong.

Nice trips but it's really not hard to get, everything is on one big stage. Everyone in paradigm are actors carrying out roles.

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*wakes you up a 12 noon with the piano*

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Megadeus' should not be fighting in city domes.

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Why didn't he just wear ear plugs?

>ywn stay up late to watch a new episode of big o
I want to go back bros...

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It kinda saddens me that the author admitted he never made this with an intension of it having an ending, reminds me of the guys behind space dandy saying they made it with no real ending, the final episode apparently happened multiple multiple times before we were just lucky to see it ourselves this time.

is this a japanese thing? To do make something with the intent to go on forever and ever with no end insight even if they die? even after they die?

S2 happened cause the fucktards at adult swim wanted to cash in on the shows popularity in America. They made two demands, more action and more mystery. The problem is that by the time kanaka followed through AS pulled the plug on the show resulting in season 2 coming out the way it was.

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I don't remember dorothy's red dress being this revealing.

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Is he doing the gunbuster pose?

He looks a lot crazier here than in the series

Isn't this thing just anime batman?

It's think it's a more recent piece done by sato, recently I've been on the search for old promo art for the series and found some interesting stuff as you can see.

Attached: 71mGJB6pC8L._SL1440_1024x1024.jpg (1024x768, 116.53K)

Yes but better.

Attached: rdInBigO.jpg (720x540, 77.82K)

it may sound weird but i liked s2 more. the ending was alright i guess, but i kept watching all the episodes in succession until i finished it, it got me hooked real good. Meanwhile, except for a couple of episodes s1 felt a bit boring to me. what do you think is wrong with s2? I think it elevates it from being another mecha children anime into something more mature.

I too liked season 2 and think it got too much hate but season 1 is still better in my opinion. I like the anthology style story telling, s2 definitely adds some interesting things but also leaves a lot to be desired.

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I love how cheeky dorothy was being here but part of me also says she was serious. Poor girl just wants roger to love her.

Attached: [Exiled-Destiny]_Big_O_Ep04_(28CA0CA0).webm (640x480, 486.72K)

Reminds me of the Baccano scenes that don't make any fucking sense, they add extra episodes to and add a little bit more but not enough for the whole story

My favorite maniac.

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My order went through user. I will scan the art book when it arrives.

Did you make these user? I hardly ever see webms of this show.

Attached: [Exiled-Destiny]_Big_O_Ep06_(4AC1915E).webm (640x480, 485.92K)

>tfw still waiting on the lost memory manga volumes
This shitty month can't end quick enough, also I really appreciate it.

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>forgot pic

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Wish dorothy had more character interactions.

Attached: [Exiled-Destiny]_Big_O_Ep06_(4AC1915E)2.webm (640x480, 276.47K)

Cool, my shit still says march 3rd and I don't expect that to change. I hope my scan quality isn't ass on my printer.

Fuck. This thread make me want to watch some Big O now.

I really need to get a hold of the series somehow so I can make my own stills.

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I just rewatched it recently, still holds up.

Anytime user. A show that can still bring joy after decades os worth every penny.

I'm planning on getting a physical copy myself but I can't find anything for a decent price. I would like to get the artbook to make some decent sized scans.

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Roger is not amused.

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I wouldn't be either if I had to deal with such a disappointing antagonist.

Wish I could find the rest of this set but I can't read chexmix letters.

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this looks like Batman

It's animated by the same studio.

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The Batman Animated Series was done by japs?

A good portion of the animation was outsourced to sunrise who did animation for big O and many other anime. Keichii sato took inspiration from batman TAS and many other series.

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The series is definitely worth checking out if you liked TAS.

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How does the elbow pistol create pillars od power? I thought it was just a pilebunker.

I don't know but it's powerful enough to punch a hole through anything. I guess it's just something that makes sense within the context of the show.

She confiscated them all.

That's the plan, yes.

I love the way her arm kinda snakes out like that. Fucking nailed this girl's animations.

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Poor roger can't catch a break.

Maybe he could become pure and unleashed if he was allowed to read your discoveries instead of you burning them all. Also, you were totally guided to Big Duo by the city as a pawn to try killing Roger, and they even knew where your party was too. You had major missiles, two even, and could have launched one at Rosewater at any time but wasted both instead. You went insane and Roger was carrying the torch of the good man you once were.

He died for our knowledge.

Why was beck so entertaining? Something about him is just amusing.

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So any human that figured out the truth of the world just went fucking nuts huh?

>World War somrthing or other happened
>Just about everyone died
>Few remaining machines fabricated a fake world
>It was just turned on one day, that's why there are no memories of anything before Day 1
>Personalities are recycled over and over again so you get repeats of people every so often
>Director is in charge of the whole fake world production

Yeah about that...

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>the German guy is a retarded mass killer despite having correct ideas about the nature of their world
I love cinematic parallels

He didn't kill anyone though.

A disfigured iconoclast trying to expose the artifices of society. Who was the progenitor of this archetype? V in his Guy Fawkes mask?

So it's a machines made a matrix, but only to try bringing people back sort of thing?

You'll all be harvested when the time is right

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Interesting theory but it doesn't really add up. We know angel, roger and dorothy exist outside of the "stage" and if that is so then paradigm must still exist in the real world too. All three are clones of the real people who died in the cataclysm in the real world after the memory wipe, the events that took place before the memory wipe are what we see in the "show/stage" angel wrote the story from her, roger and dorothy's experience. Why is she doing this? Two possible reasons, she is still clinging on to her past via the play or story she wrote and she wants people so see what happened 40 years ago so that people learn from the mistakes made in the past so the whole thing never happens again. The problem is that things keep going awry in this story of hers so she keeps starting over from scratch. These memories people are having are just left overs from the previous runs she's done. Roger is one of those people which is why he keeps having flashbacks, he is a negotiator on behalf of everyone in the story so that angel can finally leave things be but he is never able to figure it out before it's too late. Roger finally figures it out and convinces angel to move on.

He set a bunch of people on fire in Episode 12.

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user, I...

They were corrupt wealthy boomers, nothing of value was lost.

Damn I never noticed that before.

The whole "there is no history before 40 years ago" thing adds up, the show started and there was nothing to go by before that so nothing else can be known. Goldwater's mention that nothing before 40 years can be found because nothing existed before 40 years ago.

Roger is definitely a clone of a previous Roger, who also has the memories of a Roger who existed before the event that destroyed the world.

The world seems to be in repeat, even when Angel does decide to keep the show going, it still backs up to the beginning of the series, just not the initial 40 years ago.

The real theory is more along the lines of why is it going on. Most think Angel is putting on a show to ether bring life back to the world, or imitate the life that used to be there, only poorly and over the ruins of what was left after the cataclysm. The city is a mix of war torn ruin and stage devices for the play.

The fuck is wrong with this nigga's head?

Art Deco attracted me to the series
Noir kept me interested
Good nostalgia is good

The theory I heard was closer to said that the machines were the only thing left in the world. Or Angel who is also either a robot or a program, puts on a play and every character is based on a human that used to exist.

Others will make the claim that the historic normal world was just a previous incarnation of the play that was also reset when things went completely to shit. Then the stage and the setting became progressively worse and worse with each reset until Paradigm city became the gray skies, junkpile hellhole it looks today.

I think this show had an overall good ending if it can keep discussion going after all these years.

This show was extremely creepy to me and I don't know why

The pilebunker is like the hammer of a pistol and the fist is a firing pin.

That's why I love it so much, being shrouded in ambiguity leaves room for lots of discussion. It's always interesting hearing different takes on what actually happened.

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The confusing part was that the place was set up like a giant stage, then an episode later it was all a hologram, making the lights kind of pointless.

It's a virtual stage.

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Getting lost in the plot is OK but at the end of the day Big O was mostly a character-driven / aesthetics driven show for the purposes of maximizing the author’s specific aesthetic values of the noir-and-art-deco. These aesthetics are showcased in both the characters and the plot and the setting, so at the meta level the entire thing is just author-San enjoying his Art Deco people in the Art Deco world, figurines in the sandbox of his imagination

It has a dreary atmosphere and explores themes that weren't really explored at the time.

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I just watch it for dorothy.

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I just realized big duo might be a reference to the red baron.

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He's too big brained.

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Where can I watch this? I'm gonna bing the whole series RIGHT NOW. should have a few torrents.

It's on nyaa. I'll leave my pc on overnight for you user.

Thank you user.

Beck is perfect meme material.

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Dorothy looks so cute and comfy in the coat roger gave her.

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The hell is with the bottom left?

The girl who was in the store when norman crashed through it with the motorcycle.

That was episode 11, right? Heaven's Day?

Which one is it specifically?


Attached: 1612070532750.webm (720x480, 1.8M)

Yep. Found it.

Attached: Capture.png (1268x948, 1.58M)

I have 2.
[OZC]The Big O Complete Series [1080p]

I think he's related to Donkey Kong.

I just realized how is big duo supposed to generate lift? The fingers aren't shaped like blades.

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Is there fanart of what he looks like under the bandages?

No but the manga shows what he looks like without them.

The fingers change shape.

His arms are jet engines. 4 total.

I guess, inferno makes more sense cause it's fingers are actual blades. I still like big duo though.
It's seems to be a hybrid of both jet engine and prop engine.

>even in the concept art beck deluxe is jobbing

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>DOROTHY! you know you could have come up with a gentler way to bring me around ya know! uh, like mouth to mouth or something?
What did he mean by this?

Attached: roger surprised.png (1920x1037, 539.08K)

Angel built Beck for jobbing, it's not his fault

And in the end beck fucked everyone over.

Robots don't have lungs, Roger. It's cute how he forgets she isn't human sometimes, though.

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I feel like that's intentional. She is the most life like android in paradigm after all.

Which are you referring to?

I can only remember one scene being totally out of place, with a lady holding a sword who never appears again.

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Not just Sunrise either, the team at TMS who worked on Akira did some of the farmed out animation too

>that other big o thread some retard just made
God I hate this board sometimes.

Attached: Screenshot_21.png (430x351, 228.44K)

>Found a good torrent
>Won't fucking Seed

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I wonder what Asuka would have thought of Dorothy

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Nothing since asuka doesn't think at all.

She's out match and outclass

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Big O's head shield is made of the same stuff as the orange transparent chainsaw lego.

Any good doujin?

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Alright, sincere question. What the fuck happened at the end? I've rewatched this series twice and haven't been able to figure out whether it was all an allegory for writing for TV or if the plot was wrapped up in-universe. Is there even a definitive answer?

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I've seen some on exhentai, nothing amazing.

Nvm, somehow missed the discussion mid-thread

Truman show style simulation being run to tell a story angel wrote based off memories of her, roger and dorothy. Shit keeps getting fucked up so she keeps resetting it which is why no one remembers what happened 40 years ago.

Attached: bdc.gif (400x300, 1.68M)

>when roger finally says he wants to fuck

Thank you. That makes nearly perfect sense.

Or you can look at it the other way, angel is a cuckquean and kept resetting everything since roger kept falling in love with dorothy instead of her.

This is wonderful.
And no. Low-key wish there was some kinky robot hacking stuff with Dorothy, RIP Segami Daisuke, but alas. That's probably for the best, though.

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I can never bring myself to fap to dorothy. She's too pure and modest.

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I love this comic. Dorothy is very cute in it.

That's exactly what I mean. Would likely be hot, but wrong, and not in the good way either.

Pic. What a bitch.

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The entire story feels so dense- it'd hurt if the answer were that simple. Well, at least it makes more sense than evangelion with the other explanation.

I YouTubed some clips because of these threads and you bastards got me hooked.

Dorothy is really the thinking man's waifus.

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You miss the storytime few days ago

Attached: fasdfas.png (800x598, 637.07K)

we definitely need more girls like Dorothy

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Fucking christ i miss this show, you just don't see something like this anymore and life fucking sucks for it.

I only remember the characters and the aesthetic. The story keeps slipping my mind.

Her riding skill is A+

Everytime I try to think of Bruce Wayne the first image that comes to my mind is Roger Smith.

Good taste.

Attached: nnxgcqlnap1rpfx57o1_500.gif (500x370, 905.79K)

How come they had so many english capable actors in 1999?

Attached: [x4subs] The Big O E22 'Hydra' [BD 720p] [2389333F].mkv_snapshot_00.05.51_[2021.02.17_23.46.29]08.jpg (960x720, 76.91K)

What torrent user?

She's so pretty.


And I tried a couple of times

Another 1. I really set a trend ay.

I've been substituting lust with Roger/Dorothy fics but I've only found one on fanfic that kept them in character.


It's from this guy, Galaxy1001D.

they not real people since they dont THINK!



Attached: dorothy starring in mezzo forte.jpg (1525x1154, 189.59K)

I admit that this one flew over my head.

Just got an update from dhl saying it will be delivered by feb 22nd. Can't wait to share the contents with everyone.

Miss the cat.

Attached: [x4subs] The Big O E08 'Missing Cat' [BD 720p] [C9052129].mkv_snapshot_00.03.56_[2021.02.13_21.47.46]03.jpg (960x720, 121.14K)

>only jew in the series is an android in disguise
What did they mean by this?

I wanted to get into this show so hard but each episode felt so utterly disconnected to each other
>inb4 what is episodic story telling
yea i know, but this was extreme, i legit thought the show was not going to go anywhere and dropped it after 6 episodes

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Attached: [x4subs] The Big O E06 'A Legacy of Amadeus' [BD 720p] [B703D942].mkv_snapshot_00.03.02_[2021.02.12_23.48.44]02.jpg (960x720, 114.39K)

i dont think it needs an ending, it doesnt start with rodger's origin story either, it just starts with him doing one of his jobs and each episode is a different story set in this world, its just a stage for cool stylish sci-fi stories to happen and not everything needs to be explained to be a whole show

It would've worked as an anthology series. The infodump at end was too overt. I would've preferred if the mystery was kept in the backdrop. And the part 2 ending was more of a character conclusion.

That's the proper attitude for this show.

Attached: [x4subs] The Big O E07 'The Call from The Past' [BD 720p] [5CC3FD80].mkv_snapshot_00.16.50_[2021.02.13_21.36.43]03.jpg (960x720, 120.75K)

Attached: flowers.webm (1440x1080, 692.58K)

shit ending

why doesn't he just fuck the robot?

It shouldn't have had an ending in the first place.

this is my interpretation now

He will

This is such a great little scene. Roger being annoyed that this grown man is playing with an rc toy, then rosewater gets pissed when it fails. Good juxtaposition against the final few episodes

Reminder that the plot for that batman episode, his silicon soul, is about batman waking up, and finding out that he's an android. He realizes that the only person who could have made him into an android is a villain from a previous episode. He goes to him only to find out that he's actually a duplicant (an android with false memories made to look like and replace a living human being). He fights the real batman to the death, but sacrifices himself when he realizes that winning would mean killing someone, something that he, as batman, could never do, and so he allows himself to be destroyed.

The man in the picture, Karl Rossum, when talking to the duplicant batman, speaks in riddles about the duplicant true nature, and claims to only want to create life through farming.

If it's the OCZ torrent I'll literally seed it for you.

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I'm seeding it right now my good man

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she's only heavy sometimes

Dorothy is only as heavy as the plot requires in that moment

I never said, but I got it to work. My bad!

Imagine how much better the show would have been if mech shit would have been excluded all together. Also if the second season didn't exist and was entirely rewritten.

>Imagine how much better the show would have been if mech shit would have been excluded all together.
You are not welcome here.

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the mechashit is fine, all metaphorical and shit

>Imagine how much better the show would have been if mech shit would have been excluded all together

Attached: Double_KO.gif (320x240, 1.5M)

literally, actually, filtered

>Imagine how much better the show would have been if mech shit would have been excluded all together
I've never seen such shit taste before in all my days.

I think what I really meant is if they didn't rely on it so hard, and more elegantly included it. Obviously I don't hate it because I love the design of Big O and the animation. It just seems like every time something is about to be explained in the story-line a big robot conveniently crashes through a building right at the most inconvenient time like when someone is going to explain something or tell someone something, and it just got annoying.

yes. you aren't supposed to get what you you want.

should i watch this in sub or dub?

That's kind of the whole point user, the whole series revolves around mystery. It's up to the viewer to decide what happened.

Attached: 77586.jpg (225x350, 35.45K)

The dub fits like a good suit.

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both, one after another. the dubs honestly cleaned up the official sub quite nicely

Sub is very underrated, and the writing is better in the sub imo

thank you anons!!


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I like Dorothy's manga design.

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Same, she's an absolute qt.

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Do you like the DVD or BD more?

>damsel in distress

I didn't say I liked it better. Roger's design in the manga sucks.

Fuck meant for

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one episode did show that she weighed something like 250lbs

130kg to be exact, elevators fear her.

I was really expecting it to play more into the Metropolis angle much more. Especially with things like anyone going too far underground either has panic attacks or goes insane stuff. I was expecting it to have the underground worker society down there, possibly robots, that kept the post apocalyptic world running. Maybe the tomatoes or the union were manufactured workers who escaped and that's why they want to destroy the city.

IIRC the underground is essentially the "backstage of paradigm"

Dastun tries to drag her out of the way in one ep. Pretty sure she weighs more when Roger treats her like a robot.

They're all android actors so they're programmed to have a hard time moving her when the plot demands it.

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I love the toku references in this show.

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basically yeah

Glad I'm not the only one who gets it.

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Should I buy the Roger figma bros? I already own the Dorothy one

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Still waiting on mine but dorothy is really good so yeah.

Big o-sama...

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Roger is a big softie, he tries to act like a tough guy playboy but deep down inside he loves dorothy.

that and also big "fuck memories" master of his own destiny man

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Why can't Dorothy and Roger just be happy togther? WHYYYYYYY

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They are though, they just have a weird relationship. They essentially feed off one another by doing something that gets on their nerves and make up for it by doing something nice.

extended negotiations he's a louse

You guys are forgetting that he answered her question when her brain was stolen by Beck.

A man should be able to sleep in whenever he wants, that's what it means to be free.

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the original intended ending supports that too.

Alright alright, I'll make a Dorothy folder.

What do you mean? I'm retarded and haven't delved that deep

It would have been fitting if he didn't answer that question, but answered the question she was afraid to ask "Do you love me now?"
I always felt that Rogers was afraid to get into relationships because there was also a lot of baggage. And what if he had forgotten his memory? Would it really be betraying someone if you lost your memory and moved on? Actually that would have been a cool story. A client reawakens their memory of a lost love, but the other person doesn't remember them. They ask Roger Smith to find those old memories to rekindle their love.

The ending we got was more convoluted than what kanaka originally wrote for the show.

They fell in love out of loneliness.

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It's mostly a superficial glance at Metropolis at best. Big future city, robot girl, rich oligarchs running everything, except I think it is every citizen that is the hapless worker toiling to keep the city functioning.

That reminds me of a really good fanfic I read recently that ties up the loose ends of the series.

For those who want to relive their happier times

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Do kindly share user.

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did toonami start airing this shit again? why do americans keep shilling it?
season 2 isn't canon btw

It's cause of roger's psyche, he has morals and puts up a façade no one can see through cause he doesn't want anyone so see he has a weakness. Dorothy recognizes this off the bat and begins tearing down the wall roger had spent so long building up for years, he picks up on this quickly but it's too late. He knows he's already in too deep but doesn't want to break dorothy's heart cause it goes against his morals and code. This eventually leads to him coming to terms with the fact that he has feelings for her and he slowly starts opening up. That's pretty much what we see through out the show, dorothy has reminded him of what it is to truly be human and to embrace the flaws of doing such instead of trying to hide them and wallow in self pity.


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Badass butlers will never not be a favorite trope of mine.

Roger the Wanderer is canon.

Nobody is shilling anything, this happens a lot with older obscure anime. Someone brings it up, people remember it and get back into the series. Those people then want to discuss it.

Norman is the true hero of the series.

It's good.

Thanks user.

Fuck ignore that, I posted the wrong link.

AAAAAAA, that was the wrong one.
This is what I was talking about, it's long as shit.

I binged this one earlier this week. Seems to be the only one that keeps them in character. Too bad it will never be finished.

It's not finished?

He continues up to Act 39 but suddenly stopped at chapter 8 2 years ago.

Where's the rest of it?

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Just click on the author and it will bring you to his stories. The next one is

Thanks I'm about to read the rest of it.

It aired during the tail end of the anime boom during the late 90's. Never understood why it didn't catch on with the nips.

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i do not know who that is by photograph. konaka?

Pretty sure it's him, it not then it might be sato.

i am guessing from context
>westerners wont get this its just for the japanese
>westerners love it
every tiem


Kind of sucks the show never had a chance to grow due to american networks being cunts. I guess it's better that way though.

>westerners wont get this its just for the japanese
I don't get this mentality when the series in question might have an abundance of elements distinctly borrowed from western art and cinema.

There was hardly any fanservice, if any at all.

Wasn't it mostly because ti looked an awful lot like the Bruce Timm Batman series and gave off the same vibes?

Most mangaka are huge westaboos, I think it just depends in how much you western influence you put into your work.

arent giant robots pure fanservice?

So how was it supposed to be different?

the original ending was a story driven thing between roger, dorothy, and destiny. the town and the amnesia was all a red herring.

I know this is going to sound retarded but I think big o was intentionally going against the norms in anime at the time. Notice how angel was supposed to be the outlandish bombshell any man would die for but in the end roger chose the modest plane jane girl.

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>Most mangaka are huge westaboos
You're not lying

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Yes but what big O did differently is not put the whole mecha thing in the forefront, instead the bigs were support characters in a way since they were part of the mystique behind paradigm.

Which is weird cause nips do like batman, I think it just has to do with the fact that big O was different from everything else in nipland at the time.

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I guess it's a grass is always greener on the other side thing.

I'm talking more about character interactions. The only real fanservice I can think of with Roger and Dorothy is in the last episode when Roger mentions bring him back around with mouth to mouth and even then I wouldn't necessarily call that fanservice

The show isn't really one for fanservice. It's the reason why the relationship between dorothy and roger is so subtle. It just throws little hints here and there that they have a liking for one another. I guess as I've seen other anons saying in the previous threads, it's a platonic relationship.

Everyone likes Dorothy. Even if she doesn't like them back.

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Goes to show you how much of an impression she leaves on people.

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Well that and bits and pieces of dialogue, the show puts it out there but in an incredibly vague way for the viewers to make their own interpretations.

>courtney barnett reference
last place i expected to see it

It's definitely subtle but I don't see why that would make the relationship platonic.

Another Big O thread with this many posts? Odd

Maybe that was a bad choice of words, but the way it seems is that the relationship is indeed platonic. We never see roger and dorothy get physically intimate, it's mostly just them showing a great deal of admiration for each other. They both seem to have their reasons, dorothy being stoic, modest and reserved and roger trying to maintain his image of bravado while also trying to be professional with dorothy.

So he just imagined the whole thing about giant robots, memories, and ruined future?

I like how it's a double-breasted coat like his.

gordon tells him thats lies right in that same episode. the tomato ambiguity is which if any memories are fake. the answer is fuck all memories, be free

Dab Forums likes to go on runs of threads sometimes when we get reminded of an old series. People who've seen it enjoy talking about it for the first time in a while, and people who backlogged it or haven't heard of it get interested and take a while to watch it, so the interest has a longer span. We just had one for YKK and it was great. It's like a hivemind group rewatch.

Angel resets the simulation to the beginning of the show, she is now rogers assistant as she has come to terms with the fact that roger is in love with dorothy, angel is content with being a close friend instead after helping her understand it's better to move on rather than try and live on vicariously through a fantasy world she created. In turn she does one last favor for roger, in this new simulation dorothy is now a human as roger said the one thing holding him back from falling in love with her was the fact that she was an android, they can now happily be together.

Found another great one. Incomplete though.

I'm still reading the other one, I'll check it out when I'm done.

I'll take multiple threads once in a blue moon talking about older things over the board spamming constant threads about your typical FOTM trash. In a way these threads feel like a window into the past.

It's nice, but I prefer how sharp her eyes are in the anime.

I like both but anime dorothy really just stands out to me for some reason too.

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Why doesn't adult swim fund the 3rd season since they're funding anime again?

Was Space Dandy profitable? Have they ventured into other series recently? That's the only one that comes to mind.

They canned it for reason but I can't remember why. Besides they don't have the rights anymore.

So the simulation shit was a red herring, right? It was just 2deep4u shit that was supposed to stretch the show into a season 3 but the world isn't just a computer sim, right??

It was the writers way of wrapping up the series since he knew there wouldn't be another season.

Never said if it was a success but they're funding the shenmue anime and Uzumaki.
I remember the rumors from a decade ago was that the president went to go fund tim and eric over a season 3.

I thought it had something to do with 12 oz mouse.

nothing involving giant robots was ever really important.

Definitely. Spontaneous conversation is the soul of Dab Forums.

The megadeus' were part of the mystery were they not?

It was something about being a dominus or something

Well that and we never really know what the archetypes are aside from being hinted at predecessors of the bigs.

the power of god, wielded by man~

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Something I always wondered was how the Eng. voice actor for Schwarzwald had a more "maniac" tone in the first season and a more "composed" tone in the second. Was it done on purpose? I loved his season 1 laughs so much.

It kind of seems like they didn't really put much effort into the second seasons dub since it came out a few years later and the show was hastily put together.

I wanna pry Dorothy Wayneright's legs open.

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So weapons of mass destruction?

well he's a fucking ghost in the second season so probably yes.

not limited to destruction though

She's too strong user.

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Just finished off that fanfic, sucks the dude never got around to finishing it cause it was really good. Really leaves more to be desired.

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Which one user?

Wait what fuck, I just discovered more. NVM, it's the one that takes place after the ending of season 2.

Ah, that one. I told you it goes up to Act 39.

Yeah I completely forgot.

This anime is very hard to recommend. The only time it's interesting is when Dorothy is on screen. The film noir style is overrated, it's only good in film form, it's too boring in series form.

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Then maybe you shouldn't be watching it in the first place.

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Why so many Big O threads lately?


Contemporary fatigue.

I took me until recently to figure out big ear was wearing a yamaka. Really can't trust the damn jews.

Did Dorothy and Big Ear ever meet? Maybe Roger knew.

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im always down for biggu o thread,

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She was with roger in the bar when he went to go get some information from him. Can't remember which episode.

I'm surprised to see this thread is still going, very comfy these threads are.

Red Ball.

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>Some Japanese stories end violently. Others never end at all, but only cut away, at the moment of extreme crisis, to a butterfly, or the wind, or the moon.

>This is true of stories everywhere, of course: Their endings can be abrupt or oblique. But in Japan, where suicide is historically woven into the culture, where an awareness of life’s evanescence is the traditional mode of aesthetics, it seems truer than in other places. The extent of Japan’s suicide problem is sometimes overstated by the media, but Japan may be unique in the way that suicide has been historically celebrated and seen as an honorable rather than a shameful act. E.g., the concept of mono no aware, which translates into something like “a pleasing sadness at the transience of beautiful things.” The literary scholar Motoori Norinaga coined this idea in the mid-18th century to describe The Tale of Genji, the great Heian-period novel whose author — perhaps deliberately — left it unfinished. When the protagonist dies late in the book, his death is never mentioned directly; instead, it’s marked by a blank chapter called “Vanished Into the Clouds.”

The thread's great on its own, but it really fucking shines when it's surrounded by literal shit.

>For instance: My second-favorite Japanese novel, Snow Country, by the 20th-century writer Yasunari Kawabata. Its last pages chronicle a fire. A village warehouse where a film has been playing burns down. We watch one of the characters fall from a fiery balcony. The protagonist runs toward her, but he trips in the crowd. As he’s jostled, his head falls back, and he sees the Milky Way in the night sky. That’s it. There is no resolution. It’s left to the reader to discover how the pieces fit together, why Kawabata thought he had said everything he needed to say. Why he decided not to give away more than this.

>The first time you read a story like this, maybe, you feel cheated, because you read stories to find out what happens, not to be dismissed at the cusp of finding out. Later, however, you might find that the silence itself comes to mean something. You realize, perhaps, that you had placed your emphasis on the wrong set of expectations. That the real ending lies in the manner of the story’s turning away from itself. That this can be a kind of metamorphosis, something rich and terrifying and strange. That the seeming evasion is in fact a finality, a sudden reordering of things.

Talk about endings made me think of Outlaw Star's anime ending.

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Loved that episode.

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It's from episode 15 btw

Fuck, this is another series I got to get around to rewatching.

I love how dorothy stands and sits in a manner as if she wants to keep to herself and not bother anyone around her.

Fuck meant for

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Anyone else like how season 1 looked over season 2? I feel like season 2 just looked off, but that might just be me

Cel animation will always look better than digital.

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That's the one where roger gets kidnapped right?

The wheelchair old man and this guy appears.

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Speaking of fanfics, I once read a really neat fanfic where Dorothy went into the bowels of Roger's building to have a "talk" with Big O, which was of course really just them exchanging digital communication. I'm pretty sure Roger was the subject.

I remember it very vividly because one of the things brought up in the fanfic is that when Dorothy "talks" to Big O, Big O tends to respond to a question with a question. I always thought that was a neat little detail, the idea that Big O itself is philosophical in temperament.

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dominus has the answers

Ok got it mixed up.

Wasn't the show always implying this? Dorothy seems to be able to communicate with megadeus in some way or form.

yes, they are close.

In context of the show it makes perfect sense, the bigs are sentient machines just like dorothy however dorothy is more advanced and life like. Some how this causes the archetypes to go crazy and try to destroy her or capture her.

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Imagine having a Socratic dialogue with Big O.

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somehow the mech looks small in this picture

Not him but I never realized till recently how big the bigs truly are. They seem to tower over your average gundam. But I like it though, I love how big, slow and lumbering they are.

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>dorothy is more advanced and life like.
I wouldn't say advanced, more like extremely compatible. I'm betting on a good portion of her design was based on the megadeus considering she was built alongside Dorothy 1.

I like it when my mechs have weight to them and Big O did not disappoint.

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Yeah sucks nowadays most mecha aren't depicted in the same manner.

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Pacific Rim did a good job of that. Too bad about the sequel.

I blame dexfags.

Well that too, I have a theory that archetypes long existed before the bigs and timothy wayneright was the one who reversed engineered them into bigs. Dorothy's architecture is based off both and it's why they see here as "compatible".

Pretty sure Big O is shorter than Gundam, about Mazinger sized.

>Pacific Rim did a good job of that.
I cum buckets every time I watch that movie and they break out the shipping tanker.

I don't mind fast mecha, but I haven't seen a show in recent memory that utilized that level of heft to the movement of the machines. It's just something really nice that sells blows and drops a lot better.

Season 2 is so soulless compared to season 1 bros

>shorter than Gundam
Which one? I doubt it's shorter than the RX-78.

All of the bigs are around 30m tall, most gundams are around 17m or even shorter depending on the series since size varies in most of them. The closest is the sazabi and nu gundam which are around 25m.

Gridman did it in it's own sort of toku style which I really liked. The movements could be rapid, but the environment was always responsive to how big everything was. Besides that I can't think of a good example in the last few years.

Season 2 has soulless animation but I still like how crazy the story gets the more it unfolds.

I haven't watched any mecha recently either, honestly I'm sick and tired of mecha doing dbz movement as I've seen in most of the ones I've watched.

Big O is the embodiment of STR.

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The series isn't about Roger's red pill or Angel accepting his relationship with Dorothy. Roger is just a character playing his role.

Gordon's whole experiment is to grow artificial life that can understand what it is and move forward. He talks about farming engendered tomatoes with each generation being better than the last. His goal is for Angel to be the same. All other "players" in this are simply to help Angel accept this transition that she isn't a real human, but should choose to go on living as one. Only then will the process be considered a success.

All the robots are past Big, and those who have memories of piloting them are failed negotiators who couldn't fulfill their role as negotiator. Alex suffers from the issue that many user's in this thread failed to grasp. That the negotiator is not the main character of this play. His job is to negotiate with Angel in realizing her role and accepting to move forward. Alex could not handle not being the main player, and the focus of his father Gordon. It is likely that Gabriel, Beck, and Schwartzwald were all failed negotiators in past resets. Despite their failure in their roles they still have an instinct to play their bastardized role as their memories return, as well the big that they used to pilot wishing to return to them. It is possible that each big is the result of a Big Venus ie past angel that could not accept her role.

That's similar to my theory, most "actors" are just leftovers from the previous simulations. They are just trying to fill out a roll that they previously carried out. Roger is the only one successful in where they failed.

readDorothy's role is to aid the negotiator. The archetypes were all past Negotiators in prior resets. Their mind is swiss cheesed which causes this compulsion. They are trying to save her in the way that Roger tries to rescue her. They don't know why, but it compels them to be the hero. Red Destiny was a Dorothy that's mind was corrupted. The current Dorothy's personality was toned down to near emotionless to avoid problems RD had that were making her less optimal in aiding the negotiator.

pretty good for just reading into s2 but thats not what it means to live free

I thought archetypes were predecessors to the bigs, everything else seems right though.

Last month I explained it a little better drawing parallels to endless 8 in terms of resets and acceptance to move forward. Red Destiny is comparable to Nagato beginning to loose her mind after so many resets and conflicting scenarios.

Yeah pretty much everyone that isn't a robot, are humans that may have played a different role in a past rehearsal before the reset.

For what little screen time RD had she's actually quite an interesting character.

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By archetypes I was more meaning big pilots. We might have been on different "archetypes".

Either way their past experience with Dorothy is what compels them to kidnap/save her. Gabriel wants to kill her because he has no reasoning in his mind as to why he has this compulsion. His through process to make this end though is to try and kill her.

Oh well in that case I guess that's a good way of putting it.

I find crazy mindbroken dorothy hot.

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Good thread, goodnight guys.

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>used to stay up late to watch new episodes
>would fall asleep to the ED
>used to have lucid dreams about dorothy
I want to go back, I miss the show and I miss her.

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>400+ post thread on Big O in 2021

Am I fucking dreaming?

Did the The Big O season one have a big budget or something? The animation seems super smooth

Damn I love Schwarzwald

There's been a steady uptick of Big O threads on Dab Forums in the last few months.

I'm certainly not complaining. I like it. Big O is one of my favorite anime.

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Big O and Cowboy Bebop are shows that I really didn't care for when I first saw them. Then just how Adult Swim used to air anime on rerun every night is how I gradually got more invested into it. It often makes me wonder how many modern shows I'd like more, if given the same scenario. Like conventions and shit I doubt we'll ever see again where nearly everyone watched the same shows at the same time and all had similar experiences. Just because the internet sucked so bad and we had so few shows to watch that we took what we could get. Hell that's the whole story even behind the popularity of FLCL in america.

I'm not a fan of mecha anime; I've never seen the appeal of giant robots, but I wouldn't take that away from Big O. Big O itself looks fucking incredible, it's probably my favorite looking mecha.

The sub is really good.
>ibn4 Roger Smithu
Still great.

I can't remember the story at all. I just recall the general vibe of the show. I recall the tomatoes being important, and how the main villain was the son of the man behind everything, but I have trouble remembering most of the details. I need to rewatch it.

>the popularity of FLCL
Doesn't hurt that it was also a fantastic show with a watchable dub.

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So what do you think happened in the reset after season 2? Did things finally progress or will Angel keep resetting the stage?

She comes to terms like the show says in the end.

A lot of people are starting to remember the show it seems.

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I'm liking this dream, so dream harder user.

Funny; I've been considering making a Big O thread for a while, but just didn't because I figured everyone would just ignore it.

>catch the tail end of the Big O storytime
>reading through this thread over the past couple days
>rediscover my love for the series
Thank you, Dab Forumsnons. I'm torrenting it now.

Which one?

Link to the Big O storytime?

I'm not an anti-dubfag but for some reason the FLCL dub has always seemed eh to me

Discovered the series thanks to the threads. Thank you

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Welcome aboard.

One final bump before the end.

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Dorothy best girl

It's undisputed.

>that episode
The feelings...

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