All we wanted was a joke manga that trashed on shonen tropes. Now we have an arc that won't end and redraws.
One Punch Man Thread
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I never wanted that. I'm here for Murata's art. Sorry.
You already know.
Didnt ask for that. they have interesting characters that shouldn't be undermine by a joke story
I'm sad ONE threw away the ninja village characters. I liked the idea of there being other ninjas out there that could show up every now and then. I bet the village leader guy is going to be absolutely badass, maybe push Sonic to finally break his limiter?
You know the webcomic is better when even the mangafags tacitly admit it
The manga actively makes those characters less interesting by making everyone more saccharine and sterile, except for Mask who's even more of a joke in the manga because Murata can't hold back his hateboner (inb4 hurr durr Murata doesn't influence anything even though he's expanded on storyboards before)
ironic since his art was best up to and including the boros arc
Speak for yourself, OP
Fuck off coomer
No I didn't want that. I want another season made by madhouse.
well at least you're honest
Not enough Fubuki
In REALITY no one would give a shit about OPM if it weren't for the anime and Murata. If Murata stopped making it no one except for a small handful of hardcore weebs would bother with the webcomic.
make me.
No one even bothered with the shitty webcomic if it weren't for Murata. People are only reading it to get ahead in the story and that's why these fags are mad the manga have more revelations about Blast than the webcomic.
Did THE COCK get his cameo yet?
>In REALITY no one would give a shit about OPM if it weren't for the anime and Murata
unironically the better case, ONE got big and started to drag it out by adding all the shitty fillers and letting Murata run free with his commer shit
enjoy your faps.
I wish I were Tatsumaki.
>All we wanted was a joke manga that trashed on shonen tropes.
Based Bobobo chad
I'm only sad that the ninja village leader didn't get into a real fight.
you'r momma rotten ass
Murata dying would be a huge blessing to the manga
Can this bald guy defeat Fire punch ?
what series do you think this is lol
>No one even bothered with the shitty webcomic if it weren't for Murata.
Why do you think the Murata version even exists?
>these fags are mad the manga have more revelations about Blast than the webcomic.
That's the opposite of what's happening. This is what makes the idea of a manga redraw so appealing; the ability for ONE to set up plot points better than he possibly could have when first making it.
He could've run into somebody else before meeting Saitama.
Maybe somebody from the Abandoned Masses to help establish them as another faction.
>dont pay for thing you want
>dont get thing you want
really makes you think
I like the OPM universe and their interactions to one another (specially Saitama with others). I also greatly appreciate Murata's artstyle so I don't have a problem with redraws or anything. I already know what happens in the story
Opm NEVER trashed shonen tropes. It embraced and played with them. Your headcanon and dogshit taste it at fault for your distress.
I totally agree, I'm a redditbro btw
Imagine pulling that front bit of her dress between her legs and giving her a wedgie haha
Imagine being proportionate and not a deformed midget haha
Based. I would've never picked up this garbage if it wasn't for Murata.
She’s perfectly proportioned to take my dick
Coomers were a mistake
I wish the violent murder of those shitty waifus stayed canon.
You don’t get to complain about accuracy when you’re trying to insist the poorly drawn caricature is better.
> You know the webcomic is better when even the mangafags tacitly admit it
Current webcomic arc is pretty boring to be honest. I enjoyed way more the Psykorochi fight.
Murata's bullshit.
OPM had it's time in the sun and it's over now. As their share of readers has dropped, many new and more popular mangas are showing up to take their place. Instead of capitalizing on the hype generated by an amazingly crafted anime for a series that didn't really warrant it, they let the series stagnate in an arc no one really cared for and slowly drove away readers. Then the second season was so terrible the manga didn't even get a bump from it, which could've been avoided if the artist actually worked on it at a good pace. The redraws last year were an even bigger hit
Now it's been reduced to making every panel pseudo-porn and shoving hyped up moments into the story in an attempt to keep the manga relevant. A shame.
Smurf a shit
why couldn't Murata keep this glorious fight?
why did he have to totally ruin this character for us, AmaiBros?
as an addendum...
he should've also killed those fucking samurai disciples. really, fuck those annoying faggots and fuck murata for shilling them so much
Are you retaded? Because ONE is a faggot.
>Letting that faggot live in your head free of rent
You're unironically worse than he is, hang yourself.
All the redraws were shit except the first Phoenix Man redraw, he somehow ruined something that couldn't be ruined by drawing the underground MA arc.
>Black Sperm seems like less of a threat due to losing cells to AS and needs to use Trickery to fuck him up and slicing him up when Tats pulls everyone out of the base
In the webcomic, he completely pulverises him, and you can see that AS stands no chance WHATSOEVER, his only trick being cutting the roof.
>ENW became a fucking jobber after almost losing to CE chilling it, needing to absorb fuel like a little bitch, lore changed from mysterious monster to creature made by Gyoro Gyoro
Only good addition made by Murata were the fish living inside of it.
>Sweet Mask
Somehow made him even more based than in the webcomic with him killing the mercenaries and the monster, but becomes complete garbage with the redraw.
>Garou vs RR
All of the violence you could feel in his attacks during his second encounter with the monster is gone
>Garou's characterization
Completely ruined.
Fire this fucking hack so we can restore the hype already.
It's a shame because the series clearly has international potential. When the anime came out in the states, it was all people talked about. Just recently it was still in the top ten best sellers in European countries. It's still huge in Latin America to this day because of the art and fights. But they squandered it. OPM is really a masterclass in IP mismanagement
> as if Murata didn't do that for mercenary coomer-bait
don't be a negro
>All we wanted was a joke manga that trashed on shonen tropes
OPM never trashed shonen writing clichés, it's a gag manga that loves the superhero genre
>All the redraws were shit except the first Phoenix Man redraw, he somehow ruined something that couldn't be ruined by drawing the underground MA arc.
agreed. the first phoenix man redraw was great; the rest was pure and unfiltered garbage.
> In the webcomic, he completely pulverises him, and you can see that AS stands no chance WHATSOEVER, his only trick being cutting the roof.
true, as well
> Somehow made him even more based than in the webcomic with him killing the mercenaries and the monster, but becomes complete garbage with the redraw.
that was what pissed me off the most, though
Murata hates Amai and he told it.
I don't read the manga
how can there be a long arc where he can one punch kill anyone
who are we fighting now it isnt still that guy from season 2 is it
The enemy now is a slut that has been violated by some goo tentacle monster and, after seeing some ass hair, can become half jet, half puri puri prisoner ass and a bit of xenomorph. Has also the ability to become invisible while being visible while jumping in a open environment when all the S class heroes were watching.
I will NEVER understand why Murata didn't simply move Sweet Mask vs Do-S before the Phoenixman fight and have the bird revive them. He's clearly willing to move the timeline given recent redraws. It would let him keep Sweet Mask as a murderer, since he hates him. It would give Murata a reason to revive Do-S since she's one of his waifus. The amount of redraws needed would be so much smaller. It makes NO sense.
Saitama is still running through the Snake Way, once he gets back to earth he will surely defeat Vegeta
you sound like your having a stroke but I believe every word
>Current Saitama
>Saiyan arc Vegeta
KEK, Daimaio Piccolo, at BEST.
what was Dab Forums's reaction when the original 103 released with Mask killing all of the mercs? Did anyone expect it?
Everyone thought Sweet Mask was their new favorite character.
Except c**mer scum that kept bitching that he killed the merc girls.
It was one of the most hyped chapters in the last 3 years of OPM on here. Honestly though, I don't remember people discussing him killing the mercenaries as much as him killing Do-S after she surrendered. With the mercenaries everyone was just shocked, and a couple maskfags said they deserved it because their battlesuits were illegal or something
ok ok user
Saitama is still climbing Korin Tower
Happy now?
> In the webcomic, he completely pulverises him, and you can see that AS stands no chance WHATSOEVER, his only trick being cutting the roof.
But that’s exactly what happens in the redraws, so what the hell is your problem?
AS is an actual thread to BS in the manga, since he actually killed some of his cells.
There's a vast difference between getting ragdolled and having to cut the roof as a last resort and killing parts of your enemy to then get fisted a bit, to then taunt your enemy when saved by your ally with another slash.
I can't even believe that guy thinks the manga and webcomic encounter were the same. Why do I have to share these threads with this inbred?
child emperor vs phoenix man.
I think this about sums up the reaction to that chapter
Mumen rider is based. I’ve only watched the anime and I care very little about One Punch Man in general.
Smurf the G.O.A.T.
I love curvaceous Tats but this is just bad. Murata fix those cartoonish proportions please...
dem abs
He usually redraws again before the volume comes out. He also sometimes reverts completely to a pre-redraw panel like with this one
>he should've also killed those fucking samurai disciples. really, fuck those annoying faggots
Fuck you, they were far more tolerable than some obnoxious moralfag loser.
Jokes on you user, im into that.
only hipster faggots wanted a "joke manga"
I know OPM isn't a gag manga but gag mangas are the best mangas
who wants to read a 30 volume story when a few pages can tell a fantastic joke you think about forever and you can pick them up out of order
Am I the only one who likes the format for the archives better than the one we use?
It was better as a gag manga that didn't take itself seriously though. Now it's just shit, except for the art.
vanilla Dab Forums sucks you need some type of extension to make posting not full hell on earth
The manga wouldn't be worth it without Saitama.
Only braindead dumbass like yourself needs another coomer battle shonen as if we don't have million of those already. Also hilarious calling the entirety of non-anime fan"hipsters".
Can't believe he actually got Smurf to tweet about it kek
>implying it isn't schizo Smurf or his sister
the disciples are great, just wish they had more screen time than canon-fodder gang
why didnt garou hunt his childhood bullies?
You introduce more people to Smurf, your obsession benefits him.
Now I know Naruto was a parody, remember Mighty Guy?
I wonder if One ever regrets working with Murata at this point. Watching as he just continues to run your life's work into the ground.
I thought that was Mob Psycho and it's spin-offs
Mob psycho is over and ONE has put more work into OPM as a result. It may be a case of the author realizing which of his works is the golden goose considering OPM was just something he did for fun initially but he has expanded on it a lot as of late.
SmurfGOD > MutataSHIT
I always felt that ONE didn't care about opm as much as Mob Psycho. He even stopped updating the webcomic after the Psychic sisters confrontation for a very long time to work on Mob Psycho. Even now he changes alot about opm that started this whole redraw mess. I think with the Amai Mask character development in the webcomic is when ONE finally figured out where he wants to take this story and as a result the manga got changed alot.
He's doing a Riegen book now isn't he? He's consistently put more regular work into MOB than anything else.
It's also clear he enjoys psychic powers over punching.
Reigen is over and finished
Every psychic fight in OPM is the exact same though. Saitama even makes fun of it
ok? I don't understand the point you're trying to make.
Exactly. He finished an entire book while putting out a couple of paltry OPM chapters.
Read the webcomic.
Psychic children battling it out is an Ancient manga trope, about as old as Samurai shit.
It has always been the same type of fighting.
Fuck off it's always been trash
BASED murata's sluts are the only reason it's still popular
4-5 years?
Why would you acknowledge it at all
Smurf is pathetic.
I don't think the change in Garou's characterization is a bad thing. Actually, it makes more sena given that Saitama (in the webcomic) correctly points out that Garou is essentially just a confused guy in a monster suit who deep inside wanted to be a hero, but couldn't tolerate the failures and hypocrisies it would entail. He never particularly wanted to kill; he just lacked confidence in the concept of justice (and even the opposing Monster Associations concept of evil) due to his own experiences of justice failing to save him from rejection, along with society's apparent complicity in unfairness and obsession with popularity. If no hero even bothered to care about his own sufferings, how could he or any other hero possibly solve the injustices hidden around every corner? Therefore, feeling destined to lose anyway, he decided to be the monster that drags everyone into his own neurotic awareness of injustice, to show the hyprocisy and ultimate powerlessness of heroes to their very faces through unconquerable, terrifying evil. Killing for rage or for its own sake was never part of what he wanted to do, which Saitama proves over and over again by pointing out Garou's "bad acting" : defeating heroes but not killing them, pointing the wrong way toward the ugly child, and even holding back against Saitama until he was forced to go all out. Saitama completely nailed it when he said, "You really are soft." With all this in mind, it's actually the webcomic version of the scene with Genos that doesn't make as much sense in the overall context of Garou's character. Subconscious or not, the violence was all part of the monster act. He was never a psychopath with bloodthirsty urges to kill.
did he stutter?
Ironic considering psychic battles are the most boring fights in OPM. For all of Murata's painstaking art, Tatsumaki vs. Psykos was not exciting at all, though that probably also has to do with Tatsu being almost Saitama levels of OP
On one hand he's an irritating douche that I don't like. On the other hand I don't like acknowledging him because I don't want to feed his narcissistic retardation more.
His art is also worse than Shadman's.
Both are degenerate c**mers.
It's a trophy.
He's mentally ill and thrives on this attention.
Go outside, kid
Who cares, just go read the original.
There should be a hero that defeats monsters with negative talk-no-jutsu. He'd beat Psykos by calling her a no talent groupie that will never amount to anything or insult Do-S to submission by telling her that her family would be so disappointed that she turned out to be a monster AND a whore
>trashed on shounen troupes
I didn't get that impression but I'm sure any light hearted ribbing is trashing on when you're an autist.
Fixed up
Yep. The interesting story is in mob psycho, this is just for cool looks.
but what killed the hype?
better luck next thread hypebro
Started out making fun of Super heroes and Shonen. Became one down the line and the artist is an autist redrawer. What a waste.
Great edit reddit!
And coom.
Not that user but I think I agree with that Murata hasn't fundamentally changed Garou's character but for me the issue is that he gives away Garou's nature and motivation way too early. I think that, prior to his speech to Saitama, the biggest indicator of Garou's motivations was the scene after he finishes fighting Darkshine. In the manga Psychos literally spells it out for everyone that Garou is not really evil (as if that wasn't obvious with his interactions with Tareou) and now with his last appearance we have part of the "absolute evil" speech given as inner dialogue. It's just shitty because the pay off in the webcomic at the end of the arc is great, its focused and doesn't overstay its welcome. I guess we'll have to see if ONE (not Murata lol) can make it as poignant and cool like in the webcomics, but I have no hope.
Despite the spoonfeeding some people still fail to grasp Garou's anti mob mentality theme or catch onto the way his character is meant to defy labels like "hero" or "villain" on a meta level, deliberately designed to be a "white crow" like that by the author to reflect the aforementioned theme, due to speedreading and shitty translations.
So the more in depth ONE and Murata go into his characterization, the better.
I really hope the manga ends after this arc. Fuck Murata
this all the way
I also prefer it when the author gradually unveils the character to the audience to let them actually get emotionally attached
the SUDDEN REVELATION type of characterization ain't my cup of tea
So, something that never gets talked about: Saitama casually taken out some really bad Dragon threats...and I'm not talking about Boros who is actually a God threat. How do the heroes deal with:
1. Vaccine Man
2. Carnage Kabuto
Rent free. Murata follows me, I mean, Smurf.
Focused atomic slash got removed by a redraw retard, there is no difference anymore.
You two are mentally ill.
I will draw you a girl with a massive ass and you will like it. If you don't I'll say "well let' see if you can do it better".
>psychic battles are the most boring fights in OPM.
Not really.They come of as more visually interesting then the rest.
Garoufag's back.
Everyone below Boros/Garou level can be dealt by Tatsumaki
It's become a problem with the manga in general. Same with the overly repetitive hints about Amai.
I started being annoyed by this when Saitama and Garou met several times before their fight instead of just one in the webcomic.
Hints about Amai? What do you mean? There's no way he's....a monster?
Autistic coomer.
Remember when redraws were rare and actually improved the fight? What happened?
garou's characterization is handled much better in the manga
it's absurd that the webcomic didn't even show him and bang caring about each other AT ALL the entire fucking arc until they were supposed to have that final heartwarming moment and it made it look like their relationship was borderline nonexistent despite the narrative spending panel time on bang trying to go after garou
his relationship with tareo is also clearly more than just garou physically saving him, in the manga he explicitly helps tareo turn from this timid hero fanboy who couldn't stand up for anybody let alone himself into a gutsy guy who'd pounce a hero for what he feels is right
Woah so I guess redditards can pick up on subtle clues. It has to be spoonfeed.
Makes you wonder.
That's fine and all but what if Tareo had a smol mommy gf instead?
there were no 'subtle cues' or even legitimate emotional storytelling in the webcomic about bang's relationship with garou at all until the very end of the arc
even the offhand comment from bomb came really late in the arc
that's not how you flesh out an important relationship between your main antagonist-current deuteragonist and his ex teacher
aside from the basics like characters CARING about each other, the webcomic didn't even explain that bang's whole dojo policy perfectly fed into garou's own motto of strength being super important to live in their world, or that bang has always failed to communicate with his best student and insisted on using his bloody fists only
there was no flavour, and readers want that in order to actually care about the characters you know, to get invested in them and their relationships
one knows, the man wrote mob psycho aside from opm's manga additions
Now I was just joking, you are an actual election tourist.
fuck off phoneposter.
I agree with the redraws taking too long and being mostly unneccessary, but the series was never a joke manga beyond chapter 5. The series is better when Saitama is the only gag thing about it.
You're expecting a jizzbrain shounentard who thinks DB is what OPM should be to have any sense?
That's basically just making Tats Saitama though. She is head and shoulders above the other heroes just like Saitama is far above her. If the only way those others lose is due to Tats then they destroy all the other Heroes. Gouketsu and Elder Centipede would be unstoppable besides Tats. way...Mask-sama?
Don't worry user, that's every OPMfag in a nutshell
I want the Tatsumaki fans to tell me what they find so appealing about her. I do not care for her but would genuinely like to understand
No you don't.
>murata goes from being that super based artist people didn't deserve from being shitted on by Dab Forums
You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
he should stop working on one pun man then.
The MA arc has just overstayed it's welcome. I think maybe it should be judged as a whole and not while it's in the process of being made. It's frustrating me too but maybe I'll like it more as a more consistent and continuous read without having to wait for constant redraws and plot additions. Hopefully One and Murata calm down after this and just stick more heavily to the web-comic.
I think the problem is that the MA arc contains many mini-arcs that weren't needed, even if they're good. I truly liked the Tournament arc but it didn't need to take up 20 chapters in the middle of Garou's arc, make it an intermission between Garou and the Psychic Sisters or something. Plus a lot of stuff has been extended needlessly, like the Disciples's fights or Phoenixman
read snk then
pic related
God you are boring.
I agree.
Don't be mean, user.
But I'm not the MA arc
basically yes
the webcomic already exists anyway, it's not like the ending of this arc is going to be a big surprise
on the other hand, everyone assumes that king is powerful enough to take out monsters like that as well of course
stopped reading this like 2 years ago when they were starting to head to the monster base. has murata gotten to the garou fight yet? if not, what the fuck is he doing?
I want her to do unspeakable things to me bros
>what the fuck is he doing?
the manga wasn't consistent with the character arcs one was writing, so murata needed to redraw chapters, and the more he fixed the more chapters needed to be redrawn to keep everything consistent. I think the phoenixman fight had like 4 redraws or something. Garou fight should happen this year.
Picture also related.
Murata is one horny bastard, this is borderline ecchi not a complaint
Literally just got done watching the first season. And while I enjoyed it, the way it developed the very first story arc has basically made it so there's nowhere to go. When you have a character who can't be defeated and literally just destroyed the "king of the universe" then there's nowhere to go. It basically reproduced the last season of Sailor Moon or Dragon Ball Z, but in episode 12 of the first season.
Now, if the manga had focused on character development for its conflict instead of fighting, then there would be plenty of directions they could go. But instead, it focused on the main character lamenting how he's too strong and doesn't care about others. So again, there's nowhere really to go with him. He's Superman without any interest in helping people or a love interest to save. The concept kind of destroyed itself by being too much of a subversion. The only real characters I care about are the supporting cast.
Of course, few people who read battle shounen care about all this character development stuff. But even those people will eventually grow tired of it. Even if they don't consciously recognize why.
ohhhhhh burn
speedreaders like you shouldn't talk
>watched the anime
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt when you mentioned the manga, but you really ARE an animeonly with some fucking audacity.
And you're a manga fag who pulls out the manga purity argument. Right on cue.
Never said nor implied and you know this you disingenuous ape. I like all 3 save for s2 anime's execution, retarded assumption animeonlyfag.
>Never said nor implied and you know this
Kind of like I never said I speedread the manga. But you just assumed it and put words in my mouth. But oh boy, no one better do that to you!
the plot is really more about other characters than saitama past the first season
You outed yourself as a tone-deaf retard you can't absorb a plot beyond power wankery and I was right on the money. Noice.
That's actually great to hear. I was hoping they'd do that. And now I'm hyped to see season 2.
Oh no no no....
>hyped to see season 2
oh no no no no...
Just read instead or do both and hold your anime expectations low
>You outed yourself as a tone-deaf retard you can't absorb a plot beyond power wankery
>entire point of the argument was about character development
Who the fuck is Smurf and why y'all shitting on him?
>and now I'm hyped to see season 2
user no don't
>But instead, it focused on the main character lamenting how he's too strong and doesn't care about others.
>The only real characters I care about are the supporting cast.
Ironically, one reason why the current arc in the manga is controversial is because Saitama was hardly anywhere to be seen as the supporting cast takes centre stage. The redraws fixed this somewhat by adding a few more scenes with him and completely revamping others, but that is another topic entirely. It is to be noted how the same arc in the webcomic hardly involves Saitama at all and he really only gets back in at the climax to confront the arc villain.
The Meteor ended with him telling the civilians that yes, the whole situation was his fault, and that he does hero work as a hobby not for admiration. Deep Sea King had him sacrifice his reputation for the sake of other heroes. Boros showed Saitama a possible future of what would happen to him if were he to continue longing for a good fight. The Hero Hunter arc, the Psychic Sisters mini-arc, the Ninja Leader mini-arc, and the ongoing Neo Heroes arc all implement him well. Currently, he's even involved in a protest with lower-ranking heroes, and they steal the spotlight whenever they appear. The series has never made Saitama's conflicts solely external, I would say.
>It is to be noted how the same arc in the webcomic hardly involves Saitama at all and he really only gets back in at the climax to confront the arc villain.
This is kind of what I fear was going to be the running theme in the rest of the manga. Crazy enemy shows up, everyone tries to fight it and loses, Saitama shows up and saves the day. This is the problem of having an invincible character.
>The Meteor ended with him telling the civilians that yes, the whole situation was his fault, and that he does hero work as a hobby not for admiration. Deep Sea King had him sacrifice his reputation for the sake of other heroes. Boros showed Saitama a possible future of what would happen to him if were he to continue longing for a good fight. The Hero Hunter arc, the Psychic Sisters mini-arc, the Ninja Leader mini-arc, and the ongoing Neo Heroes arc all implement him well. Currently, he's even involved in a protest with lower-ranking heroes, and they steal the spotlight whenever they appear. The series has never made Saitama's conflicts solely external, I would say.
This is all well and good. But the problem is it still doesn't overtake the above problem. That no matter how much the public may hate him, he's still the one cleaning up everything. And being the noble hero who acts as cover for everyone else is kind of hollow when he doesn't care about admiration to begin with. But in reality, he does care about having fans. The manga and anime just are avoiding turning it into a conflict for him.
A canon audiobook already show that Zombie Man and Darkshine can take out Carnage Kabuto. It takes Zombie Man a whole week, Darkshine about 15 minutes. I also could see Atomic taking down Kabuto pretty easily. His draw speed is incomprehensible and there is no indication of him being incapable of cutting extremely hard surfaces.
Can't say for certain about Vaccine Man. He did do much before dying so we can compare his powers to the heroes.
I feel like there's so many ways he could be explored as a character, like how his early days of being a hero were, or how he could find a new way to face a challenge and feel alive again, because at the end of the day, Saitama is depressed because he doesn't know what to do, he may be strong but he isn't happy.
Giving Saitama some generic flashblack arc to explore his character would ruin the joke. He's an average salaryman that trained not as hard as he likes to believe yet obtained god-like powers. We don't need more than that for a parody series.
A shit.
Reminder that Darkshine need to go full power for the whole 15 minutes to put down Kabuto. The dude was high dragon for sure.
Zombieman is a freak, he keep dying the entire week till Kabuto runs out of stamina.
This extra chapter actually does a good job doing that while still maintaining the whole joke
And who is to blame? Those who wanted a shonen. You.
>all shounen are bad
But they're not. And not all shounen are battle/power shounen. And this series is a parody of power shounen at that.
It basically grabs everything from the shonen category and takes it to a extreme
You retards expect me to believe Muruta isn't based when he can make so many of you worthless faggots seethe? Fuck outta here
He looks like Ippo when he has hair.
Fuck off with "muh deconstructive shonen parody" Garou + Murata's art is why I love OPM
>there is no indication of him being incapable of cutting extremely hard surfaces
He failed to cut down G5's core in his atomic slash
How are the sales of the manga currently doing?
Then you are a shallow bitch.
Shonentards have killed OPM and that includes Murata
How would Hancock do as a hero in OPM?
What ranking would he get?
What's the strongest monster he could beat if the monster calls him an asshole?
Is Boros alive? It may be that Dr. Bofoi rescued him still alive.
he's bulletproof, can fly, super strength, right? That's definitely A if not S
I can live with that. Stop being an elitest you pretentious cunt
Only the tranny one.
Iaian is cool.
Garous philosophy is retarded. His way of thinking is retarded. His actions are retarded. He is retarded and so everyone that likes that retard.
He has the best chemistry with Atomic, his favourite one for sure.
>wanting opm to become a shonen with Murata's art
fuck off retard
if monsters can detect other monsters, can Zombieman detect that Amai is one?
how does Zombieman get past the monster detectors anyways? at least some monsters have the excuse of having been human once, Zombieman DNA is pretty different from a human
makes you wonder if those monster scanners even work. If Zombieman can get through them without raising the alarm, and so did that drill-snail-monster (though they said he hid inside someone else) maybe they don't work at all
it is just a placebo for the masses and the HA to feel a bit more secure and because an actual monster never tried it we'll never know
it is schroedingers monster detection scanner
I don’t think even monsters can super precisely tell that every individual is a monster. Gyoro was just a puppet and none of the 500ish monsters were able to tell.
Just fucking inserting people into her Fubuki-group fantasy. I love panels like this.
Now, no matter how much freedom ONE is giving Murata currently there is NO WAY the "Blast appearing and dealing with lovecraft cubes" was Murata's idea.
There's a lot of different monsters too
You got cyborgs like Armored Gorilla, or flat out complete robots like G-5
You got "natural" monsters like Pureblood, DSK, etc.
You got straight up aliens with Boros
You also got human looking ones like Homeless Emperor and Psykos
And of course you have mutated humans.
How in the world does Metal Knight's detectors cyborg heroes from G-5 robots, or humans from Homeless Emperor type monsters?
>How in the world does Metal Knight's detectors cyborg heroes from G-5 robots, or humans from Homeless Emperor type monsters?
Hobo is an exception. It's about the same as some evil esper, only his actions allow to tell.
Last redraw.
You're worse than a speedreader, you're an utter retard
Garou is the only reason to keep reading both the manga and the webcomic.
He’s the only character with interesting avenues for development and sufficient personal agency.
eh, I'm way more curious about how things will develop on Psykos' and Fubuki's side.
Fubuki will rank up and Psykos will be used as a device to extract a tidbit of info on God. Nothing interesting about either of them personally.
only confirms my suspicion that they don't work at all and Bofoi just scammed them, at least in that department
>and Psykos will be used as a device to extract a tidbit of info on God
Considering how important Psykos was as a character and Fubuki is trying to heal her mind, she'll clearly be more than that.
The detector probably just detects physical appearance. Which would work most of the time I guess, but at the same time you don't need a detector for that.
Nah, Psykos is a device to get a tidbit of lore, that’s it. Just like Genus is only there to drop info about his theory.
She was never important as an individual and nobody gives a flying fuck about her character as a result.
>Nah, Psykos is a device to get a tidbit of lore, that’s it.
yeah, must be why her character have been such a big focus in the manga, she's totally not important, sure.
Coming from the guy shitting on other people first just because they like the original premise you're giant hypocrite and piece of shit. So no you don't get the right to call anyone pretentious.
>a big focus in the manga
All she does is drop lore and show tits, you retarded niche waifufag.
She’s not interesting as an individual, she’s a device to extract some info on God and then Fubuki can stuff her into a closet lest she’s finally killed for everything she’s done.
Imagine her entire tongue up your ass.
>She’s not interesting as an individual
Yeah, so it's just about you thinking that she shouldn't be relevant. Her character has been very relevant and that much is impossible to deny.
Her character is a literal vegetable with no individuality and her only relevance is all about dropping lore on God, which multiple characters are tasked with - mainly Blast.
You’re just a deranged waifufag who desperately wishes she was an actual character. Fap to her tits honestly and shut the fuck up you idiot.
Don't worry, its gonna last over a month when Murata gets to it
Dropping steadily, plummeted because of the redraw-mania last year, boosted this year by Blast appearing
people raged so much about the last redraw, but I doubt it will change anything
take this upvote kind stranger
it does look better with elongated/normal torso
I think it goes beyond redraws and a bad second season, this version of the monster association arc is just really bad
Phoenix Man, almost everything with Nyan, Tatsumaki vs Psykos
It all fucking sucks
You just have shit tastes.
Sheesh, imagine being a lapsed fan who bought volume 23 because of Blast and you get
>Disciples vs Devil Long Hair
>Puri Puri vs Vacuuma/Nyan
>Darkshine vs Bug God
>Atomic Samurai vs G5
>Pig God vs Gums
>Multiple mercenary segments
>Atomic Samurai vs Black Sperm
>Zombieman vs Homeless Emperor
Murata must've moved the last two fights to this volume because he realized what a stinker it would be without them
The sales went down during 22 because of the gap between volume releases.
And I reckon that was due to the pandemic because Murata focused quite hard on finishing redraws for the volume and did it all on time but then 22's release was delayed anyway.
I like the disciples and Iaian is great but holy shit I didn't sign up to hear some random background characters edgy story who seemed to have invaded from some war-game like counter-strike
Most of those changes were requested by ONE.
For instance, directly after Amai had his redemption arc in the WN, Murata went and redrew the chapter so that Amai didn't kill them.
ONE also wanted him to tone down Phoenixmans power because he was too strong, and then directly after he had Psykos take out a chunk of earth and causes tsunamis.
Face it, ONEs lost it.
Manga sales went up during the pandemic, not down. And if you don't remember, the Japanese were very vocal about how much they disliked the Phoenixman redraws
im halfway through season 1 of the anime, can i pick up where season 1 ends of in the manga or will i have to read from the start?
Smurf is dogshit.
Read slowly.
The volume was delayed because of the pandemic, Murata did finish redraws right on time back then but the publisher delayed the volume release anyway. The sales went down because of the abnormal gap in between volume releases.
OPM essentially had a single volume released in autumn last year. Whereas previously it had at least 2 volumes printed a year, 3 at best.
>the Japanese were very vocal about how much they disliked the Phoenixman redraws
My dude take this pasta back to /snk/. If you actually read shit you'd know most Japanese fans just comment OTSUKARESAMA whenever Murata updates, that includes redraws.
user, the reception was so bad after the redraws that ONE and Murata started finger pointing at each other over who was responding for it. You can believe what you want but that was a shit volume and the sales reflect it
user, quit pulling bullshit out of your ass. The reception was no different from the usual outside of a couple of confused fans clarifying why that passage was redrawn yet again, to which Murata and ONE eventually responded that Murata got a better idea for CE's fight and ONE approved. Most comments from nips, as always, read "thank you for the hard work".
Even in Amazon reviews for that volume nips weren't complaining about redraws.
You think murata can't differentiate his usual dicksuckers from the actual fans?
What the fuck are you even talking about? Murata is Japanese and most nips aren't militant autists like you.
They comment otsukaresama, buy the volume if they want and move on with their lives.
Both those translation are kinda wrong. It's more like "教えてくれたな" = "that taught us" "お前が何者なのか" = "what kind of person you are" as in the kid taught us what Garou really is by saying how Garou saved him and wants Garou to escape just now.
What chapter is this from?
The chapter where it's just Rover attacking Fubuki, Bang and Bomb. 122 or 124 in most lists.
pretty sure hobo and psykos are just humans playing pretend. Just like garou.
think either way the crucial part of that whole scene is saitama ultimately admitting that garou is already a hero, whether saitama is asking him the question again or stating
>so this is who you truly are
original translators didn't even get that it was saitama speaking whereas japanese opm quote bots have this as one of the most iconic quotes from saitama
>Amazon reviews
It's a product they can read in its entirety for free before buying. No one is going to give it a negative review because no one buying it would dislike it. And if anything, a gap in the release schedule would bump up sales due to anticipation
No that's false again faggot. Do some research.
Nips do complain in Amazon reviews. But not about redraws. They complain about the same shit or contradict each other because as usual different people want to see different characters.
The original translation feels like someone translating text without looking at pictures and the context.
Hobo never even called himself a monster, same for Psykos outside of when she was pretending as Gyoro. It's just that they're against humanity and fighting with monsters, so they get considered as such. Garou just needed to bring a hero's head to fit in.
>original translators didn't even get that it was saitama speaking
What? Even in the og it's clear that Saitama is the one talking on the left panel when he says "Who do you think you are". The OG tl just wrongly interpreted the right panel as Amai's but honestly it makes no difference in meaning.
user, no. the original tl implied it's mask yelling INDIGNANTLY at the kid
>now you've done it
>who do you think you are?
they thought it was mask addressing the kid and warped the whole meaning of the scene
the whole line is saitama's and he's not just randomly asking garou who he is, and certainly not with that tone
whether you want this to be a question or a statement he either insists on making garou finally admit it who he really is, aka a hero (so will you tell me, who you really are?) or he's outright stating it himself (so we've learned, who you truly are)
the latter tl is more accurate grammatically, the former is more symbolic as a parallel to the initial QUESTION saitama asked
but in either case you need the full line translated and attached to saitama to get the actual meaning
>honestly it makes no difference in meaning.
That's just wrong.
>Genos is supposed to be German
>named after genocide
>Atomic's name is Kamikaze
>has a swastika on his sword
I swear this series feels like it's written by a 15 year old. I guess that's part of the charm
or... listen you retard, Murata doesn't know what is powerscaling and how to powerscale in a comic as he is a dbz retard. He randomly draws insane feat bullshit that throw away any setup made prior to it and after it, he doesn't have a long term vision of things or me might be thinking opm will go galaxy level. ONE doesn't want this as in the webcomic, it is all moderate. Moon Kick? Murata's idea.
The "swastika" is originally a Buddhist symbol that the Nazis co-opted ignoring its original meaning, you dumb gaijin
Psykos feats are definitely gonna be nerfed.
Except his sword was in the direction of the nazi swastika until ONE changed it, not the Buddhist one. But I'm sure an expert like you knew that
Fucking based, that fucking coomer artist wont do it tho
There's like 15 faggots sucking his dick in literally every tweet he does. Are you one of them?
There's no real direction with the Buddhist symbol you idiot.
I on the other hand I'm sure that you don't know that in Buddhism the symbol is often depicted in that direction as well.
I'd attribute that to the positioning of his sword. The Nazi swastika is simply a tilted version of the regular swastika after all.
That said, the webcomic is certainly quite wild. Puri Puri Prisoner is a serial rapist, but an anime-only or a manga-reader who missed out on the bonus chapters probably wouldn't be able to pick that up.
Good point, it's actually the other way unsheathed. But it's pretty clear that ONE or Murata realized what he did when they changed it to the atom symbol for the manga
>whitebeard's insignia had a swastika
>His subordinate Marco has blonde hair
Oda is confirmed Nazi
The atom fits his hero name better though, and his super fast slashes.
The swastika is a buddhist symbol but Atomic Samurai has never been shown to be particularly religious.
Every version has the same introduction for Puri Puri.
I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
I'm not Japanese and I've never tweeted anything to him.
Open the fucking redraw post and you'll see nips commenting the usual "thank you for your hard work" and being generally chill. Because most of them aren't bloody autists like you.
>But it's pretty clear that ONE or Murata realized what he did when they changed it to the atom symbol for the manga
They realized that West hates this symbol and it might create controversy thus removed it since it doesn't really affect anything? The new symbol is better for his theme anyway.
It wasn't a joke about how atomic samurai is a nazi like you are implying.
Based. Unironically this.
>Puri Puri Prisoner is a serial rapist, but an anime-only ... probably wouldn't be able to pick that up
I dunno. "I see a beautiful man and I take him" + "angel shots" makes it pretty obvious.
There's something fishy about this Sweet Mask fellow. I'm going to get to the bottom of this, mark my words
it's really not. I always interpreted it as Saitama telling Garou what does he think he is. Even if the tl wasn't perfect, the way it's said and the way they react make it clear enough that Saitama is talking about what Tareo just said.
People really love to overblow this issue. Amai announced he was a monster in the webcomic in the most anticlimatically way possible followed by a huge monologue about his whole story.
The way the manga does it, we're already basically sure he's a monster but there is still the whole mystery of what the hell is his deal.
>I substituted the dialogue with my own headcanon that happened to be true accidentally so it's fine!
I agree
>>I substituted the dialogue with my own headcano
Saitama says "who do you think you are?" in answer to Tareo saying he's a good guy. What the hell is so hard to understand about that, don't tell me you seriously interpreted the "who do you think you are" as Amai's words, despite him being greyed out of the panel and Saitama obviously talking?
Sweet Mask a monster? There's no way...
In all seriousness, just because it's also done badly in the webcomic doesn't mean it's done well in the manga
I think it's fine, OPM has never been very subtle. It's more interesting through gradual reveals for sure.
Is Sweet Mask Korean because of the K-Pop craze among women?
Saitama thought Garou was Kamina.
based Moguposter
He and Webigaza both have some really blatant criticisms of the K-Pop/Idol industry in their characters
>the way it's said
are you perhaps not a native speaker? with the way the question is translated ("who do you think you ARE?") it reads like an indignant exclamation, a very commonplace phrase in english, rather than a calmly asked question with a deeper meaning
in the original butchered translation it was a natural followup to mask's first exclamation ("now you've done it")
the whole translation is incorrect, the tone is wrong and the meaning of the entire line is lost
to reiterate, if you want it to be a question you need to put emphasis on "garou's real self" and actually fucking translate the first part to explain that saitama is imploring him to confess the truth himself
like this:
>so will you tell me, who you really are?
but if you want to be 100% grammatically correct, then saitama plainly admitting garou is a hero is the way this line should be translated
>so we've learned who you really are
I think it was good before the redraw of chapter 103. Sweet Mask accusing Zombieman - killing the mercenaries - re-attaching his arm would be a good progression that doesn't leave much doubt. But now every chapter he's in screams "MONSTER MONSTER MONSTER" at the reader
>But now every chapter he's in screams "MONSTER MONSTER MONSTER" at the reader
Like many other characters? We just had Hobo mocking ZM for saying they're humans. Almost each S heroes got called a monster at least once in the raid.
>that trashed on shonen tropes
Nah, fuck that shit. People who are always looking for some mean spirited "parody" in everything are deranged.
>originally a Buddhist symbol
The symbol isn't all that complicated and can be found all over the world during all time periods. The Buddhists didn't invent lines.
On that note I'm getting tired of all those modern trashy fantasy stories being all about "humans are the real monsters".
Is it too much to ask for some properly charismatic and developped demons/monsters that aren't just looking like cosplayers.
>All we wanted was a joke manga that trashed on shonen tropes
It was never that.
PPP, Pig God and Tats have all been called monsters maybe once each this arc while every single chapter that features Sweet Mask involves him being implied to be an actual monster. Plus when they call the other S-Class monsters they say "x really is a monster," in regards to their power, while with Sweet Mask Do-S specifically said "you are not human" after his face shattered, it's very different
Fuck off and kill yourself, midwit.
I'm thoroughly anticipating the expanded fights of the S class against Fuhrer Ugly, Gums and the other cadres.
> in regards to their power, while with Sweet Mask Do-S specifically said "you are not human" after his face shattered, it's very different
How so? Amai having a weird body with a face that shatters is no different from Pig God and ZM having also inhuman bodies.
ONE doesn't try to hide that both PG and ZM have inhuman bodies, but the difference with Amai is that the latter is fucked in the head.
Imagine getting tonged by this lady
The situations and word choices have different connections, although it could be the translators taking liberties, I don't know. Zombieman and Pig God having pre-established powers and monster implications also makes the focus on Sweet Mask's seem more significant. It's telling that everyone thought Sweet Mask was a monster before his webcomic arc even happened, while no one ever said that about Pig God
Connotations not connections*
>while no one ever said that about Pig God
PG feels as monster-ish as it gets body wise, but he's such a nice dude that you don't really think much about it. Same for ZM. Meanwhile Amai is an asshole and has obvious mind problems so we more easily think about it.
You're right, but thats another reason Mask is obviously a monster while the other two aren't. All monsters are insane and Mask is fucking crazy, while Zombieman and Pig God have 0 indication of such tendencies
That's what I'm saying, they all three have monster bodies but Amai's mind is what makes him stand out from those two.
And Do-S more called him a monster because of his body, so in the end this line doesn't really mean much.
The Garou arc was shit even in ONE's version. It was never good, and always filled with endless motive rants and prattle.
Funny you say that because according to the latest extra chapter, Mask (who has so far been pretty good at detecing monsters and malice) looked at pig god to learn how to be more human under the pretense of judging him.
yeah that's what I'm saying. Amai is quick on calling ZM a monster but Pig God is such a nice dude that even fucking Amai just says that "his fighting method lacks class" and ends it by saying he "passed his test".
The honest answer is that narratively and thematically OPM has always been and will always be a 6/10 story at best. It's good for the comedy and character interactions